10月底各大比特币交易平台陆续停止人民币与比特币等其他数字货币的交易,一时币圈风云变幻。各种猜想与预期扑面而至。时至今日,一个月过去了,比特币等交易又火爆了一把。 11月29日晚,比特币等先是大涨,第二天又开始大搓一波。既然,人民币和比特币的交易经停止,那么大家都是通过什么交易手段进行交易呢?
At the end of October, major bitcoin trading platforms stopped trading with other digital currencies, such as bitcoin, and the currency became tacky. Various guesses and expectations came up. Today, one month later, bitcoin and so forth became hot.
OTC, an off-site transaction, is explained in the securities market as follows:
Securities markets, in addition to exchanges, have other trading markets that, because they do not have centralized uniform trading systems and venues, are collectively referred to as off-the-shelf trading markets, or counter or shop-to-place markets, which are negotiated in person between the buyers and sellers of securities outside the exchange. It does not have a fixed place, where transactions are conducted mainly by telephones, telegrams, faxes and computer networks, and the trading of securities is dominated by securities that are not listed on the exchange.
From a policy point of view, transactions in the form of currency exchange are clearly restricted, but there is no explicit prohibition of OTC. In a sense, that is, it is legal.
The main forms of current OTC transactions in the currency circle are: the platform as a tool for information dissemination, electronic currency, and the flow of transactional information. Buyers and sellers publish or buy currency information through the platform, and then both parties make wired payments based on purchase orders provided by the platform, make double calls, collect payments, place orders on the line, and complete money-fixing operations.
For example: A is the seller, B is the buyer. A is the buyer. A sells money on the platform: a price of 65,000 bitcoins, sells 10 bitcoins, supports the payment of micro-mails or payment of treasures. B is the buyer, wants to buy a bitcoins, then B puts a bill in the information published by A, buys a bitcoins, the platform generates a transaction order, plus a payment certificate number. When B is done, A receives notice, awaiting payment. At that point, B makes a check by means of a payment and account number, accompanied by an order number or payment certificate number for the current transaction. A receives the payment, finds the corresponding order to be changed to collect, and then the platform calls one bitcoin purchased by B to his account number.
Tether USD(简称USDT),中文名称为泰达币。由Tether公司发行。目前,火币,币安,OKEx,ZB等网站接受USDT充提和交易。用户可先通OTC交易获得USDT,然后用USDT进行其他币种之间的币币交易。
You can get USDT first through the OTC, and then use USDT for currency transactions between other currencies.
USDT was issued on the basis of the Omni (formerly Mastercoin) agreement and, theoretically, a digital currency based on decentralized block chain networks. Tether assured that it would store a dollar without issuing a USDT bank account. Simplely understood, a USDT is worth the equivalent of a dollar.
通过OTC完成一个电子货币购买之后,就可以通过平台提供的币币交易进行 其他币种的兑换,这里的操作与之前用人民币购买电子货币操作一样。
Once an electronic currency purchase is completed through OTC, the exchange of other currencies can be effected through a currency transaction provided by the platform, and the operation here is the same as the previous purchase of electronic currency in the renminbi.
USDT can be purchased through exchange OTC transactions, as described above. The value of USDTs fluctuates over time during the purchase process.
The use of USDT is subject to certain risks, such as the collapse of the issuing company, bankruptcy or running away, and the USDT in hand can only be a number.
You can try the entire deal through the OTC, bearing in mind that it's risky to enter the market with caution. Recently, the USDT has been stolen, the currency has been stolen, the risks have been constant, your money bag has been secured, and the platform has been chosen.
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