最后,以蕴含玫瑰、岩 兰草、薰衣草及维生素E的香薰护肤 乳按摩双手,令 双手恢复美丽及亮泽。 chuanspa.com.cn
Your hands will feel completely pampered
as we complete the treatment with a massage application of aromatic hand lotion
containing rose, lavender and vitamin E. chuanspa.com
MSC Aurea Spa中心提供超现代的理疗,如海泥浴 、 香薰 、 美 容推拿等。 msccruises.com.cn
The MSC?AUREA?SPA offers ultra-modern treatments such as therapeutic mud packs, perfumed vapours, aesthetic massages and much more. msccruises.com.eg
不止是香氛,令人身心振奋的香氛护理,运 用 香薰 和 植 物疗法技术让肌肤从密集植物精华中得到完美护理。 clarinsusa.com
More than a fragrance, this uplifting treatment fragrance has skin care benefits derived from powerful and highly concentrated plant extracts, using aroma and phytotherapy techniques. clarinsusa.com
DK Aromatherapy 經常舉辦不同題目的興趣班,如香薰 按 摩 、 香薰 耳 燭 療法、全面肌膚護理、精油配搭妙法、寵 物 香薰 治 療 、塔羅牌、靈擺用法及占星學等。 classplus.hk
DK?Aromatherapy conducts workshops on
various subjects featuring Aromatherapy
Massage, Ear Candle, Holistic Skin Care, Custom Blending, Aromatic for Pets, Tarot Reading, Use of Pendulum, Astrology. classplus.hk
五星級的 Rialto Hotel (ul. Wilcza Street 73; 48 22 584 8700) 內有桑拿浴及蒸汽浴的設備、冷水浴池, 和 香薰冶 療服務。 homeandaway.hsbc.com
The five-star Rialto Hotel (ul. Wilcza Street 73; 48 22 584 8700) has a dry and steam sauna with aromatherapy and a wash tub for cooling down. homeandaway.hsbc.com
術,其中一些療法或技術並不聲稱包含診斷的技能,但可能聲稱 具有改善用者一般健康狀況或輔助正規醫藥的效用,例 如 香薰治 療及反射療法。 legco.gov.hk
In addition to the above, there has evolved over the years in different parts of the world a variety of therapies or techniques, some of which do not purport to embrace diagnostic skills but may claim
to improve the users' general state of health or complement conventional
medicine, such as aromatherapy and reflexology. legco.gov.hk
Club Aster的裝潢融合自然與時尚元素,配合輕鬆的音樂和舒緩第心 的 香薰 , 加 上免費提供的茶點和全天 然 香薰 草 茶 ,讓您置身完全放鬆的環境下,暫時忘卻日常生活的壓力與煩惱,盡情紓解身心和享受憩適的時光。 aster.com.hk
Club Aster decor and fashion fusion of natural elements, with relaxing music and soothing aromatherapy first heart, with
free refreshments and
all-natural Lavender tea, puts you completely relaxed environment, temporarily forget [...]
the daily life
stress and worry, enjoy relieve physical and mental fitness and enjoy recreation time.
傳統用法 薰衣草精油, 長期用於香水的生產, 同時也用在香薰治療。 vitagreen.com
Traditional Use Lavender oil, which has long been used in the
production of perfume, can also be used in aromatherapy. vitagreen.com
有關範疇包括資訊科技和多媒體製作( 例如平面設計、網頁編寫、電腦 動畫和桌面排版),個人護理( 例如理髮、美甲、美容護理、香薰治 療和 修甲等) ,以及公開表演( 例如魔術表演、「嘻哈」(hip-hop)舞等) 。 legco.gov.hk
Our target is to train and assist about 1 000 young people aged 18 to 24 with education attainment below degree level who are assessed to have motivation to become self-employed in areas with business prospects, such as information technology and multimedia applications (e.g. graphic design, web page editing, computer animation, desk-top publishing), personal care (e.g. hair-dressing, nail-polishing, beauty therapy, aroma treatment, manicure), and public performances (e.g. magic show, hip-hop dance). legco.gov.hk
超级收毛孔气压式香橙香薰油喷 雾,蕴含大自然雪山无污携氧原子及超级维他命原C及微量元素精华,性质温和任何皮肤亦可使用,任何时间及身体各部位均宜使用,可作化妆前之打底,使妆容持续。 aster.com.hk
Cecedille Tonic can be used at any time of the day to refresh, to purify and tone skin. aster.com.hk
護理時肌膚先進行清潔、滋潤與溫和磨砂,隨後面部與肩頸享受鬆 弛 香薰 按 摩。 sogo.com.hk
Skin is cleansed, toned and gently exfoliated before the face, neck and shoulders are treated to a relaxing face,
neck and shoulder aromatherapy massage. sogo.com.hk
除此之外,治療隊亦在2007年12月出版了一本名為「視障失智症長者服務手冊」,此手冊結合各專業團隊服務視障失智症長者之經驗和基礎理論,其中包 括 香薰 治 療 、音樂及懷緬治療等,透過手冊之分享,期望能加強與服務長者的業界同工及照顧者對有關視障失智症長者服務的認識。 hksb.org.hk
The “Dementia Care Service Manual for Aged Blind” was published in December 2007 with an ISBN number. It was a great achievement of our Dementia Care Team working together with different professionals to consolidate the experience of application of different therapies for a sharing with the practitioners in the field. hksb.org.hk
戰爭結束後,他以他作為醫生的身份,繼續使 用 香薰 精 油 ,在1964年,出版了Aromathérapie一書(現有英文版本)。 tisserand.com.hk
After the war he continued using oils in his capacity as a doctor and, in 1964, published Aromathérapie (now available in English). tisserand.com.hk
芳香疗法又名香薰療法 ,是指藉由芳香植物所萃取出的精油做為媒介,並以按摩、泡澡 、 薰香 等 方 式,經由呼吸道或皮膚吸收進入體內,來達到舒緩精神壓力與增進身體健康的一種自然療法。 cn.iherb.com
Aromatherapy is a form of herbal medicine that uses fragrant essential oils to help reduce anxiety, increase energy, for breathing problems [...]
or to help with other conditions.
製造各類 VGA電纜, 網絡電纜, HDMI電纜, 計算機電纜, USB 2.0電纜, USB 3.0電纜, 柔性扁平電纜, 里德擴散, 香薰, 迷你音箱, MP3音箱. vgacables.org
Manufacture all kinds of VGA Cable, Network Cable, HDMI Cable, Computer Cable, USB 2.0 Cable, USB 3.0 Cable, Flexible Flat Cable, Reed Diffuser, Aroma Diffuser, Mini Speaker, Mp3 Speaker. vgacables.org
首180位成為DFS 白金俱樂部會員的持卡人可於澳門四季酒店免費享受奢華住宿,更可選 擇下列其中一項尊貴體驗:兩小時DFS尊貴體驗(可選專屬人員店內隨側服務或專業化妝服 務)、房間升級、一次香薰按摩 療程、餐飲優惠或購物禮券。 mastercard.com
The first 180 cardholders to qualify as privileged DFS Platinum Services Club Prestige members will enjoy a luxurious complementary stay at the Four Seasons Macau. mastercard.com
國際專業香薰治療 師聯會(IFPA)是現今英國最大規模 的 香薰 治 療 師組織,在全世界輔助療法中具有崇高的地位。 hkma.org.cn
The IFPA is now the largest aromatherapy specific organisation in the United Kingdom and is a respected voice within the world of complementary medicine. hkma.org.hk
香薰蜡烛 、按摩草球与犹如艺术杰作的南瓜雕刻,是我这个周末的愉快收获。 innercircle.shangri-la.com
This weekend I
learnt how to make scented candles, herbal [...]
compresses and carve a pumpkin into a piece of art.
除此之外酒店更推出密友婚前派對, 於 香薰 療 理 中心為新娘子和姊妹們提供婚禮前的美容療程,令各位於大日子當日變得容光煥發。 yp.mo
In order to create a even more memorable wedding for the bride, Grand Lapa Macau is launching a Bridal Spa Party for the bride and bridesmaids to indulge themselves with beauty treatments before the big day. yp.mo
這精華油配方包括: 綠花白千層、迷迭香 、玫瑰草、廣藿香、薰衣草 、杜松和佛手柑。 nestbeauty.com
This blend includes essential oils of: Niaouli, Rosemary,
Palmarosa, Patchouli, Lavender, Juniper and Bergamot nestbeauty.com
在09/10年度,失智症治療隊繼續為各院之視障失智症院友舉辦各項治療活動,如懷緬治療、桌面運動、感官刺激活動、音樂治療、健腦操 、 香薰 治 療 及二十四小時導向活動等。 hksb.org.hk
During the period under review, the Dementia Care Team continued to organize reminiscent therapy, remedial
activity, sensory stimulation, music therapy,
brain gym, aromatherapy and 24-hour [...]
orientation activities for the dementia clients according to their needs.
花园商店,可由花园或公园进入(就在小威尼斯餐厅旁边),出售以花园和玛丽-安托瓦内特为主题的系列衍生产品、纪念品和礼品(文具和皮具、蜡烛、乳香和室 内 香薰 用 品 、T恤衫、玩具和游戏、书籍、园艺用品) - 电话:00 [...]
33 9 61 05 18 02。
The Gardens Shop, accessible via the Gardens or the Park (next to the La Petite Venise restaurant), with several collections of related products, souvenirs and gifts designed around the theme of the Gardens and Marie-Antoinette
(stationary and leathercraft items,
candles, incense and home fragrance oils, T-shirts, [...]
toys and games, books, gardening
items) Tel : +33 (0)9 61 05 18 02.
金麗華酒店的香薰療理 中心推出密友婚前派對,讓新娘子和姊妹們一邊做spa一邊飲香檳。 yp.mo
The Spa at Grand Lapa Macau launches the Brida Spa Party that provides the bride-to-be and her bridesmaids a relaxing spa journey and unlimited champagne before the big day. yp.mo
店內其他貨品種類還包括咕臣、家具、牆上掛飾 、 香薰 蠟 燭 ,甚至潔衣液等,每項也是店主因應生活中的各種需要而從世界各地搜羅,如同樣由環保物料製作的地毯、包裹環保毛絨面料的Yoga [...]
Other categories include cushion, homeware,
wall decoration, scented candles and even [...]
washing liquid. Each item is handpicked
by the owner from all over the world, according to everyday needs — carpet made with green material; yoga ball wrapped with eco velvet; heat proof pattern dining utensils; room and textile spray.
AZZARO改寫了男士香薰的歷 史,締造典範。 sogo.com.hk
CHROME, which was introduced in 1995,
is still ranked within top ten in the European sales. AZZARO is a model who
rewrites the history of the men's fragrance. sogo.com.hk
(澳门,2012年5月12日)– 為与澳门本地社区一同分享澳门金沙开业八周年志庆的喜悦,金沙中国关怀大使与澳门扶康会在星期六 (5月12日) 於金沙酒店的银映池畔聚首,携手制作天 然 香薰 肥 皂 及享用特色自助午餐。 cn.sandsmacao.com
(Macao, May 12, 2012) – The Sands China Care Ambassadors shared the joy of Sands Macao’s eighth anniversary with the local community Saturday (May 12), as they joined the
Fuhong Society of Macau to
make natural aroma soaps and enjoyed a special buffet lunch together at Reflections poolside lounge at Sands? Macao. ko.sandsmacao.com
纯天然植物精油的世界,面部护肤,防晒美 颜 , 香薰 洗 浴 ,手足保养,纯露护体。 business-china.com
Pure natural plant volatile oil world, face
protects skin, guards against exposes to sun
beautiful face, fragrant Xun taking bath, [...]
hand and foot maintenance, pure dew protects body.
软陶瓶,玻璃软陶瓶,精油香薰软陶 瓶,饰品小瓶子,幸运软陶玻璃,纪念许愿瓶,祈福幸运瓶,工艺瓶,漂流瓶,儿童饰品玻璃瓶;陶瓷玻璃瓶,镀彩玻 璃 香薰 瓶 , 喷漆玻璃瓶,琉璃瓶适用于项链熏香吊坠,手 链 香薰 吊 坠 ,手机挂件熏香吊坠,汽 车 香薰 挂 件 吊坠和钥匙扣熏香吊坠等。 cnonen.com
Yiwu golden dolphin aromatherapy specializing in the production of soft, soft, bearing glass bearing essential oil bearing, adorn article aromatherapy soft small bottles, lucky ls glass bottle, a vow of blessing, lucky bottle, process bottle, drifting bottle, children's jewelry glass bottles; Ceramics glass bottle, plating glass bottle, paint color aromatherapy bottles, coloured glaze bottle, coloured glaze hang etc. Car Soft, soft, bearing glass bearing essential oil bearing, adorn article aromatherapy soft small bottles, lucky ls glass bottle, a vow of blessing, lucky bottle, process bottle, drifting bottle, children's jewelry glass bottles; Ceramics glass bottle, plating glass bottle, paint color aromatherapy bottles, coloured glaze bottle is applicable to necklace, bracelet fragrant incense pendant pendant, the mobile phone's accessories incense pendant, car aromatherapy hang pendant and [...]
key incense pendant, etc.
APA 提供亞洲區內最全面的香薰治療 文憑課程,設有中、英文課程以配合不同的需要,更是香港唯一獲三個國 際 香薰 治 療 協會認可的院校,包括英國的 IFPA、 美國的 NAHA、 新西蘭的 NZROHA。 classplus.hk
The school offers the most comprehensive diploma course in Asia in both English and Chinese, and is
the only one in Hong
Kong that is accredited by and affiliated with three international governing bodies for aromatherapy, including the UK-based IFPA, NAHA (the USA) [...]
and NZROHA (New Zealand).
这含海藻及香薰治疗 的按摩油,以滋润的基底配以具刺激性的海岸松、沙棘子、海茴香及迷迭香精华,是保健疗程的最佳配搭,能有效减轻肌肉酸痛及关节疲劳。 senseoftouch.com.hk
This algae aroma-therapeutic body [...]
oil contains a potent blend of stimulating Maritime Pine, Sea Buckthorn, Sea Fennel and
Rosemary in a skinnourishing base.
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