Today, the block chain is seen as a subversive technology that can reshape the ecological logic and architecture of industries, and industries have begun to embrace the block chain actively in the hope of digitizing and upgrading their operations through block chain technology. In April this year, the National Development and Reform Commission formally integrated the block chain into the new infrastructure. It also represents an important enabler of new and emerging industries, providing a powerful digital engine for the development of Chinese industries and bringing about profound industrial change.
Therefore, it does not seem to be enough to refer to block chain technology as one of the core technologies that currently have the greatest potential to trigger the fifth wave of subversive revolutions, following steam engine, electricity, information and Internet technology.
快速发展的区块链技术已经有了许多成熟的开发平台,以太坊就是区块链最典型的优秀项目之一。以太坊由Vitalik Buterin提出,它的目的是为建立去中心化的应用创建一种可替代的协议,给一大类的去中心化的应用程序提供一组不同的平衡机制,这对需要快速开发、安全性要求低、很少使用的应用程序以及在不同应用之间能有效互动很重要。
The fast-growing block chain technology already has many mature development platforms, and the Etherm is one of the best projects in the block chain. The Etherm, proposed by Vitalik Buterin, aims to create an alternative protocol for the creation of decentralized applications, providing a different set of balancing mechanisms for a wide range of decentralized applications, which is important for rapid development, low safety requirements, low-utilization applications, and effective interaction between different applications.
根据《以太坊开发者调查报告》和《中国开发者报告》显示,有2/3的区块链开发者最关注以太坊技术。以太坊也是目前区块链开发领域最活跃的社区,在2018年,全球有超过25万开发者在做以太坊的开发,在GitHub上活跃时约达10000多人;根据 Electric Capital发布的《2019年上半年的开发者生态健康报告》,2019年以太坊月平均活跃开发人员数量为1156名,6月单月为1243名,而比特币平台6月只有314名活跃开发者,从中能够看出以太坊在区块链开发领域里已经占据了主导地位。
According to the Etherbank Developer Survey and the China Developer Report, two-thirds of the developers of the block chain are most concerned with Ether technology. is also the most active community in the current area of block chain development. In 2018, more than 250,000 developers worldwide were active in Ether development, and some 10,000 people were active in GitHub; according to the Eco-Health Report for Developers for the first half of 2019, the average number of developers active in the district in 2019 was 1,156 per month, compared to 1,243 in single month in June, while the Bitco platform had only 314 active developers in June.
It has built large and solid ecosystems around the globe, with a significant increase in activity and attention, as a result of its strong community of developers in the block chain industry and its excellent Dapp development tools and frameworks, which have made the process of development by the developers easier.
reboots with with to light the summer with
2020年,是以太坊诞生的第5年,以太坊早已从一个极客社区,成长为真正的「公链之王」。CSDN作为开发者社区,也希望能够让更多以太坊开发者及区块链爱好者们能全方位深度了解以太坊生态发展规划,近距离接触以太坊核心团队,在2018年~2019 年,CSDN携手灵钛科技主办了「以太坊技术及应用大会·中国」。大会围绕以太坊生态、以太坊核心技术、以太坊优质应用展开,邀请了众多国内外顶级开发者、以太坊团队核心成员,以及顶级项目负责人,共同助力中国以太坊技术深度交流和社区发展,引起了极大的业界反响,收获了来自国内以太坊爱好者及区块链开发者的一致好评。
In 2020, it was the fifth year of its birth, when the Taiku community grew up as the true “King of the Public Chain” from an extreme community. The CSDN, as a community of developers, also hopes to enable more ETA developers and block-chain fans to learn about ETA's ecological development planning in all its dimensions. The close contact with the ETA core team. In 2018-2019, CSDN joined forces to host the "Taiwan Conference on Technology and Applications in China." The Congress, which focused on ecology, Etherium core technology, and its high-quality applications, brought together a large number of national and international top developers, core members of the Etheraya team, and top project leaders to help China to exchange technology depth and develop communities.
2020 年8月8日,由 CSDN和Unitimes 主办、ETHPlanet、区块链大本营、灵钛科技协办的「2020以太坊技术及应用大会?中国」将再度起航!今年,以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin(V神)将继续携众多以太坊核心开发者展开一场别开生面的线上会面,为开发者们带来关于以太坊2.0、以太坊技术解析、De-Fi、行业应用、安全等众多热门话题。大会还设置了形式多样的线上互动,为开发者提供充分的机会,还可与V神及以太坊生态圈的众多大咖交流!
为了帮助大家充分了解以太坊的技术发展,全面解读以太坊在中国市场的未来方向,探索以太坊的奥秘 ,「2020以太坊技术及应用大会?中国」更是邀请了超凡大咖阵容前来参会。
In order to help you fully understand Ether’s technological development, to read the future directions of Ether’s future in China’s market, and to explore the mystery of Ether’s future, “The 2020 Ether’s Conference on Technology and Applications? China” invited the great curator to the conference.
Vitalik Buterin 以太坊创始人
最新区块链技术解密,与“V神”在线互动。以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin ,人称“V神”,生于1994年,以太坊创始人、程序员、作者,曾击败Facebook创始人Mark Zuckerberg,获得2014年IT软件类世界技术奖。本次大会中,V 神将与开发者们近距离探讨以太坊生态。
The latest block chain technology was declassified and interacted with the V God online. Vitalik Buterin, founder of Etheria, known as V God, was born in 1994 and beat Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, with the 2014 IT Software World Technology Award.
蒋涛 CSDN创始人&董事长
带你从技术社区看区块链未来。重磅嘉宾CSDN创始人&董事长蒋涛,蒋涛老师具有25 年软件开发经验,曾领导开发了巨人手写电脑、金山词霸和超级解霸。1999 年创办 CSDN。2011 年创办极客帮创投,作为懂技术的投资人,先后投资了聚合数据、巨杉数据库、传智播客、乐动卓越(我叫 MT)、IT 桔子等 100 余家高科技创业公司。
Founding CSDN Founder and Chairman of the Board, Chiang Tao, who has 25 years of experience in software development, led the development of giant hand-written computers, golden mountain vernaculars, and super-dismantlements. Founded CSDN in 1999. Founded in 2011 as a technology-informed investor, investing in aggregate data, mega-swig databases, intelligence podcasters, musical excellence (My name is MT), IT oranges, and more than 100 high-tech start-ups.
Pandia Jiang 灵钛科技创始人
全面探索中国以太坊生态建设。灵钛科技创始人Pandia Jiang(姜英英),区块链技术爱好者,曾就职于德勤咨询,专注于企业财务管理转型、财务管理信息化方向等咨询,2015年开始创业,并于2016年初成立了灵钛科技,对于以太坊和区块链技术有着独到的见解。
The founder of Lintao Technology, Pandia Jiang (Gang Young-young), a technologist in the block chain, was employed in Deloitte and Touche, focusing on the transformation of corporate financial management and the orientation of financial management information, and started starting a business in 2015 and set up Tingtao Technology at the beginning of 2016, with a unique insight into the technology in Ether and the block chain.
CSDN副总裁 孟岩
区块链行业趋势分析。孟岩 CSDN副总裁,通证经济发起人,中国云体系联盟咨询专家,中关村区块链联盟专家,通正道捷高级架构师。
Analysis of trends in the block chain industry. Vice-President, Monwau CSDN, Provost of the Translator Economy, consultant expert for the China Cloud System Alliance, expert for the China-Kuan Village Block Chain Alliance, senior architect for the Greater Guidance.
Hsiao-Wei Wang 以太坊核心研究员
以太坊核心技术经验分享。以太坊核心研究员Hsiao-Wei Wang,作为行业知名人士,多次参与行业讨论和研究。此次大会上Hsiao-Wei Wang将与大家倾情分享她丰富的以太坊技术经验。
At this conference, Hsiao Wei Wang will share her wealth of Ethio-Technology experience.
代世超 DeFi Labs 创始人
深谈链上资产定价权与流动性。DeFi Labs 创始人代世超,Cypher Jump CEO , 前DDEX 市场负责人,同时作为区块链金融研究者的她,将带领我们深度解析DeFi与以太坊的联系。
Deeply talking about asset pricing rights and liquidity on the chain. The founder of DeFi Labs, Sipher Jump CEO, former head of the DDEX market and also a financial researcher in the block chain, will lead us to a deeper analysis of DeFi’s connection with Ether.
郭宇 安比(SECBIT)实验室创始人
zkPoD - Agreement for the Fair Exchange of Zero Knowledge Data based on the Block Chain. Dr. Guo, founder of the Abe Laboratory and former associate professor at the Chinese University of Science and Technology, participated in and chaired several national priority scientific research projects and published dozens of papers in leading international conferences and periodicals in the field of formalization certification, proof of zero knowledge, nuclear, block chain technology within the operating system, system security, etc.
Adelyn Zhou Chainlink首席战略官
以太坊技术如何落地应用。Chainlink首席战略官Adelyn Zhou,毕业于哈佛大学,并获得MBA学位。她曾任职于全球顶尖企业BCG和亚马逊,也曾服务过高潜力初创企业Nextdoor和Evenbrite。她不仅是商业领袖,同时也是一位畅销书作家,曾撰写《如何应用人工智能》一书,荣登亚马逊畅销书榜单。
Adelyn Zhou, Chief Strategic Officer of Chainlink, graduated from Harvard University and obtained her MBA degree. She worked at the top firms in the world, BCG and Amazon, and also served the top starters, Nextdor and Evenbrite. She was not only a business leader, but also a best-selling writer, who wrote the book " How to Apply Artificial Smart ", and was a great salesman in Amazon.
In addition, the conference featured round-table discussions on the theme " The Taiyet Industry Discussion ", which brought together senior industry leaders to discuss the current situation and development of the Taiyet industry.
2020 年,区块链技术正经历脱虚向实的过程,在新基建的大环境下,开发者们更需要紧跟行业趋势,深入了解与学习更多区块链技术大事。
In 2020, block chain technology is undergoing a process of dissipation, and in the context of new infrastructure, developers need to keep abreast of industry trends and learn more about block chain technology.
如今,「2020以太坊技术及应用大会?中国」已经来了,趁这个机会,在这里与 V 神面对面,与以太坊核心开发者共话行业风云,在以太坊读懂区块链,在这里读懂以太坊!
Today, "The 2020 Ether-Technology and Applications Conference? China" has come to take this opportunity to speak to V God here, speak to the industry with the Ether-ether core developer, read the block chain in Ether-ether, read Ether-ether here!
8月 8 日,线上相约!
August 8th, on the line!
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Scanning for Live Links and PPT?
Source: gold finance
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