Today, we're here to tell you about the Virtual Currency Wallet Development. A lot of people don't know about it. Now let's see.
1.APIX coins are issued on the basis of APIX wallets and are ERC 20.
2. Comfortable reminder: legal risks associated with the investment of currency in virtual goods trading activities
3.当我们想在Php开发的网站中加入比特币支付功能时,首先需要解决的问题就是如何在Php程序代码中调用Bit币钱包的RPC API开发接口来实现我们想要的功能,比如比特币支付和收款。
3. When we want to add a bitcoin payment function to the web site developed by Php, the first question that needs to be addressed is how to develop an interface with the RPC API, which calls the Bitcoin wallet in the Php program code, to achieve what we want, such as Bitcoin payments and receipts.
4. During the payment process, the comptoir pulls up the digital RMB APP to make payment requests; payment can be completed after the user has selected an open wallet in the digital RMB APP to authenticate the password.
5.简单介绍一下VGC生态系统的三大板块:VPay:去中心化支付工具,属于热门钱包,可以作为易贝或支付宝的线上或线下交易/支付。支持的虚拟币如VGC/ *** C/ETH/USDT通过区块链,充入VPay后,一秒钟即可免费转账。
5. Briefly describe the three main components of VGC ecosystems: VPay: Decentralized payment tools, which are popular wallets that can be traded/payed on or below line as e-Bay or payment treasures. Virtual currency supported, such as VGC/*** C/ETH/USDT, can be transferred free of charge one second after filling VPay through a block chain.
6.消费场景在Eit的设计中主要分为两个层次——线上和线下。首先,我们改变对钱包的认知。生命体钱包首先是一个 *** 版无冷钱包的设计,主要解决交易的时效性。
In the design of Eit, consumption scenes are divided into two main layers - on and below the line. First, we change our perception of wallets.
These are the answers from our station regarding the virtual currency wallet development (virtual currency wallet API). If you have any other questions, please follow the station.
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