早前睇到有篇報導頗有趣,話說全球最大比特幣平台Mt .Gox,於2014年曾經被駭客入侵,偷走了85萬個比特幣,被迫宣布破產。多年來,客戶及一批比特幣礦工入稟要求賠償,拖了7年後,比特幣衝過3萬美元之際(後來更高見6萬美元),有關申索竟然終露曙光。?
It was interesting to see a story earlier: Mt.Gox, the world’s largest bitcoin platform, was invaded by hackers in 2014, stole 850,000 bitcoins and forced to declare bankruptcy. After seven years, after clients and a group of bitcoin miners had been delayed for seven years, the bitcoins ran over $30,000 (and later up to $60,000), about the claim’s demise.
由於Mt. Gox錢包只尚餘13萬多個比特幣,根本賠不了所有債權人的損失,只能對債權人損失的每個比特幣償還0.23個比特幣。計一計數, 假設7年前擁有100個比特幣(差不多每個500美元),約值5萬美元,現在雖然只能獲賠23個比特幣,但以賠償時巿價3萬美元一個,換算後值約70萬美元,即超過十倍的回報。我有點懷疑,若然沒有交易平台破產賠償事件發生,那些投資者能否賺取超過十倍回報呢?
Since the Mt. Gox wallet had more than 130,000 bits left, it would have cost no more than 0.23 bits for every bit lost by the creditor. If, seven years ago, there were 100 bits (almost $500 each) worth about $50,000, it would have cost 23 bits, but 30,000 dollars at the time of payment, or more than a ten-fold return. I wonder if those investors would have earned more than a ten-fold return if there had been no sale platform bankruptcy.
近日搞了一場有關加密貨幣的YT live(見相關連結),請來相關專家朋友仔一起暢談。記得當晚問百樂何時開始掘礦,他表示已超過10年了,當年掘礦容易之極,他只用自己的家中電腦,每天也能輕鬆掘出50個比特幣,他所掘過的比特幣總數一定超過一千個,按3萬美元一個,這已超過兩億港元了。可惜的是,他所掘過的比特幣並沒有保留至今,更把當年儲存比特幣的電腦送給救世軍,而救世軍當然也不知寶啦。
Recently, an YT Live (a related link) of encrypted currency was created, inviting an expert friend to talk to each other. Remember that night, when the mine started, he said it was easier to dig after 10 years, he used his home computer, he could easily dig 50 bits a day, he must have dug more than a thousand bits and 30,000 dollars, which was more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars. Unfortunately, the bitcoins he had dug had not been retained to date, and the computers that had saved bitcoins had been delivered to the Salvation Army, which, of course, had no idea of the treasure.
To be honest, as he had his own computer background, he had already started contacting the chain technology at an early stage, but the vast amount of bitcoins that had been extracted by people who did not know their value (or price) was useless, even if there had been news that someone had traded bitcoins for Pizza, which was just a few headlines, and that in fact the possession of bitcoins was not a practical use.
It is difficult to "sit to the end" if it is just one or two times the size of an investor. Bitcoins rise, more than 100,000 times the size of a windmill, and it is easy to say, but it is hard to actually do it.
One of the things that was mentioned in the earlier film about "capability" is that faith is very important. The past increase in the bitcoins has passed.
YT live連結:https://youtu.be/ZSmSdxRbkaI
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