秦代,深泽县境属巨鹿郡;汉高帝八年,深泽为侯国,属中山郡。 Qin Dynasty, Shenzawa County, belongs to the Great Deer County, and Han Goe the Emperor, who has been in deep country for eight years, belongs to Nakayama County. 景帝三年,中山郡改称中山国,辖深泽。 For three years, Nakayama County was renamed Nakayama. 汉武帝元朔五年,除深泽侯国,改为深泽县。 For the five-year period, Han Wootshaw changed from deep-seated to deep-seated county, with the exception of the deep-seated State of Hsien-taek. 西汉,深泽改称南深泽县,隶涿郡。 Sihan, Deepze, renamed South Deepze County, Chenjian County. 东汉时仍称南深泽,隶涿郡。 East Han continued to be known as Shinawatra Namoshire. 延光元年,乐成国改名安平国隶安平。 In the first anniversary of Yangwang, the name was changed to An-Ping and An-Ping. 延熹元年改安平为博陵郡,南深泽隶博陵。 Yanjian was transformed into Pao Maung County, the South Deep-Sazawa Mahal. 三国时,南深泽为魏地,隶博陵郡。 In the case of the three countries, Sumizawa Sul is Weidi, the county of Chai Po. 晋,南深泽隶博陵国。 Jin-taek, South Deep-Shin-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-N. 北魏时,去“南”字为深泽县,隶博陵。 North Wei Wei, the word “South” for Deep-Sazawa County, the mausoleum. 太平真君七年安国县省入深泽县。 During the seven-year period, Yapingjin-kun has been admitted to Shinzawa County. 北齐、北周时,深泽县,归入博陵郡安平县。 At the time of North Qi and North Week, Shenzawa County was integrated into Anping County, Boge County. 隋开皇六年复置深泽县,治所在今治,属定州。 The Dynasty has been restored for six years to the Dynasty of the Dynasty, which is governed by the Dynasty. 唐武德四年复置定州。 Don Mudd has re-established the state for four years. 天宝元年改定州为博陵郡,隶博陵;干元元年,复置博陵邪为定州,隶定州。 The Tianbao State was re-established as the Bay County, and the Kanyuan State, which was re-established as the Prefectural State, was re-established. 景福二年二月,置祁州于无极,深泽隶祁州。 In February of February of this year, the state of Chien Fuku, the state of Dynasty, the state of Dynasty. 五代承唐旧制,深泽隶祁州。 Five generations of Dom's old system, deep-seated state. 宋代,深泽县初隶祁州。 Song Dynasty, Shinzawa County. 金代,深泽县属祁州。 Kim Dae-hyeong, Shenzawa County, belongs to Jianzhou. 元世祖至元二年省深泽县入束鹿县,隶保定路祁州。 From Yuan Shizu to Yuanjia, the Dynasty of Shinzawa Province entered the Bong Deer County, which is the State of Roadstone. 明代,深泽属北直隶保定府祁州。 Mingyo, Shinzawa belongs to the Prefectural State. 清代,深泽初隶保定府祁州。 Qingdao, Shinsawazawa Province. 雍正十二年改属定州。 Xiangzheng was transferred to the State of Dynasty in 12 years. 1913年,直隶省下设四道:津海道、大名道,口北道、范阳道。深泽属范阳道。[8] In 1913, the province of Naoji was divided into four roads: Jin Haidao, Grand Fame Pass, Hokkaido, Van Yang Road. Shinzawa belongs to Fanyang Road. [8] 1914年,范阳道改名保定道,深泽属保定道。 In 1914, the name of Van Yangtze was changed to Pasha. 1928年,废道制,深泽改属河北省。 In 1928, the defunct system was transferred to Hebei Province. 深泽县(5)1938年,属晋察冀边区冀中区第二专署。
1940年12月,属晋察冀边区冀中区第八专署。 In December 1940, it was the 8th Specialized Agency of the Tanya-Blank Region. 1944年,属晋察冀边区冀中区第七专署。 In 1944, it was the Seventh Specialized Agency of the Mid-Sector of the Shinjian Pilgrim Region. 1947年,属晋察冀边区冀中区第十一专署。 In 1947, it was the Eleventh Specialized Agency of the Tantao-Blank Region. 1948年2月,属晋察冀边区冀中区第九专区。 In February 1948, it was the ninth district of the central district of Shintsai. 1949年8月1日,河北省人民政府成立,深泽县属河北省定县专署。 On 1 August 1949, the People's Government of Hebei Province was established and the Dynasty of Hebei Province, which is part of the Dynasty of Hebei Province, was established. 1954年6月18日,定县专署撤销,深泽县划归为石家庄专署。 On 18 June 1954, the Ding Dynasty Department was abolished and Shenzawa County was classified as Ishijia Dynasty. 1958年11月12日,撤销深泽县并入束鹿县。 On 12 November 1958, the integration of the Dinzawa County into the Bong Deer County was abolished. 1961年5月5日,原深泽从束鹿析出并入晋县。 On 5 May 1961, the original deep-seated deer was annexed to Jinzhou. 1962年1月1日,从晋县析出,恢复深泽县治,仍属石家庄专署至今。[8] On 1 January 1962, from Jinzhou, the government of Shinzawa County was restored and remains under the exclusive authority of Ishijia. [8]
There are three townships and three townships in Shenzawa: the town of Shinzawa, the town of Tiehing, the town of Zhao VIII, the town of Grand Bridge, the town of White House and the village of Reiji.
深泽镇(Shenze Zhen)
Shenze Zhen & nbsp;
Code 13,128100, with an area of 28.10 km2 and a population of 54338 people, the town government is stationed in the village of Togwan, post office 052560.
[区划] 军庄、大王庄、小陈庄、阎庄、东王庄、伍仟、刁庄、北封庄、南袁庄、彭赵庄、南王庄、东袁庄、小杜庄、王场、大杜庄、北袁庄、郭庄、马庄、小贾庄、城内、小张庄、北中山、西赵庄、东关、西关、南关,共26个村委会。
[Distributions] Military estates, Great Wang Jian, Little Chen Jian, Jin Jian, Dong Wang Jian, Woo Jian, Hoang, North Bank, South Yuan Jian, Peng Zhao Jing, Nan Wang Jing, Dong Ying, Little Du Jing, Wang Jing, North Yuan Jian, Guo, Ma Jiao, City, Zhang Jian, North Nakayama, West Chi Jian, East Gwan, West Gwan, South China Kwan, 26 village councils.
[沿革] 因该镇距深泽县城中心处,临近县政府,故取名深泽镇。1961年成立城关公社。1984年3月改名为深泽镇至今。
The town was established in 1961. In March 1984, the name was changed to the town to date.
铁杆镇(Tiegan Zhen)
Tiegan Zhen & nbsp;
Code 13,128101, with an area of 73.40 km2 and a population of 32308, the town government is stationed in the village of Iron. Post office 052560.
[区划] 中佐、西三村、铁杆、赵庄、周家庄、马铺、大兴、前马里、后马里、故城、东三村、东北马、南治庄头、西北马、武羊铺、南旺、杜社、孝敬、中央、苦水、何家庄、张村、东河疃、中河疃、西河疃、杜家庄,共26个村委会。
[Distinguished] Central Sae, West Three Villages, Iron Jian, Zhao Jian, Zhou Jian Jian, Ma Phu, Dae-hing, former Mali, post-Mali, Old Town, East 3 Villages, North-East Horse, Nanjing Dynasty, North-West Horse, Wu-sheep Pai, Nanwang, Du-Sung, Xiao-hyun, Central, Hari-su, Ho Ho, Zhang Village, Dong Ha-yuan, Central Ha-yuan, West River Dynasty and Do D. There are 26 village councils.
[沿革] 因该镇驻地铁杆村而得名。1961年为铁杆公社,1984年3月改为铁杆乡。1985年4月改为铁杆镇至今。
[George] was named because of the town’s town’s railway village. In 1961, it was the Iron Commune, and in March 1984 it was transformed into the Iron Country. In April 1985, it became Iron Town to date.
赵八镇(Zhaoba Zhen)
Zhaoba Zhen & nbsp;
Code 13,128202, an area of 36 square kilometres, with a population of 27788. The commune government is based in Tai Chen village East, post office 052560.
[区划] 吕村、大镇、东大陈、田家庄、候村、石桥头、北刘家庄、南刘家庄、北赵八、南赵八、西大陈、小雾头、大雾头、小梨园、大梨园共15个村委会。
There are 15 village councils in Lu village, Grand Town, Dong Daechen, Tanjiang, Hsiao village, Shi Jiajiang North, Liu Nam Jiao Nam, Zhao VIII North, Yao Chiu Nam, Sai Tai Chen, mist, Mist, Pear Park and Dae Pear Park.
[沿革] 赵八镇因临近赵八村而得名。1961年为赵八公社,1984年3月改为赵八乡,2011年11月经河北省人民政府批准升格为赵八镇至今。
The town of Zhao is known for its proximity to the village of Zhao. It became the commune of Zhao in 1961, in March 1984, and has been upgraded to the town of Zhao in November 2011 with the approval of the Hebei People’s Government.
大桥头镇(Qiaotou Xiang)
Qiaotou Xiang & nbsp;
Code 13,128203, with an area of 62.90 km2 and a population of 48251, the commune government in West River Village, post office 052560.
[区划] 堤北、寺头、并市、方元、秀武、耿庄、南濯头、北濯头、南中山、魏村、西桥头、大桥头、中桥头、河庄、西河、东小封、水冻、营里、息马、西小封、乘马、南赵庄、南封庄、西焦庄、东焦庄,共25个村委会。
[Distribution] North of Tibei, Temple Head, and City, Fang Won, Xuwu, Geng Jing, South Ping, North Peng, South Nakayama, Wei Village, West Bridge Head, Bridge Head, Central Bridge Head, River River River, West River, East Xiaobang, Water Freeze, Camp, Yuma, Si Xiaobang, Horse, South Zhao, South Park, Si Jing Jing Jing, 25 Village Committees.
[沿革] 大桥头镇因临近桥头村而得名。1961年为西河公社、耿庄公社,1984年3月分别改为西河乡、耿庄乡,后两乡合并为桥头乡,2021年2月更名为大桥头镇至今。
The bridge head town is known for its proximity to the bridge head village. In 1961, the West River Commune and the Genjeng commune were transformed into the West River commune in March 1984, and the latter two were merged into the bridge head town, which became the Grand Bridge head town in February 2021 to date.
白庄乡 (Bai zhuang)
(Bai zhuang)
Code 13,128200, with an area of 57.70 km2 and a population of 40,725, the commune government is based in the village of Siguro, post office 052560.
[区划] 段庄、南营、北治庄头、宋家庄、北白庄、孤庄、南白庄、高庙、小直要、大直要、小堡、大堡、枣营、南张庄、中白庄、王家庄、东固罗、西固罗,共18个村委会。
(b) The [districts], the [camps], the North, the Song, the North, the White, the lonely, the South, the Temple, the Little, the Big, the Fort, the Fort, the Dates, the South, Chang, the Middle White, the King, the East and the West, 18 village councils.
[沿革] 因白庄乡临近白庄村而得名。1961年为大直要公社、西固罗公社,1984年3月分别改为大直要乡、固罗乡,后合并为白庄乡至今。
[George] is known for its proximity to White House.
留村乡(Liucun Xiang)
Liucun Xiang & nbsp;
The code 13,128,201 covers an area of 20 km2 and has a population of 26,832 people. The commune government is based in the south-east village, post office 052560.
[区划] 贾村、北羊村、羊村、南内堡、西内堡、留王庄、西北留、东北留、夹河、西南留、东南留、大贾庄、李家庄、北赵庄、纸房,共15个村委会。
(a) The village of Jia, the village of the northern sheep, the village of the sheep, the town of the south, the town of the south, the town of the west, the north-east, the river, the south-west, the south-east, the city of Da Jia, the city of Li Jia, the town of the north Zhao, the house of paper, 15 village councils.
[沿革] 因乡政府驻地位于东南留村,故取名留村乡。1961年为留村公社,1984年5月改为留村乡至今。
[Gang] The village is named after the village of the commune, which is located in the south-east. In 1961, the commune of the village was changed to the village of the village in May 1984 to the present.
It is located on the east side of the eastern border of the Shijia region, on the east side of the eastern border, on the eastern border of Anping territory, on the west side, on the south and on the south, adjacent to the cities of Sindang, Jinzhou, and on the north and on the south side, connected to the capital city of Angang. It is located in the lower and lower parts of the Haiji River, located between 38°7' 38°17' latitude north and 115°4' 115°21' longitude east. It is 27 km east and 21 km north and south, covering a total area of 296 km. It is located at the intersection of the Jung-cho Road and the Ansing Road, 76 km southwest of the capital of the province, 30 km from the Shide Railway and 250 km north of the capital city of Beijing.
The situation in Shinzawa County has changed evenly, with a low west high east, a low altitude from 40 metres to about 30 metres above sea level, with an average slope of four tens of thousands of metres above the surface, with a more homogenous topography and no high hills. Rivers flow through the belt, where erosion has created low ravines and valleys, and rivers have built artificial embankments that form the micro-surface of the “tri-river dyke”. [3]
深泽县深泽县属暖温带大陆性季风气候,全深泽县属暖温带大陆性季风气候,受季风环流影响明显,四季分明,春夏秋冬交相更替,形成县境特定气候特征。深泽县日照数为2714.1小时,平均每天7.4小时。深泽县平均温度12.4℃,7月均温26.2℃,1月均温4.0℃。年极端最高气温41.3℃,极端最低气温-20.7℃。年降水量一般在489.8毫米,深泽县降水14,686万方,每亩降水325方,7~ 8月降水占全年54%。无霜期188天,初霜日10月21日,终霜日4月15日。土壤结冻12月10日,解冻2月17日,结冻期68天,最大冻土深度56厘米。[2]
In 2012, Shinzawa County occupied 19.2 acres of land, 1.32 times the region-wide average, 2.67 times the province-wide average and 1.27 times the China-wide average. The total area of cultivated land is 240,000 acres. [2]
In 2012, Dinzawa County occupied a total of 870,000 acres of forest cover of 52.4 per cent [2] .
In 2012, there were orange infestations, white spoons, white arts, bellows, Hyun-seng, Yuan-hu, etc. in Shenzawa County.
In 2012,
2012年,深泽县蔬菜类有丝瓜、茄子、萝卜、黄瓜、辣椒、南瓜、白菜等。[2] In 2012, Vegetables in Deep-Sazawa County included silkmelon, eggplant, carrots, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkins, cabbage, etc. [2]
(Statistical results at 00:00 on 1 November 2020) [1]
职务 | 姓名 |
县长 | 郝英鹏 |
副县长 | 魏洪涛、李立新、寇庆民、贾立桥、郭彬、贾光 |
职务 | 姓名 |
县委书记 |
王建峰[7] |
县委副书记 | 郝英鹏、高文成 Ho Young Peng, Gao Wenchen. |
职务 | 姓名 |
主任 | 王建峰 |
副主任 | 宋彬、韩占昌、李林、张江彦 |
职务 | 姓名 |
主席 | 郭立辉 |
副主席 | 孙少英、邸亚中、催磊、宋文军 |
Source: [10] [11] [12] [13]
职务 | 姓名 |
县长 | 郝英鹏 |
副县长 | 魏洪涛、李立新、寇庆民、贾立桥、郭彬、贾光 |
职务 | 姓名 |
县委书记 |
王建峰[7] |
县委副书记 | 郝英鹏、高文成 Ho Young Peng, Gao Wenchen. |
职务 | 姓名 |
主任 | 王建峰 |
副主任 | 宋彬、韩占昌、李林、张江彦 |
职务 | 姓名 |
主席 | 郭立辉 |
副主席 | 孙少英、邸亚中、催磊、宋文军 |
In 2012, the gross domestic product of the deep-seated district was RMB 15,762.1 million, or 10.6 per cent more than in 2011, of which RMB 43,891,000, or 4.5 per cent, were for the primary sector; RMB 61,2.1 million, or 12 per cent, for the secondary sector; and RMB 5,25.2 million, or 11 per cent, for the tertiary sector. The total agricultural output was RMB 29,973.83 million, or 14.6 per cent, or 2,547.2 million, or 15.7 per cent, for the industrial sector; the total agricultural output was RMB 4,49.63 million, or 9 per cent. Of this, the total agricultural output was RMB 3,09.7 million, or 6.1 per cent; the total forestry output, or RMB 2.4 million, or 21.2 per cent, for the forestry sector; the total livestock production, or RMB 6,68.1 million, or 16 per cent, for the fisheries sector; the total agricultural output, or RMB 72,2.233 million, or 14.3 per cent, for the rural and urban areas, or 2,783.883 million yuan, for the total agricultural sector.
2012年,深泽县小麦面积较2011年减少1.9万亩,玉米面积比2011年减少2.9万元,新增蔬菜1万亩,达到2.5万亩,油料面积达到3.1万亩,优质麦面积达到1万亩。深泽县的大蒜、食用菌等特色经济作物面积有较大幅度增加,种植业粮食和经济作物比例由“八五”末的8∶2,调整为5.4∶4.6。深泽县红地球葡萄种植面积达到9820亩,改接黄冠梨5000亩,推广红富士套袋铺膜12000亩。深泽县奶牛存栏突破1000头,獭兔、蜗牛、肉狗、海狸鼠等特种养殖业有了较快发展。全年深泽县在农业基地设施建设上,累计投入资金800万元,完成了滹沱河北大堤除险加固四项工程,发展喷灌节水农业200亩,落实三河五堤,绿化权转让30公里,完成绿化植树20万株。深泽县政府被市委、市政府授予“秸秆综合利用先进单位”。 In 2012, there was a significant increase in the area of special cash crops such as garlic and edible bacterium in deep-zawa County, where the share of food and cash crops was adjusted from $8.12 million at the end of the “eight-five” area to 5.4-4.6 million. The area of red vine cultivation in deep-zawa County was 9820 acres, converted to 5,000 acres of yellow-collar pear, expanded to 12,000 acres of red-fossse sacks, reached 31,000 acres of oil, and reached 10,000 acres of high-quality wheat.
2012年,深泽县日用化工行业投资4000万元,新上技改透明皂生产线16条,新上2条精甘油和2条粗甘油生产线,透明皂生产能力达到6万吨。纺织业新上织布机1322台,固定资产投入达到2000万元。深泽县引进内资8605万元,其中省外资金5700万元,签约合资合作项目5项,签约资金335.72万美元,实际利用外资95.2万美元。 In 2012, Shinzawa County invested 40 million yuan in the chemical industry, 16 new technical and transparent soap production lines, 2 new glycerines and 2 new glycerine production lines, with a capacity of 60,000 tons in transparent soap production. There were 1322 new textile weaving machines, with fixed-asset inputs of 20 million yuan. The Shenzawa County introduced $860.5 million, of which $57 million, including extra-provincial funds, five joint-venture projects and $3.35772 million in contracted funds, using $952 million in foreign funds.
2012年,深泽县造纸、纺织、日用化工、机械配件、医药、建材等已成为其主导行业;第三产业取得了长足发展,2012年销售收入2.5亿元,2012年产各类文化用纸和板纸6万吨。[14][15] In 2012, the Shenzawa County Paper, Textiles, Day Chemicals, Mechanical Parts, Medicines, Construction Materials, etc., became the dominant industry; the tertiary sector made significant progress, generating 250 million yuan in sales earnings in 2012 and 60,000 tons of various cultural paper and cardboard products in 2012. [14] [15]
高庙扒糕(3) | 高庙扒糕源于河北深泽县高庙村又以高丑子的“丑子扒糕”最为有名。扒糕的主料是荞麦面,加上花椒,小茴香等调料,搅拌均匀,开水下锅,煮熟后趁热定型为二两左右的圆饼,凉晒即可食用,食用方法是将扒糕切成小块,沾上以蒜泥、姜末、葱花、香油等配好的调料,具有蒜香可口,常食具有降血脂,降血压的保健功效。 |
西河肉糕(3) | 西河肉糕深泽肉糕起源于西河村,创始人是晚清时期西河村的李洛提,俗称西河肉糕,闻名衡水、保定、任丘、石家庄、天津、北京等20多个县市,位居深泽“美食三绝”之首。 |
烧饼裹肉(3) | 烧饼裹肉深泽的烧饼裹肉是深泽民间的传统小吃,相传由清代流传至今。其选 料、和面、烧烤、裹肉等十分讲究,首先是选择上好的精面粉、花生油、花椒面、芝麻等原料。制作方法是面粉加水、用力搅和,将就三光:面光、手光、盆光,然后放置半个小时带用就做好了。 |
高庙扒糕(3) | 高庙扒糕源于河北深泽县高庙村又以高丑子的“丑子扒糕”最为有名。扒糕的主料是荞麦面,加上花椒,小茴香等调料,搅拌均匀,开水下锅,煮熟后趁热定型为二两左右的圆饼,凉晒即可食用,食用方法是将扒糕切成小块,沾上以蒜泥、姜末、葱花、香油等配好的调料,具有蒜香可口,常食具有降血脂,降血压的保健功效。 |
西河肉糕(3) | 西河肉糕深泽肉糕起源于西河村,创始人是晚清时期西河村的李洛提,俗称西河肉糕,闻名衡水、保定、任丘、石家庄、天津、北京等20多个县市,位居深泽“美食三绝”之首。 |
烧饼裹肉(3) | 烧饼裹肉深泽的烧饼裹肉是深泽民间的传统小吃,相传由清代流传至今。其选 料、和面、烧烤、裹肉等十分讲究,首先是选择上好的精面粉、花生油、花椒面、芝麻等原料。制作方法是面粉加水、用力搅和,将就三光:面光、手光、盆光,然后放置半个小时带用就做好了。 |
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