
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:50 评论:0
链圈”、“币圈”、“矿圈”不少人傻傻分不清楚,但撇开那些关联,三者的本质其实还是大相径庭的。在区块链生态中,目前大致划分为三个圈,分别为“链圈”、“币圈”、“矿圈”。三者相互关联,却也大有区别,The chain circle,...



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The chain circle, the coin ring, the mine ring, many people don't know what they're talking about, but apart from those links, the nature of the three people is very different. In the chain ecology, there are currently roughly three circles, namely, the chain ring, the coin ring, and the mine ring.


Chains - chains, technocratic representatives. The threshold is higher than the other two circles, focusing mainly on the development and application of block chain technology, so it's more difficult for ordinary people to cross.


Block chains can be divided into three stages: private, public and union chains.


Currency circles – currency circles – can be said to be the most colourful circle. Focusing on encrypted digital currencies is the lowest threshold for entry in three circles.


The ring — the ring — is the circle of a group of people who focus on “mining”. This dig is different from the one that digs in life, but rather in order to get a virtual monetary reward for an act in which those involved in mining are known as miners.


Mining requires tools that can be mined at an early stage via a general computer, and then, as the number of diggers increases, they begin to develop into mining machines and ponds. The costs of mining, for example, are high, and the cost of electricity is a significant expense.


The threshold of the ring is slightly higher than the currency ring, but below the chain. Most people have heard of mining, but fewer are actually involved in mining.


In contrast to chains and coin rings, the ring is also affected by the external natural environment, such as the damage to mine machines.


In the broader context, the concept of a block chain is meaningless. A block chain operator must be trying to make a contribution to this society by creating wealth rather than evaporating it, so we can make a good circle without distinguishing currency, chain, chain, and value.

链乔教育在线旗下学硕创新区块链技术工作站是中国教育部学校规划建设发展中心开展的“智慧学习工场2020-学硕创新工作站 ”唯一获准的“区块链技术专业”试点工作站。专业站立足为学生提供多样化成长路径,推进专业学位研究生产学研结合培养模式改革,构建应用型、复合型人才培养体系。

The Technical Work Station for Innovative Block Chains, under the Sensitivity Education Online, is the only approved “Technology Workstation for the Smart Learning Workshop 2020 – Innovative Work Station” run by the School Planning and Development Centre of the Ministry of Education of China. Specialized stations are based on providing students with diversified growth paths, promoting a combination of professional degree research and production models, and building an applied and complex system of talent development.



A natural circle of digital currency players.


Currency rings are a term or concept in the block chain industry and a circle of people who focus on virtual encrypted digital currencies or issue their own digital money financing.


At present, the currency ring is an area that lacks formal regulation, and there is a need to be vigilant about all kinds of scams when it comes to contacting the currency ring, in particular pseudo-trading platforms, off-site trade fraud, cyberfishing, counterfeit currency, etc.


OS4-hour trend is downwards. Currency prices have now fallen by 10 and 50 averages, driven by BTC decline, signalling a further downward trend in the region at a later stage. But the void has not expanded, indicating that EOS is still vibrating.


The term “currency circle” refers to a group of people who focus on speculation and encryption of digital currency, and even issue their own digital currency fund-raising (i.e. ICO). The industry is commonly referred to as the “currency ring”.


Currency means digital currency, including BTC, ETH, EOS, etc. There are circles, that is, trading circles, friends circles, social circles. The issue of digital money, transactions, everything and digital money are monetary circles.


Currency should be the trading circle in digital currency. Such circles should be broad, including financial virtual currency transactions, as well as specific trading platforms, such as the hot bitcoins that are reproduced online. Although virtual currency, prices are copied from thousands of dollars to tens of thousands.


Currency circles are mainly small circles of bitcoins and digital currencies, including miners, investors, and traders in digital and digital currencies.


Currency is a confluence of coins, chains are a confluence of projects, one is an investment, one is financing! All for money, but the rings are personal and the chains are team-based!


The so-called currency circle, the natural circle of digital money players. The currency circle is small, but it is not small in number, and it is basically small in the population, but the forest is at last a circle, with few people making money, and a variety of ways to make money are quickly copied, such as coco, coins, mining, etc.


There are many ways to earn money in currency circles, such as coins, ICOs, bricks, etc. The French currency is the legal currency, issued by the state and the government, and is guaranteed only by government credit, such as the renminbi, the dollar, and so forth.


One. Currency circle tGate.iOEn:


TGate.iøn, which is one of the important concepts in the block chain, is more widely known as “demons”, but, in the opinion of professional “chainers”, its more accurate translation is a “passport”, representing a proof of interest in the block chain, not money.


Three elements of TGate.iien


The first is the proof of a digital entitlement, which must be a certificate of interest in digital form, representing a right, an inherent and intrinsic value;


The second is encryption, where the authenticity of hyphens, anti-fouling, privacy protection, etc. are guaranteed by cryptography;


The third is the ability to move in a network so that it can be validated anywhere.


2. Currency-circumstance:


Currency-circumstance construction, also known as the opening of a currency, refers to the purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency by the traders.


Three, the coins are ticking:


It's the money that's going to put all the money into it.


Four. Currency drops:


Airdrops are a very popular method of encrypting money. In order for potential investors and those interested in encrypting money to have access to money-related information, the money team regularly drops it.


5. Currency lock-down:


Lockdowns generally mean that investors, after buying and selling contracts, when the market is moving in the opposite direction from their own operations, open new warehouses that are in the opposite direction of the original warehouse, known as locks, locks, even butterflies.


Six. Money-circle candy:


The currency confectionery, the digital currency that was distributed free of charge to the user at the time of the issuance of the various digital currency by the ICO, is a campaign and publicity for the project itself by the issuer of the Virtual Currency Project.


Seven. The currency has broken:


The fall refers to the issuing price of a digital currency. The fall in a currency refers to the fall in a digital currency.


8 - Money collection:


The private collection of currencies is a way of investing in encrypted money projects and the best way to raise funds for the operation of the platform by the founders of the cryptographic money projects.


9. Currency circle kline view:


The K-line map, also known as CandlestickCharts, the candle map, the Japanese line, the yin-yang line, the bar line, the red black line, etc., is commonly referred to as the “K-line”. It is based on the opening price, the highest price, the lowest price and the collection price for each analytical cycle.


10, coins for bricks:


Bricks are purchased from low-value trading platforms for digital currency and then sold on high-price trading platforms.


1. Location: refers to ratio of actual investment and actual investment funds of investors.


2. Full warehouse: buys all the money into the virtual currency.


3. Relieving: selling part of the virtual currency.


4. Clearing up: selling out all the virtual money.


5. Repository: It's a kind of virtual currency that buys a lot.


6 Snacks: It's a kind of virtual currency that buys very little.


7. Warehouses: buying a virtual currency.


8: Reconnaissance: to buy a virtual currency.


Full warehouse: a one-time full buy-in of virtual currency.


10, Restraint: once a certain gain has been achieved, a virtual currency held is sold to keep the profit.


11. Cessation of loss: When the loss has reached a certain level, the holdings of the virtual currency are sold to prevent further deterioration of the loss.


12. Cattle market: Prices continue to rise and prospects are positive.


13 Bear City: Prices continue to fall and prospects are bleak.

14、多头(做多):买方认为币价未来会上涨,买入币,待币价上涨后卖出 。

14. Multiple head (do more): The buyer believes that the currency price will rise in the future, buy it and sell it when it rises.


15. Empty (empty): The seller believes that the currency price will fall in the future, selling the money held in its hand (or borrowing it from the trading platform) and buying it at a lower price for profit when the price falls.


A rebound: When currency prices fall, prices recover because they fall too fast.


17 Full (cross-cutting): price fluctuations are small and currency prices are stable.


18, Decline: The price of the currency is slowly falling and the meat is cut with a soft knife.


19. Jumping (waterfall): The price of the currency has fallen rapidly and is very large.


20. Condoms: drops when they are bought. Short drafts.


21- Peaking: Upon sale, down short.


22. Meat cutting: A fall in buying and selling virtual currency at a low price.


23, Solver: When locked up, the value of the currency rises back and loses to gain.


Overpurchase: The value of the currency continues to rise to a certain height, the buyer's power is largely exhausted and the price is about to fall.


Supersales: The value of the currency continues to fall to a certain low point, the seller is largely exhausted and the price is about to rise.

26、诱多: 币价盘整已久,下跌可能性较大,空头大多已卖出虚拟货币,突然空方将币价拉高,诱使多方以为币价将会上涨,纷纷买入,结果空方打压币价,使多方套牢。

The price of the currency has been fixed for a long time and is more likely to fall. Most of the empty money has been sold in virtual currency, and suddenly the empty side raises the price, prompting many to think that the price of the currency is going to rise, buying and buying, with the result that the empty side presses down the price of the currency and locks it down.

27、诱空: 多头买入虚拟货币后,故意打压币价,使空头以为币价将会下跌,纷纷抛出,结果误入多头的陷阱。

27: After buying up virtual currency, the price of the currency is deliberately pushed down so that the price of the currency is expected to fall and is thrown out, with the result that many traps have been misdirected.


28. Mining: The process of acquiring digital money by running computing programs using equipment such as computers and mobile phones. Note that mining reduces the useful life of the equipment.

29、ICO:Initial Coin Offering,源自股票市场的首次公开发行(IPO)概念,是区块链项目以自身发行的虚拟货币,换取市场流通常用的虚拟货币的融资行为。

29. ICO: International Coin Offering, the concept of the first public release (IPO) of the stock market, is the financing of block chain projects in exchange for the virtual currency commonly used for market circulation.


Private fund-raising: Private fund-raising, as opposed to public fund-raising, refers to the collection of funds, such as funds sold by banks, against a specific group of people, and cannot be advertised publicly.

31、天使轮:天使轮,即天使投资(Angel Investment),是指个人出资协助具有专门技术或独特概念而缺少自有资金的创业家进行创业,并承担创业中的高风险和享受创业成功后的高收益,或者说是自由投资者或非正式风险投资机构对原创项目构思或小型初创企业进行的一次性的前期投资。天使投资是风险投资的一种特殊形式。

31 Angel wheels: Angel Investment refers to personal funding to assist entrepreneurs with specialized skills or unique concepts who lack their own resources to start their own businesses and to assume high risks in starting their own businesses and enjoy high returns from successful start-ups, or a one-time pre-investment by free investors or informal venture capital institutions for original project ideas or small start-ups. Angel investment is a special form of venture investment.


Thirty-two. Basestone wheels. It means the same thing as a private collection wheel.


33, what does the ring mean? The so-called currency circle, a natural circle of digital money players. The currency circle is small, but it is not small in number, and it is basically small in the population, but the forest is at last a circle, with few people making money, and a variety of ways to make money are quickly copied, i.e., meco, coins, mining, etc.


How to make money in the ring? There are many ways to make money in the ring, the most important ones being the price difference, the ICO's raising, moving bricks, and so on.

35、币圈消息一般在哪看?行情网站:非小号、mytGate.ioen、aicoin、coinmarketcap 新闻网站:金色财经、巴比特社区、币世界快讯 聊天网站:推特、telegram、slack

35, where do you see the money loops? Leaf sites: MytGate.ioen, aicoin, coinmarkcap news sites: Gold Books, Babbitt Community, Money World Express chat sites: Twitter, Telegram, slack


What do you mean by French currency? The French currency is the legal currency, issued by the State and the Government, and guaranteed only by government credit, such as the renminbi, the United States dollar, etc.


What do you mean, tGate.ioen? tGate.ioen, which is usually translated into a translator, is one of the important concepts in the block chain and is more widely known as “demonstrates”.


What does it mean to move bricks? To move bricks is to buy digital money from a low-priced trading platform and then move to a high-priced trading platform for sale.


Here, let's understand the wallet.


It needs to be clarified that the wallet referred to in the block chain area is not actually a wallet containing money, but a tool containing keys (private and public), with which a digital currency has control over the corresponding address.


Private key: A representative who has the right to take money from a bitcoin address has all the power to kill and kill that key in a bitcoin address. A private key is a public key, and a public key is a Bitcoin address. At each transaction, the payer must issue a private key, as well as the signature generated by the private key, and each transaction is signed differently, but it is generated by the same private key. A private key is a set of private keys.


Public Keys: It appears in pairs with the private key, which calculates the Bitcoin address and can therefore be used as a certificate of ownership of the Bitcoin address.


3. Bitcoin address: If the block chain is an account book, the Bitcoin address is the account number.


The wallets are divided into a variety of kinds: cold wallets, hot wallets, hardware wallets, brain wallets, paper wallets, and so on, and I think we don't need to get that much. All we have to do is understand the application scene, the mobile phone is still PC-end, and I think we're only going to use light wallets, and the whole wallet that stores all the transactions is horrible. If you're really uneasy, just put this wallet on a terminal that usually doesn't get online, so that hackers don't steal it.

(二) 钱包实战

(ii) Wallet combat


The wallets are divided into bitcoin wallets, Ethal wallets, NEO wallets, quantum wallets, etc. by different agreements.


What's the use of the Bitcoin wallet address?


You can receive bitcoin from another person using a bitcoin address generated from a bitcoin wallet, and you can transfer bitcoin from your account to another person's bitcoin address. Bitcoin is like a bank card number with payment, transfer, cash withdrawal, but when you transfer a bitcoin address, you can make bitcoin transfers only if you know someone else's bitcoin address. Bitcoin wallet address must be kept well, because every payment is made.


What's good for you?


Bitcoin: The news that bitcoin has received attention from the mainstream media or that there has been breakthroughs in the application of a technology that has helped to stimulate price increases is known as the good news.


What's a bitcoin?


News of currency price decline, bitcoin technical problems, central bank pressure, etc.


What's the deal?


The amount of the transaction and the number of the person who bought or sold the transaction are generally measured by the amount of the transaction and the amount of the transaction.

什么是反弹 ?

What's a rebound?


Bitcoin prices rebounded because they fell too fast in the downward trend. The rebound was smaller than the decline.


What's a plate?


Typically, it refers to a situation where price movements are relatively small, stable and the best price is not significantly different from the lowest price.


What's the callback?


In multiple markets, currency price increases were strong, but there was a temporary fallback as a result of excessive price increases. The fall was smaller than the rise.


What's a brick move?

把现金充值到币价更低的 A 平台,然后买入比特币;然后从 A 平台上提现比特币,收到后马上充值到价格更高的 B 平台;充值的比特币到 B平台后,马上卖掉,收到的现金马上提现,然后重复步骤。

Pay the cash to platform A, which is lower in currency, and then buy the bitcoin; then raise the bitcoin from platform A, and then charge it to platform B, which is higher in value as soon as it is received; and sell the charged bitcoin to platform B, and cash the cash received immediately, and repeat the steps.


What's leverage?


Leverage transactions, by definition, involve the use of small funds to invest several times the original amount in the expectation of a multiple rate of return on fluctuations relative to the subject matter of the investment, or a loss. Mountain coins, which are all but bitcoins. Personally, I don't like to call mountain coins, because many of them are innovative, and it is unfair for them to call mountain coins.


The wealth of the richest 388 people in the world in 2010 is equivalent to the sum of the wealth of half of the world's poor;


In 2014, that number was 85, and in 2015, 62. In 2017, there were only 8 people. That is, a business car could contain the wealth of half the world's population.


The level of awareness is grossly asymmetrical and is creating extreme inequalities in opportunities for wealth.


You must continuously raise awareness and follow trends in order to seize more opportunities in this era of rapid change.


Explanation of terminology commonly used in 26 block chain industries


1-Blockchain - block chain


Block chains are new applications of computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, encryption currency algorithms. They are a shared distributed book in which transactions are recorded permanently through an additional block.


2, Block - Blocks


In the Bitcoin network, data are permanently recorded in the form of documents that we call blocks. One block is a record set of some or all of the most recent bitcoin transactions and is not recorded in other previous blocks.


Node - Node


A copy of the ledger operated by the participants in the block chain network.


4. Decentralization


Decentralization is a phenomenon or structure that must occur or exist in a system with many nodes or in groups with many individuals. The influence between nodes and nodes can result in a non-linear causality through the network.


5. Consensus mechanism


Consensus is a mechanism that completes the validation and confirmation of transactions in a very short period of time through a vote on a particular node, and if there is a consensus on a single transaction, we can think that there is a consensus on that, too, if there are several nodes where the interests are not relevant.


6. Pow - proof of workload

Proofof Work,是指获得多少货币,取决于你挖矿贡献的工作量,电脑性能越好,分给你的矿就会越多。

ProofofWork, which refers to the amount of money you get, depends on the amount of effort you make to dig, and the more the computer works, the more the mine will be distributed to you.


7. PoS - certificate of entitlement

Proofof Stake,根据你持有货币的量和时间进行利息分配的制度,在POS模式下,你的“挖矿”收益正比于你的币龄,而与电脑的计算性能无关。

ProofMake, according to the system of allocation of interest according to the amount and time of money you hold, your “mining” proceeds in the POS mode are more than your currency's age than your computer's computing performance.


8. Smart contracts


Smart contracts are computer protocols designed to disseminate, validate or execute contracts in an informative manner. Smart contracts allow for credible transactions that are traceable and irreversible without a third party.


Time stampes

时间戳是指字符串或编码信息用于辨识记录下来的时间日期。国际标准为ISO 8601。

Time stamp refers to the date on which the string or encoded information is used to identify the time recorded. The international standard is ISO 8601.


Ten. Turing is perfect.


The completion of Turing refers to the ability of the machine to perform any other programmable computer to perform calculations.


Dapp - decentralised application


It is an open-source application that automatically runs, stores its data on a block chain, inspires it in the form of an encrypted currency medallion, and operates in agreements showing proven value.


12. DAO - Decentralised Autonomous Organizations


Companies operating without any artificial interference can be considered, and all forms of control are handed over to a non-destructible set of business rules.


13, PrivateKey - Private Key


The private key is a string of data that allows you to access the medals in a particular wallet. They are hidden as encrypted currency, except for the owner of the address.


14, PublicKey - Public Key


It appears in pairs with private keys, which can be calculated as the address of the currency and can therefore be used as proof of possession of that currency address.


Miner 15.


Try to create blocks and add them to a computing device or software in the block chain. In a block chain network, when a new active block is created, the system automatically gives the block creator (miner) a certain amount of money as an incentive.


16, ponds.


It is a fully automated mining platform that enables miners to contribute their numeracy to dig together to create blocks, receive block incentives and distribute profits according to the numeracy contribution ratio (i.e., mine machine access to ponds - providing numeracy - reaps benefits).


17, the public chain.


A fully open block chain is a system maintenance that anyone can read, anyone can send a transaction and the transaction can be validly confirmed, and anyone around the world can read and write data through a transaction or mine.


18, Private Chain


The permission to read is open to the outside world or is arbitrarily restricted.


19 - Alliance chains


The consensus mechanism is a chain of blocks to be jointly controlled by a number of agencies.


20, side chain.

楔入式侧链技术(pegged sidechains),它将实现比特币和其他数字资产在多个区块链间的转移,这就意味着用户们在使用他们已有资产的情况下,就可以访问新的加密货币系统。

The pegged side-link technology (pegged sidechains), which will allow the transfer of bitcoin and other digital assets between multiple block chains, means that users can access the new encrypted currency system when they use the assets they already have.


21. Cross-chain technology


Cross-chain technology can be understood as a bridge to connect the block chains, and its main application is to achieve the Atom transaction between the block chains, the conversion of assets, the exchange of information within the block chain, or the resolution of the Oracle problem.


22, hard fork.


The chain of blocks was permanently divided and, after the issuance of the new consensus rule, parts of the nodes that had not been upgraded could not be validated for blocks produced at the nodes that had been upgraded, usually with hard fork.


23, soft fork.


When the new consensus rule is issued, the nodes that do not upgrade will produce illegal blocks without knowing that they are under the new consensus rule, creating temporary forks.


24, Hash - Hashi value


A normal translator is a hash. There is also a direct translator to Hashi. Simply put, it is a function of a message summary that compresses messages of any length to a fixed length.


25, the main chain.


The term main chain is derived from the main network (as opposed to the test network), i.e. the officially online, stand-alone block chain network.


For those of you who don't know how to talk about the currency, let's learn:


One. What's the French coin?


The French currency is the legal currency issued by the State and the Government and is guaranteed only by government credit, such as the renminbi, the United States dollar, etc.


Two, what's a tGate.iøen?


TGate.iøn, which is one of the important concepts in the block chain, is more widely known as “demons”, but, in the opinion of professional “chainers”, its more accurate translation is a “passport”, representing a proof of interest in the block chain, not money.


Three elements of TGate.iien


The first is the proof of a digital entitlement, which must be a certificate of interest in digital form, representing a right, an inherent and intrinsic value;


The second is encrypt currency, the authenticity of which is guaranteed by cryptography, the ability to protect privacy, etc.;


The third is the ability to move in a network so that it can be validated anywhere.


Three. What's a silo?


Currency-circumstance construction, also known as the opening of a currency, refers to the purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency by the traders.


Four, what's Soha?


It's the money that's going to put all the money into it.


What's the drop?


Airdrops are a very popular method of encrypting money. In order for potential investors and those interested in encrypting money to have access to money-related information, the money team regularly drops it.


What's a lockup?


Lockdowns generally mean that investors, after buying and selling contracts, when the market is moving in the opposite direction from their own operations, open new warehouses that are in the opposite direction of the original warehouse, known as locks, locks, even butterflies.


Seven, what's a candy?


The currency confectionery, the digital currency that was distributed free of charge to the user at the time of the issuance of the various digital currency by the ICO, is a campaign and publicity for the project itself by the issuer of the Virtual Currency Project.


What's a broken hair?


The fall refers to the issuing price of a digital currency. The fall in a currency refers to the fall in a digital currency.


What's private fund-raising?


The private collection of currencies is a way of investing in encrypted money projects and the best way to raise funds for the operation of the platform by the founders of the cryptographic money projects.


What do you think of the 10, the K?

K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线、红黑线等,常用说法是“K线”。它是以每个分析周期的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制而成。

The K-line map, also known as CandleStick Charts, the candle map, the Japanese line, the yin-yang line, the bar line, the red black line, etc., is commonly referred to as the “K-line”. It is based on the opening price, the highest price, the lowest price and the collection price for each analytical cycle.


What's a hedge?


In the futures contract market, you buy the same number of positions in different directions, and when the direction is determined, you smooth out the opposite position and keep the right direction for profit.


Twelve. What's the position?


The position is a market agreement, where the initial part of the contract is promised, where the buyers are many and in a position of expectation, and where the contract is sold empty and in a position of hope.


13, what's the profit?


Good: good news of currency being brought to the attention of the mainstream media, or of a breakthrough in the application of a technology that is conducive to stimulating price increases, is known as good.


14: What's Quantico?


Liquor: News of currency price decline, such as bitcoin technical problems, central bank pressure, etc.


15, what's the rebound?


Currency prices rebounded because they fell too fast in the downward trend. The rebound was smaller than the decline.


Sixteen. What's leverage?


Leverage transactions, by definition, involve the use of small funds to invest several times the original amount in the expectation of multiple rates of return, or loss, relative to fluctuations in the subject matter of the investment.


What does a coin ring mean?


The so-called currency circle, the natural circle of digital money players. The currency circle is small, but it is not small in number, and it is basically small in the population, but the forest is at last a circle, with few people making money, and a variety of ways of making money are quickly copied, such as coco, coins, mining, trading platforms, project parties, self-media, etc.


What's the main currency in the ring?

BTC(比特币) ETH(以太坊) XRP(瑞波币、波女神)?


BCH(比特现金、大皇子) EOS(柚子) LTC(莱特币、辣条)

BCH (bit cash, crown prince) EOS (fruit) LTC (Letcoin, chili)


How's the coin ring making money?


There's a lot of ways to make money in the ring. The most important ones are coins, ICOs, bricks, contracts, and so on.


What trading platforms are best used?


On-the-spot trading platform:,, Gate.ioex, Bitel (most well known for safety)

期货交易平台: Gate.ioex、bitmex、火币(最知名安全)

Futures trading platform: Gate.ioex, bitmex, sign (most well-known security)


Where do you usually read about currency circles?


Leisure websites: non-small, MytGate.ioen, Alcoin, etc.


News website: Gold Economy, Babbit Community, Money World News


What do you mean, French?


The French currency is the legal currency issued by the State and the Government and is guaranteed only by government credit, such as the renminbi, the United States dollar, etc.


What do you mean, "Gate.iøen"?


TGate.iøn, which is one of the important concepts in the block chain, is more widely known as “demons”, but, in the opinion of professional “chainers”, its more accurate translation is a “passport”, representing a proof of interest in the block chain, not money.


Three elements of TGate.iien


The first is the proof of a digital entitlement, which must be a certificate of interest in digital form, representing a right, an inherent and intrinsic value;


The second is encryption, where the authenticity of hyphens, anti-fouling, privacy protection, etc. are guaranteed by cryptography;


The third is the ability to move in a network so that it can be validated anywhere.


What does that mean?


Currency-circumstance construction, also known as the opening of a currency, refers to the purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency by the traders.


What do you mean, "loose"?


It's the money that's going to put all the money into it.


What do you mean, currency drops?


Airdrops are a very popular method of encrypting money. In order for potential investors and those interested in encrypting money to have access to money-related information, the money team regularly drops it.


What does that mean?


Lockdowns generally mean that investors, after buying and selling contracts, when the market is moving in the opposite direction from their own operations, open new warehouses that are in the opposite direction of the original warehouse, known as locks, locks, even butterflies.


What do you mean "loose candy"?


♪ The currency confectionery, the digital currency that was distributed free of charge to the user at the time of the issuance of the various digital currency by the ICO, is a campaign and publicity for the project itself by the issuer of the Virtual Currency Project.


What does that mean?


The fall refers to the issuing price of a digital currency. The fall in a currency refers to the fall in a digital currency.


What do you mean, private money?


The private collection of currencies is a way of investing in encrypted money projects and the best way to raise funds for the operation of the platform by the founders of the cryptographic money projects.


What do you think of the k-line?

K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线、红黑线等,常用说法是“K线”。它是以每个分析周期的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制而成。

The K-line map, also known as CandleStick Charts, the candle map, the Japanese line, the yin-yang line, the bar line, the red black line, etc., is commonly referred to as the “K-line”. It is based on the opening price, the highest price, the lowest price and the collection price for each analytical cycle.


What do you mean, currency rings and bricks?


Bricks are purchased from low-value trading platforms for digital currency and then sold on high-price trading platforms.


What does ICO mean?

Initial Coin Offering,源自股票市场的首次公开发行(IPO)概念,是区块链项目以自身发行的虚拟货币,换取市场流通常用的虚拟货币的融资行为,以及还有IEO,STO等,模式都大似相同

Initial Coin Offering, an IPO concept derived from the stock market, is a virtual currency issued by the block chain project itself in exchange for the financing of the virtual currency commonly used for market circulation, as well as IEO, STO, etc., in a similar fashion.


Five Great Investment Codes


1. There is no way for the founders to be held legally accountable once they have gone away.


2. Knowledge of the block chain and of the industry pain points addressed by the block chain will then enter the currency circle.


3. It is important to have a comprehensive picture of the projects that you want to invest, whether the projects actually use block chain technology, whether their founders have made their identities known and their context correct, whether the business logic of the projects is closely linked to the tokens, whether similar projects already exist with the industry to address industrial pain points and, if the projects are successful, whether their projects are profitable in real life.


4. If it is not possible to determine accurately the project prospects in the currency, then investments in more than 20 per cent of the assets involved in the block chain should not be made and eggs should not be placed in a basket.


5. Quality projects are also expected to rise and fall. They are usually treated as self-serving investment projects that do not pay too much attention to prices in the short term, whether the team's development progress is consistent with the White Paper, and that only long-term holdings will ultimately yield more.


Ten major trading codes.


First, low-value chips should not be easily lured away, with a firm conviction to prevent the dealer from smashing the plate.


Secondly, the catch-up, the fall in and out of the warehouse is always a big taboo, and the big trend is a positive one, with the downswing in lots, with lower risks, lower costs and greater profits than the upswing.


Third, reasonable distribution of profits, maximizing the release of funds, rather than keeping money on deposit,


Fourthly, when he rises and falls to hold his currency, he must at all times be righteous, not speculative, not indignant, not greedy, not indignant, not indignant, not in battle prepared,


Fifthly, the ambush or private collection of low-value currency is based on experience and the future of the currency, and the second-tier market games are based on technology and information and on the process of doing business.


Sixth, warehousing, delivery of goods must be stratified, prices gradually spread out, and risk and profit ratio points are effectively controlled.


Seventh, we need to be familiar with the effects of the connection, to watch the behaviour of the money, and to be aware of the movements of the other coins, which do not exist in isolation from the big deal, which does not seem to be linked to the fact that the effects of the connection need to be understood. Many tools now have access to information and information about the currency.


Eighth, the silo is reasonable, the hot currency, the value currency is reasonably configured, the resistance to pressure and the proportion of profit intake are too conservative to miss the opportunity, and too radical to be exposed to high-risk risks. The most important feature of the value currency is stability, the hot currency is the most volatile, and it may also be zero in the first day of the World War.


Ninth, there are coins on the plate, there are money in the account, cash in the pocket is the safest and safest mark, there is no way to go, there is no way to go, there is no way to go.


Tenth, mastering the basics, learning the basics of the game and the basics of the game. Observation is a prerequisite, bearing in mind the highs and bottoms of each time, as a reference data, learning to record, learn to summarize the material itself, develop reading habits, develop the ability to filter information and filter it.


Robust investment programmes


Control the warehouse. Don't fill it easily. Why don't you fill it up?


The first is risk control, and you can't guarantee that when you buy it, your assets will rise, and if you run into the falls, you will not be able to make up for the average price.


The second point is mind control, and I've had my own experience, and I've been staring at it after everything, and it's seriously affecting my mind. I can't sleep well.


The third point is easy to cut, gambling, every moment to see a change in their earnings, a short period of time to see their currency do not rise, other currencies rise or there are other coins they want to buy, and the money that comes with repeated operations is less and less?


Longline 3-4 growth time holding


Shortlines? 3-4%? Why short lines? Many people say short lines are bound to lose money. But when we do long line fund allocations, it's interesting that the vast majority of people can't control their own hands, and do not cut meat frequently. Short lines usually have to be profitable.




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