近日怪物驯服回合制网游《Untamed Isles》官方发布公告称,因为虚拟加密货币崩溃,导致资金链断裂,他们无法继续完成游戏开发,也无法向购买者退款。
The recent official announcement in Untamed Isles, where monsters tame the turn-based net, stated that they could not continue to develop games or refund buyers because of the collapse of virtual encrypted currencies, which had led to a break in the financial chain.
《Untamed Isles》是一款MMORPG,为怪物驯服者提供了一个可以探索的活生生的世界,游戏中大部分物品和所有怪物都可以“代币化”交易拍卖。最初开发商Phat Loot工作室雄心勃勃,召集了70多名员工,花了2年多的时间,努力创造他们梦寐以求的游戏。但现在工作室缺乏资金,自然就没法开发完游戏了。
Untamed Isles is an MMORPG, which provides monster tamers with a living world to explore, where most of the games and all monsters can be auctioned for “currency” transactions. The original developer, Phat Loot, was ambitious, brought together more than 70 employees, and spent more than two years trying to create the games they dream of.
But there is no doubt that the reason behind the break-up of the financial chain of the studio was caused by the collapse of the encrypted currency in recent years.
Phat Loot工作室大举进军加密货币市场,打算大展宏图,梦想从中大赚一笔,再将资金投入到未来的游戏开发。然而自2020年以来,加密货币一泻千里,工作室也赔了个底掉,大败亏输。因此耗尽了财政资源,再也无力开发游戏,他们只得宣布停止游戏开发,并向玩家公开致歉。
The Phat Loot studio has taken a huge leap forward in the encrypted currency market, and it intends to make a great deal of money from it, and then invest money in future games. Since 2020, however, the encrypted currency has lost a lot of money, and the studio has lost a lot of money. As a result, financial resources have been exhausted and the game has no longer been developed, they have to announce that they will stop playing and publicly apologize to the players.
Officially, "The cost of game development is high, and we've had a lot of trouble in developing it. Since the beginning of our journey in 2020, there have been major changes in the economic landscape in general, and in particular in the encrypt currency. The encrypt currency has collapsed, and our financial resources are exhausted, so it is not possible to continue with the development of the game at this time."
《Untamed Isles》在2021年众筹活动中获得527000美元的资金,现在游戏停止开发,众筹资金是否会退还呢?官方表示:“我们已经没钱了,无法退还Kickstarter众筹资金。抱歉了粉丝们,我们相信在未来会开发完游戏并推出的。”
Untamed Isles received $527,000 in funding for the 2021 public fund-raising campaign, and now that the game has stopped, will the public fund-raising be refunded? Officially, "We have no money to refund KickStarter's fund-raising." Sorry fans, we're confident that the game will be developed and rolled out in the future."
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