There are many options. It is difficult to determine which investment is suitable for your portfolio. This guide provides you with 10 of the most common types of investment and explains why you might want to consider including them in your portfolio. If you are serious about investing, it may be useful to find a financial consultant to guide you.
& nbsp; equities
Stock is probably the most well-known and simple way to invest. When you buy stock, you buy ownership of a listed company. Many of the largest companies in the United States -- General Motors, Apple and Facebook -- are listed companies, which means you can buy their shares.
When you buy a stock, you want the price to rise so you can sell for profit. Of course, the risk is that the price of the stock might fall, and you'll pay for it.
经纪人把股票卖给投资者。你可以选择在线经纪公司,也可以和经纪人面对面工作。 The broker sells the stock to the investor. You can choose an online broker or you can work face to face with the broker. Cryptocurrency 加密货币是一种相当新的投资选择。比特币是最著名的加密货币,但还有无数其他加密货币。加密货币是没有任何政府支持的数字货币。你可以在加密货币交易所买卖它们。一些零售商甚至会让你用它们购物。 Encrypted money is a fairly new investment option. Bitcoin is the most famous encrypted currency, but there are countless other encrypted currencies. Encrypted money is a digital currency that is not supported by any government. You can buy and sell them on an encrypted currency exchange. Some retailers even let you shop with them. 加密货币经常有剧烈的波动,这使它们成为一种非常危险的投资。 & nbsp; Encrypted currencies are often highly volatile, making them a very dangerous investment. 债券 Bonds 当你购买债券时,你实际上是在借钱给一个实体。一般来说,这是一个企业或政府实体。公司发行公司债券,地方政府发行市政债券。美国财政部发行国债。 When you buy bonds, you're actually lending money to an entity. Generally speaking, it's a business or a government entity. Companies issue corporate bonds, local governments issue municipal bonds. The U.S. Treasury issues State bonds. 在债券到期侍悉李后——也就是说,你持有它一段预先确定的时间——你可以收回你花在债券上的本金,加上一个确定的利率。 After the maturity of the bond, which means that you hold it for a certain period of time, you can recover the principal money you spend on the bond, plus a fixed interest rate.
比特币 安全地投卜升资比特币. 怎末买型空老, 哪里买亏拆
Bitcoin is safe to invest in bitcoin.
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