1 .价格变动:比特币的价格变动较大,而以太坊的价格相对稳定。在此期间,比特币的价格从几美元上涨到数千美元,以太坊的价格从200美元左右上涨到近2000美元。
1. Price movements: Bitcoin prices vary considerably, while the prices are relatively stable in Taiping. During this period, Bitcoin prices rose from several dollars to thousands of dollars, and from around $200 to nearly $2,000 in Taicha prices.
2 .技术差异:以太坊和比特币都使用区块链技术,但以太坊致力于开发智能合约和去中心化应用程序(DApp),而比特币则致力于保值致力于存款和交易的支付。这样一来,以太坊在加密货币市场的应用范围就有了扩大的可能性。
Technical differences: Ether and Bitcoin use block chain technology, but Ether is committed to the development of smart contracts and decentralised applications (DApp), while Bitcoin is committed to the preservation of value and to the payment of deposits and transactions. In this way, the application of Ether in the crypto-currency market is likely to expand.
Community support: Bitcoin and Ether are different from community support. The Bitcoin community is centred on diggers and investors, and on the tavern? The community is centred on developers and entrepreneurs.
4 .总量:比特币的总量为2100万枚,而以太坊的总量没有上限,但会逐渐减少一半。这意味着以太坊的总量有可能超过比特币。
4. Total: The total number of bitcoins is 21 million, while the total amount of the taupulega is not capped, but will be reduced by half. This means that the amount of taupe is likely to exceed the amount of bitcoins.
Investors choose to invest by considering their own risk tolerance and investment targets.
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