You can understand that this is a deleveraging operation.
For the whole of virtual money, because virtual money is not regulated at all, it is in itself an expression of capital control when the market surges and falls. For this concept of capital, capital is not a single or individual capital, but a collective decision by a pool of capital. In other words, this is the consensus in the current market.
After a period of surge, Bitcoin experienced a drop of about US$ 29,000. The entire virtual money market has been organized over a long period of time since. From July, as the agreement was upgraded in Ethio, many people thought that it had brought back the entire virtual money cow market, and Bitcoin had hit about US$ 52,000. After a period of surge, Bitco held another crash of about US$ 42,000. 二、这是一种去杠杆的操作。 It's a deleveraging operation. 这个逻辑可能有点难以理解,因为这一次的虚拟货币反弹的行情已经走了近两个月。在这两个月期间,整个军的货币市场全部都是多军,也正是因为大家看多的情绪非常浓厚,合约和期货方面也有很多杠杆。我不知道这是不是主力在故意而为之,但这是一次非常有必要的去杠杆的操作。
This logic may be somewhat difficult to understand, since the virtual currency rebound of this one has been going on for almost two months. During these two months, the entire currency market of the army was multi-military. It was also because there was a lot of emotion and a lot of leverage in contracts and futures. 三、你也可以理解为市场回调。 虽然虚拟货币市场不受监管,但虚拟货币市场的资金有限,不可能无限上涨。现在的行情已经上涨了两个月的时间,出现回调是非常正常的事情。也正因如此,很多人依然看好后市的行情,因为后续可能会突破新高。对于个人投资者来说,投资人需要根据自己的判断来做出投资决策,我在这里就不多做点评了。
Fabref = https://iknow-pic.bcebos.com/faf2b2113b163d1d981d791296d8c9a" target = blank = `utref > >
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