
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:52 评论:0
以下文章来源于可信区块链推进计划 ,作者可信区块链 The following article is based on a credible block chain propulsion program, author of a cred...



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以下文章来源于可信区块链推进计划 ,作者可信区块链

The following article is based on a credible block chain propulsion program, author of a credible block chain.

中国信息通信研究院云大所副所长、可信区块链推进计划秘书长魏凯出席沙龙并致辞。腾讯云区块链研发总监、长安链腾讯侧研发负责人张建俊,微众银行区块链首席架构师、FISCO BCOS开源区块链平台架构师张开翔,黑曜石实验室产品VP、AWS和阿里云认证专家管宇辉,中国信通院区块链工程师、TBI开源组组长程阳发表了相关主题演讲。

Wei Kai, Deputy Director-General of Yun Dao, China Institute of Information and Communications, and Secretary-General of the Credible Block Chain Promotion Programme, attended and delivered a message. Zhang Jianjun, Director-General of Research and Development of the Block Chain, Director-General of Research and Development of the Block Chain of the Chang An Seng Seng Seng Seng Seng Seng Seng, Chief Framer of the Block Chain of Microbanks, Director of the Open Source Block Platform of FISCO BCOS, Director of the Black Rock Laboratory, AWS and Ali Yun Accreditation Specialist Woo-fui, and Director of the Sector Chain Engineer of the IBC Academy of China, Chengyang, Director of the TBI Open Group, gave a presentation on the subject.


Wei Kai states that the value of the block chain is based on the idea of openness and transparency, and that only openness and transparency will win credibility. The block chain is a natural source of this opening spirit. And the Credible Block Chain Promotion Project (TBI) is also committed to building the block chain ecology in an open and collaborative manner, helping to move the block chain technology far away, and contributing to the development of the sector. Wei Kai noted that it is to be hoped that the country’s sector chain technology will be able to support the country’s block chain strategy in key sectors, with a sorghum in the government and financial sectors, which is one of the original aims and purposes of TBI, and that these open-source activities will contribute to the sector.


张开翔带来了“FISCO BCOS区块链开源社区发展历程分享”的演讲。张开翔表示,微众银行自2017年开源了区块链相关产品,2018年开始发展开源社区,之后便不断投入和深化,扩大开源的范围和社区生态。目前,微众银行已建成从区块链底层平台,到中间件平台、跨链协作、隐私保护、智能合约等一揽子开源解决方案。微众银行除了开源代码,在开源生态的人才培养、基础设施建设等方面都在持续投入,张开翔指出,“出圈”很重要,要通过开源社区,让FISCO BCOS走出技术圈,走出应用圈、走出行业圈,和更多的合作伙伴共同发展生态。

“Fisco BCOS Block Chains for Community Development Sharing” was delivered by . reported that micro-banks have been investing and deepening in open-source communities since 2017, beginning with the development of open-source communities in 2018. Micro-banks have now built up a package of open-source solutions from the bottom of the chain, from intermediate platforms, cross-linkage collaboration, privacy protection, and intellectual contracts. Micro-banks, in addition to open-source codes, are investing continuously in open-source ecology training, infrastructure development, and have noted the importance of “outwards” to enable FISCO BCOS to move out of the technical circle, out of the application circle, out of the industry, and together with more partners, to develop ecology.

管宇辉为我们分享了“区块链开发者生态观察及探索”。管宇辉指出,区块链的生态依赖于工具和社区,一个好的工具可以降低开发门槛,吸引新的开发者参与项目开发,并转化为贡献者,一个好的社区可以吸引更多的开发者进行经验交流。二者结合可以扩大开发者的数量,提高开发者的质量,降低开发者入门的门槛。管宇辉表示,以太坊拥有良好的生态和社区,但是开发工具过于零碎且不够优化,因此他们提供了一套开源解决方案Ethereum Studio,简化以太坊的开发流程。同时,也在腾讯云TBaaS上提供了一套Fabic开发工具解决方案TBaaS Studio可供用户免费使用。

Manager Fai shared "Eco-observation and Exploration of Block Chain Developers" with us. Manager Fai pointed out that the Block Chain was ecologically dependent on tools and communities, that a good tool could lower the development threshold, attract new developers to project development and turn into contributors, and that a good community could attract more developers to share experiences. Together they could increase the number of developers, improve the quality of developers, and lower the threshold for developers to enter.


provides a new direction for research. indicates that open source is no longer just a spirit of shared hospitality, that open source has developed a business model for businesses on how to construct open-source ecology of blocks, how to operate open-source communities, how to lead the development of the sector chain industry through open-source development. notes that our 14th-Year Plan includes open-source communities, but that the current fragmentation of the country's grids, with relatively fragmented and independent communities, and how to bring together the country's block chain communities, in the context of a policy environment, industrial ecology, project ecology, and community ecology to create a well-developed chain of open-source ecosystems, will be the direction and objective of his ongoing efforts to expand the international reach of the ecosystem of our sector chain.

2018年4月9日,中国信息通信研究院联合158家企业牵头启动“可信区块链推进计划”(Trusted Blockchain Initiatives,TBI),目前,基于自愿加入和退出的成员管理机制,已经有430余家企业加入。下设TBI开源项目组,基于完全自愿、开放透明、公平公正的原则,旨在推动区块链开源事业的发展,引领国内区块链技术的发展和普及。“TBI开源技术沙龙”是TBI开源项目组组织的系列沙龙活动,每期设置一个专题,邀请行业专家为大家分享相关内容,探讨区块链新技术、新方向,分享区块链应用案例。

On 9 April 2018, the China Institute of Information and Communications, in association with 158 companies, launched the “Credible Block Chain Advancement Project” (Trusted Blockchai Initiatives, TBI). Currently, more than 430 enterprises have joined, based on voluntary membership and exit management mechanisms. The TBI Open Source Group, which is based on the principles of full voluntariness, transparency and fairness, aims to promote the development of the block chain and to lead the development and diffusion of technology in the country's block chain. The “TBI Open Source Technology Sharon” is a series of Sharon events organized by the TBI Open Source Project Group, with a theme that invites industry experts to share relevant content, explore new technologies and directions in the sector chain, and share case studies on the application of the block chain.




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