
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:44 评论:0
項目編號:UGC/FDS25/E05/22 項目名稱:結合正向滲透 - 厭氧膜生物反應器和微藻生物技術在廢水處理中實現碳和能源中和的可行性研究 首席研究員:陳祖賢博士...



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項目名稱:結合正向滲透 - 厭氧膜生物反應器和微藻生物技術在廢水處理中實現碳和能源中和的可行性研究

entry number: UGC/FDS25/E05/22
entry name: Convergence is penetrating - Bioreactors of anaerobic membrane and Micro-algae biomechanical techniques for carbon and energy realization in waste water treatment
Principal Researcher: Dr. Chen Zuzun (Hong Academy)



除了預防2019冠狀病毒外,緩減極端氣候變化是近年全球最具挑戰的任務之一。自2015年《巴黎協定》中提出將全球平均溫度的上升幅度嚴格限制在工業化前的溫度不超過1.5°C的水平,並承諾採取相關的解決措施來實現2030年前二氧化碳排放峰值和2050年前實現碳中和的最終目標。在去年格拉斯哥氣候公約(COP26)中所提出的全球協議,通過逐步減少使用煤炭等化石燃料,尋求進一步實現淨零排放,並建議開展創新和綠色技術在國際的幫助下採用更多可再生能源。此外,在不同的製造和工業過程中主動改造設計並採用低耗能方法來實現碳減排目標。最近,在不同的廢物處理和廢物轉化為能源的過程中提出了更積極的節能方法。在傳統污水處理中,活性污泥法因曝氣要求導致大量的電力消耗及碳排放,未來人口快速增長而產生更多污水的同時,因採用更嚴格的污水處理標準達致水回用之目的,這大大增加了全球的電力消耗及碳排放。另一方面,研究結果表示從城市污水中所能提取的能量可以進一步提高。因此,城市污水處理需要創新的設計以實現碳和能源中和的目標。在本可行性研究中,本地污水經一級沉降去除懸浮顆粒物後,將採用厭氧膜生物反應器(AnMBR)處理,這避免了傳統二級處理的曝氣過程。此外,AnMBR能產生沼氣(甲烷)用於廠內發電,同時有更長的污泥停留時間(SRT)及產生較少的污泥量,因此可以減少整體的佔地面積。然而,初級流出液中的有機底物水平(COD)相對較低,並不足以支持厭氧菌的生長及進行有效的污水處理,不能達致最佳的沼氣生產水平,而對這初級流出液進行簡單的濃縮步驟如使用正向滲透法技術(FO),使污水中的水分子通過半滲透膜進入提取溶液(如1M NaCl或海水)後,大大提高了污水中有機底物的濃度,同時該處理過程的電力消耗量較低。另一方面,AnMBR的降解過程一般可在13-25°C進行,而當溫度在30-35°C可以實現更高的處理效果,當中用於加熱的能量可以通過產生沼氣來補償。用於AnMBR的超濾(UF)膜單元將以側流操作模式設計,這令必要的膜洗滌程序可以獨立進行,以盡量減少對厭氧降解過程及主生物反應器的干擾。雖然90-95%的COD可以通過AnMBR去除,但因沒有進行硝化和脫硝反應,從而積累了較高水平的NH4+及磷酸鹽,這對於污水處理排放或水回用是不可接受的。因此,這研究提出了使用微藻培養作為一種簡單的AnMBR後處理工藝,使污水可以得到更有效的處理,並且可從微藻獲得額外的可再生能源和潛在的營養原料。最後,開發一種創新的FO-AnMBR-微藻混合系統以實現污水處理中的碳和能源中和的目標。

In addition to the 2019 crown virus, the mitigation of extreme climate change is one of the most challenging global challenges in recent years. Since the 2015 Paris Accord, it has been proposed to limit the increase in average global temperature to levels not exceeding 1.5 & #176; C, and to undertake related solutions to achieve the peak of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and the ultimate goal of carbon emissions by 2050. The global agreement proposed in the Glasgow Weather Pact (COP26) to reduce the use of fossil fuels, such as coal, to reduce the use of renewables, to reduce the use of renewables, and to recommend that new and green technologies be used to increase the use of renewable energy sources. Moreover, in different manufacturing and industrial processes, to adapt low-energy methods to achieve the carbon-reduction target.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/H19/22
entry name: Presentation of creative elements in advertisements and effects in cross-cultural transmission
Principal Researcher: Dr. Chen Fangyi (Singer)




While we know that there are differences in the patterns of consumption and acceptance of new products in different regions, little research has been done to explore how new elements should be disseminated across cultures in order to increase the extent to which new products are accepted and used. In the second phase, we will select some of the ideas analysed in the first phase, and it will be reviewed by the users of the six cultural backgrounds on how to enhance the impact of these elements in intercultural transmissions. In the third phase, researchers will conduct a series of research studies on innovative products from six cultural backgrounds, with a view to exploring the context in which new products are being created, and to exploring new technologies and innovations that can be used by new users.



entry number: UGC/FDS11/B02/22
entry name: Can a tax credit rating system generate spillover effects to reduce peer tax avoidance?
Principal Researcher: Professor Chen Koo (Hing)




Taxes threaten the ability of the government to collect appropriate taxes under tax laws. Thus, how to better protect and collect taxes is an important challenge that the government needs to continue to address.


The main purpose of this research project is to clarify the effectiveness of incentives that China’s tax authorities regulate and enforce in order to reduce tax evasion.


The results should have significant policy implications for tax authorities, corporate management, investors, producers, and related public policymakers. As this incentive represents an important new development in tax administration, it can also serve as an international tax facility, if proven effective, especially as an example of an economic tax institution developing to improve corporate tax compliance.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/E16/22
entry name: Case study of land development and land tenure in Hong Kong, Australia and the Gulf: New Path to Land Development and Urban Regionalization in China?
Principal Researcher: Professor Chen Zhengwang (Major Education Institute)




Land tenure and property rights in a city are based on the design and regulation of the city’s various systems. Land development in the region is characterized by the creation of environmental, value, and property rights, and is closely related to politics, society, economy, and urban patterns. The development of land is a driving force in China’s economy and urban development, as can be seen from the example of Hong Kong’s Bay.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/M03/22
entry name: study on biodegradation of chlorinated parathion in different degrees of phosphorus by two algae
Principal Researcher: Dr. Chen Arts (Major)




Organic phosphorusicides (OPPs) are a wide range of insecticides used for agricultural crops and other products. OPPs cause environmental pollution. Toxoids are one of the most commonly used OPs, which has recently attracted public attention because of their neuro- and endocrine-related toxicity. This toxicity also affects insects, wildlife, and even humans, and therefore must be addressed before discharges of waste water contaminated by the poisoning. Bioremediation refers to the bioabsorption, bioaccumulation and biodegradation of organic pollutants by all micro-organisms, including micro-algae, is a sustainable waste water treatment programme. In the course of bioremediation, micro-algae uses the cultures and carbon dioxide in waste water to grow, micro-algae biomass can be transformed into valuable resources such as biofuels, bioplastics, biocarbons, and animals and fish.

微藻可以通過磷酸三酯酶將OPP生物降解為磷酸鹽和酒精。OPP也會引起氧化應激,導致產生活性氧(ROS)並誘發微藻的脂質過氧化,但這些ROS也有分解OPP的作用。與其他OPP不同,有關微藻對毒死蜱的生物修復的研究報告並不常見(這可能是由於毒死蜱較難被生物降解)而關於毒死蜱的新陳代謝研究報告就更少。從這些少量的文獻中發現,包括毒死蜱在內的OPP的生物降解可能是不完全的,新產生的代謝物可能比原污染物的毒性更強。一些物種更會積累有毒的降解物,例如3,5,6-三氯-s-吡啶醇。本研究團隊經初步研究發現兩種綠藻分離物:二形柵藻(Scenedesmus dimorphus)和四尾柵藻(Scenedesmus quadricauda),具有生物修復廢水中毒死蜱的能力。兩個藻種在七天內均可去除超過90%的毒死蜱,但四尾柵藻只達成了19%的生物降解,而二形柵藻的生物降解率度則較高(73%)。這反映了不同物種的毒死蜱生物修復能力和涉及的機制是不盡相同的。在實際應用生物修復技術之前,瞭解不同藻種(尤其是我們分離出來的這兩種柵藻)對毒死蜱的生物降解和代謝途徑至為重要。

Microalgae can biodegradate OPP to phosphate and alcohol by phosphate triester enzyme. OPP can also cause oxidation, producing life oxygen (ROS) and enticing lipid peroxidation of microalgae, but these ROSs can also decompose OPP. Unlike other OPPs, research reports on bioremediation of toxic pyrochlors are not common (which may be difficult to biodegradate due to poisoning) but even less so for new metabolisms of toxic scavengers. From these small amounts, biodegradation of OPs, including those found to be in viruled, may be incomplete, with new metabolites more toxic than the original contaminants. Some species have more toxic degradations, e.g. 3, 5, 6-trichlors-s-pillols.


In addition, microalgae can also be influenced by the availability of phosphorus. In cases where there is limited or no phosphorus, microalgae can be used as a source of phosphorus in the venomoid structure by biodegrading it. However, in cases of toxic death, the metabolism of phosphorus has never been reported, and this reaction may be specific to some algal species. The phosphorus metabolism of microalgae is complex and involves different interrelated enzymes, which is difficult to study only by measuring the activity of a single enzyme.


The objective of this project is to understand the bioabsorption and biodegradation effects of two species of algal separation on poisons under different levels of phosphorus. Third, to evaluate the toxic effects of two species of algal in different levels of poisons and phosphorus. Fourth, to identify and monitor the transformation of two of the major dead algal products in nutrients and sewage. Fifth, to study the effects of phosphorus on biorepair efficiency and mechanics, and to analyse the phosphorus intensity of these two species under conditions that have or have no poisons. Third, to evaluate the toxic properties of two species under different levels of toxicity and phosphorus.


項目名稱:闡明下丘腦 GLP-1 受體系統在鼩鼱噁心和嘔吐機制中的新作用

entry number: UGC/FDS11/M03/22
entry name: Clarify the new role of the receptor system GLP-1 in nausea and vomiting
Principal Researcher: Dr. Chen Shihua



胰高血糖素樣肽-1(Glucagon-like peptide-1, GLP-1)受體激動劑的引入改變了 2 型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus, T2DM)的治療策略,因為 GLP-1 受體激動劑不僅能夠調控血糖,而且具有額外的體重控制和心血管益處。然而,使用基於 GLP-1 的療法可能與胃腸道副作用(包括噁心和嘔吐)有關,從而限制了 GLP-1 激動劑可以使用的劑量。控制嘔吐和噁心感覺的機制以及與食慾有關的機制略有不同,而且相關的機制尚未明確。闡明嘔吐和止吐藥物的研究策略集中在腦幹嘔吐中心。下丘腦作為自主神經系統不可或缺的一部分,其潛在的參與噁心和嘔吐的作用常常被忽視。該項目基於我們前期的研究結果,即在鼩鼱下丘腦腦室旁核(intra-paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus, iPVH)注射 exendin-4 能夠顯著抑制食物和水的攝入並以劑量依賴性方式誘導嘔吐。與腦室內給藥相比,exendin-4 通過 iPVH 給藥途徑能夠更有效的誘導嘔吐。我們的研究還發現,通過 iPVH 給藥 GLP-1 受體拮抗劑 exendin(9-39)可拮抗 exendin-4 皮下給藥誘導的嘔吐,但不會拮抗相關的進食抑制。此外,exendin-4 的催吐作用與其厭食作用無關。這些發現表明,下丘腦 GLP-1 受體可能至少部分參與了噁心和嘔吐的機制。臂旁核接收來自下丘腦、杏仁核和邊緣系統的交互輸入,並將投射發送到孤束核。我們假設 PVH 中的 GLP-1 受體激活可能調節 GABA 和/或谷氨酸和其他在這些腦區中作為關鍵調節劑的神經遞質的局部釋放,從而參與嘔吐與涉及更高的大腦功能主觀感覺的噁心控制機制。

The introduction of two type of diabetics (type 2 diabetes mellitus, T2DM) has changed the treatment strategy because the GLP-1 receptor is not only able to control blood sugar, but also has extra heavy body control and cardiovascular benefits. However, the treatment based on GLP-1 may be associated with the intestinal side effects (including nausea and vomiting) of HLP-1 may be associated with the intestinal side effects of the intestinal tract, which limits the amount of energy available in the GLP-1 stimulant. The mechanism for control of vomiting and nausea, and the mechanism associated with appetite, which is not yet clear. The research strategy for vomiting and anti-adultants is concentrated in the brain-to-tubbing centre.

在本項目中,我們旨在確定下丘腦 GLP-1 受體系統在進食和嘔吐中的作用以及信號通路可能的潛在機制。我們將使用標準行為測試和已建立的無線電遙測技術進行動物實驗,以評估指示噁心(PCIN)的生理變化以及腦功能的 c-Fos 免疫組化分析。本項目將使用腦微透析監測腦神經遞質的變化。我們的研究將揭示噁心和嘔吐的新機制。通過研究 GLP-1 受體系統的嘔吐機制獲得的數據不僅可以更好地改善糖尿病和肥胖症的管理,還可能發現止吐藥開發的新靶點,從而改善接受化療的癌症患者的生活質量。

In this project, we aim to determine the role of the dysentery GLP-1 receptor system in feeding and vomiting and the potential potential for signal traffic. We will experiment with animals using standard behavioral tests and established radio-telemetry techniques to assess the physiological changes that point to nausea (PCIN) and the c-Fos immunisation of brain functions. This project will use micro-dialysis to monitor changes in brain neurotransformation. Our research will reveal new mechanisms for nausea and vomiting. The data obtained by studying the vomiting system of the GLP-1 system will improve not only the management of diabetes and obesity, but also the quality of life of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/B18/22
entry name: Stakeholder-led Governance Change in a Situation: Behavior-Aspect
Principal Researcher: Dr. Chen Awaken (Major)




One important argument in organizing science, economics, law, and sociology is whether corporate governance leads to the British-American model, which is often seen as the “best” model of governance, guided by equity. Research shows that in interest-oriented countries, some companies try to reform the British-American model.


In order to fill these research gaps, I suggest that some corporate governance reforms are part of the search for solutions. In the context of interest-oriented thinking, this project explains the causes and consequences of governance reform in a context in which stakeholders are guided by one another. Specifically, when corporate performance is below expectations, limited rational decision makers search for questions. Companies stop searching when they find mutually satisfactory solutions.


I have chosen Japanese enterprises as a research counterpart, because, according to traditional Japanese culture, companies should be members’ communities, rather than shareholders’ assets. Another reason is that some Japanese companies have undertaken governance reforms based on the Anglo-American model, such as reducing the size of their boards, increasing the independence of their boards, and adopting equity options. The study offers the following contributions by using Japanese listed company data to validate the theory model. First, by introducing a new perspective to explain differences in corporate-level governance reform, the study contributes to corporate governance documents in the context of stakeholders’ guidance. Second, the study contributes to corporate governance reform by identifying the causes of corporate governance reform and explaining the power variables that may be effective or ineffective.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/H04/22
entry name: Treatment trails throughout the life of elderly heroin users in Hong Kong
Principal Researcher: Dr. Cheng Chung (Major)



統計資料顯示,海洛英是香港最普遍被濫用的藥物,而使用海洛英的人(PWUH)大多為 40 歲或以上人士。然而,目前大多數研究都集中在使用精神藥物的年輕人身上。鑑於海洛英對個人和社會帶來巨大的危害,本項目研究導致中年或老年 PWUH 參與或放棄戒毒治療的各種因素。然而這個話題在香港並沒有得到全面的探討。雖然現有文獻已經記錄了 PWUH 在特定生命階段的治療經驗,但是我們依然缺乏對於 PWUH 一生治療軌跡的研究。治療軌跡在這裏是指一個人接受戒毒治療的歷史(如開始治療、退出治療、退出後重新接受戒毒治療)。為了填補這些研究空白,本項目將使用生命歷程理論和差異關聯理論來描述和解釋 40 歲以上香港 PWUH 一生中的戒毒治療軌跡。生命歷程理論著重研究人類在其一生中行為的連續性和變化性。差異關聯理論則提出,個體深受其微觀社會環境的影響,而人的行為是通過與身邊的人的互動而習得的。更具體地說,我們將會探討 PWUH 一生戒毒治療軌跡的模式(在不同生命階段尋求或退出戒毒治療的原因),以及宏觀歷史背景和微觀社會環境(家庭內部、同齡人之間的互動學習)如何影響他們的戒毒治療軌跡。

The data show that heroin is the most commonly abused drug in Hong Kong, while the majority of people using heroin (PWUH) are 40 years of age or over. However, most of the research now focuses on young people using psychoactive substances. This is the history of a person receiving detoxification (e.g. starting with treatment, dropping out of therapy, relapsing with detoxification). To fill these research gaps, the subject has not been fully explored. While PWUH has documented treatment experience at certain stages of his life, we still lack research on the path of PWUH throughout his lifetime. This is the history of a person receiving detoxification (e.g. starting with treatment, dropping out from therapy, returning to detoxification).

方法上,我們將使用「專題生活史方法」來探索 PWUH 的治療軌跡。我們將使用三種研究方法搜集資料:檔案研究、深度訪談和焦點小組訪談。檔案研究會被用於收集三類信息:(1)已經出版的書籍和文章,(2)報紙,以及(3)政府政策文件和非政府組織報告。另外,我們將會對以下人員進行深度訪談: 60 名 40 歲以上的 PWUH,10 名在職或退休的前線戒毒治療工作者(例如社工、懲教署前員工、非政府組織管理人員等)和 10 名年長黑幫成員(尤其是那些過去曾經長期從事街頭毒品買賣的人)。最後,我們將挑選 20 位 PWUH 進行五個焦點小組訪談,以進一步收集數據。另外,為了盡量減少年長 PWUH 記憶衰退對資料搜集的影響,在訪問和焦點小組訪談中我們將使用「生命圖」和「照片啟發」兩種參與式視覺研究方法。我們將會邀請 PWUH 繪製生命圖,記錄治療軌跡中的每一次轉變和生活中的重大事件。我們還會向PWUH展示一組歷史圖片(例如,不同歷史時期的治療設施舊照片、報紙剪輯和吸毒場景),讓他們表達對於吸毒軌跡,治療軌跡,以及這些軌跡背後的宏觀和微觀社會環境相關的感受和記憶。在學術上,本項目會探討香港的戒毒治療軌跡與微觀/宏觀社會背景之間的關係。在實踐層面,研究結果將會尋找出有促使 PWUH 參與戒毒治療的因素,從而使 PWUH、他們的家庭成員和整個社會受益。

In addition, we will conduct in-depth interviews with 60 PWUH over 40 years of age, 10 front-line treatment workers (e.g. social workers, former staff of the Department of Corrections, managers of non-governmental organizations, etc.) and 10 senior black gang members (especially those who used to buy drugs from the streets in the past). Finally, we will take 20 PWUH interviews with 40-year-old PWUH, 10 pre-line treatment workers (e.g. social workers, former staff of the Department of Corrections, managers of non-governmental organizations, etc.) to collect data.



Item No.: UGC/FDS17/H03/22
Item Name: Combining Respiratory and Music for Promoting Young People's Lives Convergence: Random Reference Researcher
Principal Researcher: Dr. Jung Lilongg (East China)



2019 冠状病毒病大流行對公共衛生的負面影響已經影響到人們的社會、心理和身體健康。世界各地的人們正經歷著前所未有的壓力。長期的壓力可能導致心理和生理疾病。青年人尤其不得不調整他們個人生活:包括工作、學習和過渡獨立生活。青年人目前的情況可能比其他年齡組的人更有壓力。在大流行期間,個人內在資源對於減輕壓力和改善心理健康非常重要。生命凝聚感為被視為一種個人內在資源。它反映了當一個人可以理解其生活的經驗、應付生活事件的要求、並且獲致生活的意義,便能呈現出最佳的適應表現。

The negative impact of the coronary virus pandemic on public health has affected people’s social, psychological and physical health. People around the world are experiencing unprecedented pressures. Long periods of stress can lead to mental and physical illness. Young people in particular have to adjust their personal lives to include work, learning and living independently.

本研究採用隨機對照試驗設計。我們的研究團隊以音樂呼吸(MB)計劃為干預措施。將音樂療法與正念呼吸相結合,目的為促進青年人應對壓力。我們將會招募 290 名 18-30 歲青年人參與本研究。並隨機分配到 MB 計劃組和對照組。實驗組的參與者將參加為期 6 週的 MB 計劃。對照組的參與者將接受為期 6 週心理健康課程。並比較兩組之間的結果。研究的主要結果將在計劃完成後的第 6 周和第 4 週使用生命凝聚感表進行測量。次要結果將分別在計劃完成後的第 6 周和第 4 週使用應對自我效能量表、情緒調節困難量表、正念注意意識量表、抑鬱焦慮壓力量表、BBC 主觀幸福感量表進行測量。生理指標將在第 6 周用唾液皮質醇水平測量。結果將顯示通過促進生命凝聚感,以增強個人應對壓力的能力。本研究期待未來可以依此研究結果,進一步規劃促進青年人心理健康。

This study uses random testing. Our research team uses the Music Breathing (MB) program as an intervention. A six-week mental health course for participants in the group will be taken. A comparison of the results between the two groups will be made. The main results of the study will be measured by using the Life Condensation Watch in the 6th week and the 4th week after the completion of the plan. The secondary results will be divided into 6th and 4th weeks after the completion of the plan. Using the response to the self-efficiency table, the stress schedule will be difficult, the attention will be drawn to the mental health curriculum. The results of the study will be compared to the 6th week after the completion of the plan. The results will be measured using the Life Combination Watch. The secondary results will be divided into the 6th and 4th week after the completion of the plan.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/H11/22
entry name: Professorial writing for social sciences and commercial undergraduates: Principal researcher to introduce readers' perspectives and data-motivated teaching methods
: Dr. Jannoning (Major Institute of Scientific Studies)




The purpose of the project is to promote the use of English language by language teachers and academic teachers, explaining the need for reading and writing skills in targeted subjects, as well as the design of language materials to enable students to learn languages and subjects. The purpose of the digital learning component is to use free web-based language libraries to teach language and language, together with the student language databases developed by researchers, to enable students to access authentic language texts, and to use language databases to help them to read and analyse simple texts. The project assumes that students can learn to read and write through digital drives to enhance knowledge of languages and subjects.



entry number: UGC/FDS25/H03/22
entry name: Design and development of 3D low- and low-end smart shoes to improve the balance of the elderly population
Principal Researcher: Ms. Zhang Ling (Hong Academy)




The aim of the study was to design and develop a suitable 3D print-down smart shoe designed to improve the balance of the elderly.


The fractures caused by the fall of the elderly are the main cause of the brittle fractures. Research has shown that the risk of brittle fractures is four times higher for mesculinities than for ordinary people.


Hong Kong’s ageing population will become a public health problem in the next few years. Since seniors often have foot changes, foot malformations, and foot pains, they will find it inappropriate to wear unfooted shoes and run the risk of balancing problems.


In 2020, the chief researcher of this study launched a seed fund project, supported by the Hong Kong Academy of Higher Science and Technology Education, which was approved to study a functional 3D print bottom design that is both cozy and sustainable. As Scheffler (2004) suggests, one important factor in creating a new shoe base is comfort and dissipation.


More recently, this research has been gradually strengthening, with devices designed to produce advanced technology to alleviate these problems, such as the introduction of built-in drop-down test algorithm smart shoe pads for daily use by elders. However, smart shoe pads with 3Ds in print have never been developed in the research phase or in the market. Research has shown that long-term shoes, which are recommended to use hard and thin soles, should improve the foot position. However, when seniors pick shoes, they probably consider comfort and safety. Thus, when they use smart shoe pads, the middle floors of 3Ds can be used and comfortable.


項目名稱:人工智能早期檢測社交媒體網絡欺凌事件 -- 合適香港俚語(漢英代碼混合語言)的解決方案

entry number: UGC/FDS14/E02/22
entry name: Early detection of social media cyberbullying incidents by artificial intelligence - solution
appropriate to Hong Kong's Chinese language (Han Ying's mixed language) - Principal Researcher: Dr. Chu Zhenhui (Hong Da)



Web 2.0創造了更開放的時代,社交網絡的使用越來越多,網絡欺凌已成為一個全球性問題。網絡欺凌發生頻繁、高感染性以及對心理健康有一定影響,及時介入及干預可以減輕、甚至阻止對受害者的嚴重影響。大約 85% 的香港人口是活躍的社交媒體用戶,加上近年網絡欺凌事件不斷增加,對社會產生不少壓力。儘管如此,關於香港網絡欺凌的及時干預實證研究卻很少。

Web 2.0 creates more open times, social networks are becoming more and more used, and cyberbullying has become a global problem. There is a high incidence of cyberbullying, high levels of infection, and some impact on mental health.


In Hong Kong, however, Chinese and English are the communication languages used by social media platforms. This bilingual environment makes the previously developed monolingual system inappropriate. This proposal will try to develop a new bilingual system to respond to cyberbullying incidents in Chinese and English languages and to cyberbullying in Hong Kong and the surrounding areas, such as China, Taiwan and Macao.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/E06/22
entry name: behavioral and semi-supervised efficiency algorithm from small-scale tags to predict driver status
Principal Researcher: Dr. Xu Guangtai (Grand)




Each person is a road user, and road safety is important for pedestrians or drivers. Unfortunately, traffic accidents cause about 1.3 million deaths and 50 million injuries per year from World Health Organization (WHO) public sources, with about three percent of the world’s total lost output. This unacceptable number of injuries can be prevented. Earlier, the United Nations and World Health Organization (WHO) had a book entitled Action Plan for the Decade of Road Safety 2021-2030, which aims to reduce the number of traffic accidents by half by 2030.

這研究項目是基於過往研究的三項不足之處:(一) 忽略了個別樣本的獨有特徵,例如行為及環境數據與駕駛者的關聯;(二) 提前預測駕駛者狀態的需求考慮不全面,例如不良駕駛狀態的出現時間及駕駛行為的不確定性。故此,提前預測駕駛者狀態模型於疲勞、分心及高壓駕駛會有不同的要求;(三) 預測模型能利用新收集的未標記數據作更新及優化的可能性的研究考慮不足。

The research project is based on three shortcomings of previous research: (i) neglecting the unique features of a different template, such as behaviour and the link between environmental data and drivers; and (ii) incomplete consideration of the need to predict the driver’s status, such as the timing of the arrival of an undesirable driver’s condition and uncertainty about driving behaviour. Thus, the pre-screening driver’s condition model is based on the different requirements of fatigue, distraction and high-pressure driving; and (iii) inadequate consideration of the possibility that the predictive model could use the newly collected untagged data to update and refine it.

為了解決過往研究的不足,這研究項目訂立三個目標:(一) 在個人駕駛行為及環境因素中提取共同及個體化特徵,從而優化預測模型;(二) 設計及建立延長預測算法,以符合疲勞、分心及高壓駕駛的不同時間預測要求;(三) 基於不斷增加的未標記數據,採用增量式及半監督式學習以加強預測模型的效能。

In order to address the shortcomings of previous research, the project sets out three objectives: (i) to extract common and individualized features from individual driving and environmental factors, and to refine predictive models; (ii) to design and build extended predictions to meet the different time prediction requirements for fatigue, distraction and high-tension driving; and (iii) to apply incremental and semi-supervisive learning to enhance the effectiveness of predictive models based on constantly increasing untied data.


Target implementation can address the shortcomings of past research by providing a more robust and accurate driver status prediction model, preventing the appearance of undesirable drivers, carrying out pre-warning and pre-emptive measures, and reducing the number of traffic accidents. Moreover, the research project promotes the application of advanced driver support techniques to automate monitoring and predict driver status using machine learning models. The project also responds to the ten-year road safety action plan’s desire to reduce traffic accidents by half.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/E02/22
entry name: needs model analysis and performance optimization for real-time distributed service perception wireless communication network
Principal researcher: Dr. Fauljaw (Major)




In response to these challenges, edge buffers and edge computing techniques are considered to be effective solutions. In the meantime, the new paradigm of combining services/applications into small and stand-alone microservices allows the microservices to be separated into microservices at the edge of the network. Under this paradigm, remote computing and storage are moved to the edge of the network, and the digital network is overstretched to substitutable (micro) services.


In this wireless cellular network, which is based on distributional (micro) services, each large service is made up of an independent set of microservices, each of which is used to perform specific functions. Thus, the success of each large service is highly dependent on the success of each of its related microservices. And each border service has different storage capacity, computing capacity, running costs, and setting costs. It is therefore necessary to effectively manage the peripheral resources of the different structures, thereby reducing the total cost of the system. Another major problem that the distributed microservice system needs to solve is the user’s demand model. The user demand model affects the location of the microservice in the real system, and the location of the microservice will affect the overall performance of the network.


In this item, we first carve out user demand models for different services and also consider user end-of-end screen size limitations. Specifically, the system needs to demonstrate a certain amount of service for each user, benefiting from user requests. Then we will discuss the placement of microservices as part of a separate service system, and the design of an appropriate accommodative algorithm. Finally, we will combine user displays, microservice storage, and calculating resource adjustments to maximize system benefits or minimize system costs. In the above analysis, we will consider multiple practical limitations, including the size of screens for users, the successful operation of services, and the storage capacity limits of border servers, as well as measurement limitations.


In sum, this item aims to provide efficient wireless communication systems based on distributed microservices, through the analysis of user requests for models, the joint advantage service display list, and the distribution of microservice storage and computing resources. On the basis of the characteristics of the above study, different algorithms will be designed and will be applied to different analytical models and theories, such as multi-purpose Logit selection models, a priori, enhanced learning models, and neurologic networks. In addition, we will test the validity of the algorithms presented with a lot of computer simulations.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/H03/22
entry name: Street performers feel the same as street artists?




Street performances are meant to be in public spaces, offering performances or entertainment for the purpose of voluntary donation by those who seek it. Street performers are people who perform on the street. Street performers are people who watch the street performers. Street performers attract research in different domains, but research rarely focuses on street performers.


Does the street performers feel the same as the street performers? In other words, what is the degree of convergence or disagreement between the audience and the performers in a street performer? And what are the consequences of such agreement or disagreement at the psychological level? What are the reasons that affect the collective experience of the audience and the performers?


However, despite its recognized social and cultural value, its legitimacy is still being challenged today. Psychologically, perhaps street performers feel different from street performers, despite their good intentions.

參考最近的美學和藝術心理學的研究法,我們提出一個表演者 – 觀眾共同體驗理論框架,包含六個共同體驗原素:共同情感、思維、新穎、地方、互動和技術。我們假設兩個共同體驗的後果:觀眾就一個表演的整體評價和捐獻意願。我們還假設兩個共同體驗的前因:地方本質主義和文化相配。本質主義地方具有歷史和獨特的特徵(如文化遺址),而非本質主義地方具有現代和普遍的特徵(如步行街道)。文化相配指觀眾觀看來自相同文化的表演者進行的街頭表演,而文化不相配指觀眾觀看來自不同文化的表演者進行的街頭表演。

Taking into account recent studies in aesthetics and art psychology, we propose a framework of performers – a common empirical theory for viewers – which contains six common empirical sources: common emotions, thoughts, new ideas, places, interactions, and techniques. We assume the consequences of two common experiences: the overall evaluation and donation of an audience for a performance. We also assume that two reasons for a common experience are: local ethos and cultural matching. This is a historical and unique feature (such as cultural sites) rather than a contemporary and universal feature (such as walking streets) of a home-grown place. Culture is designed to view street performances performed by performers of the same culture, while culture is not designed to view street performances performed by performers of different cultures.

我們會進行兩項研究,以驗證以上提出的框架。研究1將在香港進行實地研究,現場調查街頭表演者和觀眾。研究2將在香港和波蘭盧布林進行跨文化實驗,以2 × 2 × 2受試間設計驗證觀眾文化背景(香港對波蘭)、(非)地方本質主義,及文化(不)相配對表演者–觀眾共同體驗的影響。香港和波蘭的研究參與者將被隨機分派觀看和評價在香港或波蘭、本質或非本質主義地方進行的街頭表演的影片。

Two studies will be carried out to verify the framework presented above. Research1 will be conducted in Hong Kong, where street performers and viewers will be surveyed. Research2 will be conducted on an intercultural basis in Hong Kong and Poland.


The study will update current theory about street performances and link aesthetics and art psychology, environmental psychology, and cultural psychology. Moreover, the results of the study can provide useful references for street artists and policymakers.



entry number: UGC/FDS13/E01/22
entry name: Multi-layered test of toothtrothal disease based on deep nervous networks: algorithms and systems
Principal researcher: Dr. Bear Super (Chuhai)




Background: Toothworm disease is one of the most common dental problems induced by tooth spasms. Although most patients brush their teeth every day, they cannot keep all teeth clean. Areas that are difficult to access in the oral cavity, such as crowded areas, rear teeth, or dents, are usually affected. After a thorough professional tooth cleaning, they start to pile up on the surface of their teeth near the edge of the gums in a few days. Bed studies suggest that there is a need for regular destruction of toothpaste, from which to guard against and stop dental disease. However, dental disease may take years to develop, unless the disease reaches a late stage and patients usually do not suffer any pain or symptoms. A lot of resources have been used to encourage patients to keep their mouth clean, but the results are not impressive. Therefore, if self-inflicted techniques are available to monitor oral health on a daily basis, patients can seek treatment when they need to do so.


The key problem is that patients react to dental flaps that accumulate on the edge of the tooth with inflammation, which will bring more blood to the site in order to fight against the bacteria. Tooth disease is shown to be an increase in red, increase in body size (water swelling) and loss of surface texture. These affected areas can be distinguished by visual screening by dentists during diagnostic periods or by the use of oral photography. This requires specialized dental training, but usually shows a marked difference between the results of dental consultations, which means that there is a low degree of repetition.


Purpose: The aim of this study is to use deep neuro-network technology to accurately detect tooth disease and its continued surveillance from inside the mouth.


Question: Based on a preliminary study of 447 standard internal photographs, 337 image samples were used for training and 110 images for testing, deep neuro-networking methods based on decoder-encrypters were found to be good. However, the results were not consistent with changes in small images such as displacement, zooming and rotation.


Plan: We plan to conduct extensive research on deep nervous structures to provide high sensitivity and specific diagnostics of auto-inflammation. We will further collect 1,200 standard oral photo cases for use in better neuro-network training.



entry number: UGC/FDS15/H19/22
entry name: Trans-China Buddhist Organization Solidarity and Public Role Study under the theoretical angle of sports organization
Principal Researcher: Dr. Huang Vishan




The aim of this qualitative study is to study the theoretical debate about inter-nationalism by studying inter-national religious practices and religious communities (this refers to their ongoing links between national states). The objective of this study, which is based on a study of inter-national religious organizations, is to outline (i) firstly, the aim of the project is to promote not only Buddhism as an immigrant religion, but also its cross-national cohesion. The function of immigrant religions includes the potential role of religion in the economic integration of immigrant societies and the strengthening of the religious networks of inter-national migrants.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/H02/22
entry name: Hong Kong English Poetry and "Ekphrasis": late 1970s to early 2020s
Principal Researcher: Dr. (Major)



Ekphrasis在古希臘語中意指「描述」,現常定義為詩歌中對視覺藝術作品的描述。根據在線牛津英語詞典,ekphrasis 現尤指「一種文學手法,用以詳細描述繪畫、雕塑或其他視覺藝術作品」。本計劃研讀一群來自或身在香港用英語寫作的詩人的作品,尤其是詩人有關視覺藝術的寫作。計劃包括釐清和分析詩人就不同類型(特別是來自或關於香港和中國大陸)視覺藝術作品的運用,並了解其背景。

Ekphrasis means "description" in the ancient Greek language, which is now commonly defined as a description of visual art in poetry. According to the online Oxford English dictionary, kphrasis now means, inter alia, "a literary technique that details drawings, sculptures, or other visual works of art." The program examines a group of poets from or in Hong Kong, especially poets who write about visual art.


The project benefits from global recognition, digitalization, and the spread of local museums and visual culture as a science of English creative writing, as well as from different literature, commentary, and theoretical backgrounds. Modern poets have a long tradition of using kphrasis, and have continued and evolved in the 21st century.


As more concepts of kphrasis emerge, such as "photographer kphrasis" and "personal sketches of kphrasis", the plan proposes the term "Hong Kong-style kphrasis" to study works from or in Hong Kong poets and other Hong Kong-related poems, and to understand a unique kphrasis. The plan is to use this new word as the starting point and to use a combination of research methods. Among these, literature reviews include an in-depth analysis of poetry based on critical, historical and theoretical theories; the rest of the research methods include interviewing poets, observing their social media movements and leading researchers to reflect on their own poems containing kphrasis.

是次計劃旨在加深和挑戰我們對以下幾方面的認知:(一)自 1970 年代後期以來香港英語詩歌與視覺藝術之間的密切聯繫,(二)影響這些聯繫的延續和演變的因素,(三)「香港式ekphrasis」一詞在批判及理論性研究中的潛在用處,(四)香港詩歌,香港文學和中國文學各自的性質和涵蓋範圍。本計劃在實踐這些首要目標時,亦將闡明香港在中華藝術和文化受到更高、更廣泛關注中所扮演的角色。

The aim of the project is to deepen and challenge our understanding of: (i) the close connection between Hong Kong's English-language poetry and visual arts since the late 1970s, (ii) the factors influencing the continuation and evolution of these links, (iii) the potential use of the term “Hong Kong-style kphrasis” in critical and theoretical research, (iv) the respective nature and meaning of Hong Kong poetry, Hong Kong literature, and Chinese literature.



entry number: UGC/FDS41/H01/22
entry name: study of how the language input of parents influences the functioning, speech ability and hearing understanding of children
Principal Researcher: Dr. Hong An-Ying (Yang)



聆聽理解(或語言理解)對於學習、識字和社交互動至關重要。研究顯示早年聆聽理解較差的幼兒在小學階段的寫作和閱讀也會表現較遜色(Kent & Wanzek, 2016)。然而,過往研究一般都只集中探討聆聽理解對閱讀發展的影響。很少研究調查早期聆聽理解的發展;例如,幼兒的社會生態環境和個人認知的差異如何解釋聆聽理解發展上的差異,文獻亦未有充分的研究解釋。因此,此研究旨在找出導致早期聆聽發展個別差異的因,以補足有關文獻的不足。擬議的研究將採用縱向研究設計,考察個人因素(如:執行功能、口語技能)和社會生態因素(父母語言輸入的質量等)對幼兒聆聽理解的直接和間接影響。如果聆聽理解的早期發展會對往後的閱讀和寫作發展產生深遠影響,那麼瞭解早期聆聽理解如何發展,不僅有可能改善兒童的語言理解力,更有可能提高兒童的識字能力(Kim & Pilcher, 2016)。

Listening to understanding (or language understanding) is important for learning, understanding, and social interaction. Research shows that early listening to children who are less well informed about their writing and reading at the elementary school level can also be less colorful (Kent & Wanzek, 2016). However, research in the past generally focuses only on listening to the implications for reading development. Few studies investigate the development of early listening understanding; for example, how differences in the social environment and personal knowledge of young children explain the differences in listening to understanding development, and there is insufficient research to explain the direct and indirect implications of listening to early learning.

聆聽理解是閱讀理解的基礎條件(Kim, 2020),並作為學習工具與學業成就有密切關係。深入暸解聆聽理解的發展,將為家長和老師提供線索,採取更有效的策略發展幼兒聆聽理解能力;例如,共同閱讀策略和教學方法。研究結果還可以通過展示早期聆聽理解的發展過程,為教師提供實證。

Listening is a basic condition for reading understanding (Kim 2020) and is closely linked to academic achievement as a learning tool. Deeply explaining the development of hearing understanding will provide parents and teachers with clues and more effective strategies to develop early childhood hearing and understanding; for example, joint reading strategies and teaching methods. Research results can also provide teachers with proof by demonstrating the development of early listening understanding.

研究將採用分層抽樣方法,從香港 9 所幼兒園招募 106 對 3 歲的家長和幼兒。研究員將為參加者進行兩次的評估,評估的時間距分隔 9 個月。於每次評估,家長都會被邀請與孩子一起進行親子活動。研究員將會記錄和分析父母語言輸入的質量。幼兒亦會接受一系列的評估,包括執行功能、口語技能和聆聽理解。收集得來的數據將用於數據模型分析,用於找出聆聽理解發展個別差異的原因。

The study will use a layered approach to recruiting 3-year-old parents and children from 9 kindergartens in Hong Kong. The researchers will conduct two evaluations for the participants, with nine months apart. For each evaluation, the parents will be invited to work with the children. The researchers will document and analyse the quality of parent language input.


首席研究員:Dr KAHANGAMAGE Udaya Priyadarshana(理大專業進修學院)

entry number: UGC/FDS24/E11/22
entry name: numeric values and experimental studies of the combustion and discharge properties of gas filled with hydrogen mixed and low-to-medium thermal reactors
Principal researcher: Dr Kahangamage Udaya Priyadarshana (Matrical Institute of Advanced Studies)



垃圾填埋氣(LFG)是垃圾填埋場裏的有機廢物經過生物降解的天然副產品,在法律上被認為是一種廢物。它含有的甲烷(CH4)是一種具有55.5 MJ/kg高熱值碳氫化合物燃料。它亦含有其他惰性氣體如二氧化碳(CO2)和氮氣(N2)。填埋氣的組成因填埋場的設計、年齡和沉積物含量而異。當填埋氣含有高比例的甲烷時(>40%容量),它可以作為一種有效的可再生燃料直接用於發電和供熱應用。它還可以通過提純程序來產生合成天然氣。然而,當填埋氣含有低濃度的甲烷時(<40%容量),通常是不經濟或不適合此類之用途。目前,管理低質量垃圾填埋氣的常用方法有兩種;(i)受控排放到大氣和(ii)抽氣濃縮後燃燒。排放到大氣中會對環境造成更大的負面影響,因為甲烷是一種強效溫室氣體,其全球變暖潛能值是二氧化碳的28 – 34倍。燃燒有助於減少對環境的負面影響。然而,這是一種能源浪費。重要的是要找到利用這種可再生能源的方法來增強可持續形式的能源供應,以滿足未來的能源需求。

Landfill gas (LFG) is a natural by-product of biodegradation of organic waste in landfills and is legally considered a waste. It contains methane (CH4) as a fuel with 55.5 MJ/kg high thermal carbide. It also contains other inert gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen gas (N2). The composition of landfill gas varies by the design of landfills, their age and the content of the reservoirs. When landfill gas contains a high proportion of methane (> 40% capacity), it can be used directly as a renewable fuel for power generation and heating. It can also generate synthetic natural gas by means of clean procedures.

利用含有20 – 40 % 甲烷的低至中熱值的填埋氣來作為工業加熱程序具有應用的潛力。然而,在低到中熱值的填埋氣裏所存在高百分比的惰性氣體,對維持實際應用時所需的穩定燃燒提出了挑戰。特別是,高比例的二氧化碳可能導致不穩定的火焰、吹散和有害排放物的產生。為了最大限度地減少這些問題並提高填埋氣的燃燒性能,必須改良火焰穩定性,並擴大可燃燒性極限。可以使用具有高含量燃料來進行燃料濃縮技術去實現這些要求。目前,使用燃料濃縮技術去燃燒低至中熱值垃圾填埋氣的研究是有限的。這個科研項目旨在更好地了解低至中熱值的垃圾填埋氣的燃燒、熱能和排放特性及探索用富氫氣技術實現穩定燃燒的潛力。氫氣被選為潛在的富集燃料是因為它未來作為環保能源和清潔燃燒的潛力和它的高熱值(120 – 142 MJ/kg)。燃燒和排放特性將使用 CHEMKIN 數碼軟件及通過應用 GRI-Mech 3.0 反應機制,並使用各種實驗方法(如帶有紋影攝影的定容燃燒彈、熱通量法和污染物排放測量技術)進行研究。我們將充分研究低到中熱值的填埋氣中不同稀釋劑的組成和富氫的影響。該項目的成果可能會增強對應用富氣於低至中熱值垃圾填埋氣的燃燒、熱能和排放特性的基本知識,並為設計燃燒系統鋪平道路,以更好地利用低質量垃圾填埋氣作為可再生能源,同時減少對大氣有害的排放物。

A high percentage of inert gas in low-to-medium-heat landfill gas, however, poses a challenge to the steady burning required to maintain a practical application. In particular, a high proportion of carbon dioxide may cause unstable flames, blowing up and harmful emissions. In order to minimize these problems and increase the burning power of landfill gas, it is necessary to improve the stability of the flame and to expand the capacity of the burning power of the burning power. High-to-medium-heat landfill gas is required to fulfil these requirements by using high-to-medium-heat fuel-rich fuel technologies. Research into low-to-medium-value landfills is limited.


首席研究員:Dr KHAN Sheheryar(理大專業進修學院)

entry number: UGC/FDS24/E18/22
entry name: development of an anticipatory tool for the assessment of an artificially intelligent knee-linkal magnetic resonance imaging: domain-adapted angle
Chief Researcher: Dr KHAN Sheheryar (Matrical Studies)



臨床上磁共振成像 (MRI) 被廣泛應用於評估膝關節的內部疾病,特別是在軟骨、骨骼、半月板和韌帶等組織中。由於關節形狀和組織退化對膝關節的損傷和疾病有很大影響,因此通過 MRI進行非侵入性表徵對疾病診斷和規劃治療程序有很大的價值。在研究上,利用手動描繪膝關節組織的 MRI 非常費時,而且在常規臨床應用中處理大量隊列時會出現不切實際的情況,藉此開發與機器智能相關的自動影像工具是具有迫切需要性,當中能夠提供預測結果,進行形態和成分見解,更促進對疾病的認知及有效地對分析圖像。有見及此,我們的研究團隊建議開發有關人工智能(AI)的工具,該工具可以處理大量 MRI 掃描,並產生具有各種具膝關節解剖形態特徵的評估記錄以及膝關節骨骼和組織結構的 3D 影像。透過評估記錄,可以進一步幫助從業者決定和預測各項因素。

The non-intrusive representation of the MRI is of great value to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. In research, the MRI, which uses hand-held depiction of knee-related tissues, is very expensive and deals with a large number of immeasurable situations in regular beds, where the development of self-image tools related to robotic intelligence is urgently needed to provide prognosis, visualization, knowledge of diseases, and effective analysis of images. In this context, our research team recommends tools for artificial intelligence (AI), which can handle a large number of MRI scans, and can generate a variety of ad hoc assessment and decision-making factors.

深度卷積神經網絡(CNN)在網絡社會中因破解一些複雜的問題而廣受歡迎。然而,標記膝關節 MRI的數據是關鍵的因素而限制了其直接應用。另一個常見問題是在不同領域中所獲取之其新數據的適應性。通常,用於訓練 CNN 演算法的數據庫主要來自在特定控制設置中的公共數據庫,當涉及在來自其他領域(使用不同的供應商和不同的採集程序)的獨特而又未能看見樣本上測試模型時,CNN方法未能適應這些變化並導致不完整的分割。在膝關節 MRI 中開發 的AI 系統能夠緩解因檢查之間的質量差異以及影像程序、受試者和硬件的不同而出現的領域自適應問題。

Another common problem is the adaptation of new data acquired in different domains. Typically, databases used to train CNN algorithms are derived mainly from public data repositories in specific control settings, and when they are unique in other domains (using different suppliers and different incorporation procedures) and fail to see sample models, the CNN method fails to adapt to these variations and lead to incomplete fragmentation. The AI system that operates at the knees is able to resolve problems arising from differences in quality between inspections and differences in image procedures, subjects and hardware.

我們團隊認為,透過自我監督方法與領域自適應可用於解決這個問題,並有利於膝關節 MRI 分割,具有更好的廣義化能力。因此,我們提出一種自我監督對抗學習的分割方法,以無監督的方式解決了上述挑戰,並在沒有用戶干預的情況下提供對有利膝關節分割的可靠估計。在我們的初步研究中,我們已經實行並了解對膝關節 MRI 數據,該數據來自不同影像程序以及供應商的在不同領域中的膝關節 MRI 掃描。初步分割結果說明,利用所提及方法能有效地解決了組織分割問題。然而,團隊需要透過深入的研究來推行整個的流程,當中需要進行測試基準數據庫及其獨立數據庫以驗證分割。膝關節組織的分割能用於領域自適應感知的組織區域分割。對於評估模塊,我們的目標是建立模型輔助解釋。該模塊將能夠處理分割並產生相關的臨床信息,例如(2D 和 3D 的厚度測量、半月板異常如撕裂、軟骨退化如軟骨損失等)。收集的信息將用於建立域不變評估以及膝關節結構的 3D 渲染。自動評估將進一步與基準黃金標准進行比較,並將進行徹底的驗證程序。通過提取和處理放射組學特徵能進一步探索和改進臨床相關特徵。結果將以工具的形式呈現,該工具擁有獨立於獲得域的膝關節 MRI 的定性和定量評估。

Our team believes that self-supervised methods and domain self-adaptation can be used to solve this problem, and that it can be facilitated by the MRI split-up of knees. Thus, we propose a self-supervised approach to the division of learning, which solves the challenge in an unsupervised manner, and provides a reliable estimate of the pro-knee cut-off in the absence of user planning. In our initial study, we have implemented and understood the MRI data on knee joints, which are derived from different video programs and suppliers' knees in different domains. The MRI scans on the ground. The initial split suggests that using the methods mentioned effectively solve organizational divisions. However, the team needs to carry out the entire process in depth, and to test the base database and its own database to verify.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/B12/22
entry name: How to improve team and individual creative performance: creative leadership, creative effectiveness, organizational activism and the role of east-west cultural differences
Principal Researcher: Dr. Kongy (Singer)



因為認識到「創造力和創新是組織競爭優勢的基礎」(Acar,Tarakci,Van Knippenberg,2019,第96頁),本研究旨在建立一個綜合的多層次模型,以了解團隊成員為何及如何參與個人創新行為以及團隊創新。我們將進一步研究領導行為、組織主動性氛圍和創造性效能對創新過程的影響。具體而言,我們會研究創新領導力,即與創新過程的三個階段所互相匹配的三個領導行為塊(包括孵化、宣傳和執行),能夠通過提升團隊成員的創造性思維自我效能(CTSE)、創造性績效自我效能(CPSE)、創造性思維集體效能性(CTCE)和創造性績效集體效能(CPCE)來促進個人和團隊的創新。此外,我們認為文化差異在創造性效能的培養中也會發揮作用--如在集體主義文化中,創造性集體效能可能決定創造性自我效能的發展,而這種影響在個人主義文化中可能不顯著。

In recognition of the fact that creativity and creativity are the foundation of organizational competition (Acar, Tarakci, Van Knippenberg, 2019, p. 96), this study aims to create a multilayered model of how and why team members are involved in personal innovation and team creation. In particular, we will look at the impact of leadership, organizational motivation and creative effectiveness on the creative process. In terms of creative leadership, the three leaders that match the three stages of the process (including incubation, promotion and enforcement), we will be able to promote new individuals and teams through the promotion of creative thinking (CTSE), creative performance self-effectiveness (CPSE), creative thinking, effectiveness (CTCE) and creative performance (CPCE) and creative performance effectiveness (CPCE) that are likely to create new ones.



entry number: UGC/FDS17/M06/22
entry name: The effect of direct electricity irritation on the recognition of low-level recognition of barriers to older persons: Random vs. testing
Chief Researcher: Dr. Guo Zhixing (East China)



輕度認知障礙(MCI)被認為是正常認知老化和認知障礙症的中間階段。因此,改善輕度認知障礙患者的認知功能可能會延緩認知障礙症的發病時間。近年來,經顱直流電刺激(tDCS)已成為一種常用的腦刺激方法。越來越多的證據表明刺激前額區域對強化認知功能有良好的效果。然而,之前的研究存在局限性。此外,關於電刺激對輕度認知障礙患者相關神經機制的了解仍然相當初步。此研究探索腦電刺激對認知的影響,並探索它對相關的神經機制的調節。我們將招募 48 名 50-80 歲的輕度認知障礙參與者。所有參與者將通過香港版蒙特利爾認知測試進行評估。符合選擇標準的參與者將被邀請參加實驗。他們將被隨機分配到實驗組或對照組。該實驗將包括治療前、治療後評估以及1個月的後續評估。在評估之間,參與者將接受8次電刺激治療(每週2次,共4週,每次20分鐘)。評估包括數字跨度、顏色追踪測試、語言流利度測試、中文版語言學習記憶測驗和香港版蒙特利爾認知評估。參與者還將在每個評估點完成一項電腦記憶任務。在完成任務時他們的腦電波將會被記錄下來。該研究具有創新性,因為它探討多個認知領域(例如注意力、記憶、執行功能)、可持續性,並將腦電作為測量結果。該擬議項目的結果預計將對老年人和臨床人群(例如輕度認知障礙、認知障礙)的長期護理和康復產生影響,並增加關於電刺激和改善輕度認知障礙症患者認知功能的知識。

In recent years, direct electricity irritation (TCDS) has become a common method of brain irritation. More and more evidence has come to suggest that stimulation of pre-electricity has a good effect on awareness. However, there are limitations in previous studies.



entry number: UGC/FDS17/H04/22
entry name: E-health rushing to increase the impact of moderate-intensity activity on the knowledge of the weak and the elderly who lack it.
Chief Researcher: Prof. Guan Yuzu (East China)





認知衰弱在居住在社區內的長者中是常見的,也是一個具不良健康結果的風險的狀態,例如認知障礙、依賴和死亡等。幸運的是,認知衰弱是可逆的,在早期階段可逆的機會更高。眾所周知,體能活動在逆轉認知衰弱發揮著重要作用;其效果受到其強度和可持續性的影響。然而,缺乏體能活動在長者中是非常普遍的,並且是認知衰弱的關鍵表型特徵之一。中等至劇烈強度的運動可以降低認知衰弱惡化的風險。急步行是一種簡單的運動形式,而居住在社區內的長者每天都可以練習,以將他們的運動提升至或高於中等強度水平。傳統的行為改變干預已被證明可以有效地讓久坐不動的長者參與體能活動,但它們的效應值是小的。採用現存和流行的電子平台 (例如三星健康和 WhatsApp) 的電子健康方法去促進特定群體 (例如認知衰弱的長者) 的特定行為 (例如有規律的急步行) 是一種創新,用於增加中等至劇烈強度的運動是實際上可行和理論上合理的方法。但是,電子健康干預和傳統的行為改變干預在脆弱群體 (即認知衰弱的長者) 中的相對有效性是未知的。

Cognizance is common among the elders living in the community and is also a state of risk for poor health outcomes, such as recognition of impairments, dependence and death. Fortunately, awareness of weakness is reversible, with higher chances of deterioration in early stages. It is well known that physical activity is reversible; its effects are influenced by its strength and sustainability. However, the lack of physical activity is very common among the elders and one of the iconic signs of perceived weakness. Medium-intensity campaigns can reduce the risk of recognition of degradation.



建議的研究將比較電子健康干預與傳統的行為改變干預,對於認知衰弱長者在以下方面的有效性:(1) 增加中等至劇烈強度的運動,(2) 減少認知衰弱,(3) 提升認知功能和 (4) 改善體能表現。

The suggested studies will make a difference between the behaviour of electronic health intervention and tradition, and the effectiveness of recognizing the weak and the elderly in: (1) increasing medium-to-intensity sports, (2) reducing the recognition of weakness, (3) improving the recognition function and (4) improving physical performance.



一項單盲、兩個平行組、隨機對照試驗將在社區中進行。參加者將從五間香港長者的社區中心招募。合資格的標準將是如下:(1) 年齡≥60歲,(2) 認知衰弱,(3) 身體不活躍,(4) 擁有智能手機。干預組的參加者將接受電子健康干預。對照組的將接受傳統的行為改變干預。每個干預將持續 14 星期。結果將會是中等至劇烈強度的運動分鐘/星期 (主要),由腕戴式活動記錄器測量;認知衰弱,由序數量表測量;認知功能,由蒙特利爾認知評估測量;和虛弱,由體弱指標測量。結果將在基線、干預後立即和干預後 6 個月進行評估。計劃將招募192個參加者。計劃將使用隨機置換區組設計,以區段的大小1:1 的比例隨機選擇。只有結果評估者會被蒙蔽。四個廣義估計方程式將用於測試干預對四個結果的影響,這四個結果將是應變項。自變項將是組、時間和[組] x [時間]。顯著性水平將設置為 0.05。

A single blind, two parallel groups, and random tests will be conducted in the community. Participants will be recruited from the five Hong Kong elders’ community centres. The criteria for the qualifications will be as follows: (1) 60 years old, (2) recognition of weakness, (3) recognition of inactivity, and (4) possession of smart phones. The participants in the team will be subject to electronic health alerts. The team will be subject to changes in traditional behaviors. 14 weeks for each plan. The result will be medium-to-intensity sports minutes/weeks (primarily), measured by a wrist recorder; recognition of weakness, measured by a sequence of measurements; recognition of function, assessed by Monterell; and weakness, measured by weak indicators.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}It's important. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}


If electronic health alerts are proven to be more effective and sustainable than conventional behavior changes, we will have evidence that electronic health alerts can replace traditional behavioral changes that predispose moderate-to-intensity sports and therapeutic recognition of elders in the community. Further research can then detect the potential of electronic health alerts to slow the onset of cognitive impairments and dependence.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/B06/22
entry name: Green Business is a popular language? Through green human resource management, research into green business concepts and the interaction of employee and employee green values in corporate financial performance and employee green behaviour
Principal Researcher: Dr. Guo Wenlong (Professional College of Science and Technology)



最近出現在許多國際新聞報導中的頭條新聞是關於全球變暖、溫室氣體、南極冰蓋融化等,而所有這些都是由人類工業活動造成的(BBC,2021)。因此,不同國家的政府開始意識到環境和可持續性問題。以前的研究在企業社會責任、可持續發展和ESG話題上投入了大量的精力。人力資源管理的研究方向之一是綠色人力資源管理(Green HRM)。綠色人力資源管理的研究已經遍地開花,同時,它也留下了很多等待研究者處理的未解之謎。

As a result, governments in different countries are beginning to recognize environmental and continuing problems. Previous research has invested considerable effort in corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, and the ESG discourse. One of the research directions of human resource management is green human resource management (Green HRM).

首先,以前關於綠色人力資源管理的許多研究只關注於識別簡單的前因或結果(Ren, Tang, & Jackson, 2018)。然而,討論組織綠色價值聲明如何影響其綠色人力資源管理實踐的涓滴效應是非常少的。因此,目前的研究試圖將戰略部分,即組織的綠色價值聲明與綠色人力資源管理實踐聯繫起來,表明價值觀的戰略過程應該對任何公司的政策或戰略產生影響,正如綠色人力資源管理實踐所說明的。

First, many of the previous studies on the management of green human resources focus only on identifying simple causes or results (Ren, Tang, & Jackson, 2018). However, there are very few trickle-down effects in discussing how the organization’s green value statements affect the performance of its green human resource management. Thus, the current study is trying to link the strategic part, the organization’s green value statement, to the performance of green human resource management, suggesting that the value strategy should have an impact on the policy or strategy of any company, as stated in the green human resource management exercise.

同時,根據能力-動機-機會理論(Boselie, Dietz, & Boon, 2005;Katou & Budhwar, 2010),綠色人力資源管理實踐應該對組織的財務績效和員工的綠色行為(以組織對環境的公民行為衡量)產生影響。以前關於綠色人力資源管理的研究表明,有必要收集不同來源的資料。因此,我們目前的論文試圖根據年度報告中公佈的報告期的實際財務表現來收集組織財務表現。

At the same time, according to the ability-motivation-opportunity theory (Boselie, Dietz, & Boon, 2005; Katou & Budhwar, 2010), green human resource management should have an impact on the organization’s financial performance and on the organization’s employees’ green behavior (measured by the organization’s behaviour towards citizens in the environment). Previous research on green human resource management suggests that it is necessary to collect data from different sources. Therefore, our current paper attempts to collect the organization’s financial performance based on the actual financial performance of the reporting period published in the annual report.


Finally, according to the value-for-money theory (Edwards, 1996, 2007), when organizations provide green values that are consistent with the green values of individual employees, they achieve convergence or consistency, and have a stronger impact on workers’ attitude and behaviour. Thus, the study will examine the importance of individual green values, arguing that consistency should not be overlooked in the implementation of the organization’s green results.


In particular, the study examines the impact of the organization’s green statement of values (or green values) on the performance of green human resources management, and further examines the impact on the performance of employees’ green practices and finances. So far, there have been few studies on the impact of value messages in green human resources management or strategic management. In addition, the results of the current study could provide companies with practical advice on how to develop green human resources management practices, and on the importance of shaping the personal values of workers to include green components.



entry number: UGC/FDS15/H06/22
entry name: The effect of pre-leaf grey mass and functional links and transport-related air pollutants on schizophrenic personality characteristics
Principal Researcher: Dr. Lin Yonghong (Rin)




Background: The schizophrenic characteristic of increases the risk of schizophrenia by increasing the burden on the health-care system. More and more evidence has found a reduction in the ex-schizophretic skin gray mass and an unusual combination of static functions. Moreover, research has found that exposure to hazardous pollutants associated with increased traffic, especially nitrogen dioxide, has a negative impact on schizophrenia. Moreover, the reduction in the ex-schizophrenia gray mass and static function of the schizophrenia patients has to do with exposure to these transport-related harmful pollutants.

初步試驗結果:在 104 名青年中,暴露於二氧化氮水平與分裂型人格特徵有正向關係。

Preliminary test results: Out of 104 young people exposed to N2O levels, there is a positive relationship with the split personality characteristic.


Purpose: The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between nitrous oxide in the environment and the neuro-factors of the divisive personality through a two-year framework of studies, and the effect of nitrous oxide on the divided personality by reducing the grey mass and static function of the front cortex.

方法:研究將招募 130 名非臨床參與者和 30 名臨床精神病患者。心理社會變量(例如,孤獨感和運動)、行為和環境數據,以及磁共振成像的腦部掃描將在基線和一年及兩年的隨訪中進行評估。主要的行為評估包括精神分裂型人格問卷,而環境評估包括在參與者家周圍 300 米半徑範圍內計算的環境數據(例如,綠地密度)及個人暴露於交通有關的有害污染物的估計值。這些數據將在兩年內的四個時間點進行測量,以控制因季節變化引起的任何潛在時間變化。

Method: The study will recruit 130 non-bed participants and 30 bed-attended psychiatric patients. Psychosocial variables (e.g., isolation and sports), behavioural and environmental data, as well as brain scans of magnetic resonance images, will be evaluated on the base line and during interviews over a year and two years. The main behavioral evaluations include schizophrenic questions, while environmental assessments include environmental data (e.g. green land density) calculated within 300 m radius of the participant's home and estimates of personal exposure to traffic-related harmful pollutants. These statistics will be measured at four points in two years to control any potential changes in time caused by seasonal changes.

預測結果:暴露於較高的二氧化氮水平和減少的前額葉皮層灰質體積和靜息態功能連接分別預測較高水平的分裂型人格特徵。此外,暴露於二氧化氮水平升高可分別預測一年和兩年隨訪中前的額葉皮層灰質體積和靜息態功能連接的降低, 以及較高分裂型人格特徵水平,而對於暴露於二氧化氮較低水平的人來說,這兩個變量不會發生顯著變化。此外,在基線時更多地暴露於二氧化氮預測更小的前額葉皮層灰質體積和靜息態功能連接,這又導致一年和兩年隨訪中更高水平的分裂型人格特徵。預計這些影響在高分裂型人格者中更為顯著。

predicts: is exposed to higher levels of nitrous oxide (NOx) and reduced levels of pre-vessel grey mass and static functions, and these two changes are unlikely to change significantly for those exposed to lower levels of nitrous oxide (NO2). Moreover, higher levels of nitrous oxide (NO2) are expected to predict higher levels of sedentary personality characteristics, depending on the reduction of velocities and sedentary functions from one year to two years of exposure, and the higher levels of velocities from one year to two years of visits. These effects are expected to be more pronounced among highly divided personalities.


suggests that the results of the study will be theoretical and probative. For example, policymakers could consider adopting environmental protection measures to reduce N2O emissions in Hong Kong, to enhance the front-leaf function of adolescents and to reduce divisive personality characteristics, and to prevent them from developing schizophrenia disorders.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/B07/22
entry name: Rebuilding high-intensity Asian ports and sea transport supply and response network
Principal Researcher: Ph.D.



隨著銷售和運輸合同的取消以及經濟收縮、貨物延遲交付以及應對 2019年冠狀病毒大流行的緊急情況下,全球進口商、出口商和旅遊業都受到了重大沖擊。中國大灣區和東南亞國家聯盟港口作為海運供應鏈的戰略多聯式運輸連接點也不能獨善其身。港口和海運供應鏈在業務連續性方面做得非常出色。然而,它們受到廣泛問題的影響並促成了一系列問題,包括:(1)港口交通減少;(2)文書工作和碼頭操作的挑戰;(3)腹地到達點,卡車司機短缺;(4)吉櫃的堆積和易腐爛貨物的儲存,以及(5)實施或支持風險控制措施。廣泛的海運供應鏈利益相關者、高度複雜的港口和海運供應鏈營運以及港口當局是風險管理人員需要考慮的重要因素。他們必須考慮這些因素之間的相互作用,以避免在設計或實施新措施時採取方法,尤其是在面臨前所未有的風險的情況下,以增強彈性。這將導致港口和海運供應鏈作為一個整體具有可接受的彈性水平,而不是支持相關人員、流程和系統的不平衡和本地化努力。考慮到所涉及的巨大不確定性,預測2019年冠狀病毒大流行的長期經濟影響具有挑戰性。然而,探索短期影響、參與者、活動和系統是不可缺少的。在這裡,彈性被定義為規劃和準備變化,以及吸收、恢復和適應變化。因此,評估已實施或潛在的復原能力建設措施(風險預防和降低控制)並確定港口和海運供應鏈的復原能力水平至關重要。由於持續的2019年冠狀病毒大流行,復原能力的定義發生了變化。因此,需要一個新項目來解決這一研究空缺。

With the cancellation of sales and transport contracts, and economic continuity, delays in delivery of goods and response to the 2019 virus coronary epidemic, global importers, exporters, and tourists have been hit hard. China’s Great Bay and South-East Asian States’ Union Ports have been used as strategic multi-modal links to sea transport supply chains. Ports and maritime supply chains have done a great job. However, they have been affected by widespread problems and caused a series of problems, including: (1) reduced traffic in ports; (2) challenges in book and code operations; (3) a shortage of vehicle infrastructure; (4) accumulation and storage of perishable goods; and (5) implementation or support of risk control measures.

這項為期 24 個月的研究通過開發港口2019年冠狀病毒大流行病復原能力決策支持系統和實用的港口大流行病復原力指數來調查港口和海運供應鏈在2019年冠狀病毒大流行面前的復原能力狀態。該系統和指數基於一般港口和海運供應鏈營運。隨後,對大灣區11個主要港口和東盟9個主要港口進行量化。此外,我們將進行複雜的網絡分析,以了解大灣區和東盟國家海上供應鏈網絡和港口之間的相連性,以及在包括 2019年冠狀病毒大流行在內的背景下的屬性和結構。這為新興市場港口和海上供應鏈的彈性提供了更好的前景,並調動了它們之間的知識。應該指出的是,感興趣的港口是世界上最繁忙的港口之一,與主要的全球和區域市場直接相連。因此,海運學會和香港航運物流協會願意為選定的二十個港口提供所需的數據和支持。如上所述,具體成果是:(1)港口和海運供應鏈彈性背景下的理論和研究方法,並在科學和專業出版物、研討會和會議上發佈研究結果;(2)整體方法的視覺可訪問、可擴展和可更新的 復原能力決策支持系統;(3)實用的港口大流行病復原力指數;(4)與中國和東盟港口當局的網絡,以加強未來的溝通和目標導向的研發;(5)與中國和東盟港口一起調動知識應對疫情。

The 24-month study will then be quantified for 11 major ports in the Great Bay region and 9 major ports in the Eastern Alliance. In addition, we will conduct complex web-based analysis to understand the interconnections between the sea supply grids and ports in the Great Bay and the Eastern Union countries, and the properties and structure of the marine supply chain in the face of the 2019 coronary virus pandemic. The system and indicators will be based on general ports and sea transport links. This will provide a better prospect for the resilience of new markets and sea supply chains, as well as a better understanding of the 11 major ports in the Great Bay region and 9 major ports in the Eastern Alliance. It should be noted that interested ports are one of the busiest ports, directly linked to major global and regional research sites.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/E10/22
entry name: Smart analysis system for the development of grid electricity prices for renewable energy in peri-urban agricultural areas using network technology
Principal researcher: Dr. Lee Sun-hoon (Major)




In the last decade, global warming has been an important issue for all countries. In order to achieve these environmental objectives without affecting the quality of human life, global warming should be based on the use of renewable energy sources for electricity generation. Among the renewable energy sources that are available in most areas, power plants are the most severe source of energy in many countries and regions, such as Hong Kong.


In order to solve these problems, the study will begin with the creation and testing of two smart network systems with numerical models on small, micro-climatic farms to measure and control the conditions of (i) farms, agricultural crops and livestock, and (ii) photovoltaic and wind power generated by installations installed on farms. The systems of the two models will then be combined to improve the cost-effectiveness of sensors and control devices. In this phase, not only will sensors and control systems be integrated, but land resources will also be used more effectively.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/M01/22
entry name: Two related symbiosis strains (R2 and Y8) to fish toxicity and effects on algal molecule interactions under biological and abiotic factors
Principal Researcher: Prof. Lee Hong-hwan (Major)



人類健康和水產養殖業經常受到有害藻華的不利影響。米氏凱倫藻是毒性最強和最致命的有害藻華物種之一。 該物種的殺魚能力非常強,由該物種引起的藻華對香港和中國內地都有很大的影響。例如,2016 年米氏凱倫藻在香港的幾個養魚區引起的藻華殺死了 200 多噸魚。儘管人們在過去十多年對米氏凱倫藻進行了廣泛的研究,但我們對它們的殺魚機理並不了解。 活性氧 (ROS)和溶血活性物質的產生被認為可能是主要的機理之一。 然而,確切的機理仍然存在爭議。

Human health and aquaculture are often affected by harmful algal blooms, one of the most toxic and deadly species of harmful algal blooms. The killing power of the species is very strong, and the algal blooms caused by the species have a significant impact on Hong Kong and the Chinese interior.

過往的研究表明,有害藻華物種的毒性會受到不同生長條件影響,特別是藻類生長階段和細胞濃度、鹽度、氮和磷酸鹽濃度。另一方面,一些研究亦表明,有害藻華物種的毒性也可以通過其密切相關的細菌來調節。 然而,毒性調節和藻-細菌相互作用的潛在機制實際上仍然是一無所知的。此外,也欠缺了從米氏凱倫藻所分離的相關細菌以及基因或蛋白質水平的分子研究旨在確定藻類及其相關細菌相互作用的潛在分子機理的相關研究報告。我們的團隊成功地建立了從香港藻華中分離出來的米氏凱倫藻株 (KMHK) 的無菌培養。 在沒有相關細菌的情況下,米氏凱倫藻的魚類毒性會顯著增強,並且當與不同的細菌分離株共培養時,對它們魚類毒性的影響是不同的,這表明米氏凱倫藻的毒性是可以通過相關的細菌來調節並與產生相互作用。我們從米氏凱倫藻培養物中分離了兩種新的海洋交替單胞菌的分離株,即R2 和 Y8。這兩種細菌分離株對米氏凱倫藻的魚類毒性表現出顯著但相反的作用。當無菌米氏凱倫藻與 R2 共同培養時,對魚鰓細胞活力的相應影響遠高於單獨的無菌米氏凱倫藻,而當米氏凱倫藻細胞與 Y8 細菌共同培養時便會觀察到相反的效果。我們的初步數據還表明,米氏凱倫藻的魚類毒性也可能會受到各種生物和非生物因素以及藻類細胞和細菌細胞之間的直接和間接接觸有顯著的影響。

Past studies have shown that the toxicity of harmful algal blooms is still unknown in practice. In addition, there is a shortage of bacteria associated with algal blooms, as well as those associated with gene or protein levels, aimed at identifying the properties of algal blooms and their interactions with phosphate. On the other hand, some studies have shown that the toxicity of harmful algal blooms can also be reconciled with their closely related bacteria.

跟從我們的初步研究,我們在本研究中的目標是使用一對海洋交替單胞菌的分離株(R2 和 Y8)作為研究模型,研究它們如何調節米氏凱倫藻的魚類毒性。我們將比較兩種細菌分離株在各種生物(細胞濃度和生長期)和非生物(鹽度、氮 (N) 和磷酸鹽 (P) 濃度)條件下對米氏凱倫藻的魚類毒性的影響。藻類-細菌細胞接觸的影響也將通過在一個系統中共同培養兩種細胞來研究,其中細菌細胞和藻類細胞將通過半透膜物理分離。此外,我們將使用蛋白質組學方法評估在各種選定條件下米氏凱倫藻和兩種細菌分離株之間的分子相互作用。同時,還將會研究細菌細胞和米氏凱倫藻細胞通過它們的相互作用的分子反應。了解藻類-細菌分子相互作用將有助於揭示藻類毒性調節中的細胞調節和可能的機理。該項目有助於制定預防有害藻華及避免魚類死亡的積極戰略,這將對養魚場和貝類產業產生重大影響。

Following our initial study, the goal in this study is to use as a research model a separation strain (R2 and Y8) of marine syllables to control the fish toxicity of the Kelon algal blooms. We will compare two bacterial strains to organisms (saline, nitrogen (N) and phosphate salt (P) levels). In the same way, we will also study the effects of algal-bacterial contact by co-breeding two cells in a system, in which bacteria and algal cells are separated by half-epto-menopausal physics. Moreover, we will use protein formations to evaluate the effects on the seaweeds and two cellular strains.



entry number: UGC/FDS11/E01/22
entry name: mixed plasma with primary resistance to a new coronary virus floating in the air
Principal Researcher: Professor Leung Eid (Hyed)



香港政府的現行規定在指定地點進行多少空氣交換是並不科學的,因為病毒仍然活躍並感染空氣淨化器。HEPA 過濾器更換起來很危險,無法阻止被困微生物釋放的毒素。納米塗層、銀離子、酒精和 UVC 是用於表面消毒。然而,超過 90% 的病毒感染是通過空氣傳播的。歐盟委員會公佈了將納米塗層歸類為第 2 類致癌物的決定、印度和新加坡也已禁用噴霧消毒。來自香港機場廁所和望月樓的證據表明,Omicron 不是登陸病毒,而是通過空氣傳播。僅對登陸病毒進行表面消毒並不完善。2022 年 4 月 2 日,明愛醫院有 5 人感染,但通風良好。因此,良好的通風未必能避免感染。 該病的主要原因是空氣傳播。 空氣消毒是必要的。

The current regulations of the Hong Kong government on how much air is exchanged at designated locations are not scientific, because the virus is still active and infected with air cleaners. The changes in the HEPA filters are dangerous and cannot prevent toxins released by trapped micro-organisms. The nanocopics, silver ions, alcohol, and UVC are used for surface disinfection. However, more than 90% of the viral infections are transmitted through air. The European Union Commission announced the decision to class the nanocoated layer into type 2 carcinogens, India and Singapore have banned spray disinfection.

梁教授在 2003 年使用混沌漂白水來消除以 22m/s 空速咳嗽的患者的病毒,在 2020 年為負壓隔離室使用混沌臭氧水。前者安裝在威爾斯親王醫院,後者則成功安裝在博愛醫院和盲人輔導會的護理院。現在,我們使用混沌等離子體代替水汽,這在世界上尚屬首次。等離子體是通過將通常的 220V 電壓提升到 5000V 並在正負極之間放電產生的。例如,O2 被分解為 O+ 和 O- 離子,兩者都會中和回 O2,并釋放出微小的能量來阻止微生物的繁殖。然而,離子和病毒為納米級,因為太細小,它們幾乎沒有機會在有限的空間內相遇。但在混沌元中產生了離子和病毒的混沌混合,在埃拉特冠狀病毒的測試,可以在 0.1 秒內達到 99.9% 的消毒效果。還發現當離子體不混沌時,功效會降低到小於 10%。

Professor Liang uses mixed white water in 2003 to eliminate the virus from patients who cough at 22 m/s air speed, and in 2020 he uses mixed ozone water for stress containment rooms. For example, O2 has been separated into O+ and O2 and released small energy to prevent micro-organisms from growing. However, divers and viruses are nanogrades, because they hardly have the chance of meeting in a limited space.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/B19/22
entry name: Pre-restriction over cure? How the gaming elements of ecstasy affect the mental and cognitive well-being of elders: Hong Kong's Master Researcher: Dr. Leung Jiachen (Matrical Studies Institute)



由於香港人口急速老化,腦退化症人口呈上升趨勢。到 2041 年,每3個香港人中便有1個65歲以上的老人。越來越多的長者可能會出現認知功能衰退的問題,會為公共醫療系統帶來沉重負擔,並增加看護者的壓力。由於腦退化症在初始階段難以診斷,制定預防策略是其中一種有效方法。其中,為老年人提供認知訓練可能有助於增強其認知功能。但是現在許多的訓練都是以實體進行,缺乏科技應用。所以在香港,預防和治療腦退化症的科技資源尤其匱乏。

As a result of the rapidly ageing population in Hong Kong, the number of people suffering from cerebral degradation is on the rise. By 2041, one out of three Hong Kongers was aged 65 or over.


In order to cope with these challenges, we can apply age-based technology – for example, awareness training in digitalization games. It is not only cost-effective, more extensive training and patient-oriented training than conventional training. In addition to benefiting older people, it can reduce the pressure on public health care systems and the workload of caregivers. But practical research on how digitalization games effectively affect the well-being and use of older persons is still very limited. In addition to using research experience in medical and health care technologies, our research teams are made up of researchers from information systems, medical care and marketing areas.


In addition, in order to improve the effectiveness of training, it is important to understand how older users use the function of training mobile games to achieve desired results (e.g. physical and mental health). To fill this research gap, we have developed a three-stage theory model based on the theory of sex availability, the perspective of six common cognitive methods, and the theory of mental computing to explain the benefits that can be gained from gaming. In addition to using a mix of methods to collect data, we will conduct an experiment to study the effectiveness of training mobile phones in improving the understanding of health in older users.


With the help of the above-mentioned co-researchers, we will test our multi-stage model through the recruitment of older persons from the service centers. In addition to the analysis of data through the construction equation model and multivariate variables analysis of the minimum-level approach, we will conduct qualitative studies to enhance the insights obtained from the questionnaires. In general, our research results are not only informative, but also provide management guidance for governments, service providers, music companies, and higher education institutions that effectively improve the health of older persons.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/H05/22
entry name: projection analysis of the rhythm rules in Western art music spread board music
Principal Researcher: Dr. Leath (Matrical and Scientific Institute)




The purpose of this project is to study the way in which music is organized in the tradition of the Western “free music” using rhythm predictions, in order to understand how the performers of Turkish-Arab and Persian artistic music can create the impression of a “free rhythm” by manipulating public expectations of the beaters (whether in the form of a musical or a full musical performance); to analyse whether the differences in form between musical instruments (and human voices) affect the rhythm strategy used; and to devise a system of records based on a standard Western five-line system, which can capture fine rhythmic exercises.

我們選取西亞的傳統藝術音樂,特別是突厥-阿拉伯傳統和波斯傳統的傳統藝術音樂為研究對象,因為這些傳統中,自由節奏演奏的地位崇高,但它們的節奏組織方式仍然欠缺理論,而這歸根究底是由於西方和本土音樂學都缺乏相關理論工具。本研究旨在通過利用 Hasty (1997) 提出並由 Roeder (2021) 採用的節奏預測理論來填補空白,後者以此理論對這些傳統中不同樂器和聲音的自由節奏表演進行廣泛研究。節奏預測理論假定兩個連續的聲音會產生一個特定的時長,聽者會用以作為「預測」下一個聲音出現的基準。如果第三個聲音在預期的時長內發生,則他會認為預測「實現」了,如果沒有,則他會繼續量度下一個聲音的時長,以揭示音樂是否有加速、減速、中斷/暫停,或在設置一個新的速度。

We have chosen Western traditional art music, especially Turkic-Arab and Persian-traditional traditional art music, for research purposes, because of the high status of free rhythms in these traditions, but their mode of organization is still lacking in theory, and this is ultimately due to the lack of theoretical tools associated with Western and indigenous music. This study aims to fill the gap by using Hasty (1997) and the rhythm predictions adopted by Roeder (2021), which will lead to a general study of the free rhythm performances of different musical instruments and voices in these traditions. The rhythm theory assumes that the two consecutive voices will produce a particular period of time, and that the listeners will use it as a benchmark for the next "predicting" sound.


We try to answer the following question through this study: How can the performers of the Turkish-Arab and Persian artistic music create the impression of "free rhythm" by manipulating public expectations of the beats (whether in a musical or in an entire performance)? What does this look like to the system of music? Does the difference in form between instruments affect the rhythmist strategy used? If so, how will it affect? How can a Western-based five-line system be better used to articulate this kind of music in a clear and precise way?


This study will be carried out mainly through memory and analysis. We will be recording improvising music and playing improvising music on Arab, Turkish and Persian classical music, on bows and on tubes.


The lack of analytical research on this type of music is due to the lack of theoretical tools, and in particular to the lack of a suitable recipe to assist researchers in properly documenting the perceived rhythms in the books. As part of this study, the second objective is to design a system of memory based on a five-dimensional Western model that can easily be understood by musicians and musicians who have been trained in Western traditions, but also to capture the fine-temporal operation that has so far not been studied. The system will contribute to the analysis of different types of free rhythms around the world (not limited to the two traditions studied) and will also provide useful tools for educators and composers to create new works.



entry number: UGC/FDS11/E02/22
entry name: Tu-based
lead researcher: Dr.



聚類是數據分析中的一項基本任務,它可以將一組樣本劃分為很多同質組。在過去的幾年裡,由於算法的高效性和簡單性,基於圖的聚類算法變得非常流行並在各種應用中得到廣泛應用。具體來說,基於圖的聚類只需要將樣本成對相似度矩陣(又名圖) 作為輸入並對該矩陣執行譜分解便可以生成聚類結果。儘管基於圖的聚類算法很受歡迎,但仍然存在一些基本問題,這極大地影響了它的性能。

Clusters are a basic task in the data analysis, which can divide a sample into many homogenous groups. Over the past few years, because of the efficiency and simplicity of the algorithms, the aggregations based on the graphs have become very popular and have been used for a wide range of applications. In particular, the clusters based on the graphs simply need to form the samples into a matrix of similarities (also known as maps) that can produce a condensed result as input and decomposition of the matrix. While the aggregations based on the graphs are popular, some basic problems remain, which affect their performance.


In the first place, the properties of the aggregation algorithms are highly dependent on the quality of similar matrix inputs. So how to construct a high-quality matrix that best captures the underlying structure of the data is central to this approach. In addition, graphic learning is a popular subject in the signal processing domain. However, it is a challenging task. Traditional methods usually use templates of Euros and miles to create a similar matrix, but the matrix is very sensitive to noise and often has a relatively high level of calculation complexity. In addition, there are some useful aids in the process that can provide valuable information for upgrading the concentration base, such as the monitoring information that is available, which may be ignored or underutilized to some extent.


Second, the traditional method of clustering based on maps uses linear models for clustering data, but in practice data are not necessarily located in multiple linear subspaces, which may have an impact on the performance of aggregation algorithms based on maps. This makes aggregation algorithms based only on linear models unreliable. Moreover, inspired by the ability of non-linear system modelling expressed by a strong framework for in-depth learning, we will develop a new deep neural network structure to learn the nonlineal mapping of data to better adapt to spatial clusters.


Based on the foundation of our solid research and the initial tests that we have already done, our research will provide a more efficient and effective aggregation algorithm for large-scale data sets. Clustering is a basic and universal problem, involving many subjects, including low-resolution matrix/mass proximity, low-maintenance embedding, semi-supervised learning, noise estimation, in-depth learning, etc. Moreover, the high-quality maps constructed can be used in a wide range of tasks in data analysis, not just in clusters. We believe that scientific findings obtained through three years of research under the project will continue to stimulate the development of multiple research domains and can be widely applied to many applications in the real world.



entry number: UGC/FDS11/E03/22
entry name: Chinese book-law animation generation system based on deep-drawn-drawn-painted and track-reading
Principal Researcher: Dr. Li Shen Ting




Book law is a very popular form of visual art that displays good writing, especially in the East Asian region. However, book writing requires more sophisticated writing and pen pressure control, so book law lovers often write at a newly learned stage. As a result, animations showing the track and dynamics of book writing are often of great help to law starters. In addition, book-writing animation videos are often used in different digital media, such as movies, television, animations and advertisements, as a visual art form that attracts more attention to the eye. While there are some existing graphics that can assist in the production of graphics in book-writing, users still need to develop their own book-writing process, as well as in every book-writing process, and in every book that is written directly and dynamic.


The auto-generated system of a book-book animation should consist of three parts: first, a book-book image may be written in a single pen or personal style, so the structure of a book-written text may be different from that which is commonly used. Even if it is already clear from the normal to the next book-writing sequence, different books may be written differently. It is therefore not feasible to compose a book-writing process in a hard copy of a book-writing. The book-writing tradition in Chinese and popular Chinese is not the same, so Chinese has to start from the left to the right and from the bottom to the right.


Although the proposed book-based animation system has important uses in education, entertainment, and engineering, there are methods that still fail to solve all of the problems raised above. There is often a way to focus only on some parts of the automatic system, such as pen-separation, which are based on known default animations. In the absence of a book-based animation, the existing paper-separation methods are usually limited to low-resolution textual text, so that the splits are often too low-resolution to be directly applied to animation. Moreover, the existing paper-separation methods are usually designed to train particular styles, and even minor text-changes are easily wrong.


In this project, we have proposed a new book animation automatic generation system, which includes a new learning-based pen-separation module, a contour-based book-writing track and pen-pressure recognition module, and a learning-based pen-painting module. The core idea of the pen-separation module is an iterative pen-separation network that allows the network to adapt to different fonts and styles. The key to a writing-and-paint image module is that it is based on the schematic information gained in a precise sequence that draws on the pressure of the pen. The key to the graphic creation of the module is to learn, first and foremost, the order of the writing of the text in the adapted book image, and the writing of each book-writing, and then, depending on the text-writing process and the flow of the text-in-sitution.


In the process of developing an auto-generated system of book animation, the results of research, such as publications and algorithms, can directly benefit relevant research institutions and industries. The research project will also provide valuable opportunities to train teachers and students in artificial intelligence and digital entertainment techniques.



entry number: UGC/FDS25/E06/22
entry name: Static wire method for the production of recombinant polystyrene nanofilms and filtering of floating particles
Chief Researcher: Dr. Yoo Yoo-hyeon (High School)



聚羥基鏈烷酸酯(PHA)由於其固有的生物降解性和生物相容性而成為有前途的聚合物之一。然而,高昂的生產成本極大地限制了它們的應用。眾所周知,原材料成本是 PHA 生產成本的主要部分。因此,該項目將使用廢水處理過程中產生的廉價活性污泥作為 PHA 原料的主要來源,以替代昂貴的商業碳源,從而顯著降低整體生產成本。

PHAs become one of the promising polymers because of their inherent biodegradation and biocompatibility. However, high production costs limit their applications. The cost of raw materials is known to be a major part of PHA production costs. Thus, the project uses the low-cost active sludge generated in the waste water treatment process as the main source of PHA raw materials to replace expensive commercial carbon sources and to significantly reduce overall production costs.

在現代社會,交通、製造業和建築業造成的空氣污染已成為突出的全球環境和健康問題。由於粉塵和顆粒物不斷釋放到大氣中,各種類型的空氣過濾技術得到了研究和開發。通過使用電紡可生物降解聚合物纖維作為膜過濾器結構的組成部分,這是生產可生物降解空氣過濾器以攔截顆粒物、揮發性有機化合物 (VOC) 或有害微生物的新步驟和有前途的解決方案。電紡可生物降解聚合物納米纖維也因其明確的多孔結構、高比表面積、可控的纖維直徑和相互連接的納米級孔結構而成為生產空氣過濾材料的多功能平臺。以及它們在納米尺度上結合表面化學的能力。可生物降解的PHAs基材料製備的靜電紡絲納米纖維膜因其對可持續發展的高需求而備受關注,其產品高度符合綠色化學。用於空氣過濾的靜電紡絲納米纖維膜引起了很多關注,包括靜電紡絲的預處理以及與產生所需過濾性能相關的操作參數。儘管存在一些先進的電紡空氣過濾納米纖維膜用於處理生活環境中的各類污染物,但使用 PHAs 作為膜材料的研究有限,仍存在不足。

In the modern world, air pollution from transportation, manufacturing, and construction has become a prominent global environmental and health problem. As dust and particles continue to be released into the atmosphere, various types of air filter technologies have been studied and developed. By using electromechanical degradable polymers as a component of a filter, it is a multifunctional platform of air filters that produce biodegradable air filters to intercept particles, volatilized organic compounds (VOC) or harmful micro-organisms, and a promising solution.

該項目的重點是開發和測試基於靜電紡絲 PHA 的過濾膜,用於空氣過濾和淨化。 PHAs 特性將被優化以適應靜電紡絲過程控制。商業 PHA 材料將用於確定 HB:HV 的最佳比例。將採用可生物降解的改性方法合成所需用途的 PHA。在初步研究中,成功地收集了電紡膜樣品,施加電壓為 12 kV,溶液流速為 1 mL hr-1,PHB 濃度為 14 wt。 %。為了改善電紡納米纖維膜作為高效空氣過濾器的結構和物理性能,主要重點是用可生物降解的增塑劑對 PHB 膜性能進行改性,用於空氣過濾。將研究靜電紡絲納米纖維膜結構對過濾性能的影響。還將研究生物降解性。

The main focus of the project is the development and testing of filters based on electrostatic wires PHA. PHAs properties will be refined to adapt to electrostatic wire control. The commercial PHA material will be used to determine the optimal proportion of HB:HVs. PHAs will be used to synthesize applications using biodegradable modified methods. In the initial study, 12 kVs have been collected, soluble fluids are 1 mL -1 /sup>, and PHBs are 14 wt. To improve the composition and physical performance of electron nanometers as high-efficiency air filters, the main focus will be on the adaptation of PHB membranes with biodegradable plastics, which will be used for space evaporation.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/H04/22
entry name: Designed science: theory and applications
Principal researcher: Dr. Roanten (Matrical Studies)




In Hong Kong, we also face complex and intractable problems, such as population ageing and land scarcity. In this new era, in order to bring Hong Kong and the world forward, we need to educate and nurture a new generation of people.

為了解決複雜的問題,一種具彈性及創意的解難思維是不可或缺的。設計思維便是這樣的一種解難思維。設計思維被稱為二十一世紀人類必需掌握的三種思維之一(另外兩種包括系統思維及團隊思維)(Rotherham & Willingham, 2009)。根據史丹福大學設計學院的定義 (2010),設計思維可以分作五個認知上的過程。這五個認知過程包括︰同理心 (能以同理心去瞭解別人的需求),定義 (能準確定義問題核心所在及認清使用者的需要),設想(能根據使用者的需要靈活地想出很多解決問題的方案),制作解決方案的原型 (能以各種方法去展示解決問題的方法去令人明白自己的想法,例如以視覺模型的方式),及測試(能不斷測試解決方案的成效以作改進)。

In order to solve complex problems, a dynamic and creative solution is indispensable. Design thinking is one of these. Design thinking is called one of the three things humanity needs to have in the 21st century (the other two, including system thinking and team thinking) (Rotherham & Willingham, 2009). According to the definition of the Stanford School of Design (2010), the design thinking can be divided into five cognitive processes. These five understandings include: congeniality (which can understand the needs of others in harmony), definition (which can define the core of the problem and identify the needs of users), design solutions (which allow users to think about many solutions in the light of their needs) and develop original solutions (which can demonstrate ways to solve the problem in different ways, for example, by looking at models), and testing (which can test the effectiveness of the solution for change).

在現今研究領域中,設計思維一般被當成一種工具去解決各種研究上或生活上的問題。例如運用設計思維去改善正向心理學介入方法的成效(Yeager et al., 2016),改善樓字能源運用效能(Tushar et al., 2020)等。現今研究設計思維的學術研究大多停留在概念上(McLaughlin et al., 2019),以科學方法對設計思維作定量研究的學術文章少之又少,以致設計思維的定量研究在學術界仍處於萌芽階段 (Tsai & Wang, 2021)。我們都知道設計思維的用處,但我們卻不清楚其背後的科學機制。

In the current field of research, design is generally used as a tool to solve various research or life-related problems. For example, design thinking improves the effectiveness of current methods of psychological intervention (Yeager et al., 2016) and the efficiency of typographical energy use (Tushar et al., 2020). We all know the use of design science (McLaughlin et al., 2019), but we don’t know the science behind it.


In order to understand design in a scientific way, the plan’s research team has two main objectives. First, to use quantitative and qualitative research methods to build theoretical models of design thinking, especially about the psychological characteristics of designers; and, second, to create a major data base for designing solutions to difficult cases, a large data base that is important for future design thinking education and research. The research team will find that it is published in an international peer-reviewed journal. We will still share our findings with our colleagues and students through our research fairs.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/H18/22
entry name: Central Chinese language as a type of speciality for the linguistic region
Principal Researcher: Dr. Lu Wen (Major and university)



根據《中國語言地圖集》(第二版)(2012),漢語由十大「方言」組成,包括官話、晋語、吳語、徽語、贛語、湘語、閩語、客家話、粵語和平話。其中某些方言較其他方言共享更多的語法特點,因此有學者提出了漢語「分區」的概念。Hashimoto (1976, 1986)提出漢語可以秦嶺淮河為界,分為北方和南方漢語。北方漢語如北京話,聲調數量較少,多音節詞比例高,被動句由「讓」類字標記; 而南方漢語如粵語則含較多聲調,單音節詞比例高,被動句由「給」類字標記。Norman(1988)在 Hashimoto(1976)的劃分基礎上新增了一個「過渡區域漢語」,時有北方漢語的特徵,時有南方漢語的特徵。除了北方漢語和南方漢語的特徵, Chappell(2015)發現了一些過渡區漢語特有的區域特徵,並由此將漢語劃分為五個區域。而其後Szeto(2019) 基於南北漢語的特點對 213 個中國方言進行量性研究,將其劃分為四個區域。

According to the Chinese Language Atlas (second edition) (2012), the Han language is made up of ten major dialects, including official, Mandarin, Wu, Insignia, Yien, Yien, Yien, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xin, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, X, Xen, X, Xen, X, Xen, Xen, X, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, X, Xen, Xen, Xen, Xen, X, X, X, X, X, Xen, Xen, Xen, X, X, X, X


Although there have been significant developments in the Chinese dialect in the past, there has been little research in the Transfrontier Chinese language to date, and it can be mentioned as a bordering feature and a regional feature of the subservient Han language in this area. This may be due to the weak foundation of the Transfrontier Han language itself, which is not well-defined in its lingua franca, especially in its emblem.

基於文獻及對其中一種「過渡區域漢語」屯溪話的先導性描寫,本研究羅列出 18 種「過渡性」特徵和四種本區域獨有特徵作為研究參數。本計劃作為首次聚焦中部「過渡區域漢語」的研究,將對吳語、徽語、贛語、湘語、江淮官話以及西南官話的上述語法特徵展開調查。具體而言,本研究計劃選取15種代表性「過渡區域漢語」,研究其是否具備 18 種「過渡性」特徵和四種本區域獨有特徵。本研究旨在:

This project, which is the first to focus on the Chinese language in the central border crossing area, will investigate the above-mentioned syntax specialities in the Uo language, the sign language, the Xin language, the Jiang Xiao language, and the southwest official language. In particular, the study will select 15 representative "Hanese language" in the border crossing area, with a view to developing 18 "Men language" features and four regional unique features.

(i) 調查過渡性特徵及區域特有特徵在中國中部漢語的類型學分布,及;

(i) To investigate the distribution of transvestites and regional features in the Chinese language in central China; and

(ii) 揭示這兩類特徵對於中國中部「過渡區域漢語」分區的意義,及;

(ii) To reveal the significance of these two characteristics for the Chinese-speaking sub-region of Central China, and

(iii) 評估是否可確立中國中部「過渡區域漢語」這一語言區域

(iii) Assess whether it is possible to establish the Chinese language of the crossing area in central China


In conclusion, the project aims to reveal the "overflight" and unique features of the "overseas" Chinese language in central China, where research is available, and to enhance the understanding and description of this "overland Han" language between the languages of northern China, such as Beijing, and southern languages, such as Mandarin.



entry number: UGC/FDS13/E03/22
entry name: Anticipated application of artificial intelligence techniques to river sediment state in aquatic environments
Principal Researcher: Dr. Luang Hae




According to the Civil Engineering Development Agency, a large proportion of Hong Kong’s land is a special area outside the suburban park and suburban park. However, as a result of the loss of people in rural areas as a result of urbanization, precious living and cultural resources have been reduced, and even some remote rural communities have been left behind. Therefore, the Hong Kong government and some non-governmental organizations have started to work together to promote rural resilience.


In a similar project, we will set up a collusive system to monitor and evaluate the aquatic situation in Hong Kong’s silhouette basin. First, we will create a collusive database of atmospheric data, including atmospheric pressure, temperature, direction, wind charge, etc., and precipitation, precipitation, river water levels, etc.; the database will also include high-resolution data on sediment levels in the river system collected in previous studies. Second, we will use artificial intelligence (AI) technology models to predict the movement of sediments in the river, while the degradation of sediments in the water system is an important indicator of the water intensity of the river system; and finally, we will build a smart water safety alert platform to provide short-term predictions of the state of the local water system. The platform will measure the impact of human activity (e.g. land-use planning, construction of artificial channels) on water quality.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/E04/22
entry name: Study to reduce aircraft maintenance delays by combining route and maintenance, modem maintenance and hangar storage of aircraft parts
Principal Researcher: Dr. Makeleen (Singer)



飛機維修路線問題 (AMRP) 是為了優化及提高飛機利用率和航班時間表的可靠性下去編制一組航線以覆蓋航空公司的飛行網絡。特別是飛機必須嚴格遵守民航部門規定的飛機規定,其中以最長飛行小時為優先。通常,飛機必須每 400-600 個飛行小時執行一次 A 檢查(A-check)。然而,由於 A 檢查所需的時間長達2到4 週,一般會導致飛機的利用率減至很低。因此,許多航空公司已將傳統的 A-check 重新打包成許多較短(小)的檢查,並在正常飛行操作期間在航班之間將其執行。因此,按時完成在維修站執行的檢查變得至關重要,因為在這方法下,允許的維修時間比傳統方法要短得多。因此,維修延誤很容易打亂航班時間表。在我們之前完成的 FDS 項目中,我們開發了一種機器學習算法來預測維護任務所需的維護時間,並估算了 AMRP 優化的相應延遲風險。結果顯示,航班時間表的可靠性提高了。此外,在分析維修歷史數據時,我們發現由於飛機維修需求與人力調度並不配合,很容易因為維修站人手不足而導致維修延誤頻頻發生。此外,我們也發現維修延誤可能是由於更換所需的部件短缺所造成的。然而,在現有的研究中,AMRP 沒有考慮維修站的人力可用性、組件可用性和勞動力調度。因此,我們建議在考慮組件更換可用性問題的情況下研究包括 AMRP 和勞動力調度問題的綜合問題。

We usually have to perform an A-check every 400-600 flying hours. However, as a result of the length of time required for A-checking and the reliability of aircraft utilization and flight schedules, the utilization of the aircraft is generally reduced to a very low level. As a result, many airlines have repackaged their traditional A-checks into short-term (small) inspections, with priority given to the longest flight hours. As a result, we have to perform an A-check for every 400-600 flight hours. We have to perform an A-check for every 400-600 flight hours.


項目名稱:香港衛生及消毒產品的抗菌成分 - 氯二甲酚的污水分析研究

entry number: UGC/FDS17/P01/22
entry name: antibacterial ingredient of health and disinfection products in Hong Kong - sewage analysis study of chlorodichlorodichlorophenol
Principal Researcher: Miss McNurley (East China)



氯二甲酚,一個鹵代酚類化合物,是經常用於抗菌洗手液和家用消毒劑的抗菌成分。在2020 年首次評估氯二甲酚可有效滅活2019 年冠狀病毒病(COVID-19)的 SARS-CoV-2 病毒後,人類的習慣和生活方式發生了變化,導致全球對抗菌洗手液和家庭衛生消毒劑的需求激增,尤其品牌如滴露、威露士和Ariel,因為主要抗菌成分是氯二甲酚。另外,在家庭、商業、醫院和工業環境中更頻繁地使用消毒產品亦增加了氯二甲酚流到排水管下,並通過污水系統輸送到污水處理廠。其後,氯二甲酚會釋放到水生生態系統並對人類和水生動物構成毒理學威脅,例如虹鱒魚的基因改變和組織學病變。因為污水處理廠可以減少氯二甲酚流到支持生物和供應飲用水的河流和水庫,污水處理廠在環境中氯二甲酚的出現和生態方面發揮著關鍵的作用。在 2019冠狀病毒病之前,一些國家(如英國和美國)在水生環境中的氯二甲酚含量為 ng/L 至 μg/L 水平。然而,自2019冠狀病毒病開始以來,氯二甲酚的分佈和水平從沒有研究過。由於香港是世界上人口密度最高的城市之一,以及一個大量使用滴露和威露士的抗菌洗手液和家用消毒劑的城市,在2019冠狀病毒病期間,可以預計到污水處理廠入口處和出口處的污水樣本中氯二甲酚的含量一定比以前更高。由於環境保護署實施的例行河水水質監測計劃不篩查氯二甲酚,因此分析香港的污水處理廠如何有效地消除二氯苯酚,並了解氯二甲酚在河流和小溪中的局部分佈是必需的。然而,香港並沒有進行此類研究。

The transformation of human habits and lifestyles has led to a surge in global demand for anti-bacterial detergents and household sterilizers, especially brands such as delta, Virus and Ariel, since the main antibacterial components are chlorinated naphthalenes. The use of chlorinated naphthalenes in domestic, commercial, hospital and industrial environments has been evaluated in 2020 to effectively eliminate the 2019 coronary virus (COVID-19) virus. Human habits and lifestyles have changed, leading to an increase in global demand for antibacterial sterilizers and household sterilizers, especially brands such as delta, Virus and Ariel, as the main antibacterial components are chlorinated chlorodiphenol.

項目將在兩個污水處理廠(昂船洲和沙田)的入口處和出口處採樣,量化污水中的氯二甲酚。調查會於雨季和旱季進行,並計算每個污水處理廠消除氯二甲酚的效率和評估出口處的污水對水生生態系統的潛在生態風險。結果有助了解季節對污水樣本中氯二甲酚的影響。兩條河流的污水樣本亦會收集,以確定氯二甲酚的分佈和生態風險。項目將是第一個在香港進行,並於2019 年冠狀病毒病期間針對氯二甲酚的研究。結果將有助於創建一個重要的知識庫,幫助衛生和環境當局戰略性地規劃政策,系統地評估污水處理廠消除氯二甲酚的效率,並為社區環境計劃制定措施以防止這種有害物質進入環境,從而保護公眾健康和安全。

The project will be carried out during the rainy and dry seasons, and will calculate the efficiency of the removal of chlorinated chlorinated naphthalenes from each sewage treatment plant and evaluate the potential risks to the aquatic system of sewage from the export site. The results will be useful in understanding the impact of the season on the sewage samples. The sewage samples of the two rivers will also be collected to determine the distribution and risks of life of chlorinated chlorinated naphthalenes. The project will be the first study in Hong Kong, and will be conducted in 2019, during the period of the coronary viral disease, to protect public health and safety from this harmful substance.


項目名稱:新型抗 PD 雜合體的設計和藥理學研究:通過協同作用於 GSK3β/MEF2D 和 MAO-B 的神經保護和病程改善作用

entry number: UGC/FDS25/M03/22
entry name: Design and pharmacological studies of new anti-PD complexes: neuro-protection and pathological improvement role of GSK3be/MEF2D and MAO-B
Principal Researcher: Dr. Mak Sung-hyun (Hoko Academy)



帕金森病 (PD) 已被列為全球第二常見的神經退行性疾病。 PD可能導致患者出現嚴重運動功能障礙。由於 PD 是多因素的神經退行性疾病,目前可用的藥物只能為病人緩解症狀。越來越多的證據表明,黑質中神經元細胞的退化可能是由多種遺傳/環境因素引起的。因此,「單一化合物-多靶點配體」策略可能會專注於開發治療 PD 的新型候選藥物。最近的研究還表明,糖原合酶激酶-3β(GSK3β)/肌細胞增強因子2D(MEF2D)和單胺氧化酶-B(MAO-B)在老年癡呆(AD)的病理進展中起重要作用。因此,GSK3β、MEF2D 和/或 MAO-B 可能是預防和/或治療 PD 的關鍵藥物靶點。

Perkinson's disease (PD) has been classified as the second most common dementia in the world. The PD strategy may lead to severe motor impairments. Since the PD is a multifactorial dementia disease, currently available drugs are only a symptom of patient retardation. More and more evidence suggests that the degradation of neurons in black matter may be caused by a number of genetic/environmental factors. Thus, the `one compound-multi-target combination' strategy may focus on the development of new candidate drugs for treatment of PD. Recent research also suggests that syruptase-3-beta (GSK3b)/species growth factors of 2D (MEF2D) and monomer oxide-B (MAO-B) may play an important role in the development of the pathology of dementia (AD).

在之前的研究中,我們已經證明了 3-取代-2-吲哚酮類化合物,包括舒尼替尼類似物、靛玉紅-3-肟和鉤藤鹼,對多種與 PD 相關的神經毒素具有顯著的神經保護作用。潛在分子機制可能通過抑制 GSK3β 和/或 MAO-B 來調節 MEF2D 功能障礙。基於多功能策略,我們現在假設靶向 GSK3β/MEF2D 和 MAO-B 的多功能候選藥物可能為治療 PD 帶來新希望。通過使用配體和基於結構的虛擬篩選技術的順序組合,以及分子對接分析,我們設計了幾種虛擬雜交體,可以通過抑制 GSK3β 和 MAO-B 來開發多功能分子。令人鼓舞的是,其中一些候選藥物具有優秀的藥代動力學特性和低毒性。特別是,這些新型雜化物中的兩個,雜化二氫吲哚-2-單核(3-取代-2-二氫吲哚-酮化合物的藥效團,MEF2增強劑)和炔丙基(不可逆的MAO-B抑製劑,雷沙吉蘭的部分)已顯示出有希望分別對 GSK3β 和 MAO-B 有抑製作用。

In previous studies, we have demonstrated that 3-substitution of 2-tone compounds, including the Shunitoni analogues, the jade red-3-tung and the mao-B, have a remarkable neuroprotection effect on several types of neurotoxins associated with the PD. Potential molecular systems may be able to regulate MEF2D by suppressing GSK3-beta and/or MAO-B. Based on multifunctional strategies, we now assume that multiple-functional drug selection options for GSK3-beta/MEF2D and MAO-B may offer new hope for treatment of PD. Some of the candidates have superior drug administrative properties and low toxicity through the use of configurations and base-based virtual selection techniques, as well as analysis of molecules, and we have designed several virtual hybrid hybrids that can replace the GGSK3-M2-N2-N2-N2-N2-N3-N2-N2-N2-N2-N2-N3-N2-N3-N2-N3-N2-N2-M3-M3-N2-N2-N2-M3-N2-M3-M3-M3-N2-M3-M3-N2-M3-N2-N-N2-N2-M3-N2-M3-M3-N2-D.-M3-D-D-M3-M3-M3-M3-D-M3-M3-M3-M3-D-M3-N-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-M3-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D.-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-

本計劃的主要目的是合成和優化多功能雜合體,並系統研究 GSK3β/MEF2D 和 MAO-B 抑制性雜合體與 PD 相關的多種體外模型的神經保護作用和潛在機制。如果成功,我們將通過協同作用於多個靶點,開發具有改善疾病潛力的新一代抗 PD 線索。

The main objective of the project is to synthesize and refine multifunctional complexes and to systematically study the neuroprotection and potential mechanisms of the multiplicity of extraterrestrial models associated with the GSK3β/MEF2D and MAO-B suppression complexes and PD. If successful, we will develop a new generation of anti-PD links with improved disease potential through a combination of targets.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/M05/22
entry name: Chronic effects of metal/metal and water temperature increases on two types of economic fish




Fish are an important source of protein for coastal populations. In order to ensure safety, metals and metals in fish products and catches are monitored at a level that does not exceed the maximum permissible intensity. However, metal/types are still often detected in fish products and fish materials, and this problem may be compounded by changes in climate. As a warming organism, most fish will change their temperature according to environmental temperature. Fish are more sensitive to environmental pollutants in a warmer environment, as higher water temperatures increase their base-based rates of metabolism.

政府間氣候變化專門委員會預測,到 21 世紀末,地球表面溫度將比 1980-1990 年高出 3.79°C,而在 2022 年,觀察到的溫度已經上升約 0.7°C。雖然氣候變暖最初可能有利於水產養殖業,因為魚類在較高溫度下生長更快,該行業也將受到以下事件的負面影響:(1)較高水溫下飼料消耗增加可能導致更多魚類中的金屬/類金屬積累,導致超過允許限度的魚產品被拒收; (2) 即使按照現行標準,魚類中的金屬/類金屬的含量是安全的,但由於魚類在較高溫度下對金屬/類物質的敏感性較高,魚類可能會承受更大的壓力,從而導致更大的損耗; (3) 由於魚在較高溫度下會有較高代謝率,魚的能量消耗會隨之增加,加大飼料消耗和飼料成本。氣候變暖以及金屬/類金屬污染對養殖魚類的確切長期影響在很大程度上是未知的。因此,現時有迫切需要研究魚類對溫度升高的反應,研究溫度升高是否會影響魚類中金屬/類金屬的毒性和積累,並確定對消費者的潛在健康風險。

The Governmental Commission on Climate Change predicts that, by the end of the 21st century, the surface temperature of the Earth will be 3.79° higher than it was in 1980-1990; C, in 2022, the temperature observed has risen by about 0.7° C. Although warming may initially be beneficial to the aquaculture industry, as fish grow faster at higher temperatures, the industry will also be affected by events such as: (1) increased consumption of materials under higher water temperatures may result in higher consumption of gold/metals in more fish species, resulting in the rejection of over-alloyed fish products; and (2) even if, according to current standards, the content of gold/metals in fish would be safe, given the heightened sensitivity of fish to gold/types under higher temperatures, fish may be subject to greater pressure from the consumption of fish, leading to greater consumption of the consumption of gas from the same species; and (3) research on whether the consumption and consumption of fish/stellars will affect the consumption of fish at higher temperatures, and whether the consumption and consumption of the consumption of fish at higher temperatures will be associated with higher consumption and consumption.

本項目旨在研究膳食中金屬/類金屬和水溫升高對羅非魚和鯪魚的生長、生產力和免疫、生理和蛋白質組學反應、金屬/類金屬的積累以及經濟地食用這兩種物質的潛在健康風險的綜合慢性影響。尼羅羅非魚比鯪魚更耐熱。實驗將會控制魚缸溫度,並使用兩種魚進行兩個單獨的實驗。魚缸中的魚將暴露於兩種水溫範圍的組合(低溫範圍:從 24°C 逐漸升高到 30°C;高溫範圍:從 28°C 逐漸升高到 34°C)或固定溫度(30°C 或 34°C)和三種膳食金屬/類物質濃度(最大允許水平,比允許水平低 10 倍和未加標的 [控制飲食]),每個實驗為期 6 個月。這些實驗條件將模擬全球變暖和魚飼料中可能的金屬/類金屬含量。面臨不斷變化的環境帶來的挑戰,項目成果將對水產養殖業、政府部門和魚飼料生產商帶來助益。項目成果亦會轉化為教材和公共研討會。

The objective of this project is to study the chronic effects of the potential health risks associated with the rise in metal/metals and water temperatures in the diet. The experiment will control the temperature of the fish tank and use two species of fish for two separate experiments. Fish in the tank will be exposed to the combination of water temperature levels (low range: 24 #176; C is rising to 30 #176; C; high temperature range: 28 #176; C is rising to 34 #176; C) or fixed temperature (30 #176; C or 34 #176; C) and three dietary gold/types will be used to produce the most acceptable level, which will be less than the acceptable level of 28 #176; C is increasing to 34 #176; C) and the non-consumption of gold from the market, which will be used as a source of fuel for the global consumption and consumption of water.



entry number: UGC/FDS15/H09/22
entry name: Study on Good Strategies for Assisting Mentally Handicapped Young People to Access Adult Business Services
Principal Researcher: Dr. Wu Wanjian (Rin)



在香港,有輕度至中度智障的特殊學校離校生正在等待過渡到畢業後的工作安排。雖然香港政府一直資助特殊學校和社會服務機構,為智障人士提供畢業過渡期支援,但仍缺乏適切的無縫過渡。國際研究發現,智障離校生及其家庭照顧者普遍面臨的問題包括:離校後安置等待時間長、父母較少參與過渡計劃、學校、家庭和社會服務系統之間缺乏合作。因此,特殊學校和社會服務機構可以為智障離校生及其家庭照顧者提供不同類型的過渡策略,從生態系統的角度提高個人、家庭、學校和社會層面的過渡期支援。過渡期支援策略可以描述為促進過渡期間的跨專業合作,機構間建立夥伴關係,或改進可能影響過渡期支援的方法。本研究目標包括(1) 促進智障準離校生及其家庭照顧者,在離校前後之過渡期安排;(2) 探討現時特殊學校普遍採用的過渡期支援策略;(3) 研究過渡期支援策略、智障生及照顧者的心理健康和生活質量之間的關係;(4) 為建立優質過渡期支援策略作出建議。本研究將採用混合方法,通過質性和量性研究方法以收集數據。研究流程為先以訪談形式了解智障生及其家庭照顧者在過渡期間遇到的問題,以及特殊學校普遍採用之過渡期支援策略。其後,訪談資料將用於設計過渡期支援策略的問卷。隨後進行問卷調查,以了解過渡期支援策略、父母壓力、生活質量和心理健康等變項之間的關係。研究最終會探索優質過渡期支援策略的組成方法以及促進優質過渡期支援的因素。

In Hong Kong, special schools with low-to-moderate mental disabilities are waiting to pass through their post-graduate work arrangements. Thus, special schools and social services can support special schools and social services, providing support for those with mental disabilities with different types of transition strategies, improving personal, family, school, and social support from the point of view of the system, understanding the transit arrangements.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/H18/22
entry name: "Senses and emotions of life: exploring the coexistence of humans and animals in contemporary environmental literature"
Principal Researcher: Dr. Oh Dae-gion (Major)




Based on recent developments in animal research, biocriticism, and environmental literature, the project focuses on "animal issues" in contemporary critiques and on the theory of the interdependence between humans and animals as a framework for theory. As an element of the Earth's living system, humans are not as superior as other creatures, because all life forms of knowledge of the nature of the nature of the nature, and humans and other beings have an indistinguishable relationship to the nature of the culture. The idea of the nature and culture of nature is supported by the concept of the theory of the nature and the interdependence of the human and animal.


The Plan has the following four objectives: (i) to explore the physicalization and multi-material disturbance of contemporary novels and non-fiction environmental literatures, on the basis of which they are based, and to discuss how these works can express the "living beauty" of human beings living together through the display of sexual language; (ii) to study the relationship between human animal coexistence and natural healing in biopsychology, as illustrated by contemporary novels and non-native environmental literature, in order to explain the emotional orientation of "the aesthetics of life" to include the return and interdependence of humans to nature; (iii) to explore how natural writing can present the conservation method of wildness, and to discuss the significance of natural writings on the topic of wildness, which can be seen as an exemplifying act of human participation in nature's creativity; and (iv) to promote to the general public an understanding of life and the creation of an identity in life culture, through both academic and literary discourses.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/P04/22
entry name: mixed composition analysis of multi-view point multi-dimensional time series
Principal researcher: Dr. Oh (Hong Da)




For example, air pollution data may contain 15 metrics per hour over five years, covering 1,000 cities. Policymakers in the economy, environmental protection, and agriculture fields are interested in identifying some of the source areas, representing a few of the hidden factors that can affect all regions widely. The impact of these hidden factors is long, and an analysis of their evolution can lead to indicators that help industry and the academic community.


The objective of this study is to develop new statistical models and methods to extract information on these hidden factors from multiple site multi-time series data. To solve this problem, we have introduced a mix of analyses and potential diocles. In the past, researchers have been using these methods in community genetic and text- excavating studies. For the first time, the study has applied these ideas to multiple sites for multiple time series analysis. We use the idea of mixed components in the new model to describe so-called hidden factors. With extra time components, we can further decipher the time when hidden factors appear and disappear.


The objective is two. First, to develop a number of calculation methods and computer software, using the models presented for estimation and analysis. The results will be presented in a sorted colour map. Second, to create a new statistical theory to explain the increase or decrease in the number of hidden factors and their statistical properties with the changes in location and time.


Research results will be widely applied to different important domains in the future. Large-scale geometric data collected through remote sensing technology will help to construct a living protection information system that allows specialists to monitor changes in hazard factors in the ecosystem.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/H08/22
entry name: gamesization or virtual reality or compatibility between the two?




As a result of the 2019 new coronary virus pandemic, environmental protection has been a matter of self-serving concern for the environment and society. Environmental protection practices are even minor and routine, and therefore conservation practices are key to achieving a more sustainable future for young people. To date, research on what constitutes participation in environmental protection is less important, especially for young people.


With the development of new technologies, immersion techniques and virtual landscapes have become popular and accepted by the public. Moreover, new games (i.e., games-based applications) encourage individuals, especially young people, to engage in an act, such as online shopping, learning to act and pro-social behavior.

按照這一思路,本研究旨在通過三個實驗研究來考察青少年的感知價值和環境保護行為意向之間的關係,從而填補研究缺口。研究一會探討遊戲化是否影響到環境保護行為的感知重要性和環境保護行為的意向。研究二探討青少年對執行環境保護行為的感知價值,信念和規範與沉浸式虛擬實景互相影響之間的關係。研究三採用縱向方法(T1和T2) 探討遊戲化和虛擬實景對 (1) 青少年對環境保護行為的意向 (2) 習慣和 (3) 環境保護行為的持續意向。

Along these lines, the study aims to examine, through three experimental studies, the relationship between the perceived value of young people and the intent to protect the environment, and to fill the research gap. A study will examine whether gameization affects the perceived importance of environmental protection and the intent to protect the environment.


The study will contribute to theory and practice. First, it will contribute to environmental protectionism and sustainability by examining the applications of gamesification and leaching techniques to attract young people to environmental protection practices. Second, it will help governments and their related institutions to recognize environmental protection as important. Instead, policymakers can design better market strategies to promote greenness, environmental protection and sustainability. Finally, it will help schools to design appropriate games and activities that encourage young people to continue environmental protection and environmental conservation.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/P05/22
entry name: Wide belief reasoning and model selection for self-recycling time series multi-point testing
Principal Researcher: Dr. Oh Wei Liang (Sung)




During the last decades, point analysis in the time series has received wide attention in various scientific domains, such as financial economy, genetics, environmental studies, astronomy, and engineering. It allows researchers to divide the non-stable time series into near-stable segments, which can then be analysed using smooth models. In the present variable analysis, many studies have typically dealt with change point analysis using frequency-based methods, in which the prognostic properties of the change estimates are dependent on the movement of both sides of the equation. Another popular approach is that of the Beyets, where the point of change is based on pre-testing.

當我們將分段平穩的自回歸時間序列模型轉換為特定的線性形式時,檢測可能變點位置的問題可以轉化為識別回歸係數向量的非零項,從而進行多個變點檢測可以被視為模型選擇問題。具有不同非零係數條目的模型對應具有不同變點的模型,並評估每個模型的廣義信念概率以選擇最可能的變點。此外,可以為每個變點構建一個廣義信念類型置信區間集。我們將開發和實現一個改進的組 LASSO,以解決由於巨大的參數空間而導致的計算複雜性問題。以及將研究和建立所提出方法在一般條件下的漸近特性。最後將進行廣泛的模擬結果和真實數據示例以說明其有限樣本時的表現。

When we convert the stable self-return time series model into a specific linear form, the question of the location of a possible variable can be turned into a non-zero-sum identification of a variable, from which multiple variants can be seen as a model selection problem. Models with different non-zero-factor objectives correspond to models with different variations, and evaluate the broad-based belief probability of each model to select the most likely change. In addition, a broad-based belief-type inter-centre for each variable can be constructed. We will develop and implement a modified set of LASSOs to address the complex computational problems caused by huge parameters.


In this proposal, we plan to proceed as follows.


1. (A broad belief model selection method for multi-point estimations) will develop a broad-based belief model selection method that will be used to detect multiple variables in a time-series model from which the structure breaks from the time-sequence model. Each possible variable model will be evaluated for the probability of broad-based belief, with a view to selecting the most likely variation, as well as the development of a broad-based belief-based trust-space set for each variable.

2.(用於高效計算的改進組 LASSO 方法)將針對結構斷裂自回歸時間序列模型開發特定變換線性形式的改進組 LASSO。改進的組 LASSO 方法的目的是在執行廣義信念模型選擇之前選擇一組潛在的變點,這可以大大減少由於大量可能的變點模型而導致的計算負擔。

The objective of the modified LASSO method is to select a group of potential variables prior to the implementation of the broad-based belief model selection, which can significantly reduce the calculation burden caused by the large number of possible variable models.

3.(變點估計的漸近理論和廣義信念型置信區間集) 研究廣義信念模型選擇的多個變點估計的漸近行為。廣義信念類型置信區間集的頻率論意義上的漸近精確性也將在一般條件下進行研究。

3. (A collection of incremental theories and broad-based belief-based confidence-sharing areas estimated) Research on the proximate behavior of multiple variations in the selection of broad-based belief models.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/H15/22
entry name: Hong Kong elders' experience of inter-country ageing and family life
Principal Researcher: Dr. Ballet (Singer)




Since the 1990s, studies have been carried out to examine the migration situation, particularly the return of former Hong Kong residents to Western countries. While these studies have clearly pointed out that immigration decisions are closely related to individual life horizons, there is little discussion of the post-immigration migration history of immigrants from the West, especially their experiences in different places/countrys after they have passed away. Indeed, whether academics or policymakers seem to have ignored the experience of early migration in terms of inter-national ageing.


In fact, research in the past rarely brings together ageing and immigrants. Researchers in family life across the country often focus only on young or middle-aged immigrants, and explore how they can communicate with their families and friends after leaving Hong Kong.


The aim of the study is precisely to break through these blind spots, to explore the relationship between ageing and immigrants, and its impact on elders and society. Our study is mainly about the experience of people over 60 years of age, who are born in Hong Kong, but who have emigrated or have returned. The main theme of our study is: are seniors with experience of living across borders whose later years are not confined to a country? How will they organize and adapt to old age? Through qualitative research methods, we will learn more about how these elders consider their place of residence; how they build networks of care when their families are dispersed in different countries; and how they use the medical services offered by different societies.


We expect this new vision to be rich in understanding across Chinese families through the collection of parenting experiences of Hong Kong-based and expatriate elders. We also expect that the results of the study will help the public and the government to gain a better understanding of the current Hong Kong family system, the labour market, policies for the elderly and health-care services, and to develop more effective services for the elderly.



entry number: UGC/FDS11/E05/22
entry name: Hyperresolution depth learning for small and incomplete maps
Principal Researcher: Professor Xiao Yunji (Mingy)



如今,低分辨率圖像給我們的印象是過時、低科技、風格拙劣、且具有不確定性的。在圖像被用於廣告、監控、醫療診斷以及目標識別時圖像低分辨率這一問題會尤其明顯。低質量的人臉圖像甚至可能會降低一個人的美感和信心。為了緩解這一問題,我們可以通過超分辨率技術將這些圖像的分辨率變得更高。圖像超分辨率(SR)通常是指通過上採樣、去模糊、去噪聲來提高單幅低分辨率(LR)圖像的分辨率,從而生成高分辨率(HR)圖像應具有圖像的自然特征,例如清晰的邊緣線和豐富的紋理。這項研究是關於小圖像,甚至是不完整圖像的大倍率人臉超分辨率的研究。在這項工作中,不完整圖像指的是圖像太小,以至模糊不清,部分細節可能丟失。這是一個非常困難的不適定問題,比如在 16 倍超分辨率甚至更高倍數的情況下,必須從非常有限的信息中推斷出大量的未知像素。

Now, low-resolution images give us the impression that they are outdated, low-tech, poor-sound, and uncertain. The problem is particularly evident when images are used for advertising, surveillance, medical diagnostics, and low-resolution targeting. Low-quality human faces may even reduce a person’s sense of beauty and confidence. To ease this problem, we can use ultra-resolution technology to make them more resolution. In this exercise, incomplete images are usually used to raise the resolution of low-resolution (LR) images by ups and downs and downs and noises, and to produce high-resolution (HR) images with the natural characteristics of images, such as a clear edge line and a very large print.


We propose a multi-face super-resolution approach, not only because we have extensive experience in human face recognition and regular face over-resolution, but also because it is a broad need to magnify and elevate the human face to a good quality that makes it easier for viewers to appreciate the good quality. We stress that our research results are useful for many practical applications, such as online teaching_video conferences, remote medical diagnostics, remote operation surveillance, computational photography, video monitoring, multi-media entertainment, and meta-cosm anomalies.

我們在數字信號處理,圖像和視頻技術、模式識別、機器學習和深度學習方面有很強的科研背景,因此特別適合這項研究。我們開始提出一種創新且有效的深度學習結構和反投影框架並應用於人臉圖像的超分辨率任務。深度學習中的一些新技術,包括隱空間邊緣信息提取,反投影策略,針對 StyleGAN 生成高分辨率人臉圖像的恰當安排,用於全局結構信息提取的注意力機制等,將會被用於我們創新算法的安排與設計。以下是本研究的一些要點。

We have a strong scientific background in digital signal processing, image and video technology, mode recognition, machine learning and in-depth learning, and are therefore particularly suitable for this research. We have started to propose a new and effective in-depth learning architecture and anti-projecting framework that should be applied to human face images. Some of the new techniques in in-depth learning, including information extraction from hidden spaces, anti-projecting strategies, appropriate arrangements for making high-resolution human face imagery from StyleGan, and a focus system for global structure information extraction, will be used to structure and design new algorithms. The following are some of the highlights of this study.

(i) 首先,我們的研究是將 64x64 的人臉圖像用超分辨率成為 1024x1024 的圖像。

(i) First of all, our research is to make the 64x64 human face image super-resolution image 1024x1024.

(ii) 邊緣質量對圖像很重要,因此我們在從原始的 LR 圖像中提取的邊緣圖像的協助下,構建了隱向量的結構。

(ii) The edge mass is important for the image, so we construct the structure of the hidden vector with the help of the edge image extracted from the original LR image.

(iii) 預訓練的 StyleGAN 能夠生成清晰的圖像。在邊緣圖像的指導下,其被用來生成高分辨的圖像。

(iii) The pre-trained StyleGan can generate a clear image. Under the direction of the edge image, it is used to generate high-resolution images.

(iv) 我們為深度學習網絡的整體結構設計了一套新的反投影策略。

(iv) We have designed a new counter-profiling strategy for the whole structure of the in-depth learning network.

(v) 我們初步的測試驗證了上述方法與安排的有效性,與傳統方法相比更具有吸引力。

(v) Our initial tests have proved the effectiveness of the above-mentioned methods and arrangements and are more attractive than traditional methods.



entry number: UGC/FDS11/H09/22
entry name: exploratory study of health awareness of chronic kidney patients
Principal researcher: Professor of History (By the Love)



健康適能不僅關乎閱讀健康相關信息或主動去醫院或診所求醫的能力,對於慢性病患者來說,如慢性腎病患者,健康適能是一種與知識水平相關的個人屬性。有助於患者預防產生健康相關問題及保護健康。2022 年的世界腎臟日的重點是「增強腎臟照顧,填補認知不足」,強調醫療衛生資訊及健康適能在慢性腎病中的重要性。

Health suitability is not only about the ability to read health-related information or to go to hospitals or clinics, but for chronic patients, such as chronic kidney patients, health suitability is a personal attribute related to the level of knowledge. It helps to prevent health-related problems and to protect health. The focus of World Renal Day, 2022, is on "enhanced kidney care, inadequate recognition" and on the importance of health information and health-care adaptation in chronic kidney disease.

隨著糖尿病、高血壓和肥胖的患病率增加,加上人口老化,慢性腎病在世界各地亦變得越來越普遍。如果不及時治療,慢性腎病很可能會發展成末期腎病而增加死亡風險。從根本上說,慢性腎病患者需要有能力去理解、運用及維持醫療建議來進行自我健康管理。因此,健康適能在弱勢社群中,例如是免疫功能較弱的慢性腎病患者,具有非常重要意義。依照目前估計,超過四分之一的慢性腎病患者健康適能較低,而在香港的慢性腎病患者健康適能仍然有待探討。隨著自我管理活動在慢性腎病管理中角色的增強,在健康適能層面上,患者需要有良好的自我效能感才能獲取、理解及應用相關健康資訊。健康適能水平不足會增加產生低健康成果和低治療依從性的風險。此外,病情控制不佳、心血管疾病風險增加、錯過治療預約及住院率提高都與健康適能水平較低有關。再者,2019 冠狀病毒病的環境亦為慢性腎病患者帶來很大的挑戰。

Without timely treatment, chronic kidney disease is likely to increase the risk of death. Fundamentally, chronic kidney patients need to be able to understand, use, and maintain medical advice for self-health management. Health is of great importance in vulnerable communities, such as chronic kidney patients with weak immune capabilities.


In the face of these bedside challenges, the creation of healthy forms of communication and educational information packages can be effective in improving the effectiveness of disease management in order to reduce the incidence of chronic diseases.


If people with chronic kidney problems have a better understanding of information needs and have a higher level of health suitability, the patient’s ability to manage the disease on his or her own will improve and reduce the deterioration of his or her chronic disease. Although studies have been made to suggest the impact of health suitability on long-term patients, there is still a lack of data in Hong Kong.

在這三階段研究,我們旨在解決上述問題。首先,研究團隊會邀請腎病互助小組的慢性腎病患者參與問卷調查,通過定量分析去了解研究參與者的 2019 冠狀病毒病相關健康適能和自我效能感,以帶出健康適能的重要性。然後,從定性的角度,透過焦點小組深入了解慢性腎病患者對於獲取及應用健康資訊時的優次考慮及需求,從而探討患者於理解及應用健康資訊過程中的障礙。硏究團隊會根據在第二階段研究的結果,在第三階段為慢性腎病患者建立量身定制的線上健康適能資訊包。

First, the research team will involve chronic kidney patients from the kidney solidarity group in the survey, using quantitative analysis to understand the importance of the research participants’ 2019 coronary viral disease associated with health suitability and self-effectiveness, in order to bring about health suitability. Then, from a qualitative point of view, through a focused group, it will gain insight into the priorities and needs of chronic kidney patients in accessing and applying health information, and from the point of view, it will explore the barriers to understanding and applying health information.


The research team hopes to fill the current knowledge gap, reduce potential inequalities in care, and have a positive impact on the health of people with chronic kidney problems in Hong Kong and elsewhere. Overall, improving the health suitability of people with chronic kidneys may help to reduce the disease, making patients more effective in their sense of self-efficiency and self-management, from being able to achieve the best results.


項目名稱:消失的媒體 永恆的史料--香港舊報中的商業新聞歷史、特徵與社會影響

entry number: UGC/FDS14/H03/22
entry name: Disappeared media Permanent history - Business history, features and social influence in the old Hong Kong newspaper
Principal Researcher: Dr. Song Chiong (Sung Da)




Hong Kong Business News has a long history, and Hong Kong Shiphead Price Paper, which was launched in 1857, has been recognized as China’s first Chinese-language news newspaper, which also holds an important place in China’s news broadcasting history. However, compared to the booming Hong Kong News, Hong Kong Business History Research and Business Journalism Studies are scarce.


The aim of this research project is to provide an historical analysis of the business news in the Chinese-language Hong Kong newspaper that has been closed down, to inform readers of the history of business news development in Hong Kong, to draw attention to the special features and evolution of the writing and coverage of business news at different times, and to conduct in-depth interviews with intellectual media, historians and journalists, and to explore the impact of business news on Hong Kong’s society from a news and historical point of view. Its findings are important contributions to Hong Kong’s history and, more importantly, to Hong Kong’s economic and social development.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/E05/22
entry name: Development of a green concrete modification for oyster shell waste polymers to enhance mechanical and environmental performance
Principal Researcher: Dr. D.D.




As a result of the widespread use of large-scale buildings, highways, bridges, dams and marine engineering, the use of concrete has increased dramatically worldwide. In the process of cement production, a large number of greenhouse gases are generated. Over-drying, extraction and processing of natural rubble has destroyed local ecosystems and damaged the environment. Traditional concrete production has had a negative impact on the environment. This has led to a more sustainable push for concrete production to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Some researchers have tried to find alternative materials to traditional materials in concrete.


It has been reported that recycled oyster waste has been used in a number of industries, including fishing, agriculture, and various countries’ oyster reefs. Although oyster waste can be recycled and used in many ways, most of it is still buried.


Some researchers have already studied the use of shell waste as a substitute for gravel in concrete. However, no studies have been conducted on the use of oyster waste as an alternative to cement and on improving the concrete performance of infrastructure. It is worth noting that there are two challenges in the study. First, there is no standardised composition and weight percentages of mussel waste, rubble, cement, and polymer resin to provide the best concrete intensity. Second, there is no complete supply chain, starting with the collection and pre-treatment of mussel waste, and using reused mussels to transform concrete. In this regard, the research team will investigate this new innovation to provide sustainable building materials.


In this project, oyster shell waste (in the form of particles or powder) will be used to mix it with polymer-based glue to replace traditional condensable materials, develop green concrete, develop a combined supply chain, from the collection of oyster shell and pre-dispose to the concrete that will explore the use of reusable oyster shell to produce waste-based materials to determine the best mix of oyster waste, gravel, cement and resin to obtain cost-effective alternatives to sustainable building materials. The mussel waste is rich and cost-free (some costs will be used only to collect shell). The best use of this waste can help the world solve many key problems, such as the large amount of carbon dioxide from cement production processes.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/H06/22
entry name: Hong Kong College of Professionals Study on Recognition of Social Media Fake Press Capacity
Principal Researcher: Dr. Deng Gould (Major)




In recent years, there have been a lot of false news in Hong Kong, while social media has accelerated the spread of false news.


How students respond to false news is a very important issue today, whether for college, secondary or junior students, but less in education. In fact, we do not have a tool to measure students’ ability to distinguish false news, which is a very important tool for educational stakeholders. The study tries to respond to this question.


This study is designed to develop a tool to measure the ability of students to identify false news. The measurement tool of the study will look at the characteristics of fake news (i.e. content, layout and dynamics) and the two most recent information literacy frameworks (the Hong Kong Student Information and Nutrition Framework and the University and Research Library Institute Standards for Higher Education Information and Nutrition). The study will use a mix of models to respond to research problems.


It is hoped that this study will not only provide a means of identifying false news for use by the general public, but also provide more research theories for other researchers on the two models of false news and information.



entry number: UGC/FDS25/E04/22
entry name: Co-operative biatomic catalytic agent and its efficient and stable catalytic hydrogen researcher
Principal Researcher: Dr. Tsang Chi Yung (Hong Academy)



化石燃料的大量使用導致的氣候變化是當今社會面臨的最具挑戰性的環境問題之一。氫能作為一種清潔能源載體,可以從水等可再生資源中提取,可以實現碳中和的目標,並為環境問題提供解決方案。一個社會如果要實現氫能經濟,必須要先解決幾個技術瓶頸問題,即生產、運輸和儲存,其中最後一項儲存技術仍然是阻礙氫能在汽車應用中廣泛使用的障礙。目前商用氫燃料電池動力汽車使用壓縮氫氣罐、低溫氫氣罐、液化氫罐或金屬氫化物罐,存在壓縮、液化和吸附/解吸過程需要額外附加能量等問題。使用水電解和光催化水分解的車載氫氣生產是另一種按需使用氫氣的選擇,然而,這些過程通常是能源密集型和緩慢的,這對於商業用汽車運行並不實際。顯然,在香港應該推廣一個更安全、能耗更低的使用氫氣作為能源的選擇。使用具有高質量能量密度的安全和儲氫材料,如氨硼烷 (AB) 和甲酸 (FA) 可能是解決此問題的方法之一。這些材料通常非常穩定,僅在特定的催化條件下才會釋放氫氣。目前,開發高效、耐用、低成本的儲氫材料催化製氫金屬催化劑對於解決汽車設備中安全氫能輸送的瓶頸至關重要。迄今為止,從氨硼烷等儲氫材料中釋放所有儲氫的最佳記錄是負載在 g-C3N4 碳材料上的 Rh 納米顆粒催化劑,在 25°C 時的周轉頻率為 969 molH2 molRh-1 min-1.然而,由於成本高、活性低、穩定性低等技術挑戰,它們距離商業化還很遠。非貴金屬催化劑如 Co、Fe、Ni 和 Cu 的成本要低得多,但它們通常表現出低耐久性 (5 次運行後反應性下降到 60%) 和反應速度緩慢。由於較大的表面自由能,金屬納米顆粒傾向於聚集形成較大的顆粒,從而進一步降低耐久性。此外,納米粒子通常具有較低的原子利用率,因此導致反應速率緩慢。值得注意的是,我們最近的初步研究表明,非貴金屬催化劑如 Co,當它們被縮小到原子尺度到單原子時,在 40°C 時可以達到 molH2 molCo-1 min-1,而 CoCu 雙原子催化劑在更低的溫度(25°C)下可以達到 34.7 molH2 molCoCu-1 min-1,具有更好的耐久性,其速率更可與一些貴金屬催化劑相媲美。提高了的速率的原因可能是這些具有原子分散活性位點的催化劑的原子利用率更高。然而,精確合成雙原子催化劑的方法和探究協同效應的相關機制仍然是一個相對未開發的領域。在本項目中,我們旨在1)利用開發一種新型熱解方法,合成具有原子分散活性位點的雙原子錨定單原子催化劑(DASACs);2)設計獨特的配位環境以研發穩定耐用的雙原子催化劑,並可有效防止金屬原子團聚;3)在催化性能和物理化學性質之間建立結構-活性關係;4)通過使用先進的表徵技術明確確定雙原子活性位點的性質和環境,例如利用高角度環形暗場掃描透射電子顯微鏡(HAADF-STEM)和同步輻射(SR)技術。更重要的是,我們將使用密度泛函理論模型 (DFT) 闡明密閉空間中相鄰原子對的協同效應機制。本項目將有助於更好地了解儲氫材料的氫釋放機理、協同效應,進而為合理設計高效、高性能的產氫催化劑提供指導,從而促進香港在氫經濟和碳中和技術上的發展。

The massive use of fossil fuels is one of the most challenging environmental problems facing society today. Hydrogen can be extracted from renewable sources, such as water, to achieve carbon neutral targets, and to provide solutions to environmental problems. If a society is to achieve a cash economy, it must first address a number of technical bottle neck issues, namely production, transport and storage, the last of which remains one of the most challenging barriers to widespread use in cars.



entry number: UGC/FDS21/H01/22
entry name: CMI group of young people using Internet game barriers: random researcher
Chief Researcher: Shen and Dr. (Hong Kong)



網絡遊戲障礙 (IGD) 是一個普遍存在的公共衛生問題。青少年過度參與網絡遊戲可能導致睡眠過少、飲食不良、未能保持適當的個人衛生以及退出社交互動,甚至損害了人際交往的發展。

The Internet game barrier (IGD) is a widespread public health problem. Over-participation in online games by young people can lead to poor sleep, poor diet, failure to maintain proper personal hygiene and exit from social interaction, and even damage the development of interpersonal relationships.

集體動機訪談 (CMI) 是一種本地創新的動機提升輔導手法,在重要他人的支持下促進案主的改變動機。集體動機訪談的研發植根於具有40多年臨床實證的成癮治療手法 ─ 動機訪談法 (MI),開創了讓重要他人參與激勵過程,致力在各方參與下營造正向積極和建設性的對話。

The CMI is an innovative local drive to upgrade guidance, with the support of important people, to drive change. The CMI is rooted in a 40-year-old clinically proven addiction treatment technique, which has started to involve important people in stimulating the process, working to create a positive and built-up conversation with all parties involved.

我們的國際研究團隊運用隨機對照實驗形式,測試 CMI在本港應用於網絡遊戲障礙的青少年之功效。介入效果的主要成效指標包括:IGD症狀的嚴重程度,次要成效指標包括改變網絡遊戲行為的動機、網絡遊戲的渴望,以及來自重要他人的社交支援。

Our international research team uses random testing to test the effectiveness of CMI in online games. The main success indicators for intervention include the severity of the IGD symptoms, secondary effectiveness indicators including the motivation to change the behavior of online games, the desire for online games, and social support from other important people.


The study will contribute to the Chinese community by providing practical interventions for mentors, social workers and service providers to improve the quality of life of young people and other important people who face barriers to online games.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/B10/22
entry name: How can the members of the working group respond to new colleagues who are active?




To be successful, agencies are increasingly trying to recruit new workers who can contribute their knowledge, ideas, and ideas. However, the newcomers’ participation does not necessarily automatically turn into positive team outcomes, as existing team members need to adjust to newcomers, which may be a pressure on them and a resource-consumption process. Almost all of the teams that have been established have to re-establish or adapt to newcomers and work together to achieve their collective goals. However, research on the impact of newcomers on existing team members, on team dynamics, and on how to achieve team effectiveness is still very limited.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/E09/22
entry name: Quantum of information for analysis of large-scale non-structured medical health texts and extraction of
Principal Researcher: Professor Wang Fuley (Major)




Twenty years later, the world is struggling to fight against the new coronary virus pneumonia (COVID-19), and now the world is vulnerable to major diseases. Rapid treatment of medical data can help to combat the disease, and there is a strong need to develop pre-emptive and artificial treatment of a large number of medical data. There is a lot of valuable medical data in unstructured texts, such as diagnostic records, check-in records, hospital records, online health discussions, medical supplies, bedmarks, clinical tests, etc.


There is therefore an urgent need for intelligent analysis of effective measurable quantitative information and extraction methods to facilitate the introduction of medical texts such as bed trials. There are four basic components of the volume, including entities, values (or ranges), measurement units and comparisons, each of which is complex. Third, a large number of medical texts contain incomplete or implicit narratives, such as missing metrics, which make it difficult to capture quantitative information.


In addition, a new neural network-based model will be developed to capture medical supplies, values, units, and comparisons, and will be used as a means to measure the volume of information. After that, a model will be developed to obtain a full measure of the volume of information through an integral combination of self-association. These models will be used in a compendium of Chinese and English medical texts dealing with at least three large scales, including 451,571 bed test studies covering 220 countries and regions, to analyse their commonalities and differences, and to promote progress in medical research from the field.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/E05/22
entry name: MetaConfigurator: Develop demand-based product configuration systems
Principal Researcher: Dr. Wang Viet (Singer)



產品配置系統被認為是定制產品設計的關鍵工具,並已成功應用於DELL、BMW和NIKE等多家公司。在各種版本的產品配置系統中,基於需求的系統可以將客戶以自然語言表達的需求直接映射到目標產品,因此尤其適用於B2C環境。但是生成基於需求的配置系統非常耗費資源。公司需要收集、標註、處理大量的客戶需求等產品相關數據來訓練模型。此外,這種方法僅限於一個產品系列,不能推廣到其他產品甚至更新的產品系列。這限制了它在實際中的廣泛應用。本項目將開發一個 MetaConfigurator 框架來克服這些挑戰。我們將利用自然語言處理、深度學習和遷移學習技術來解釋模棱兩可且可能定義不明確的客戶需求,並將它們映射到明確定義的產品配置。我們將利用來自電子商務網站的海量產品評論數據,提取某一類產品相關的知識或特徵。然後,使用相對少量的客戶需求數據,通用的特徵將遷移到某一個特定產品,以構建基於產品特定需求的配置器。這種預訓練-微調的過程,可以使公司更有效地開發基於需求的產品配置器。

The product allocation system is considered to be a key tool for custom-based design, and has been successfully used by companies such as Dell, BMW, and NIKE. In various versions of the product allocation system, demand-based systems can directly map clients’ needs in natural language to the target product, and thus be particularly useful in the B2C environment. But the system that generates demand-based configuration systems is expensive. The company needs to collect, label, handle the demand of a large number of customers, etc. The methodology is limited to one product series, which cannot be extended to other products or even to updated ones. It limits its outreach in practice. This project will develop a metaconfigurator framework to overcome these challenges. We will use natural language processing, in-depth learning and migration techniques to explain the needs of an unknown client, and it will map the needs of a technology-based technology that can be used to project a specific technology-based product.



entry number: UGC/FDS15/H01/22 (departure)
entry name: Hong Kong is a precursor to the transmission of Western messages to the east: retraced the origin of the recent contemporary ideology in the second half of the nineteenth century
Principal Researcher: Professor Wei Chu-Yung (Rin)



entry number: UGC/FDS16/M04/22
entry name: Dansin's traditional soup extracts, hydroponic extracts, soluble extracts, Dansin, Denstencodone IIA and its mixtures, pressure relief against high blood pressure induced by bellow beads
Principal Researcher: Dr. Yellow Poetry (Major)




Bev is a single antibody that acts as an intra-vascular skin growth factor (VEGF) and acts as an anti-cancer by curbing vascular rebirth. Although Bev has been widely recognized as the first-line drug for treating protointestinal and non-small cell lung cancer, the induction of hypertension is a common negative reaction to this drug, and the underlying strong-key system may be the result of a disorder in veins in the veins (NO1 and the front cycline) and an increase in the pressure in the kidney pellets of the kidneys and hemolygen levels.

目前仍然沒有治療Bev 誘發的高血壓的循證指引。由於血管緊張素轉換酶(ACE)抑制藥對控制Bev 誘發的高血壓的功效,臨床上較常處方這類藥物。然而,近期的研究指出ACE 抑制藥,如培哚普利和依那普利,可能會抑制 Bev 的抗血管生成作用,從而降低其治療效果。除了 ACE 抑制藥外,其他常見的抗高血壓藥物,例如血管緊張素接受體拮抗藥(ARB)、利尿藥、鈣拮抗藥和乙型(β)受體阻斷藥,都不是治療 Bev 誘發的高血壓的合適選擇。

However, recent studies suggest that ACE inhibitors, such as Becupule and Inapli, may inhibit Bev's anti-vascular production and then reduce its treatment effects. Apart from ACE inhibitors, other common anti-hamppressants, such as vascular antagonist acceptance of ARB, urinary, silicone and beta-based resistance, are not a suitable option for treating Bev's high blood pressure.

現在有很大逼切性去識別一種有潛質的藥物來治療 Bev 誘發的高血壓,該藥物應通過針對上述的關鍵機制,有效治療這種高血壓,同時亦不應抵消 Bev 的抗癌作用。如果該有潛質的藥物與 Bev 具有相加或協同的抗癌作用,這將會是一個優勢。臨床上,中草藥已與抗高血壓或抗癌的西藥合併使用,聯合療法的治療效果亦已得到證實。因此,中草藥很可能為治療 Bev 誘發的高血壓提供有潛質的候選藥物。然而,關於中藥對 Bev 誘發的高血壓的降壓作用的研究不多,除了我們近期的研究,當中發現丹參的活性成分丹參素,可以逆轉 Bev 在大鼠腸繫膜動脈中引起的血管舒張障礙(數據尚未發表)。

There is a great deal of pressure to identify a potential drug to treat Bev's high blood pressure, which is effectively treated through the key system described above for , and which at the same time does not have the potential to counter Bev's cancer

丹參(唇形科植物丹參的根)是一種傳統的中草藥。臨床上常以傳統口服湯劑的形式處方,用於治療心血管疾病,例如心肌梗塞、中風、冠心病、高血壓腎損傷高脂血症。最近有報導指出,丹參的水狀提取物具有與 Bev 相似的抗 VEGF 特性。丹參素 [3-(3,4-二羥基苯基)-2-羥基-丙酸] 是丹參的主要生物活性和水溶性成分,可通過調節 NO 和前列環素的路徑,降低自發性高血壓大鼠的收縮壓和舒張壓。丹參酮 IIA(Tan IIA)是丹參中最豐富的親脂性活性成分,在調節血壓、保護腎臟和降低血脂方面也有相類似的作用。

Danschen (the root of the lip-shaped plant) is a traditional medium herbism . There have been recent reports that Dansin's water extractions have a similar anti-VEGF properties to Bev, such as myocardial infarction, stroke, coronary heart disease, hypertension, kidney damage and >. Danschen is the main biological activity and water solubility ingredient in Dans, and can reduce the stress and stress of self-inflicted high blood-pressure rats by modulating No and the path of precyclics.

單一的丹參草本含有超過 200種的化學成分,當中所提取成分的性質如水性和親脂性,很大程度上取決於提取的方法。臨床上,丹參常以傳統口服湯劑的形式處方。鑒於臨床應用和近期的研究,我們假設丹參的傳統湯劑提取物、水狀提取物、溶劑提取物和由丹參分離的活性成分(丹參素、Tan IIA 及其混合物),可能對 Bev 誘發的高血壓有不同的作用。我們目前的研究是找出與Bev聯合療法的最佳丹參衍生物及其內在機制,研究結果將為Bev的臨床應用及中西醫結合治療提供有效的支持。

The single Danish herb contains more than 200 chemical ingredients, and the properties of the extracted ingredients, such as water and lipophilicity, are largely determined by the method of extraction. In bedtime, Dansin often prescriptions in the form of traditional oral soup. In the light of bed use and recent research, we assume that the traditional soup extractions, hydroponic extracts, solvent extractions and active ingredients separated by Dansin (Dancin, Tan IIA, and their mixtures) may have different effects on the high blood pressure that Bev attracts.



entry number: UGC/FDS11/H04/22
entry name: either to withdraw or to retain: factors affecting decisions of middle-income elders
Principal Researcher: Prof. Yellow Singer




However, the proportion of 65-69-year-olds living in Hong Kong has increased in recent years, but is still low. The reason for this may be related to their physical health, their family responsibilities, their employment in the market, or other factors.



entry number: UGC/FDS15/H03/22
entry name: Chidan-King Dynasty settlement town on the North East Plains of Inner Mongolia and its impact on Chinese history: new researcher
: Professor Jan Joo Wei (Rin)




The aim of this study is to explore the settlement towns (907-1125) built by the Chedan-King dynasty in the north-eastern steppes of Inner Mongolia, especially those that are called "dropping" (or "top-down"). These towns have not only contributed significantly to the social, political and economic development of the period, but also to the progress of Chinese history, the multi-ethnicity, the compatibility of farming and pastoral societies, and the links and interaction between China and the European continent.

但是,「投下」其義、其事究竟如何?卻一直是一個歷史謎團。該詞最早出現於契丹史籍,繼而再現於蒙元史料,之後戛然而止,不再有任何記錄。王國維於 1923 年首次追溯「投下」的詞源,自此引起了海內外學者的持續關注。經過近一個世紀的探討,學界普遍認為,居於「投下」者,乃為契丹王室和貴族俘掠的漢族和其他農業民族人,而「投下」城鎮乃為不隸屬於王朝政府統轄的一個獨立系統。但是,由於這一結論難以自圓其說地解釋諸多疑問,從而令「投下」成為中國歷史上的重大懸案之一。

But, after a recent century, it is widely believed that the “dropper” is one of the most important cases in China’s history, and that the “dropper” town is an independent system that does not belong to the dynasty. But, given that it is difficult to explain in its own right the many doubts that have been raised, the “dropper” has become one of the major problems in China’s history.


The main source of history in the history of the Qidan dynasty – one of the twenty-four history's "History" – is known for its grossness, which leads to a "drop" in the history of the Qin study, which faces a serious challenge of lack of information; the vastness of the country, the multi-ethnicity and multi-linguistic coexistence, and thus the "drop" in the history of the world – and the credibility of the text and its adequacy – are questioned. In this context, the study attempts to gather, test and test different data from historical, ethnic, linguistic and archaeology perspectives.


The plan consists of three stages. The first phase consists mainly of an empirical examination of the historical remains of the “downloaded” area (now the eastern part of Mongolia and the western part of Jinning) and an examination of the local museum, the collection and examination of monuments, earthworks, local contributions, etc. The second phase is a collaborative analysis of history. The second phase is a comparison and validation of newly collected data of various kinds that have been or have not been used. From the sources and language of the term “down” to the emergence of the “down” town as a settlement town, population formation, governance mechanisms, different periods of political and military relations with the central government, etc. The third phase is to present a new understanding of history, the structure of the local administration of the Chaitan dynasty.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/B08/22
entry name: counter-strategy of digital-time stimulation of loyalists: the role of the development framework approach
Principal Researcher: Dr.



忠誠計劃在款待服務業中被廣泛地使用,以刺激消費並加強消費者參與其中。數碼技術進一步加速了忠誠計劃的使用,例如許多公司依靠移動端應用程式向忠誠計劃會員提供有關餐飲積分,酒店住宿積分,飛行常客里程等即時的積分反饋,用於兌換會員獎勵或為會員資格續訂和升級。最近,在新冠肺炎病毒大流行期間,數字化訂購日益增長,並促使公司利用數字化忠誠計劃來吸引使用移動應用程式的消費者。然而,大多數忠誠計劃未能實現預期效果,因為大約54%的基於應用程式的忠誠計劃會員在一年內變得不再活躍(Payments Journal,2021)。

Faithful programs are widely used in the hospitality industry to stimulate consumption and strengthen the participation of consumers. Digital techniques have further accelerated the use of loyalty programs, for example, many companies rely on mobile applications to provide relevant food and drink points to loyalists, hotel accommodations, frequent flyer miles, etc., which are now counterbalanced and used to reward members or to reschedule and upgrade members.

忠誠計劃相關文獻沒有就如何解決上述問題提供太多指導,因為大多數研究都集中在瞭解如何吸引更多潛在忠誠計劃成員(e.g., Gorlier and Michel, 2020; Steinhoff and Palmatier, 2016)。但是,如果忠誠計劃的主要目的是通過重複光顧來建立忠誠度(Yang et al., 2021),那麽如何激勵會員追求忠誠計劃獎勵以及積極參與忠誠計劃就成為了一個重要議題。

The contributions to the HTP do not provide much guidance on how to solve these problems, because most studies focus on how to attract more potential HTP members (e.g., Gorlier and Michel, 2020; Steinhoff and Palmatier, 2016). But, if the main purpose of HTP is to build loyalty by revisiting it (Yang et al., 2021), how to motivate members to pursue HTP awards and actively engage in HTPs is an important issue.


In order to address this issue, the study will explore how to develop effective counter-strategy strategies (used to highlight what has already been achieved) and forward-looking counter-strategy (used to highlight what has not yet been achieved). Based on the incentives and features of loyalty schemes, the study has developed a framework of reasoning and a series of new hypotheses about the effectiveness of two counter-strategy strategies. By following experiments and field trials, the study will test and evaluate the interaction between different counter-strategy and loyalistic schemes.



entry number: UGC/FDS15/H15/22
entry name: An interaction between the Mandarin-speaker bilingual system of adult bilinguals
Principal Researcher: Dr. Iko Yang




More and more people are beginning to learn the second language, yet even after years of extensive contact with the two languages, second-language learners are often heard. Although there may be different sources of the two-language accent, it is often thought to be influenced by the learner’s mother tongue. In the course of learning, the learner’s mother tongue may also change as a result of the influence of the two languages, which is called the Firstlanguageattrition.


While some studies point to the possibility of a two-way influence between a language and a two-language segment, it is still to be explored whether the voice system will reveal an interaction between one language and two languages. This study attempts to link one language to two languages, with a view to closely studying the interaction between one language and the bilingual system, with a view to deepening our understanding of the interaction between one language and two languages. As two closely related Chinese languages, ordinary and synonyms are both speech-convergence languages, their differences in the system provide a natural language context for a speech-testing model.


In order to fill the gaps in the previous human studies, the study proposes four objectives: (1) systematic examination of the two-way influence of one language and two languages on the sound system; (2) testing of the pronunciation and perceptiveness of a Mandarin language by plain-language speakers; and whether they can perform as pronunciation and perceptively as pronunciators in Chinese language before arriving in Hong Kong; (3) analysis of the two-way influences of a language and natural language in the methodology of the study; and (4) detection of the potential for promoting the pronunciation and non-linguistic elements of a language. The study will recruit new immigrants in Hong Kong who speak the only Chinese language before arriving in Hong Kong and who can already speak fluent language. Two other participants, including those who speak the mother tongue but rarely touch with other Chinese languages, and those who speak the language in English, will be part of the research team.


The results of this study will also inform language teachers about the particularly challenging syntax tone of plain-language learners, and will enable teachers to adjust their teaching curricula and teaching methods while teaching their speech. In addition, the study will provide students with direct research opportunities to better prepare them for future academic and professional development.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/E08/22
entry name: A.I. Time series for energy management in cold water systems
Principal Researcher: Dr. Yu Fu Yung (Major Education Institute)




The cold water system is used to provide cooling energy, accounting for at least a quarter of the total energy spent on commercial and educational buildings. The energy performance of the system depends on weather conditions, time, and how it controls operating parameters. The artificial intelligent time-series model can be used to analyse short-term and long-term changes in cooling and electricity use in the cold water system, and short-term and long-term changes in power to improve and optimize the operation of the system, as well as energy management in the system.


This project is designed to develop an artificial intelligent time series model for energy management and cooler system optimization. First, a documentary exploration is conducted to determine the appropriate algorithms for the operation and energy performance of the model cold water system. Second, it is used as a case study for collecting operational data and control requirements for the Great Red Bay school cold water system. The system is equipped with a tracking device that collects the system components'operating status and energy-related data for every 15 minutes. The operational and control parameters collected are used to determine the input and output variability of the model system. The time series model will be used to model the cooling capacity and energy consumption of the cold water system using appropriate algorithms.


The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the use of artificial intelligence for energy management and cooling system optimization, reducing power consumption, and maintaining sufficient cooling power. The system improvement program will improve the sustainable operation of commercial and educational facilities.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/P07/22
entry name: United Diversity: Uncoupled Theory and Application
Principal Researcher: Dr. Yoshie (Hong Kong)




Large numbers of data play an important role in various disciplines. A lot of empirical evidence on dilution is that it is a practical technique that solves many of the big data problems, using multiple-responsive synchronisms to enhance data analysis. It has been successfully applied to multiple response, multi-mission machine learning, multi-channel signal processing, distributed compression perception, and system biology. A lot of empirical research on dilution suggests that non-strength punishment methods are generally perceived to be comparable to and #8467; and 1 regularization methods that are more robust, less aggressive and more stable.

在本項目中,我們將考慮聯合稀疏優化(NPJSO)的非凸懲罰方法,包括平滑裁剪絕對偏差、極小凹懲罰、p正則化(p<1)和上限非凸懲罰,並研究其非凸優化模型的一致性理論和一階優化算法的收斂理論,以及NPJSO問題和算法的相變理論,並進一步討論在系統生物學中的應用。在理論方面,我們將採用相對於懲罰的聯合受限特徵值條件(p-JREC)的概念來建立全局最小值的恢復界限(包括模型誤差、絕對偏差和2 恢復界限)來定量估計NPJSO 的穩定性。我們將進一步計算滿足p-JREC的隨機矩陣的採樣率下限,從而建立NPJSO的相變理論,揭示其理論稀疏恢復邊界。在算法方面,我們將連續技術應用於近端梯度算法(PGMC)和交替方向乘子法(ADMMC),然後將使用 p-JREC 建立它們對近似基準實際聯合稀疏解(在與噪聲水平和恢復範圍成比例的容差內)以幾何速率的收斂性。此外,還將為隨機矩陣建立非凸PGMC和ADMMC的相變理論。該收斂理論將為某些非凸稀疏算法的稀疏恢復可用性提供積極的理論證據,並將填補某些非凸懲罰方法的空白。在應用方面,我們將應用我們的理論結果和數值算法來解決細胞命運轉換的主基因調節推斷問題,這是發育生物學和再生醫學的有力工具。掌握細胞命運轉換的基因調控推斷的成功應用,將有助於生物學家促進快速識別關鍵調控因子,提高成功轉化率的可能性,並有望降低實驗成本。

In this project, we will consider non-gang punishment methods such as NPJSO, including the smoothing of absolute deviations in NPJSO issues and algorithms, & #8467; pp< 1) and capping non-gang punishment, as well as researching the theory of consistency and the theory of the agnostic algorithm, and the theory of NPJSO problems and algorithms, and further discussion of the use of and #8467; ; p>/mp> and the concept of rep-rejCJC', and the concept of to build up the minimum value of and



entry number: UGC/FDS17/M07/22
entry name: Research on the use of CRISPR/Cas9 and CRISPR/Cas13 targeted targeting techniques to cure EB virus infection in snorting cancer cells
Principal Researcher: Dr. Nguyen Jie (East China)




In South China, nasal cancer is a common health problem and one of the most common cancers in Hong Kong. Early nasal cancer is extremely sensitive to radiation treatment, but the response of most late nasal cancer patients to radiation treatment or chemotherapy has not been ideal, so there is a need for a new treatment for this malignant tumor. There is a general belief that nasal cancer is caused by the EB virus, and that removing the EB virus from the nasal cancer cells would be a new form of treatment for nasal cancer that deserves to be explored. Therefore, the study will evaluate the possibility of using CRISPR/Cas9 and CRRISPR/Cas13 for targeted targeting techniques to cure EB infection in the nasal cancer cells, using CRISPR gene editing to eliminate the legacy of the EB virus in the cells.


If this project is able to confirm that the combined CRISPR/Cas9 and CRISPR/Cas13 targeting technique is effective in removing the EB virus from snorting cancer cells, it can be used not only for snorting cancer treatment, but also for other EB-related diseases, including lymphoma and stomach cancers with EB viruses.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/E03/22
entry name: Study on a new, time-bound air-conditioning strategy for public transport in Hong Kong based on a light-value digital simulation of chemical science enhancement techniques
Principal Researcher: Dr. Jang Ho (Major Executive College)



香港政府已經提出於2050年實現碳中和的目標。由於交通運輸約佔香港碳排放量的20%,香港已制定長期計劃和策略,推動電動公共交通普及,以邁向零碳交通運輸,特別是推廣電動公共巴士。然而,由於電池儲能的限制,續航里程是香港推廣使用電動巴士的主要障礙之一。在所有輔助系統中,通風-空調系統(HVAC) 是電動巴士行駛里程的最大負擔。值得注意的是,COVID-19 的爆發進一步加劇了公共交通對通風的要求。目前,公共巴士的HVAC策略被認為既不有效也不節能。一方面,尤其是在當前COVID-19 期間,未能為乘客提供舒適健康的車內微環境。而另一方面,現時HVAC策略已非常過時,既浪費能源亦無法達到預期的通風效果。這種過時HVAC策略,不僅影響了現有燃氣引擎巴士,加劇了其燃料消耗、碳排放和道路污染;而且會大大縮短了電動巴士的行駛里程,從而阻礙了電動巴士在香港的推廣部署。為了解決香港面臨的這種情況,此項的目的是研究更先進的公共巴士內HVAC的協調策略。在此項目中,將在車內環境的健康水平、能源消耗和乘客滿意度之間取得最優平衡,為當前和下一代公共巴士開發基於人工智能的實時HVAC策略。然而,最先進的技術揭示了其推廣中尚未解決的障礙。首先,極其複雜且不斷變化的車內環境是其中顯著的挑戰。目前,現階段的研究只考慮了車廂內的穩態情況,因此對車內微環境的研究可以概括為靜態和個案研究。此外,現階段對HVAC 控制的初步探索暴露出缺乏使用適當物理模型的真實驗證和指導的嚴重問題。這導致控制變量非常少,控制指標非常粗略,以及非常嚴重的模擬到現實的問題,帶來了在現實環境實現應用不可逾越的鴻溝。為了實現目標並填補現有研究缺口,該項目提出了一種綜合方法,將計算流體動力學 (CFD)、強化學習 (RL) 和基於視覺的檢測互相結合,以解決這些困難和複雜的技術問題。在車內實際測量數據的支持下,CFD 能夠驗證最優車內微環境並識別出通風滯止點。然而, CFD具有計算量大和非實時性的固有缺陷,因此並不能實時應用於真實車內環境。因此,RL將用來彌補 CFD 與實時實施之間的差距。通過繼承 CFD 的優勢,補足 CFD 的缺陷,RL 將使 CFD 輕量化,大大提高其在真實場景中的可行性。為了精準感知車內實時環境,一個基於視覺的檢測模塊將整合為 HVAC 協調的實時輸入。通過結合 CFD、RL 和視覺檢測的優勢,將最終集成為一種系統性的 HVAC 協調策略。為了緩解模擬到現實的問題,將在真實的巴士上進行前後現場實驗,以驗證所開發策略的有效性;還將建立一個混合學習和實際服務的協同程序,以提供額外的真實世界反饋,以提高HVAC策略實際表現。這種HVAC策略可應用於香港的現有的燃氣引擎巴士和下一代電動巴士,更為 COVID-19 後進一步提供健康和節能的巴士車廂環境。此項研究成果具有學術和實際應用的意義,與香港近期在綠色和智慧城市建設方面的卓越努力相一致。

The Hong Kong government has proposed the goal of achieving carbon neutrality in 2050. With traffic transport accounting for about 20% of Hong Kong’s carbon emissions, Hong Kong has developed long-term plans and strategies to boost public transport to zero carbon transport, especially to boost public buses. However, as a result of capacity constraints in batteries, the mileage is one of the main barriers to the expansion of electric buses in Hong Kong. In all support systems, wind-air-conditioning systems (HVACs) are the biggest burden on the road.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/B17/22
entry name: Does hiring a group accountant have an impact on the quality of IPO audits?



監管者、從業者、投資者和學者經常強調審計質量的重要性(Chan et al. 2006;Chen et al. 2016;Chen et al. 2010)。DeFond 和 Zhang(2014)對審計質量進行了深入的討論,並將客戶需求、審計師供應和監管干預確定為影響審計質量的重要因素。具體而言,審計師對重要客戶的經濟依賴可能會損害他們的獨立性,並令審計質量受損(Chen et al. 2010)。由於客戶重要性導致審計師獨立性受損,集團中共用同一審計師可能會對審計質量產生不利影響。另一方面,在集團中共用同一審計師的知識溢出效應可能會提高審計質量。該項研究的主要目的就是要調查共享同一審計師對IPO 審計質量和 IPO 後財務業績的影響,我們會分別從會計師事務所層面和審計師個人層面進行研究。

Regulators, practitioners, investors, and academics have often stressed the importance of censorship (Chan et al. 2006; Chen et al. 2016; Chen et al. 2010). DeFond and Zhang (2014) have engaged in an in-depth discussion of the quality of the audit, and have identified client demand, reviewer service, and supervisory oversight as important factors affecting the quality of the review. In particular, the key purpose of the research is to investigate the personal aspects of the sharing of IPOs and IPs by the same examiner (Chen et al. 2010).

由於上市要求的特殊性,中國提供了一個獨特的環境來測試共享審計師對IPO 的影響。基於績效的 IPO 審查制度和明確的盈利要求激勵中國 IPO 申請人提高 IPO 前的財務業績。此外,考慮到中國 IPO 審計市場的高度競爭性,中國的 IPO 審計師可能會犧牲審計的獨立性和審計質量以換取經濟利益。

Given the special nature of the listing requirements, China provides a unique environment in which to test the impact of shared auditors on IPOs. IPO censorship based on merit and explicit profit requirements encourage IPO applicants in China to improve their financial performance prior to IPOs. Moreover, considering the high level of competition in China’s IPO market, IPO reviewers in China may sacrifice the independence and quality of audits in exchange for economic gain.

DeFond 和 Zhang(2014)呼籲對審計師個人的報告行為進行更深入的研究。Hanlon et al.(2021)呼籲研究应该包括審計師個人行为對審計結果的影響和對客戶的影響。為了回應DeFond 和 Zhang(2014)和Hanlon et al.(2021)的呼籲,我們提出的研究計劃旨在證明在集團IPO 審計的背景下,共享同一名審計師對審計結果的影響。我們還將調查共同審計師對公司上市後業績的影響。

In response to calls by DeFond and Zhang (2014) for a more in-depth study of the personal reporting of the auditors. Hanlon et al. (2021) called for research to include the impact of the auditors’ individual behaviour on the results and on clients. In response to calls by DeFond and Zhang (2014) and Hanlon et al. (2021), our proposed research plan aims to prove that the same auditor will share the impact of the results in the context of the group’s IPO audits. We will also investigate the impact of co-censorship on the company’s post-market performance.

該項研究意義重大,因為它可以補充了關於審計師個人因素對審計結果的影響的相關文獻。該研究將會是第一個調查事務所層面和個人審計師層面的共同審計師是否會影響 IPO 審計質量的研究。通過展示在 IPO 審計中共享同一名審計師的作用和影響,我們的結果將幫助資本市場中的不同利益相關者做出更明智的決策,令他們可以制定與 IPO 相關的政策和法規。鑑於滬港通和深港通促進香港投資者投資中國資本市場,我們的研究結果將會對香港的投資者和監管機構產生重大影響。

The research will be the first co-censor to investigate whether the IPO will influence the quality of IPO audits. By sharing the role and influence of the same auditor in IPO trials, our results will help different stakeholders in the capital market to make better decisions that will enable them to formulate policies and regulations that are relevant to IPOs.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/B02/22
entry name:
Principal Researcher: Dr. Zhang Xinyan (Professional College of Science and Technology)




Travel needs predictions can be divided into long-term or short-term predictions. During major crisis periods, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, because of the uncertain nature of travel needs, high-frequency or real-time needs predictions will be more conducive to rapid decision-making in travel destinations. Predicts for conventional econometric models are generally lower — for example, annually or quarterly. This is because the explanatory variables in the model are usually published annually or quarterly.

現代宏觀經濟學理論,如理性預期理論和前瞻性消費理論表明,在未來的經濟活動中,經濟信心起著至關重要的預示作用。因為具有及時性和預示未來發展的能力,基於調查的商業信心或消費者信心數據,通常會被用於預測宏觀經濟變量。然而,在旅遊預測研究中,基於調查的數據在很大程度上被忽略了。在最近的 COVID-19 危機的背景下,本項目將首次嘗試基於調查數據的旅遊需求預測,並將結合搜索查詢數據,產生高頻或者實時的需求預測。

Contemporary macro-economic theories, such as rational prognostics and forward-looking cost theories, suggest that economic confidence plays an important role in future economic activity. Because of its timeliness and ability to project future developments, surveys based on business confidence or consumer confidence data are usually used to predict macro-economic changes. However, in travel forecasting studies, survey-based data are largely ignored. In the recent crisis of COVID-19, this project will for the first time attempt to anticipate travel needs based on survey data, and will combine search and query data to generate high-frequency or real-time demand forecasts.

本項目的目標是開發一套基於多數據源的香港實時旅遊需求預測系統,從而及時捕捉旅遊需求的復甦軌跡。項目將採用 MIDAS(或 MS-MIDAS)框架中的馬爾可夫轉換(MS)模型來應對由 COVID-19爆發引起的需求波動。作為一種能夠融合混合頻率指標的高級預測方法,MIDAS模型在宏觀經濟學領域的實時預測研究中發展迅速。然而,旅遊預測領域使用該方法的文獻還很有限。據我們所知,旅遊預測文獻中尚未考慮 MS-MIDAS模型。此外,考慮到未來旅遊業復甦的不確定性,本項目將應用專家判斷對模型生成的預測進行調整,以將重要的額外信息納入到最終預測中。

The objective of this project is to develop a multi-data source-based system for predicting Hong Kong's current travel needs, and to capture the track track of travel needs from time to time. The project will use the MIDAS (or MS-MIDAS) framework of the Markov Conversion (MS) model to respond to demand dynamics caused by the COVID-19 explosion. As a high-level predictive method that integrates mixed frequency indicators, the MIDAS model is developing rapidly in a realistic prediction study of the economic landscape. However, the contribution of the MIDAS field to this approach is limited. As far as we know, the MMS-MIDAS model has not yet been considered in the travel forecasting submission.

據聯合國世界旅遊組織預計,國內遊將推動旅遊行業的復甦。考慮到在 COVID-19之後,最初到訪香港的旅行者可能來自大灣區(GBA)內的鄰近城市,本項目將專注於預測從中國大陸,尤其是大灣區,到香港的遊客人數。

According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), internal tourism is expected to boost the revival of the tourist industry. Considering that, after COVID-19, the first visitors to Hong Kong may come from neighboring cities in the greater Gulf region (GBA), this project will focus on predicting the number of tourists from China, particularly the greater Gulf region, to Hong Kong.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/E02/22
entry name: From theory to practical application: Development of a machine-based platform for public fire services in Hong Kong
Principal Researcher: Dr. Zhou Wei Feng (Major Executive College)



2019年夏天,大規模的森林大火給法國、希臘和美國的森林帶來了嚴重破壞。同年12月,澳大利亞經歷了由一系列森林大火引發的黑色夏季,比正常規模大十倍。在香港,肆虐的山火破壞了生態環境,在某些情況下還威脅到人類的財產和生命。香港目前的解決方案高度依賴人力,漁農自然護理署(AFCD)的消防人員在火災多發季節需要全天候24/7值班,以偵查和撲滅郊野公園內的山火。然而,這種方法是相當耗時、勞動密集和危險的。另一方面,一個無人機集群系統可以作為一個有前途的替代方案。在這項研究中,提議使用由兩隊組成的無人機群系統來探測和撲滅香港郊區的山火。特別是,一隊將定期在郊區巡邏,並檢測任何早期火災的冒煙。當發現火警時會向消防處(FSD)會發出警報。第二隊將配備小型滅火器,將啟動並飛往火場控制火勢蔓延,為消防員爭取時間。該系統將主要作為此類操作的支持模塊,以提高整體效率。該無人機集群系統由集群協調控制系統和火災探測和防火設施兩個主要單元組成。本研究主要專注於開發在香港郊區運行的無人機群協調控制系統。為此,將首先開發基於線性時序邏輯(LTL)方法的多無人機系統任務分解和分配模塊。該模塊被認為是必不可少的,因為它用於將任務分解為群體中每個無人機的特定和詳細的子任務。其次,將研究和設計一個傳感器融合模塊來進行感知,以便機器人能夠在不同的土地或森林條件下定位自己。通過這樣做,群中的每個無人機都可以生成對自身和周圍環境的準確估計,並進一步充當群控制系統的反饋信號。對於具有模糊、非線性、不確定性和自組織特性的多無人機系統,基於深度強化學習(RL)的控制模塊是較好的解決方案之一。該模塊的關鍵功能是優化代理在特定環境下執行的最終動作,最優結果通常表示為累積獎勵。簡而言之,強化學習的核心思想是通過設置獎勵函數,讓智能體在與環境的交互中學習。同時,這種基於深度強化學習的協調控制將與基於傳感器融合的狀態估計模塊緊密結合。在不同的地方,當狀態估計模塊感知到無人機周圍環境的變化時,來自 RL 的控制策略將相應地改變,以更好地適應實時情況。該項目將從上述三個模塊的開發開始,然後進行軟件在環仿真。然後將解決模擬到真實的問題。完成後,最終確定的系統預計將有大約 10 架無人機在郊區巡邏。這項研究工作的成果具有學術和實際意義,並符合香港未來的發展,以實現智慧城市。

In the summer of 2019, large-scale forest fires caused severe damage to the forests of France, Greece and the United States. In December of the same year, Australia experienced a black summer caused by a series of forest fires, 10 times the normal scale. In Hong Kong, wildfires damaged the environment and, in some cases, threatened human property and life. Hong Kong’s current solution was highly human-based, and firefighters of the AFCD needed to learn 24/7 shifts throughout the season of fire, to detect and destroy the fires in suburban parks. However, this method was very time-consuming, intense and dangerous.





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