交易员和投资者的恐慌可能会成为一个负面信号,并导致以太币价格暴跌。一些专家建议,即使以太坊合并顺利执行,股权证明系统也会对集中加密货币构成威胁,同时损害安全性。根据 CoinMetrics 的说法,威胁将不仅限于交易,理由是以太坊可能出现动荡。
According to CoinMetrics, the threat will not be limited to transactions, on the grounds that there may be unrest in the Taipan.
需要注意的是,ETH 的流通供应量多年来发生了翻天覆地的变化,而 2021 年 8 月 EIP-1559 的发行完全抵消了过去的变化。因此,ETH 的净发行量可能会降至零,从而导致 Merge 日的交易价值达到天价。
It is important to note that the flow of ETH has changed dramatically over the years, and the distribution of EIP-1559 in August 2021 has completely offset the changes in the past. As a result, the net distribution of ETH is likely to drop to zero, resulting in the trade value of Merge Day reaching a daily price.
PoW 具有竞争优势,对此,CoinMetrics 报告指出,PoS 机制可能会导致 ETH 的价值出现通缩趋势,而不是 PoW 在质押过程中的上升趋势。
In response to PoW's competitive advantage, CoinMetrics reports that the PoS mechanism may lead to a deflationary trend in the value of ETH, rather than an upward trend in Pow's pledge process.
CoinMetrics 建议投资者停止交易,因为内存池可能不会跟随压力。因此,这可能导致 ETH 借贷市场和去中心化的价格错配或逆转交易所(DEX)。然而,该公司认为以太坊合并是以太坊的一个关键点。
CoinMetrics suggests that investors stop trading because the memory pool may not follow the pressure. Thus, this may lead to the ETH lending market and decentralised price mismatch or reversal of the exchange (DEX). However, the company believes that the Etherm merger is a key point in the neighbourhood.
OKX支持300 种加密货币,用户可以免费将30多种法币兑换成加密货币。因此,它是交易流行和鲜为人知的加密货币、山寨币和稳定币的绝佳平台。OKX也有自己的原生加密货币OKB,用于在平台上提供折扣交易费用,可以在OKX和其他顶级加密货币交易所进行交易。除此之外,这个欧易交易所好提供分层的maker-taker费用表。
OKX supports 300 encrypted currencies and allows users to convert more than 30 French coins into encrypted currencies free of charge. Thus, it is an excellent platform for the popular and little-known exchange of encrypted currency, mountain currency, and currency stability. OKX also has its own original encrypted currency OKB, which is used to provide discount transaction costs on the platform and can be traded on the OKX and other top-level encrypted currency exchanges.
Teams come mainly from formerly well-known exchanges, and are technically and operationally experienced. There are more currencies, some of the colder ones are supported, trade depth is good, and business experience is smooth.
The biggest feature, however, is its business model of unlimited repurchase of platform money, which regularly uses 40% of profits for open repurchases, which will continue to increase significantly in the future as the platform's currency decreases, and which will capture the dividends of the platform's growth, corresponding to the concept of a universal payout. At the same time, the platform also supports the transaction of soft girls. In the case of ust, the asset security of users can be better guaranteed.
The Group is a globally competitive and influential digital asset integrated service provider that provides high-quality services to millions of users in more than 130 countries.
The exchange has now become the “top-up” exchange for currency circle users, and has successfully captured the needs of the majority of the diasporas, with spot-buying and spot-trading being essentially the best in depth, which actually means that the majority of the diasporas do accept it, which is quite valuable in the currency circle. Where do we go to buy bitcoins?
It has also recently been announced at
4.BitMarket 是一款有名的数字货币交易所,美国交易量第二,仅支持美元和主流币种,手续费:0.0%-0.75% It is a well-known digital currency exchange, with the second largest volume of transactions in the United States, supporting only the United States dollar and mainstream currencies, and handling fees: 0.0 per cent-0.75 per cent 5.BTHEx 基于以太坊的分散式智能合约交易平台,提供实时交易,手续费:0.1%-0.2% A decentralized smart contract trading platform based on the Etherm to provide real-time transactions at a fee of 0.1-0.2 per cent 是基于以太网的分布式智能合同交换,支持实时交易和高交易吞吐量。是最先进的Ethereum DEX,支持限制和管理订单,并且能够同时进行许多交易。 It is based on a distributed smart-contract exchange using Tainet, which supports real-time transactions and high transaction throughput. The most advanced, Etherum DEX, supports the restriction and management of orders and enables many transactions to take place at the same time. 6.Mercado Bitcoin 交易平台在全球综合排名第9位,交易方式支持现货,期货和法币三种方式。发行至今未发生被盗事件,安全性还是不错的, 但这个交易所没有中文界面,不大适合国内用户。 Trading platforms are ranked 9th globally, in a way that supports spot, futures, and French currency. No thefts have taken place so far, and security is good, but the exchange does not have a Chinese interface and is not well suited for domestic users. 在运营以来,它的交易量没有山寨币,只有主流币的交易,交易额也不比那些二线交易所的量少。该平台还是稳扎稳打发展的交易所。 Since the beginning of its operation, it has had no trading in bounties, only in mainstream currencies, and no less in terms of trading than those second-line exchanges. The platform is still a steady and growing exchange. 7.BXMEX 是美国大型的数字货币交易所,在全球的知名度较高,其综合实力排名全球第4位,交易量大,币种的交易深度也非常不错,其次是平台合规经营,也是第一价获得美国区块
It is a large United States digital currency exchange with high global visibility, with a combined strength fourth in the world, a high volume of transactions and a very good depth of transactions in currencies, followed by the Platform's compliance operations, and the United States'
安全做的非常到位,成立至今也没有爆发过盗币事件。用户数量较多,而且体验也非常不错。目前服务全球100多个国家和地区。交易所成立至今获得了多家大牌机构的投资。并且有专业评估机构估值高达80亿美金,也是美国最具价值投资企业之一。 The exchange has been established to date and has been invested in a number of major institutions. It has been valued at $8 billion, and it is one of the most valuable investment firms in the United States. 官方宣传其注册用户突破2500万,24小时的成交额也高达10亿元,但是该交易所成立至今对于上币审核较为严格,所以可交易的币种不多。也正因为如此,其币种的交易深度很好,口碑也非常的好。 Officially, its registered users are over 25 million, and 24-hour transactions amounting to $1 billion, but since the exchange has been set up to date, it has been subject to a more rigorous examination of the upper currency, so that the amount of money that can be traded is small. And that is why its currency is well traded in depth, and its reputation is very good. 8.A比特 8.Abitt 虽然是国际版,但是它还解决了现在交易所存在的一些痛点问题,所以还是有很大区别的。 Although it is an international edition, it also addresses some of the painful aspects of the current exchange, so there is a great difference. 1、涉及法币交易(面临政策风险) 1. Transactions involving French currency (subject to policy risk) 目前大多数交易所都涉及到法币交易对,也就是说你可以用人民币购买比特币,要是国家开始监管,将会承担更多的政策风险。 At present, most exchanges involve transactions in French currency, which means that you can buy bitcoins in renminbi, and if the State starts to regulate it, it will take additional policy risks. 将以 BTC、ETH 作为基础交易货币(后续可能会添加 EOS、DGX),仅支持区块
BTC, ETH as the base currency for transactions (which may be added to EOS, DGX) will only support chain assets transactions will not involve any French currency transactions.
初期预计提供以下交易品种,如果你想买的话,就只能用 BTC 等基础货币购买,无法用人民币购买了。
Initially, the following types of transactions were expected to be available, and if you wanted to buy them, they could only be purchased in basic currencies such as BTC and could not be purchased in renminbi.
2. Failure to demonstrate fairness
绝大多数交易所没有做到账务公开以及 100% 保证金,更别说如何证明公平,这将使交易所作恶成本很低,即使是挪用资金、暗箱操作,也无从追查。
The fact that the vast majority of exchanges fail to make accounts public and 100 per cent of deposits, not to mention how fair they are, makes the transaction costly and untraceable, even if it involves misappropriation of funds and undercover operations.
对此,将坚持「不作恶」的运营理念,实行 100% 准备金,通过多种方式保证用户资金安全,将在资产安全以及如何证明公平方面,成为行业标杆。
In this regard, the concept of "no evils" will be upheld, 100 per cent reserves will be put in place, user funds will be secured in a variety of ways, and the safety of assets and how equity can be demonstrated will become industry poles.
3. Asset security risks
经常听到有交易所的数字资产被盗,这让我们十分不放心。不过从 2014 年运行至今,口碑比较好,从未出现过被盗事件,一直是交易所的一股清流,到现在都没有什么丑闻,这一点还是让人挺放心的。 也将承袭的运营理念,力争成为全球最具安全性的交易所。
But it is reassuring to hear often that the exchange’s digital assets have been stolen. From the beginning of 2014 to the present, the slogans have been better, there has never been a theft, and there are no scandals in the exchange, and it is reassuring that the concept of operations will also be inherited, seeking to become the most secure exchange in the world.
In addition, there is a commitment to make publicly available all sections of the Platform block /a/a> chain assets cold, heat
4、上架币种不受监督 4. Unsupervised currency 因为不受监督,交易所很容易就因利益瓜葛,只选择对他们利益最大化的币种,而真正有应用和投资价值的币种就石沉大海了。 Because of the lack of oversight, the exchange can easily choose, by virtue of its interests, only the currency that maximizes its benefits, whereas the currency that has a real application and investment value is sunk by the sea. 对选择币种一直很讲究,至今为止才选出了十几个币种,并且这些币的增值都非常可观,博得了很多人的称赞。 The choice of currencies has been well-known, and so far more than a dozen have been selected, and the value added of these currencies has been impressive and has been widely praised. 即将上线的不仅承袭了之前的筛选原则,还将以 ULA 方式上架区块
Not only does it follow the previous selection principles, but it will also be available in ULA mode chain assets , i.e. participation in online decision-making on new varieties by means of a user vote.
5. Lack of support for multilingualism
blocks are global and language is the biggest barrier for investors, not only is the investor to look at the Mars on the screen unwieldy, but the exchange will also provide multilingual support to improve the issue because the loss of investors limits the scale of development to the detriment of both parties.
The Bitcoin and Etheria International Station, founded by the Winklevos brothers, is a digital monetary investment platform and custodian agency that allows clients to invest and store digital assets under the direct supervision of the New York State financial services sector (NYDFS).
During working hours, team specialists become not only a team but a good friend who loves the cause. All platform staff have the highest qualifications, enabling the platform to provide individualized methods and improved service levels for each client. Our team provides 7x24 hours of service, so that platform users can successfully sell, convert and safely store their funds in the accounts.
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