To share with you today the knowledge of what the original currency means to fill in, and of course to explain what the original currency means, if our answers can solve the problems you are facing, don't forget to focus on the station, now!
Domestically, the accounts are maintained in the renminbi, which is the currency of the country’s enterprises in the form in which the accounts are maintained, as opposed to the local currency. For example, in the case of a foreign US firm, the owner of the United States dollar, the owner of the United States dollar is required to make financial statements to the owner of the United States dollar in order for the owner to understand the financial situation, at which point the dollar is considered the original currency in the United States.
Both local and original currencies are relative concepts. China, for example, requires that the renminbi be used as an account currency, meaning that all financial statements of domestic enterprises must be responded to in the renminbi, which facilitates macro-level analysis of statistics, plans, etc., and horizontal and vertical comparisons.
本币(Local Currency) 指某个国家的法定货币。比如中国的本币是人民币。会计上简称的“本币”应该是 记账本位币(Account Standard Money) ,即会计记账、合算时所采用的货币。
The local currency is the legal currency of a country. For example, China’s local currency is the renminbi.
The local currency is the national currency. The original currency refers to foreign currencies other than the national currency, such as the United States dollar, the euro, etc.
An export invoice is issued at zero rates, an ordinary invoice is issued, and the export goods are genuinely filled out with an indication of the amount in foreign currency.
The original currency rate is: the currency on the customs declaration, in the case of the euro, the rate on the euro no. 1 August, in the case of the yen no. 1 August, etc., and the currency on the customs declaration. The dollar rate is the rate on the United States dollar.
3. Enter the rate of exchange to be applied for export sales (or import purchases). It is the rate of exchange established by the country’s foreign exchange authorities on the day of the accounting date and is also known as the conversion rate.
Note column: The contract number, mode of trade, mode of settlement, foreign currency and amount, exchange rate, etc. may be included in the note. If the CIF price is issued on the ticket, the FOB price is indicated in the note column. It is recommended that a customs declaration number be added.
1, the ERP system contains formulae, and the original currency is equal to the retail price of the product and is filled in at the retail price of the product.
The average person’s business: the purchase of a special invoice is subject to a tax credit, so that the price of its fixed assets is free of the tax amount, but if it has only obtained an ordinary invoice to waive the credit, the price of its fixed assets is subject to the tax amount.
3. In the case of exchange rate fluctuations, it is necessary to establish a basic accounting currency, using other currencies as a reference value, which is a requirement for accounting and is provided for by law.
4. The following steps are taken: to enter the Bank of China and the Bank of Commerce and Industry online, to land on the first page and click on the order of exchange.
5、在应付款减少单中原币金额里填写50 在付款单中原币金额填写-50元 收款单的时候显示的金额就是-50那张单据红冲就可以了。
The amount indicated when the original amount in the bill of payment was filled in -50 in the original currency in the statement of reduction of accounts payable is the amount shown in the bill of payment as -50.
6. I am using the Lone Cloud ERP, which is usually filled in on a warehouse form when it comes to storage.
The original currency refers to foreign currencies other than the home country, such as the United States dollar, the euro, etc. The concept is different: this currency refers to the legal currency of a country in which no currency other than the legal currency can circulate.
2. The original currency refers to a foreign currency other than the national currency, such as the United States dollar and the euro. This currency corresponds to the amount of the local currency.
The difference between the local currency and the original currency lies in the fact that it refers to the national currency in circulation. If China’s local currency is the renminbi, the United States dollar is the United States dollar. The original currency is a relative concept, mainly applied in the transnational sphere.
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This is the end of the introduction about what the original currency means and what the original currency means. Don't you know what you need from it? If you want to know more about it, keep an eye on the station.
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