新华社纽约5月19日电 题:比特币价格大跌凸显加密货币波动性风险
Xinhua New York on May 19th
Xinhua News Agency journalist Liu Yanan
The price of encrypted currency, such as Bitcoin, fell sharply on 19 September, under the pressure of the news. Analysts argue that the market for encrypted currency is premature and vulnerable to the news, that it is expected that the future of encrypted currency will remain highly volatile and that investors will need to remain cautious.
The price of Bitcoin futures delivered by the Chicago Commodity Exchange in May fell to a low of $30205 on a 19-day basis, a 30 per cent decrease compared with the previous round-up; it then recovered significantly, receiving $39,340 on the same day, a decline of 8.8 per cent.
According to data from the “bitcoin counter” website of the market information agency, the price of encrypted currencies such as Tai, Ribo, Aida and star currencies fluctuated even more than Bitcoin on the spot market on the day.
The price of encrypted currency such as bitcoin has risen significantly in recent quarters, and some institutions have begun to invest in or accept bitcoin, but the characteristics of the high volatility of encrypted currency have not changed.
The editor of the “bitcoin counter” site, Orie & Middot, stated that the high volatility of encrypt currency prices was largely due to market maturities, and traders were very vulnerable to emotional reactions, leading to extreme market reactions. The impact of social media information on encrypting currency prices was of particular concern.
Ulric & Middot, Executive Director of the European encrypt currency hedge fund ARK36; Luc stated that the encrypt currency market was dealing with a large amount of cheap news and that the market value of Bitcoin had evaporated more than $250 billion the previous week alone, and that such a large amount was not uncommon in the volatile encrypt currency market.
In response, the investment strategist, Kaiana & Middot; Danielal says that encryption is more risky than conventional investment instruments. Chris & Middot, the global market director of the TIA Bank of the United States; Gaffney predicts that the future market for encryption money may have more “circumstances.”
The Silver Group’s Global Chief Investment Officer, Mark & Middot; Hefel said that governments could influence encrypted money markets through banking regulation and tax systems, and that holding encrypted money increasingly required the application of capital gains and other tax provisions. In his view, investors should view encrypted money as speculative assets.
Author: Liu Yanan
来源: 新华网
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