《中华人民共和国刑法》 第二百二十四条
组织、领导以推销商品、提供服务等经营活动为名,要求参加者以缴纳费用或者购买商品、服务等方式获得加入资格,并按照一定顺序组成层级,直接或者间接以发展人员的数量作为计酬或者返利依据,引诱、胁迫参加者继续发展他人参加,骗取财物,扰乱经济社会秩序的传销活动的,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处罚金;情节严重的,处五年以上有期徒刑,并处罚金。Virtual currency transactions are not legal in China. Although virtual currency is not recognized as illegal, our country does not currently recognize the monetary attributes of virtual currency, so the transactions to which it applies are not protected by law and may be linked to fraudulent activities. The Penal Code provides for imprisonment for up to five years or detention and a fine for organizing or leading fraudulent distribution activities that disrupt the economic and social order.
The legal basis of the Criminal Code of the People's Republic of China is
The organization of the People's Republic of China, leading business activities such as marketing goods, providing services, etc., requires participants to be eligible for membership by paying fees or purchasing goods, services, etc. The number of development personnel, either directly or indirectly, is used as a basis for payment or return of profits.
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