Web3.0 is currently the most common interpretation based on the open-source nature of its eco-projects, and the participants are able to really capture the output of the Internet in the Web1.0 and Web 2.0 times compared to developers. Web3.0 from the basement to the application level will cover all the infrastructure involved in supporting the ecological application of the public chain, as well as all decentralization applications built on it (DApp)
Etheria has opened the age of smart contracts. Smart contracts are at the heart of Taitang and all Dapp zero trust auto-runs.
A long-term near-full network utilization rate in Taipan Layer-1 has made the extension programme the focus of the developer's attention, adding the Rollups with Taipan 2.0 or becoming a solution to the block chain triangle paradox;
DeFi, GameFi are the mainstream pioneer applications of DApp, which is expected to expand further the use of DApp's network along with the promotion of the basement augmentation programme.
Dapp-related applications and corresponding infrastructure such as the DeFi, NFT games are the main driving force behind the new highs in the global block chain of Q1 quarter 2022;
The thunderstorms in Terra in the 2022 Q2 quarter, the break-off of Lido put DeFi's operational mechanism risk at the fore, and the ability of a well-functioning DeFi mainstream mechanism in the upper market environment to withstand the downside market environment remains questionable. The impact of potentially highly regulated and escalating austerity monetary policies or to spread from secondary to primary markets.
二.区块链与Web 3.0
( 一 ) .产生背景
( 二 ). 区块链与智能合约
( 一 ) .以太坊现状
( 二 ). EVM兼容性
( 三 ) .Layer-1扩容方案
( 四 ). 以太坊2.0
( 五 ). 去中心化存储
( 一 ) .DeFi
( 二 ). GameFi与NFT
( 三 ) .去中心化社交媒体
( 四 ). 用户数据自主权应用
( 五 ). DAO
( 一 ) .网络安全风险
( 二 ). 从Terra看DeFi机制风险
( 三 ) .NFT相关风险
( 四 ). DAO相关风险
( 五 ). SocialFi机制风险
一. 前言:火爆的全球Web3.0一级市场
但值得注意的是,尽管在交易二级市场遭受重挫,在Terra和Lido出事之前,在一级市场上以DeFi、NFT相关DApp应用及基础设施为驱动力的全球区块链2022年Q1季度投融资总额再创新高。据CB Insight统计的数据显示,全球区块链2022年Q1季度发生交易次数461次,涉及投融资总额达92亿美元,季度投融情况再创新高。其中,NFT与游戏、DeFi作为目前Web3.0的承载物,是主要的驱动力。NFT与游戏、DeFi相关基础设施、应用及配套开发工具融资金额单季投融金额同样创新高,分别达到21.18亿美元和24.04亿美元,同比分别增长398.35%和388.62%,两者2022年Q1投融总额合计已超出区块链投融总额的50%。
图表 1:全球区块链领域投融情况(百万美元)
来源:CB Insights,来觅数据整理
Source: CB Insights, for data collation
从超大金额单笔投资的角度来看,2022年Q1季度超1亿美元的交易次数单季再创新高, 达到28次,涉及交易金额达57.8亿美元。去年同期该数字仅为10次,涉及交易金额19.98亿美元。
From the point of view of a single investment in a very large amount, the number of transactions over $100 million during the 2022 Q1 quarter was re-innovated one-quarterly, reaching 28 transactions involving $5.78 billion. had only 10 transactions during the same period last year, involving $1,998 million.
图表 2:超1亿美元交易次数及涉及金额(百万美元)
来源:CB Insights,来觅数据整理
从活跃投资者的角度来看,知名GameFi项目The Sandbox背后的项目方Animoca Brands为最活跃投资者,Q1季度共出手34次。对于风投机构所参与的由Token所反映的项目来说,所涉及的投资阶段一般涉及两轮,其中一轮便是在2017年由于庞氏骗局等乱象频发已被我国命令禁止的ICO(Initial Coin Offering)阶段,另外一个阶段是在ICO之前, 被称为Token预售(Pre-Sale)的阶段。一般来说在预售阶段,由于项目本身还尚处于一个较早的发展阶段,此时进入的VC等特定投资者一般来说能 以较低的折扣价格买入。对于项目来说该阶段所融到的资金要么是为了仍处于十分早期的项目的推进,要么就是为了进入到下一阶段ICO。
From the perspective of active investors, the project behind the famous GameFi project The Sandbox was launched 34 times in the Q1 quarter by Animoca Brands, the most active investor. is generally in the pre-sale phase, as the project itself is still in an earlier stage of development, at which certain investors, such as VC, can generally buy at a lower discount price.
图表 3:2022Q1全球区块链领域活跃投资者
Chart 3:
来源:来源:CB Insights,来觅数据整理
Source: CB Insights, for data collation
, accompanied by an increase in the size of the taepan, a rise in the temperature of Web3.0, the application of the Dapp itself and the corresponding infrastructure behind the application of the development, as well as the development tools that need to be applied, the package has become a hot spot in the global block chain-level market, and the mega-marked investment events include a number of Dapp development tool companies.
图表 4:2022Q1全球区块链领域标志性投资事件
来源:来源:CB Insights,来觅数据整理
Source: CB Insights, for data collation
尽管一级市场上截止到2022年Q1,整个公链市场展现出强劲的增长趋势,但由于Terra和Lido的风险事件,公链、稳定币及去中心化应用(DApp)已经受到了更严厉的监管关注,在当下和可预见的未来都会面临更为严厉的监管,已经有消息指出相关交易所及Web3.0应用项目方开启了裁员。 预计强监管及更为严峻的宏观环境对公链生态的影响将逐步从二级传入一级市场。
Despite the strong growth trend in the entire public chain market as of Q1 in 2022 in the primary market, due to the risk events in Terra and Lido, the public chain, currency stability and decentralized applications (DApp) have been subjected to stricter regulatory attention and are now and for the foreseeable future to be subject to more stringent regulation, and it has been reported that the relevant exchange and Web3.0 application have started downsizing.
二. 区块链与Web 3.0
span style="font-size: 16px;'?
Web3.0概念最早由以太坊联合创始人Gavin Wood于2014年提出,其表示尽管Web2.0相比于Web1.0为用户提供了与网络交互的方式与手段,用户与网络的交互行为所产生的数据催生了一系列互联网巨头,如Facebook、Google和Twitter等。Web2.0时代互动性的全新互联网体验为用户带来了许多新的功能,并提升了用户体验。但问题也随之而来,并且直到今天也一直无法彻底解决,那就是:用户如果要使用这些新功能,就必须授权中心化的第三方平台管理大量数据。而在此前提下,这些中心化的实体在数据和内容权限方面被赋予了巨大的权力和影响力,大量的通信和商业行为都集中在少数科技巨头所拥有的封闭平台上。新的商业模式也由此产生,如广泛利用用户行为数据为广告商提供定制化的大数据营销等。 用户作为数据的直接产出者,却不是有关受益者。
图表 5:Web3.0特性来源:公开资料,来觅数据整理 Chart 5: Web3.0 properties 从概念的角度来看,Web3.0被称为“下一代互联网的集大成者”,其尚处于一个极度早期的发展阶段,且并没有一个明确的定义。目前最为通用的解释是基于其生态项目皆开源的特性,参与者与开发者相比于Web1.0时代、Web2.0时代能够真正拥有在Web3.0时代下互联网所产出的一切, 涵盖数据、言论、公司治理、去中心化以及去监管化下的金融自由等等。 从技术的角度来看,与基于私链和联盟链的区块链即服务(BaaS)不同的是,在公链的基础上,Web3.0是区块链公链技术发展到今日的直接产物,从目前的发展态势来看在基础层上其将涵盖所有支撑公链应用生态所涉及到的基础设施,以及在应用层上所有的去中心化应用(DApp)。分布式账本技术及其衍生的智能合约技术所具备的匿名性、不可篡改性、去中心化的自动执行性、零信任性、自治性(DAO)使得参与者和开发者能够通过Token真正拥有、掌控基于智能合约的去中心化应用(DApp)以及其所产出的一切。 , based on the public chain, The distributional account book technology and its derivatives have the anonymity, the immutability, automatic implementation of decentralized, zero confidence, autonomy (DAO) that enable participants and developers to acquire all the centre of command, the Aphen/s. 图表 6:Web3.0生态图谱 Chart 6: Web3.0 Ecogram 来 源:来觅数据整理 Source: Looking for data ?区块链与智能合约? span style="font-size: 16px;"? Block chains and smart contracts?
区块链(Blockchain)是源自比特币系统的底层技术,是分布式数据存储、点对点传输、共识机制、加密算法等计算机技术的新型应用模式,从应用来看,比特币系统被成为区块链1.0版本。以太坊(Ethereum)是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台,通过其专用加密货币以太币提供去中心化的以太虚拟机(Ethereum Virtual Machine,EVM)来处理点对点合约。自以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin于2013年发布以太坊白皮书开始,以太坊依托其智能合约和通证标准,开启了区块链2.0时代,智能合约的时代。
智能合约是以太坊的核心,也是一切在此基础上构建的去中心化应用(DApp)的核心。智能合约本质上是一些可以运行在区块链上的代码,当满足特定条件的时候它会自动执行特定的任务。其依托分布式账本技术所具备的不可篡改性、零信任性、自动化执行、定制化构建等特性使能够使应用的运行真正实现”去中心化“。据State of the DApps披露的数据显示,自2017年9月以太坊ERC-20合约接口标准被正式标准化以后,部署在以太坊网络上的去中心化应用(DApp)迎来大幅度增长, 2018年同比2017年增长幅度达148.34%。然而,随着智能合约应用生态的发展, 以太坊网络的拥堵性逐渐限制了开发者们在以太网络中部署DApps的步伐 ,截止2022年5月,部署在以太坊网络的DAPPs数量为2970,相比2021年有略微的增幅。
Intelligent contracts are essentially coded that can run on a block chain and perform specific tasks when certain conditions are met. >Intelligent contracts are central to any decentralized application built on this basis. Integration contracts are essentially coded to run on a block chain, and when certain conditions are met, they will automatically perform specific tasks.
图表 7:部署在以太坊网络上的去中心化应用(DApps)数量
来源:State of the DApps,来觅数据整理 Source: State of the Dapps, for data collation 三. DApp基础设施 ?以太坊现状? 以太坊1.0作为智能合约时代的开创者,伴随着其智能合约应用生态的拓展,正变得越来越拥堵。在2021年8月7日之前,其约为15 TPS/秒(Transaction Per Second)的吞吐量在应用需求逐渐增多的背景下逐渐使以太坊网络的使用变得无比的拥挤与昂贵,严重影响了以太坊生态的繁荣度。据Etherscan的数据显示,在2021年8月7日发生的伦敦硬分叉前,以太坊的网络使用率一度达到了近100%。 (注:伦敦硬分叉后以太坊理论区块容量可达3000万Gas,但超过1500万Gas区块容量后的Gas费率将以12.5%的增长速度增长) as the founder of the era of smart contracts, with the expansion of the eco-accumulation of its smart contract application, is becoming increasingly crowded. /strong> 图表 8:以太坊网络使用率情况
来源:Etherscan,来觅数据整理 Source: Ethercan, for data collation 在以太坊网络上上执行特定的操作是有成本的,Gas被用来测量该成本。 在以太坊虚拟机(EVM)上的每一个操作都有一个相对应的Gas成本,该成本是固定的,其价格以Gwei表示,1 Gwei等于0.000000001 ETH。由于以太坊网络的拥堵性,网络的使用者和开发者可以通过提高Gwei的数量来加快操作的执行速度。 A specific operation on the Ethermnet is a cost that Gas is used to measure. has a corresponding Gas cost for each operation on the Etherm Virtual Machine (EVM), which is fixed and the price is Gwei, 1 Gwei equals 0.000001 ETH. Because of the crowding of the ethermnet, users and developers can speed up the operation by increasing the number of Gwei. 交易成本=特定操作的Gas成本(不变)× Gwei(Base+Tips,可变) × $ETH transaction cost = specific operation Gas cost (no change) x Gwei (Base+Tips, variable) x $ETH 在以太坊网络中,将两个数字相加要花费3个Gas;将两个数字相乘要花费5个Gas;获取账户余额会花费400个Gas;发送一笔交易要花费21000个Gas。 智能合约通常包括多个操作,这些操作加起来可以花费数十万个Gas。据Etherscan的数据显示,截至2022年6月26日,伴随着以太坊网络生态系统的构建,其日均Gas消耗量最高已突破1000亿大关。 in the Etherpan network, it costs 3 Gass to add up the two numbers; 5 Gass to multiply the two numbers; 400 Gas to get the account balance; 21,000 Gas to send a transaction. smart contracts usually include multiple operations that can cost hundreds of thousands of Gas together. According to Etherscan, as of 26 June 2022, with the construction of the Tethan network ecosystem, the average daily consumption of Gas has passed 100 billion. 图表 9:日均Gas消耗量
来源:Etherscan,来觅数据整理 Source: Ethercan, for data collation ?EVM兼容性? 在以太坊主链低吞吐、高拥堵、高Gas费的问题使以太坊越来越难以支撑去中心化应用的发展背景下, 以太坊以外的其他区块链网络凭借其高吞吐、低Gas费的特性吸引了大量了开发者,甚至许多原本将去中心化应用部署在以太坊主网的开发者也选择将应用转移到其他成本更低的区块链网络上。据资料显示,在Terra暴雷之前,前十大公链只有Terra和Solana并没有与EVM兼容,但像Terra和Solana这样的非EVM链也正在实现与 EVM 兼容的解决方案。 此前据CoinMarketCap统计的数据显示,在伦敦硬分叉之前以太坊主网的平均交易成本每进行一次要花费最高价值46美元的Gas,而相比来说其他区块链网络如侧链Polygon、Layer-2下的Optimistic/ZK Rollup在交易成本上的优势就相当的显著。除此之外,与以太坊15 TPS/S(Transaction Per Second)的吞吐量相比,侧链Polygon以及Solana区块链网络的吞吐量可以达到6500/TPS。 compared to the Ether's 15 TPS/S (Transaaction Per Second). 图表 10:不同智能合约区块链网络平均交易成本($ )
来源:CoinMarketCap,来觅数据整理 Source: CoinMarketCap, for data collation 从市场竞争格局的角度来看,据DeFiLlma统计的数据显示,通过对比去中心化应用中的先驱应用去中心化金融(DeFi)的总锁定价值(TVL)来看,截至2022年6月28日, 以太坊网络占比由2020年8月份的90%以上下降到2022年4月份的55.47%,后由于Terra的暴雷市场份额回归到64.06%, 以太坊Layer-1的统治力在逐渐下降。 From the perspective of the pattern of competition in the market, the total lock value of decentralized finance (TVL) by comparing the pioneer applications in decentralized application with the total lock value of DeFi (TVL), as of 28 June 2022, the share of the , the power of 图表 11:不同智能合约区块链网络市场份额(By TVL ) chart 11: Market share of network of different smart contract blocks (By TVL) 来源:DeFiLlma,来觅数据整理 Source: DeFiLlma, for data collation 以太坊作为首先实现智能合约链上运行的网络,在开发生态上有先天性优势,EVM作为智能合约程序的运行环境,开发者们在学习智能合约开发时必定要从以太坊网络部署开始。发展到今天其开发生态凭借其开源的特性已变得相当繁荣,从编程语言Solidity、Vyper以及配套的开发与测试环境Truffle或Hardhat 使新进开发人员可以节省大量的学习时间,快速的掌握去中心化应用的部署窍门。由于以太坊生态的繁荣性,与EVM兼容已成为BSC、Fantom、Cardano、Polygon等其他区块链网络吸引开发者的共识,而也正是凭借了与EVM的兼容性, 开发者们在其他区块链网络上能够以极其低的Gas成本、1000倍以上的吞吐速度(TPS)部署新的去中心化应用甚至是一键迁移原本部署在以太坊上的去中心化应用。 as a network operating on the smart contract chain first, using the taupulega as a natural advantage in the development of ecology, EVM as an operating environment for the intelligent contract process, and developers will have to start with the deployment of the ethernet when learning the smart contract development. The development of the ecology with its open source has today become quite prosperous, attracting the common understanding of developers from other grid networks such as the programming language Solidity, Vyper, and the accompanying development and testing environment Truffle or Hardhat < strong, which allows new developers to save a great deal of learning time and quickly master the deployment know-how of decentralized applications. As a result of the prosperity of the ecos of the taupules, its compatibility with EVM has become an extremely low cost for BSC, Fant, Cardano, Polygon, and other district chain networks that attract new developers from the deployment centre of 图表12:不同智能合约编程语言市场份额(ByTVL) 12
来源:DeFiLlma,来觅数据整理 Source: DeFiLlma, for data collation ?Layer-1扩容方案? spant-size: 16px; 图表 13:以太坊Layer-1扩容方案 来源:来觅数据绘制 侧链是Layer-1区块链网络扩容的其中一种方式,其运行与跨链桥(Bridge)紧密联系,本质上是一种跨链技术。侧链与Layer-1主链所平行运行, 可以拥有不同的共识机制以及网络安全机制,其与主链的交互主要体现在两个方面: side chains are one of the modes of expansion of the Layer-1 block network, which operates in close association with the Bridge and is essentially a cross-link technology. The side chains run in parallel with the Layer-1 main chain, where can have different mechanisms of consensus and network security, and interacts with the main chain in two main ways: 1. 通过提供跨链桥(Bridge)的功能使主链上的资产可以跨链至侧链从而利用其更高的交易吞吐量及更低的交易成本特性,主要的功能实现依赖于“双向锚定“。 1. By providing 2.侧链会定期的向主链上传其高度精简的状态树根节点的Hash值(State Root)快照,从而使主链可以判断发生在跨链时发生在侧链中的交易是真实存在的。 the side chain will regularly transmit to the main chain Hash (state root) snapshot, 图表 14:侧链的“双向锚定”流程 来源:来觅数据绘制 Source: Looking for data drawings 侧链的技术将交易及智能合约的执行由主链转移到侧链上。从流程来看: side chain technology shifts transactions and the execution of smart contracts from the main chain to the side chain. 1. 在主链跨侧链时,其主要依托于跨链桥(Bridge)技术将主链上的资产在智能合约中质押,同时在侧链按1:1铸造出Wrapped资产,用户从而可以通过所铸造的Wrapped资产参与交易执行、基于侧链所开发的DApp以及 未来可能会出现的万链互联。 1. 2. 当资产从侧链跨回主链时,原本质押在主链智能合约中的资产会被解锁,同时侧链中被铸造的Wrapped资产将会被摧毁(Burnt),1:1的双向锚定机制将被会自动化、零信任、去中心化的执行。 以Polygon(以太坊侧链)为例,其与以太坊主链平行运行,拥有基于权益共识机制(PoS)的超100个节点,用户将交易与DApp从以太坊主网转移到Polygon,基于Polygon执行交易,可以以非常低的交易成本(Gas)享受到最高约6500 TPS/S的吞吐量。据Polygon官方介绍,目前部署在Polygon上的DApp数量已经超过了19000个。 , according to Polygon, the number of Dapps currently deployed on Polygon is already more than 19,000. 然而,哪怕是将交易转到主链下的侧链在以DeFi等DApp应用爆发的背景下也依然遇到了性能瓶颈,据Polygonscan的数据显示,在2021年下半年,应用率的大规模提升将Polygon网络的利用率一度打上98%,接近满载的使用率直接导致其交易成本(Gas)最高打到0.5美元/交易,网络拥堵情况同样发生在了侧链上。在此背景下,被以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin称为Layer-1扩容的最佳解决方案打包(Rollups)逐渐成为开发人员们的关注重点。 However, even the chain below the main chain has encountered performance bottlenecks against the background of an outbreak of Dapp applications such as DeFi, where, according to Polygoncan data, a massive increase in the application of reached 98 per cent at a time in the second half of 2021,