
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:63 评论:0
区块链的特征与不足Features and deficiencies of the block chain ˂/strang (一)区块链的主要特征 (i) Key featur...



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Features and deficiencies of the block chain


(i) Key features of the block chain


(1) goes to the centre. In the block chain, there is no centralized hardware or regulatory body, distributed structural systems and open source agreements that involve all participants in data recording and validation, and sent to all nodes through distribution, each participating node being “self-centre”, with equal rights and obligations. The block chain is not simply a centre, but a multi-centre or weak centre. When the network makes all individuals potentially central nodes, the central position of traditional financial intermediaries changes from monopolistic, resource-oriented centres and strong intermediaries to open platforms, becoming centres of differentiation within service-oriented multi-centres.


(2) to trust. From a trust perspective, the block chain uses an open and transparent mathematical algorithm, based on consensus norms and agreements, that enables all nodes to exchange data automatically and safely in a trusted environment. The block chain is essentially a mathematical solution to trust issues, all rules are expressed in the form of algorithmic procedures, participants do not need to know the credit level of their counterpart, third-party transaction endorsement or security certification, but only trust in a common algorithm that creates credit, trust, consensus for participants through algorithms.


(3) time stamp. blocks are generated over a period of time by wrapping data and codes, and the first page of the next block contains the index information of the previous block and is connected to the first end of the chain. The blocks that record the entire history and the chain that can be fully validated form a time stamp that can trace the entire history, which can provide a search and search function for each data, and which can be traced back to the source from the structure of the block chain. Therefore, the block chain is generated with a time stamp that creates an inflexible, non-false database. The modification of the database on a single node is ineffective unless more than 51% of the nodes in the system can be controlled at the same time, and therefore the data chain is highly reliable.


(4) asymmetric encryption. block chains use asymmetric encryption algorithms, i.e. a key pair is used in encryption and declassification, and two keys in the key pairs have asymmetric features. On the one hand, the key is a public key visible to all participants in the block chain, and the public key is used to encrypt a true information and only the information owner can decipher it with a private key. On the other hand, the private key-to-information signature is used to verify the signature through the corresponding public key to ensure that the information is sent to the true holder. Asymmetric encryption minimizes the friction boundary in value exchange, allows the anonymity of transparent data and protects personal privacy.


(5) Smart contracts. , as the block chain is capable of achieving point-to-point transfer of value, can be embedded in the corresponding programming scripts to handle unforeseen patterns of transactions through such smart contracts to ensure the continuity of block chains. This programming script is essentially a list of orders that achieves the relevance and conditionality of value swaps and achieves specific uses of value. , therefore, any value exchange based on block chains can be subject to hard control of their use, direction and limitations by means of intelligent programming, and saves the costs of legal or contractual soft restraints.


(ii) Key issues in the block chain


(1) high energy consumption. There is no triangle in the traditional monetary banking system, i.e. there is no possibility of decentralizing, low energy consumption and high security at the same time, nor is there a triangle in block-chain construction. For example, in the practical application of Bitcoin, its development has led to a rapid expansion of computer hardware, the main cost in the “mining” process being shifted to hardware costs and electricity costs.


(2) storage space problems. , since every transaction in the block chain recording system from the initial information and each node downloads the stored data block and updates it in real time, is fully synchronized data for each node, the network pressure is high, and the storage space capacity requirements for each node may be a key constraint on its development.

(3)抗压能力问题。基于区块链构建的系统遵循木桶理论,要兼顾所有网络节点中处理速度和网络环境最差的,所以,如果将区块链技术推广至大规模交易环境下,其整体的抗压能力还有待验证。如果每秒产生的交易量超过系统(最弱节点)的设计容纳能力,交易就自动进入到队列进行排队,带来不良用户体验。 返回搜狐,查看更多

(3) resistance issues. Systems based on block chains follow the barrel theory, taking into account the worst processing speed and network environment in all network nodes, so if the block chain technology is extended to a large-scale trading environment, its overall resistance is still to be verified. If the volume of transactions produced per second exceeds the design capacity of the system (weakest node), the transaction automatically enters the queue and leads to negative user experience.





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