
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:46 评论:0
传统的社区管理模式,居住人员不熟悉,社区问题难发现,社区工作难推进。呈现出居民参与度低、社区工作难开展、信息传导不畅通等现象。如何能够打通社区管理最后一公里,成为关键的一步。Traditional models of community...



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Traditional models of community management, in which residents are unfamiliar, community problems are difficult to detect, and community work is difficult to advance.


Block chains, as new forms of technology in the Internet industry, have been tried out in an increasing number of industries and have produced phased results.


Can the block chain be applied to community governance?


What's a DAO?

DAO是英文Decentralized Autonomous Organization的缩写,是基于区块链核心思想理念(由达成同一个共识的群体自发产生的共创、共建、共治、共享的协同行为)衍生出来的一种组织形态。是区块链解决了人与人之间的信任问题之后的衍生产物。

DAO, an acronym for the English Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is an organizational form derived from the core idea of a block chain (a co-creation, co-building, co-governance, co-management, and co-benefits that arise spontaneously from the same consensus group). It is the product of a block chain that solves the problem of trust between people.

DAO是一种将组织的管理和运营规则以智能合约的形式编码在区块链上,从而在没有集中控制或第三方干预的情况下自主运行的组织形式。DAO 有望成为应对不确定、多样、复杂环境的一种新型有效组织。

DAO is a form of organization that encodes the organization’s management and operations rules in the form of smart contracts on block chains, thus operating autonomously without centralized control or third-party intervention. DAO is expected to become a new effective organization that responds to uncertain, diverse and complex environments.


DAO is fully open, autonomously interactive, decentralised, complex, and emerging. Unlike traditional organizational phenomena, DAO is not bound by real physical space, and its evolution is driven by events or targets, rapidly forming, spreading, and interacting highly, and automatically dissipates with the disappearance of targets.


DAO integrated into community governance

1、分布式与去中心化(distributed and decentralized)

1, distributed and decentralized (distorted and decentralized)

DAO 中不存在中心节点以及层级化的管理架构,它通过自下而上的网络节点之间的交互、竞争与协作来实现组织目标。因此,DAO 中节点与节点之间、节点与组织之间的业务往来不再由行政隶属关系所决定,而是遵循平等、自愿、互惠、互利的原则,由彼此的资源禀赋、互补优势和利益共赢所驱动。每个组织节点都将根据自己的资源优势和才能资质,在通证的激励机制的作用下有效协作,从而产生强大的协同效应。

There is no central node or hierarchical management structure in DAO, which achieves organizational goals through interaction, competition and collaboration between bottom-up network nodes. Therefore, transactions between node and node in DAO are no longer determined by administrative affiliation, but by the principles of equity, voluntariness, mutual benefit and mutual benefit, driven by each other’s resource endowments, complementarities and co-winners. Each node of the organizations will work effectively together, depending on its resource strengths and talents, under a certified incentive mechanism, thus generating strong synergies.

2、自主性与自动化(autonomous and automated)

2, autonomy and automation (autonomous and automated)

在一个理想状态的 DAO 中,管理是代码化、程序化且自动化的。“代码即法律”(code is law),组织不再是金字塔式而是分布式,权力不再是中心化而是去中心化,管理不再是科层制而是社区自治,组织运行不再需要管理而是由高度自治的社区所替代。此外,由于 DAO 运行在由利益相关者共同确定的运行标准和协作模式下,组织内部的共识和信任更易达成, 可以最大限度地降低组织的信任成本、沟通成本和交易成本。

In an ideal DAO, management is coded, programmed and automated. & & ldquo; code is & & rdquo; code is law), the organization is no longer pyramid-type, but distributed, power is no longer centralized, management is no longer hierarchical, but community-based, and the organization's operations are no longer managed but replaced by highly autonomous communities. Moreover, because DAO operates under operating standards and collaborative models that are commonly determined by stakeholders, internal consensus and trust can be achieved more easily, minimizing the organization's trust, communication and transaction costs.

3、组织化与有序性(organized and ordered)

3, organisational and orderly (organized and ordered)


By relying on smart contracts, the rules of operation of the DAO, the rights of participants in their duties, and the mechanisms of rewards and sanctions are open and transparent. Moreover, through a series of efficient principles of self-government, the rights and interests of the participants concerned are precisely divided and reduced, i.e., by matching the rights and benefits of individuals who work, contribute, assume responsibilities in order to promote a division of labour and equality of rights, responsibilities, interests, etc.

4、智能化与通证化 (intelligence and tokenization)

4, intelligent and transliterated (intelligence and tokenization)

DAO底层以封装了支持DAO及其衍生应用的所有基础设施——互联网基础协议、区块链技术、人工智能、大数据、物联网等为技术支撑,以数字化、智能化、链上链下协同治理为治理手段,改变了传统的科层制以及人为式管理方式,实现了组织的智能化管理。通证(token)作为DAO 治理过程中的重要激励手段,将组织中的各个元素(例如人、组织、知识、事件、产品等)数字化、通证化,从而使得货币资本、人力资本以及其他要素资本充分融合,更好地激发组织的效能和实现价值流转。

The bottom level of the DAO is technologically supported by all infrastructure & mdash; — Internet infrastructure protocols, block chain technology, artificial intelligence, big data, and access to things, which transforms traditional layers of science and man-made management through digitalization, intelligence, co-governance under the chain as a means of governance. Translator (token) serves as an important incentive in the DAO governance process to digitize, certify elements of the organization (e.g., people, organizations, knowledge, events, products, etc.), thereby fully integrating monetary capital, human capital and other elements of capital to better stimulate organizational effectiveness and value flow.

DAO 单元模块链接

DAO module link

社会模块细分,城市的组成模块:区、街道、社区、小区、楼宇、单元、家庭。最小模块家庭,由家庭生活成员构成模块,就单一目标的最小可行 DAO 以人性亲情链接,此模块相对稳定,不再细分。

The minimum-module family, consisting of members of the family, and the minimum feasible DAO for a single goal, is relatively stable and no longer broken down.


The module is an outreach module for the family module, generating synergies and collaboration among strangers. The unit's environmental maintenance, public sector cleaning, public lighting, public walkways or common elevators serve as a link point for synergy. The module's overlap creates rules of common order that require joint supervision and co-management.


The building is a combination of units or individual buildings, and the relationship module consists of a family module and a unit module.


The complex is a complex of buildings. The relationship module consists of a family module, a module, and a building module.


The sub-districts are organized into communities, with multiple communities under the management of street districts.

"人治"+"自治":DAO 治理的社区应用

"Governance" + "autonomy": DAO community application for governance


As a founding member of the Council's Science, Technology, and Industry Council culture, a small DAO community governance seminar was held last year in Beijing, with the participation of Web3 developers, Web2 developers, and community governance scholars, some of whom are gays in charge of community governance. There is a multi-dimensional exchange of questions about the application of block chains to community governance, from developers, managers, community participants, popular participation, etc.

开发者按照计算机产品研发角度,对社区治理提出,什么样的治理形式才是去中心化?如何实现"自治"?DAO 的优势应该是通过自动执行的代码来减少人与人的沟通成本,但是为什么看上去我们并没有减少沟通成本,反而更高了呢?用 DAO 完成一个产品的开发,如何进行项目管理?

What form of governance is decentralized? How can "autonomy" be achieved? The advantage of DAO should be to reduce communication costs by auto-executed codes, but why does it seem that we have not reduced communication costs, but higher?

从开发者的角度考虑以上问题无可厚非,从官员和学者角度,政务管理去中心化和自治需要有边界。社区管理向社区治理转变,不是完全意义上的去中心化和自治,而是由自上而下的管理,向自下而上的治理转变,充分发挥各模块自身作用,通过模块链接将问题在初始状态分层消化,将工作简单化,增加线上信息流转与交互,减少线下交互时间,也就是信息多跑路,群众少跑路,基层工作减负。很显然我们面临的是一个组织治理基本准则的问题。这就好比是二进制代码中的0和1,非黑即白。也正是因为非黑即白,很多 DAO 陷入了泥潭,很多试图尝试 DAO 的人望而却步。DAO 的治理需要渐进。这是解决这些问题的起点。

From the point of view of developers, there is nothing wrong with considering these issues: from the point of view of officials and scholars, decentralizing and autonomous government requires borders. The transition from community management to community governance is not fully decentralized and autonomous, but rather from top-down management to bottom-up governance, making full use of the modules themselves, absorbing the problems in their initial state through modular links, simplifying the work, increasing the flow and interaction of information on the line, reducing the hours of interaction under the line, i.e., the multi-routing of information, fewer running paths for the masses, and fewer jobs at the grass-roots level.


Gradually >/strange

我们还没有准备好进入彻底的 DAO。这是由于相关的治理机制、工具和技术还并不完善,但更重要的是人们的意识和习惯。我们不能保证每一位参与者都已经为 DAO 做好了准备。这就像 web3 产品一样,我们需要找到一个让 web2 用户更容易上手 web3 的方法,让更多的用户更快地进入 web3 世界,只有当 web3 形成了规模效应,才能真正激活 web3 生态的发展。

We are not ready to enter the total DAO. This is because the relevant governance mechanisms, tools and technologies are not yet perfect, but more importantly the awareness and habits of people. We cannot guarantee that every participant is ready for DAO. Like the web3 product, we need to find a way to make the web2 user easier to access the web3 world, to get more users into the web3 world faster, and to actually activate the web3 ecological development only if web3 has a scale effect.

DAO 治理同样如此,只有让 DAO 在社会范围形成规模效应,才能真正激活全社会DAO 网络的应用,包括相应的治理机制、工具和技术的完善,以及人们普遍意识和习惯的养成。

This is also true of DAO governance, which can only be truly activated if DAO is given a social scale effect, including the development of appropriate governance mechanisms, tools and technologies, as well as the development of general awareness and habits.

人治 + 自治

+ Autonomy


Can we really achieve full "autonomy"? Limited autonomy, allowing lower-level modules to function at the source of the matter, uplinking modules, top-level stacking. Both single-module resolution and multi-module pooling, layer-by-tier weakening of source issues, problem-centric, near- and remote-level resolution, multi-module, multi-level governance.

人治是"热连接",是不可量化,高频的沟通。自治是"冷连接",是可量化,低频的沟通。人治专门用来解决 DAO 治理中不可量化的事务。例如 DAO 的未来规划,处理突发事件,讨论重大议题等等。这些事务通常无法提前设计出可自动执行的程序。这就像我们无法专门为突发事件提前设计一个标准化的处理方案一样,因为每一次突发事件的组成因素都不一样。很显然,人治并不符合纯粹的 DAO 精神。但也只有它才能解决 DAO 治理中最棘手的问题。

Human governance is "hot connection," which is non-quantifiable, high-frequency communication. Autonomy is "cold connection," which is quantifiable, low-frequency communication. Human governance is dedicated to non-quantifiable matters in DAO governance. For example, DAO planning for the future, dealing with emergencies, discussing major issues, etc. These things usually cannot be designed ahead of time to be self-executable. This is just like our inability to design a standardized treatment for emergencies in advance, because the composition of each event is different.

自治专门用来处理 DAO 治理中可量化的事务。例如业主委员会成立、业主投票、业主议事、业主决策、财务处理会计工作等等。这些事务通常可以提前设计出可自动执行的程序。DAO 很多任务和工作就不需要依赖于沟通,甚至不需要沟通。例如:任务描述、任务需求列表以及相应规范、完成时间、验收标准等等。

Autonomy is specifically used to deal with quantifiable matters in DAO governance. For example, owners’ committees are formed, owners vote, owners’ deliberations, owners’ decision-making, financial processing accounting, etc. These services are usually designed ahead of time to be self-executable.


Let's make a comparison between the establishment of an online owner's committee and the establishment of an online owner's committee:


i. Statement of mandate and request:

1. 任务描述:小区选举成立业主委员会

1. & nbsp; mission description: district elections to establish owners' committees

2. 任务需求列表:业主委员会成员达到获票要求

  task list: Members of the Owners' Committee meet the voting requirements

3. 小区指标:

3. Regional indicators:


500 households in 1 block, 22 floor elevator room, 4 rooms per floor, 6 units

4. 要求:

4. Request:

(1) 筹备成立业主委员会,筹备人员达到10人以上(个别地区依然是全体业主20%签名同意)筹备报备,同意筹备。

(1) Preparations for the establishment of an proprietor's committee with a preparatory staff of more than 10 persons (20 per cent of all owners in individual areas still agree) to prepare and agree to prepare.

(2) 邀请街道、社区、建设单位、物业单位指导

(2) Invite street, community, construction unit, property unit guidance

(3) 三分之二业主报名参与投票选举

(3) Two thirds of owners sign up to vote

(4) 三分之二业主的二分之一完成投票

(4) One-half of two-thirds of owners complete the vote

(5) 业主委员会成员获票达到三分之二的二分之一(每名人员获票须双过半)

(5) One-half of two-thirds of the votes of members of the Owners'Committee (more than one-half of the votes per person)


II. If the above is clarified, in a bottom-up manner:


1. Signature confirmation of owner's identity


1) Personnel: There are people at home (ideal state)


2) Time of notification:


The door-to-house notification was three minutes for single-house notification and 15 minutes for stay on the floor.


Unit 6 × 22 floor × 15 minutes & divide; 60 minutes = 33 hours


2. Convening of the Owners'Congress


1. Two thirds of the owners are able to gather at the same time and require a space to accommodate at least 350 people


2) 9 candidates, whether or not they are aware of them.


3) 2 minutes for each owner to vote, sign, handprint; total time: 1000 minutes approximately 17 hours


3) Counting of votes: For 500 votes per person, 9 countings, 2 countings, 1 counting in one second, 20 counting in one minute, 25 minutes for one person and 2.5 hours for 9 persons.


According to the above calculations, 500 small units will not be able to complete a day of off-line voting, counting of votes, singing of votes, and the election will last for a few days, and the ballot boxes will be sealed, leading to counting of votes and singing of votes.


As a result, the 90-day process of completing the establishment of the Industrial Council was fast-tracked.


III. Same task, if on-line:


Tools: IAPP




1. Two-thirds of the owners can access the number of the house anywhere.


2) Detailed information on election campaigning, campaigning and publication of personal campaign information


3) The owner casts the ballot


Number of votes available to owners according to the membership of the Owners'Committee


Number of voters voted as members + alternate members (30 per cent of members of the Owners Committee)


(4) The system of counting of votes automatically produces a list of votes obtained by the members of the Homeowners Committee, a list of individual votes obtained by the members of the Owners'Committee, a detailed list of votes in the Owners'Statute and Rules of Procedure of the Owners'Council, and a detailed list of participants.


Completion time: up to 30 days


Supervision and supervision: representatives of owners, members of preparatory groups, street supervisors, community supervisors, construction units, property units can monitor the entire process when online. (Personal privacy information *** encrypt processing)


When the process is completed, you can look at the entire process retroactively.


The more specific and clear the elements, the smoother the implementation and the less cost of communication.

通过以上对比不难发现,我们需要在 DAO 治理中灵活地组合人治和自治。建议是将它们组件化。

It is not difficult to see from the above comparison that we need to be flexible in combining people and autonomy in DAO governance. The idea is to integrate them.


We better have people and self-government as two components. A flexible mix of governance programmes according to our needs. For example, community activities are divided into different tasks, each of which is equivalent to a module, with some modules of self-government in it. And it is likely that a module itself is made up of several different modules.

所以说,能不能很好地进行 DAO 治理,就看你是不是一个优秀的制度与应用工具结合的设计者!

So if you can't do DAO governance well, you'll see if you're the designer of an excellent system that combines application tools!

以上说的组件化都是针对 DAO 内部的治理,下面我们扩大一下范围,看看在多个 DAO 组成的协作网络中,如何发挥组件化的优势。

This is all about intra-DAO governance, and we're going to expand the scope to see how the advantages of integration can be realized in multiple DAO collaborative networks.

基于这一模式,网络中的每一个 DAO 就是一个组件,或者说是一个单元模块。DAO 协作网络也是如此,它的致命弱点也是连接。每一个 DAO 应该成为整个 DAO 网络的组件,让网络中的其他 DAO 或者 DAO 组合能够从中受益。

Based on this model, each DAO in the network is a component, or a module. The DAO collaboration network is also a link. Each DAO should be part of the entire DAO network, allowing other DAO or DAO combinations in the network to benefit from it.

问题是,如何连接网络中的 DAO 来搭建具有无穷想象空间的 DAO 模块世界呢?我们同样需要利用 "人治" 和 "自治" 这两个治理模块。

The question is, how do you connect the DAO in the network to build the DAO module world with infinity and imagination? We also need to use the two governance modules, Human Governance and Autonomy.

"人治" + "自治" 的模式不仅可以作为DAO内部治理的工具,而且同样适用于外部,DAO与DAO之间,甚至整个DAO协作网络的治理。

The model of "governance" + "autonomy" can be used not only as an instrument of internal governance for DAO, but also for external governance, between DAO and DAO, and even for the whole DAO collaborative network.

将行为数字化,我们同样可以通过行为数字化在DAO与DAO之间进行交易,这就有点类似数字货币。如果这个DAO协作网络建立在无数个最小可行DAO的基础之上,那么每一个 DAO都是其他DAO的行为数字,行为的输出和行为的输入,形成行为交易。如果它们的交易基于 token,那么将更大化彼此之间甚至整个 DAO 网络的共同利益。这是相比传统商业协作模式的绝对优势和竞争力。

If the DAO collaboration network is based on countless of the most viable DAOs, each DAO is based on the number of other DAOs, their output, their input, and their behavior. If their transactions are based on token, the mutual interests of each other, and even the DAO network as a whole, will be greater.

不过一切都在飞速发展,尤其是 DAO,以上的理论也需要随之不断调整。人治+自治+业主委员会建设+业主委员会运行办公+党建宣传+精神文明建设+熟人社区建设+危机应对机制+基层监督管理+…………,最终,社区管理向社区治理转变,形成居民参与、居民组织业主委员会协调、社区居委会协助、街道办事处辅助,多层次、多角度、多人群参与的共治共管共建五方协同治理。以层层下访,第一时间发现问题,第一时间下访化解,前置化发现问题,减少问题发生,层层响应化解,避免问题叠加生成矛盾,将问题在基层锁定化解,实现小事不出小区,大事不出社区,群众事项在街道层面化解,从而真正实现邻里和睦,社区和谐。欢迎更多从业者,私信探讨。

However, everything is evolving rapidly, especially in DAO, and the above theories need to be constantly adjusted. People’s governance + self-government + owner’s committee + owner’s committee + party building + spiritual civilization + crisis response mechanism + grass-roots oversight management + & Hellip; & Hellip; & Hellip; & Hellip; and, eventually, community governance changes to community governance, with the participation of the population, the coordination of residents’ organizations’ owners’ committees, the assistance of community committees, the support of street offices, multi-level, multi-dimensional, multi-group co-management and co-management governance.





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    【2014.5.6】海美迪 HD900系列 RTD1186 變磚救星 Web3.0 固件分享
    您需要 登錄 才可以下載或查看,沒有賬號?註冊 You need record to download or view without account? ˂a href=https://www.hd.club.tw/member.php?mod=register'title= "Registration account" x 本文章最後由 racha33 於 2014-5-6 23:29 編輯 固件分享品牌:海美迪芯片方案:RTD1186固件简介:基於 1...