As global block-chain technology and digital currency advances rapidly, local crypto-currency exchanges are emerging. The following are the most recent of the world’s ten crypto-currency exchanges, including their characteristics, fees, supporting currencies, and matching volumes of transactions.
1. CoinBene交易所CoinBene交易所是一家全球信赖的数字资产交易平台,支持202个交易对和170个币种,拥有超过300万的注册用户,并在过去一年里取得了CoinMarketCap排名前6的好成绩。该交易所设有多个分站和办事处,提供多种业务和数字资产服务,支持多语言客服。
CoinBene Exchange, a globally trusted digital asset trading platform that supports 202 transaction pairs and 170 currencies, with more than 3 million registered users, has achieved the top 6 CoinMarketCap rankings over the past year. The Exchange has multiple branches and offices that provide multiple business and digital asset services and support multi-language customer service.
2. Bit-Z交易所Bit-Z交易所创建于2016年,是一家全球数字货币交易平台,拥有多样化团队,提供安全、高效的交易服务。它支持226个交易对和146个币种,并使用银行级别的SSL安全连接来保护交易安全。此外,该交易所还提供投票上币、挖矿实时产币、猜涨跌等多种功能。
Founded in 2016, the Bit-Z Exchange is a global digital money trading platform with diversified teams that provide safe and efficient trading services. It supports 226 trading pairs and 146 currencies, and uses bank-level SSL secure links to protect transactions. In addition, the Exchange provides multiple functions such as voting currency, mining real-time money, and surging and falling.
3. Hotbit交易所Hotbit交易所是一家专注于币币交易的数字资产交易平台,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、莱特币、以太坊等数字资产交易服务。它拥有全球多个地区的办事处,包括香港和爱沙尼亚。除此之外,该交易所还提供多语言客服和各种数字资产交易服务。
The Hotbit Exchange, a digital asset trading platform focused on currency transactions, provides digital asset trading services such as Bitcoin, Lightcoin, Etheria, etc. for global users. It has offices in various parts of the world, including Hong Kong and Estonia. In addition, the Exchange provides multi-language customer service and a variety of digital asset trading services.
These are the 10 largest encrypted currency exchanges that are currently the most active and most traded in the world. These exchanges not only support multiple currencies and trading pairs, but also their unique features and services.
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