Confucian was a family of the same family of the same “strong” and “strong” family of the same family of the same “strong” and “strong” family, meaning “strong” and “strong” and “strong” and “strong” family of the same family of the same family of the same family.
In the spirit of His Majesty's His Majesty's words, he is a man of good faith, a man of good faith, a man of ten who was later known as `strang' and
In his 50 words, the descendants of the sons of Kong Meng Chenyang have spoken and heard of the great virtues of chastity, the hymn of the Constitution has blessed the dwig, the Chinsau has made great progress in building peace in Dadong, the Chang Xu Wen Xinxi has done well, and Yongsi Shih-chshang has written history of Han Goo-zu-Yu-Yo's December year of Gozu's death.
The 4th name, the 4th name, was traced back to the four great sages of the Concubine Moncian, and the 4th family tree, the lined name of the ancestor, was exactly the same as the one that seemed to have nothing to do with the nation and was in fact fully manifested.
上报民国政府批准 继30个字后,又续了20个字孔子后裔行辈五十字 希言公彦承 宏闻贞尚衍 兴敏传继广 昭宪庆繁祥 令德维垂佑 钦绍念显扬 建道敦安定 懋修肇益常 裕文焕景瑞 永锡世绪昌 孔孟曾颜quot是一家。
After 30 words of approval by the government, 20 words have been added to the list of the descendants of the descendants.
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