PANews 6月22日消息,根據Cointelegraph報道,總部位於華盛頓特區的區塊鏈倡導組織認為,美國國稅局的經紀人規則條款違反了《減少文書工作法案》。區塊鏈協會在信中引用了《減少文書工作法案》,該法案規定政府監管機構不得給金融系統涉及的個人和實體施加不必要和繁瑣的文書工作要求。區塊鏈協會的發言人表示,簽署這些擬議規則將使必須處理的80 億份1099-DA 稅表增加,處理這些表格將浪費40 億小時的勞動力,並且每年的合規成本將達到2540 億美元。根據信中列出的數字,高昂的合規成本和勞動力負擔與美國國稅局早先的預測相差甚遠,早先的預測估計新法規將花費每位客戶0.15 小時才能完成,總合規成本為136,350,000 美元。此外,區塊鏈協會得出結論,對於產生最多100 億美元稅收缺口的資產類別和市場來說,徵收每年2,450 億美元的合規成本是完全不合理的。
PANews reported on June 22 that, according to Cointelegraph, the chain initiative in Washington, D.C., believes that the regulations of the agency responsible for the signing of these regulations will result in an increase of 8 billion copies of the tax scale of 1,099-DA, which will cost 40 billion hours of effort, and will cost 254 billion dollars annually. According to the figures set out in the letter, high collage costs and the impact of efforts on the financial system will be far from the earlier forecast by the United States Tax Administration, and the earlier forecast estimates that the new bill will cost no more than US$ 4.15 billion per year, and that the total cost of US$ 450 million per year will be less than US$ 3 billion.
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