美國證券交易委員會(US Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC)針對 NVIDIA 在 2017 年未能正確披露加密貨幣挖礦對遊戲 GPU 業務的影響程度,因而裁罰 550 萬美元(折合約 1.65 億台幣)。
The US Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC, has fined NVIDIA $5.5 million (approximately 16.5 million pesos) for failing to properly disclose in 2017 the extent of the impact of encrypt currency mining on the GPU business.
美國證交會表示,加密貨幣挖礦是 NVIDIA 在 2017 年收入增長的重要因素,且 NVIDIA 有義務將其列於風險因素。但 NVIDIA 卻隱瞞這一點,並聲稱為遊戲 GPU 業務的增長。美國證交會認為這存在誤導性。
According to the SEC, the mining of encrypted currency is an important factor in NVIDIA’s income growth in 2017, and NVIDIA has an obligation to list it as a risk factor. But NVIDIA conceals this and claims to be an increase in the GPU business of the game.
之所以會有這項裁罰,起因於 2017/18 年的加密貨幣挖礦熱潮,NVIDIA 透過生產更多遊戲 GPU 來滿足礦工的需求,但實際上生產過剩。2019 年更承認其中階 GPU 庫存過多,導致其股價下滑。
The reason for this penalty is that NVIDIA has met the needs of the miners by producing more games, GPU, in 2017/18. In 2019, it was more recognized that the stock price of the class of GPU is falling.
NVIDIA 已同意該禁制命令,並將支付 550 萬美元罰款,但截至目前為止仍未承認或否認美國證交會的調查結果。
NVIDIA has agreed to the restraining order and will pay & nbsp; $5.5 million fine, but to date it has not admitted or denied the results of the SEC investigation.
雖說這筆罰款可能會在短期內對 NVIDIA 股價造成動盪,但它似乎已吸取教訓,在 2020/21 年的挖礦熱潮中,不只推出挖礦專用的 GPU,也對其它遊戲 GPU 的生產更為保守,這也間接成為不少玩家買不到遊戲顯卡的原因。
Although this fine may cause a swing in NVIDIA stock prices in the short term, it appears to have learned from the mining boom of 2020/21, which has not only introduced GPUs for mining purposes, but has also become more conservative about the production of other games GPUs, which in turn has contributed to the fact that a number of players have not been able to buy a game card.
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