BitMEX 联合创始人预测:以太坊将达到5000美元

资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:43 评论:0
BitMEX 联合创始人预测:以太坊将达到5000美元 The co-founder of BitMEX predicts that Ether will reach $5,000....



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BitMEX 联合创始人预测:以太坊将达到5000美元

The co-founder of BitMEX predicts that Ether will reach $5,000.

尽管 Solana(SOL) 和 Cardano (ADA) 等其他加密货币表现强劲,但以太坊(ETH) 的表现相对来说乏善可陈,迟迟没有突破 2,500 美元大关。

Despite the strong performance of other encrypted currencies, such as Solana (SOL) and Cardano (ADA), the performance of ETH is relatively poor and slow to break the $2,500 mark.

然而,BitMEX联合创始人Arthur Hayes乐观预测,以太坊可能很快会达到历史新高。他在社交媒体平台 X 上表示:“我抛售了 SOL 并购买了更多 ETH,ETH=5,000 美元。”

However, Arthur Hayes, a co-founder of BitMEX, was optimistic that the Etheria might soon reach an all-time high. On social media platform X, he said, "I sold SOL and bought more ETH, ETH = $5,000."

在此之前,Hayes 曾预测 Solana 的价格将达到 100 美元,这一预测已被证明相当准确,SOL 近期一度反弹至 99.6 美元。

Prior to that, Hayes had predicted that the price of Solana would reach $100, a forecast that had proved to be quite accurate and that SOL had recently rebounded to $996.6.

截至撰写本文时,以太坊交易价格为 2,270 美元, 24 小时跌幅 2.7%。

At the time of writing, it was US$2,270 at a 24-hour drop of 2.7 per cent.

资金费率飙升暗示 2,500 美元关键位置

以太坊资金费率最近显著上涨,这表明交易者普遍期望进一步上涨,目标为 2,500 美元。加密衍生品追踪机构 Coinglass 的数据显示, ETH 融资利率飙升至 0.045%。表明交易者倾向于看涨该资产,愿意支付溢价来持有多头头寸。这种乐观情绪可以产生一种”正向“循环,更多的交易者愿意进入多头头寸,押注价格上涨。

The recent sharp increase in the rate of funds in the Taikus suggests that traders generally expect further increases, targeting US$ 2,500. The data from the crypto derivative tracking agency Coinglass show that the interest rate on ETH financing has skyrocketed to 0.045%.

灰度ETHE 负溢价缩窄

Greyscale ETHE negative premium narrows

Lumida Wealth 首席执行官 Ram Ahluwalia 也提出了一种观点,称 ETH 价格可能会恢复并扭转损失,甚至可能超越比特币 (BTC)。

Ram Ahluwalia, Chief Executive Officer of Lumida Wealth, also raised the view that ETH prices may recover and reverse losses, and may even exceed Bitcoin (BTC).

Ram Ahluwalia 指出 ,灰度投资(Grayscale Investment)旗下灰度以太坊信托基金(ETHE)负溢价在过去几个月一直在缩窄,在12 月 22 日当天上涨了 4%。

Ram Ahluwalia points out that the Grayscale Investment (Grayscale Investment) premium on the ETHE Trust has been shrinking over the past few months, rising by 4 per cent on the same day of December 22nd.

根据Ram Ahluwalia 的分析,这一发展表明,机构投资者选择购买 Grayscale 的 ETHE 产品,以受监管的方式获得 ETH 敞口。随着 ETHE 负溢价消失,边际流量很可能会流向 ETH 现货以获取质押收益。因此,机构不太可能向 ETHE 投入更多资金,因为“大收益”已经完成。

According to Ram Ahluwalia's analysis, this development shows that institutional investors choose to buy ETHE products from Grayscale and get ETH exposures in a regulated manner. As the ETHE negative premium disappears, the marginal flow is likely to flow to ETH on-the-spot in order to obtain pledge proceeds.

根据Stake Rewards 的数据,截至 12 月 22 日,已有超过 2860 万枚 ETH 被质押,收益率为 4.32%,考虑到质押金额和收益率的相关性,选择质押实物 ETH 的用户越多,奖励率或收益率就越低。

According to Stake Rewards, as of 22 December, more than 28.6 million ETHs had been pledged, with a rate of return of 4.32 per cent, and given the relevance of the pledge amount and rate of return, the greater the number of users choosing to pledge the physical ETH, the lower the incentive or rate of return.

随着 ETHE 负溢价消失,机构或大型参与者通过现货市场将资金转移到 ETH,可能会抬高价格。

As the ETHE negative premium disappears, institutions or large players may raise prices by transferring funds to ETH through the spot market.


Technical Indicators

分析师Denys Serhiichuk表示,从日线图上的 ETH 价格走势来看,ETH 价格在小时图上短线突破了 2,331 美元的阻力位。如果当日收盘价低于该水平,则可能进一步回调至 2,300 美元区域。

The analyst Denys Serhiichuk states that, based on the trend of the ETH price on the solar map, the ETH price breaks short limits of US$2,331. If the collection price is below that level on that day, it may be further adjusted to the US$ 2,300 area.

在更长的时间框架内,需要关注 2,392 美元阻力位的收盘情况。如果上引线在 2,500 美元附近或上方,则上行趋势可能很快会继续至 2,500 美元区域,从中期来看,收盘于2400美元附近对进一步反弹起着关键作用,如果多头能够占据优势,将继续测试2,500-2,700美元区域。返回搜狐,查看更多

In a longer time frame, attention needs to be paid to the closing of the US$2,392 resistance. If the upper lead line is near or above US$ 2,500, the upward trend is likely to continue very quickly to the US$ 2,500 area. In the medium term, the round close to US$2,400 plays a key role in further rebounds, and if multiple heads are able to take advantage, the test of the US$2,500-2,700 area will continue.





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