Digital Currency M Catalogue
Digital currency M refers to a particular digital currency, but it requires further context and a clear name. Digital currency M, as a widely used concept, may mean one of the countless digital currencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethio, Leitecoin, and Dogcoin. Or digital currency issued by a particular financial company or institution. Each digital currency has its own unique functions, features, applications, and value systems.
Simply put, the renminbi is digitized and equal to banknotes, but it is more flexible than banknotes.
It can track your financial flows and pay even if it does not use the Internet.
The central bank, of course, dominates the digital currency of the central bank.
The digital currency planned by the central bank is digitized in the renminbi, and control and distribution are in the hands of the central bank, but only in the form of numbers.
These digital currencies are different from digitally encrypted currencies such as bitcoin, ripoon, active currency, but can be consulted for digital encryption or use of block chain technology.
Virtual currencies, such as Q and other games, that we use online, are strictly virtual goods, or intermediate goods, not currencies, and do not have the capacity to purchase legal currencies.
Bitcoin is also commonly referred to as a decentralized virtual currency that facilitates money-laundering and is based on block chains.
Therefore, the application of block chains should not be applied directly.
If digital currency is issued by the central bank, the digital currency should be the legal currency issued by the central bank, encrypted, supported by State credit, and subject to conditions such as supervision.
A few days ago, Indian Prime Minister Modi announced the issuance of a new currency to combat tax evasion and money-laundering.
Indeed, the issuance of digital currency by central banks would be more effective if the technology was sufficiently well developed and the mechanisms developed.
In addition to preventing fraud, digital money is also characterized by financial data tracking and high transparency, which is based on block chain technology.
These features can be applied to the statistics and monitoring of macrodata and have a positive effect on risk control of large data.
With regard to what is a bank’s digital currency, the Central Bank, at its meeting on 20 January this year, stated that the People’s Bank’s Digital Monetary Research Team actively drew on the important results and practical experience of domestic and foreign digital money research, building on its earlier work to build on its efforts to establish more effective organizational safeguards and to further define the strategic objectives of the central bank’s issuing of digital money.
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