哈拉海 哈拉海(蒙语),又叫 狭叶荨麻
【别名】螫麻子、小荨麻 Pockets. Pockets. 【形态特征】荨麻科荨麻属多年生草本植物。茎高40-150厘米,四棱形,有蜇毛。叶对生,叶片披针形或狭卵形,边缘具粗锯齿,长4-10厘米,宽1.2-2.8厘米。雌雄异株,花序长约4厘米,雄花约2毫米,雌花较雄花小。瘦果卵形、扁,长约1毫米,光滑,成熟后黄色。花期7-8月,果期8-9月。 [Formural characteristic] The salami is a herb of 40-150 centimetres high, with a four-sided, with hair. Leaf-to-life, a leaf cape or a narrow ovary, with rough edges of 4-10 centimetres long and 1.2-2.8 centimetres wide. Females have different strains of about 4 centimetres long in sequence, about 2 mm long and smaller. Thin fruit eggs, flat, about 1 millimeter long, smooth, mature and yellow. Flowers run in July-August and fruit run in August-September. 【生境分布】生于山地林缘、灌丛或沟旁。分布于山西、河北、内蒙古、东北地区。朝鲜、前苏联西伯利亚地区也有。 [Hospital distribution] was born near mountain forests, bushes or ditches. It was distributed in the north-east, north-west, north-west, north-east, north-east Korea, and Siberian region of the former Soviet Union. 【来源】荨麻科荨麻属植物狭叶荨麻Urtica angustifolia Fisch.以全草入药。夏秋采收,鲜用或晒干。 [Source] Urtica anustifolia Fisch. 【性味归经】苦、辛,温。有小毒。 It's bitter, it's bitter, it's warm. It's a little poison. 【功能主治】祛风定惊,消食通便。用于风湿关节痛,产后抽风,小儿惊风,小儿麻痹后遗症,高血压,消化不良,大便不通;外用治荨麻疹初起,蛇咬伤。 [Functure control] [Functure control]. It's used for rheumatism, post-partum hysteria, tremors, paraplegic effects, hypertension, indigestion and immobilization. Expensive treatment of measles starts with snake bites. 【用法用量】 1~2钱,外用适量,捣汁外搽或煎水洗患处。 [Use] 1 to 2 dollars, appropriate for external use, spilling out of juice or frying water. 【摘录】《全国中草药汇编》 [ Excerpts] National Compendium of Medium Herbs
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