中国给虚拟货币交易上“紧箍咒” 专家详解缘由

资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:46 评论:0
  以交易比特币为代表的中国虚拟货币交易平台,日子开始不好过了。The Chinese virtual currency trading platform, represented by the trading of bitcoin, i...



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The Chinese virtual currency trading platform, represented by the trading of bitcoin, is beginning to be difficult.


In September, seven ministries, including the Central Bank of China, issued a joint announcement on 4 September calling for a complete halt to the financing of the first currency issue (ICO); on 8 September, the virtual currency exchange platform, the National Exchange Network, announced that all currency transactions would be suspended on that day; on 13 September, the Chinese Internet Finance Association issued a risk alert to protect against so-called “virtual currency” such as Bitcoin; and on 14 September, China's first Bitcoin trading platform, the Bitcoin China, announced that all transactions would cease on 30 September.



In recent days, Yanan police have uncovered a case of alleged theft of State power, and in a hilly flat, a high-powered computer used to dig bitcoin has been connected to the production of cables in the oil fields.


Virtual currency prices fell across the line, influenced by the convergence of regulatory signals and market dynamics. By 14 hours, Bitcoin China data showed a 21.6% drop in bitcoin and a 31.92% fall in Letco.


The virtual currency trading platform, “What's the crime,” gives the regulatory level a lot of “cancer spells”?


In an interview with a Chinese news agency journalist, Yang Dong, Director of the China People's University Centre for Research on Financial Science and Technology and Internet Security, cited a number of problems related to virtual money trading platforms, including the lack of license plates for legal operations, the inflated prices of virtual money, suspected money-laundering and exchange-control irregularities, suspected sales and fraud, insider manipulation, technical and information security issues, and clandestine Internet transactions.


In particular, Yang Dong mentioned that in February 2014, Mt. Gox, the world's largest Bitcoin trading platform, Mt. Gox, worth nearly $500 million, had stolen 850,000 bitcoins, which had led to Mt. Gox's bankruptcy.



Information chart: On 21 June 2014, local time, two Bitcoin ATMs were officially launched for the first time in southern California, United States, in Los Angeles.


According to Yang Dong, virtual money is generated on the basis of specific algorithms, and cryptography is used to ensure the security of all links in currency circulation. If the security system is not robust enough, the inherent risk of hacking on the Internet will have a huge impact on Bitcoin transactions, and hacker attacks will result in large amounts of lost data on the Bitcoin trading platform, causing irreparable losses.


According to Yang Dong, “the existence of problematic virtual money trading platforms poses risks to investors, which, when accumulated, expanded and diffused, can create systemic financial risks, and it is therefore essential that regulatory levels identify and deal with them in a timely manner.”


First, outlaws have used virtual currency for illegal acts such as money-laundering tax evasion and foreign exchange controls; second, some virtual money-trading platforms in the country have a pool of funds, leverage funds, virtual chassis, and some organizations even hold large amounts of virtual money to manipulate the market; third, similar to the P2P (peer-to-peer) loan platform “runway” and virtual money-trading platforms often “run” on the grounds of “black attacks” that lead to the loss of investors.


  2014年4月15日,中国首台比特币ATM机出现在上海张江的一家咖啡店内,吸引不少比特币玩家前来兑换(资料图)。张亨伟 摄

On April 15, 2014, China's first bitcoin ATM appeared in a coffee shop in Zhang Jiang, Shanghai, attracting a number of bitcoin players to exchange.


How, then, should the future of bitcoin be regulated?


Yang Dong argued that China should strengthen technology-driven regulation of virtual currencies, such as bitcoin, using a variety of means, such as big data, cloud computing, block chains, artificial intelligence, to increase the traceability of virtual currencies, such as bitcoins, to monitor fluctuations in the overall market, and to improve the real-time tracking of financial flows. At the same time, it should also strengthen financial consumer education and self-regulation, and education markets should address the nature and risks of virtual currencies, such as bitcoins.


The Governor of the People’s Bank of China has warned Xin Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang, whether to call a halt to the ICO or close the virtual currency transaction, should be seen separately from the block chain technology, which supports the bottom. Block chain technology itself is still to be encouraged, its application still remains to be tapped, and timely intervention is to protect the block chain industry and enable it to develop more robustly.




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