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撰文:The Generalist 创始人及编辑: Founder and Editor of The Generalist 翻译:Block unicorn Translator...



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撰文:The Generalist 创始人及编辑

: Founder and Editor of The Generalist

翻译:Block unicorn

Translator: Block unit


Articles are long and are recommended for reading.


Operational View

如果您只有几分钟的空闲时间,那么投资者、运营商和创始人可以了解有关 DAO 的信息。

If you have a few minutes of free time, then investors, operators and founders can get information about DAO.

  • DAO 是一种组织人员的新方式。传统上,公司结构一直是最有效的自由市场方法来积累人才以实现目标。这种劳动通常是通过工资来说服和控制的。DAO 寻求类似的目标——创造价值——但依赖于一个分散的框架,在这个框架中,工人、用户和其他利益相关者拥有实体的真正所有权。
  • 已经出现了各种类型的 DAO,以服务于不同的用例。随着对该领域兴趣的增加,DAO 开始多样化并尝试探索可能的边界。有用于投资的 DAO,用于构建新产品的 DAO,用于社交的 DAO,以及之间和之外的许多迭代。
  • 这些实体管理着有意义的资产。那些对加密领域,尤其是 DAO 持怀疑态度的人,可能想要重新考虑他们的立场。这些组织具有真正的影响力和真正的资本。在顶级 DAO 中管理着数百亿美元,其中一些,例如 Compound,本身就拥有近 10 亿美元的资金。
  • 谈到 DAO 基础设施,我们还为时过早。DAO 有许多与公司相同的需求,但鉴于其规模、流动性和技术堆栈,必须经常处理更大的复杂性。这需要出现用于组建、沟通、协作、支付等的工具。DAO 有少数提供者可以在这些类别中进行选择,但总的来说,选择是有限的。我们应该期待未来几年会有许多新进入者进入这个领域。
  • DAO 具有尚未完全解决的明显漏洞。第一个 DAO 被黑客入侵,一个坏演员试图从以太坊中窃取数百万美元。虽然今天的 DAO 更安全,但它们也存在风险。贡献者经常匿名加入,这意味着声誉资本并不完全在线。此外,如果没有足够的保护,一些 DAO 仍然容易受到利用。
DAO 团队的影响力人物
  • Aaron Wright,Tribute Labs 的创始人
  • FWB 市长 Alex Zhang
  • Decentology 的联合创始人 Chase Chapman
  • Cooper Turley , ∞ DAO
  • DDDVVV 创始人德里克·泰勒
  • TCG Crypto 合伙人 Jarrod Dicker
  • Founder of Seed Club 杰斯·斯洛斯
  • Jihad Esmail , 辛迪加社区
  • Delphi Digital 联合创始人 Jose Macedo
  • Aragon 联合创始人 Jorge Izquierdo
  • Delphi Digital 联合创始人 Kevin Kelly
  • MakerDAO 增长主管 Nadia Alvarez
  • Patrick Rivera,Mirror (镜子)
  • Pri Desai , Tribute Labs 的运营
  • Raihan Anwar , FWB 社区
  • STATION 联合创始人 Tina He
  • Syndicate 联合创始人 Will Papper
  • Mario Gabriele,Founder of The Generalist 创始人

直到 1820 年,只有 20% 的美国人口为支付工资的组织工作。其余的人耕种、捕鱼、经营自己的生意,或者在这些活动之间分配时间。

Until 1820, only 20% of the United States population worked in wage-earning organizations. The rest worked in farming, fishing, running their own business, or allocated time between those activities.

在接下来的 130 年里,情况发生了迅速的变化。工业化提供了获得更多财富的机会,同时要求增加劳动力。这推动了具有集中式指挥系统的大型组织下的工人的整合。这些转变意味着到 1950 年,多达 90% 的人口依赖公司获取工资。

In the next 130 years, the situation has changed rapidly. Industrialization offers opportunities for more wealth and demands an increase in the labour force. This has facilitated the integration of workers in large organizations with centralized chains of command. These shifts mean that by 1950, as many as 90% of the population was dependent on companies for wages.


So, companies are a modern phenomenon, at least in the way we usually think they are. What seems so embedded and difficult to deal with today — the default setting of most new businesses — is actually just the latest attempt by humans to solve problems of coordination.

一个更好的选择可能已经出现。尽管远非完美,但去中心化自治组织 (DAO) 试图在实现大规模人类协作的同时弥补公司的一些缺陷。这种互联网和加密原生结构旨在分散治理和所有权,让贡献者有机会确定项目的方向并从其成功中获利。

Although far from perfect, decentralised autonomous organizations (DAOs) try to address some of the company’s shortcomings while achieving large-scale human collaboration. This Internet and encryption-based structure is designed to decentralize governance and ownership, giving contributors the opportunity to set the course of the project and benefit from its success.

虽然仍处于起步阶段,但对该组织框架的兴趣激增表明 DAO 是一个值得认真对待的想法。尤其是在过去的几个月里,新的 DAO 已经崭露头角,吸引了有意义的资本和高素质、有奉献精神的人才。从历史上看,那些关注加密领域这种混乱的人在多年后看起来很有先见之明——即使炒作似乎被夸大了。建筑商和投资者都应该适当考虑这个空间。

Especially in the past few months, the new DAO has come to the fore, attracting meaningful capital and high-quality, dedicated talent. Historically, those who are concerned with this confusion in the area of encryption have looked ahead of time – even though the fumigation seems to have been exaggerated.

除了潜在的财务收益之外,DAO 还可能预示着具有持久影响的社会转变。毕竟,我们受到我们经营所在组织的影响。社会学家查尔斯·佩罗 (Charles Perrow) 在他的著作《组织协会》( A Society of Organizations) 中认为,组织解释了我们世界的大部分运作方式。他介绍了这个理论,如下:

In addition to the potential financial benefits, DAO may be a social transformation with lasting effects. After all, we are influenced by the organization in which we operate. The sociologist Charles Perrow, in his book A Society of Organizations, argues that the organization explains most of the way our world works. He presents this theory, as follows:

[U] 除非您是组织理论家……您的专业将被视为因变量;组织将是塑造政治和经济行为、分层系统、宗教、社会心理过程和一般历史的自变量。

[U] Unless you are an organizing theorist your profession will be considered a variable; the organization will be a self-variant in shaping political and economic behaviour, hierarchical systems, religion, psychosocial processes and general history.

作为一个新的自变量,DAO 将如何影响这些依赖项中的每一个?这种结构将对宗教、历史和政治产生什么影响?

As a new self-variant, how will DAO influence each of these dependencies? How will this structure affect religion, history and politics?


“My idea is that the organization is the key to understanding our society, because it absorbs most of it”.

如果这个格言成立,那么 DAO 将吸收生活的哪些部分?如果公司侵入了在物理领域建立的关系和联系,那么随着时间的推移,DAO 可能会同化我们的数字生物。简而言之,它们可能会吸收互联网,成为我们新的 Web3 社会的组成部分。

If the motto is established, what part of life will the DAO absorb? If companies invade relationships and connections built in the physical field, over time DAO may assimilate our digital life. In short, they may absorb the Internet and become part of our new Web3 society.

我们将在今天的文章中探讨这个想法,同时解开 DAO 的当前状态。特别是,我们期待着回答下列问题(和你说一句话「道」那么,这么多的):

We will explore this idea in today's article and at the same time unblock the current status of DAO. In particular, we look forward to answering the following questions (so much as to say a word to you):

  • 定义。解释什么是 DAO 以及我们如何看待它们。
  • 历史。新组织结构的起源。
  • 类别。存在的各种类型的 DAO。
  • 文化。支撑空间的价值观和理念。
  • 景观。主要参与者及其使用的工具。
  • 启动一个 DAO。探索去中心化的好处以及所需的策略。法律问题。怀俄明州有希望的发展和开放的问题。
  • 反对 DAO。结构的脆弱性及其未经证实的潜力。
  • 边境。探索未来可能发生的事情。


At the end of this article, we hope that you will have a profound understanding of what is happening and why it is important. Although it seems unlikely today, decades later, a large part of the population does not work for a central entity, but for a decentralized entity that is enabled by encryption, which is not impossible.


History and legend.


Do you want to invent your own financial derivatives? You can do it with Ether. Do you want to make your own money? Set it up as an Ether.

这些词出现在 Vitalik Buterin 的 2013 年以太坊白皮书中——这是有史以来第一个对 DAO 的描述的来源。上面 Buterin 的解释不仅说明了他的区块链的模块化和力量,还暗示了它的智力影响。

These words appear in the 2013 Etherno White Paper of Vitalik Buterin – the first ever source of a description of DAO. Buterin’s explanation shows not only the modularization and strength of his block chain, but also its intellectual implications.

事实上,在以太坊出现之前的几年,更不用说 DAO,还有「守护进程」。2006 年,科幻作家丹尼尔·苏亚雷斯 (Daniel Suarez) 出版了一本同名的书,可以将其视为 DAO 的一种原始文本。

In fact, a few years before Etheria’s emergence, not to mention the DAO, and the Daemon process. In 2006, science fiction writer Daniel Suarez published a book with the same name, which could be considered an original version of DAO.

在 Daemon 中,苏亚雷斯描绘了一幅大规模计算机程序的图景,该程序编排了一个地下合作社会。虽然 Daemon 参与了许多我们不希望任何 Web3 组织从中汲取灵感的不健康行为(想想自动驾驶摩托车刺客!),但它的基本操作与今天的 DAO 非常相似:支付赏金,在社区中共享信息,并管理叙事货币。

In Daemon, Soares paints a picture of a large computer program that has organized an underground cooperative society. Although Daemon is involved in many unhealthy behaviors from which we do not want any Web3 organization to draw inspiration (think about auto-driving motorcycle assassins!), its basic operation is very similar to that of today’s DAO: paying a reward, sharing information in the community and managing narrative money.

尽管功能相似,Daemon 并没有创造「DAO」这个名字。Buterin 在以太坊白皮书发布之前曾写过关于 「去中心化自治组织」 的文章,但他在开创性工作中包含了一个整洁的定义:[DAO 是] 一个虚拟实体,它拥有一组特定的成员或股东,其中可能有 67% 的多数,有权使用实体的资金并修改其代码。

Despite similar features, Damon did not create the name " DAO." Buterin wrote an article on "decentralized self-government organizations" before the publication of the Etherno White Paper, but in his pioneering work he included a neat definition: [DAO is] a virtual entity with a specific group of members or shareholders, perhaps 67% of whom have the right to use the entity's funds and to modify its code.

与守护进程一样,以太坊 DAO 依赖于自我修改代码。然而,与苏亚雷斯的创建不同,Buterin 将 DAO 设想为从根本上透明,具有明确的治理流程和建立共识的路径。

As with the daemon, Taiwan DAO relies on self-modified codes. But, unlike the creation of Soares, Buterin envisions DAO as fundamentally transparent, with clear governance processes and consensus-building paths.

白皮书对两种类型的 DAO 的描述进一步说明了这一概念:「去中心化自治公司」(DAC1)和「去中心化自治社区」(DAC2)。(这些首字母缩略词是我们试图轻松区分它们的尝试,而不是规范。)

The two types of DAO described in the White Paper further illustrate the concept of “decentralized self-governing companies” (DAC1) and “decentralized self-governing communities” (DAC2) (these acronyms are our attempts to make an easy distinction between them, not norms).

Buterin 将前者设想为具有可交易股份和股息的谋利实体,而后者则更像是一个民主实体,社区成员可以在其中对某些问题进行投票,例如增加或删除成员。实际上,DAC1 以「1 股=1 票」的模式运行,而 DAC2 则以「1 名成员=1 票」的方式进行管理。不用说,Daemon 的读者会记得这本书的近乎无所不知的程序没有如此清晰的结构。

Buterin envisions the former as a profit-making entity with tradable shares and dividends, while the latter is more like a democratic entity in which members of the community can vote on certain issues, such as adding or deleting members. In fact, DAC1 operates in the form of "1 share = 1 vote," while DAC2 is managed in the form of "1 member = 1 vote." Needless to say, Damon’s readers will remember that the nearly unknown procedures of the book are not so clearly structured.

现在,虽然 Buterin 在本节开头的引用可以被视为一种邀请,但它也是——至少在某种程度上——是一种挑衅。

Now, although Buterin's reference at the beginning of this section can be considered an invitation, it is also — at least to some extent — a provocation.

想要建立一个完整的守护进程或天网?...... 没有什么能阻止你 ......

Do you want to create a complete daemon or Skynet?

有人花了将近三年的时间来接受这个挑战。2016 年 4 月,DAO 诞生了。该项目以最好的意图开始,希望成为以太坊社区事实上的风险基金,以去中心化的方式进行管理。社区成员共同投资 The DAO,并对潜在投资进行投票。

In April 2016, DAO was born. The project started with the best intentions, hoping to become a de facto risk fund for Taiyan communities, managed in a decentralised manner. Community members invested in The DAO and voted on potential investments.

事实证明,这对许多人来说是一个诱人的提议。DAO 从 11,000 多个 LP 中迅速积累了 1270 万个 ETH,相当于当时的 1.5 亿美元。即使在传统的风险投资公司中,这种规模的公司也很有意义。就上下文而言,在 The DAO 成立的同一年,传奇基金 Union Square Ventures 宣布关闭一个 1.66 亿美元的新基金,与以太坊原生工具相比并没有太多。

This proved to be an attractive proposition for many. DAO rapidly accumulated 12.7 million ETHs from more than 11,000 LPs, equivalent to $150 million at the time. Even in traditional venture capital companies, companies of this size are meaningful.

对于那些知道接下来会发生什么的人来说,很难不花一点时间想象这个实体可能会取得多么神奇的成功。如果 DAO 只是坚持其 ETH,提供零 alpha,那么它今天管理的资产将相当于 520 亿美元。如果 DAO 甚至选出了几个赢家——它肯定会拥有世界上最广泛的采购结构——总和可能会高得多。结果将是去中心化金融领域的老虎全球规模的参与者。

For those who know what will happen next, it is difficult not to take a little bit of time to imagine how amazing the entity might be. If DAO simply insists on its ETH, providing zero alpha, it will manage the same assets today as $52 billion. If DAO even selects a few winners – it will certainly have the most extensive procurement structure in the world – it may be much higher.


Of course, that did not happen.

同年 6 月,The DAO 遭到黑客攻击。从实体中提取了整整 360 万个 ETH 并转移到一个持有账户。为了让 ETH 的所有者有机会收回他们的资金,以太坊经历了一次硬分叉。没有损失任何资金,但这次黑客攻击导致了以太坊社区内部的分裂,并说明了尚未完全成熟的 DAO 结构的危险。

In June of the same year, The DAO was hit by hackers. An entire 3.6 million ETHs were extracted from the entity and transferred to a holding account. In order to give the ETH owners an opportunity to recover their funds, the ETH went through a hard split. No money was lost, but the hacker attack led to division within the Ether community and illustrated the danger of an incomplete DAO structure.

随之而来的是一个 DAO 冬天,在更广泛的加密货币冷却之前并经历了这个冬天。尽管如此,即使在这个较慢的时期,专门的建筑商仍在该领域进行建设。由贡献者 Jorge Izquierdo 共同创立的 Aragon 于 2016 年开始为 DAO 开发工具。MakerDAO 成立于 2015 年,其声望继续增长,吸引了新的人才在该领域工作。

Aragon, a co-founder of the contributor Jorge Izquierdo, began developing tools for DAO in 2016. MakerDAO was established in 2015 to continue to grow in prestige and attract new talent to work in this field.

在过去的 12 个月中,这些先行者已被证明至关重要。对 DAO 重新燃起的热情已经转化为切实的复兴,部分原因是因为新来者能够依赖 Aragon 和 Maker 等组织创建的基础设施和架构。

In the last 12 months, these pioneers have proved vital. The renewed enthusiasm for DAO has translated into a real revival, partly because newcomers can rely on the infrastructure and structures created by organizations like Aragon and Maker.


Before we talk about the state of the game, we think in greater depth about the definition of the DAO.

什么是 DAO?

What's a Dao?

希望上面的部分让我们对手头的主题有所了解。但是,还是值得花点时间思考一下这个最直接的问题:什么是 DAO?

It is hoped that the above section will shed light on the subject before us. But it is worth taking some time to think about the most immediate question: what is the DAO?

即使在了解了 DAO 知识之后,回答这个问题也是一个看似棘手的问题。或者至少,回答好。

Even after learning about DAO, answering this question is a seemingly tricky question. Or, at least, answer well.


First, we can go back to the origin of the acronym "decentralized self-governing organizations".


What does that mean?

好吧,如果名副其实,DAO 应该没有中央权威(去中心化),独立于政府或私营部门参与者(自治)运作,并且是组织。

Well, if it's true, DAO should have no central authority (decentralization), operate independently of government or private sector actors (autonomy), and be an organization.


That's easy enough, isn't it?


Not exactly. When you realize that the entity we call DAO today rarely really meets this definition, things become rather vague. Real decentralisation is rare, especially at the beginning, because most projects require a certain degree of centralization to start and run. The same is true of autonomy.

至关重要的是,这些特征不应该被视为二元的。回答 DAO 是否去中心化并不是一个「是」或「否」的问题,而是一个程度的问题。去中心化和自治是滑动的尺度,「DAO」在这个范围内以不同的方式定位自己。

It is essential that these features not be seen as binary. The answer to DAO is not a "yes" or "no" question, but a question of degree. Decentralization and autonomy are the measure of slide, and the DAO is positioned in different ways in this context.

由于字面上的阅读并没有让我们走得很远,我们需要其他方式来思考 DAO。这里的棘手部分是精心设计的行为提出了自己的问题。事实上,每个定义 DAO 的人都可能给你一个微妙或有意义的不同回应。例如,一个有趣的对话者可能会合理地将 DAO 归类为共享银行账户的群聊,第二个可能将其归类为具有分布式所有权的社区,而(梦幻般的)三分之一可能会简单地将其称为「氛围」。

In fact, every definition of DAO may give you a subtle or meaningful different response. For example, an interesting interlocutor may reasonably classify an DAO as a group of shared bank accounts, and a second as a community with distributed ownership, and a third of it may simply call it "the atmosphere."

一切都会好起来的,以他们自己的方式。DAO 是群聊和社区,他们中的许多人通过他们的文化或氛围将自己分开。但是,尽管内容丰富,但这些描绘的某些东西却使这个想法显得很短。

Everything will be fine, in their own way. The DAO is a community of chats and communities, and many of them separate themselves through their culture or atmosphere. But, despite the wealth of content, some of the drawings make the idea seem short.

DAO 不仅仅是一个带有原生代币的 Discord 通道。相反,它们是面向共同目的的实体:创造价值。这是我们声明的表达方式的共同点。

DAO is not just a Discord channel with original intergenerational currency. On the contrary, they are entities for a common purpose: creating values. This is what we declare in common.


Of course, value creation is defined in different ways. Some focus on building tangible digital products, while others aim at accumulating and compounding social capital.

这是对一个 DAO 最基本的描述,并不能令人满意。难道我们不能说几乎所有组织都致力于创造价值吗?公司不追求同样的目的吗?国家和宗教呢?

This is a basic description of a DAO, which is not satisfactory. Can we not say that almost all organizations are committed to creating value? Does companies not pursue the same purpose? States and religions?

「价值」过于主观,无法给我们足够的清晰度。为了对 DAO 有更高的保真度理解,我们需要超越命名法,并查看将这种实体形式与其他实体区分开来的特征。

Value is too subjective to give us enough clarity. In order to have a higher level of certainty about DAO, we need to go beyond naming and look at the characteristics that separate this form of entity from other entities.



要了解 DAO 与其他组织有何不同,我们只需要看看它们如何处理所有权和组织。

To understand how the DAO is different from other organizations, we just need to see how they deal with ownership and organization.



DAO 不是将所有权集中到创始人和投资者手中,而是将所有权分配给生态系统中的各种利益相关者,包括贡献者、用户、战略合作伙伴、供应商等。

DAO does not focus ownership on founders and investors, but on allocating ownership to various stakeholders in ecosystems, including contributors, users, strategic partners, suppliers, etc.

从本质上讲,DAO 由在其中创造价值的人拥有。这是一个激进的观念,而且具有真正的后果;通过超越谁应该「拥有」一个组织的传统概念,DAO 赋予广泛的生态系统以代表其采取行动和创造价值的能力。

In essence, DAO is owned by those who create value in it. It is a radical concept, and it has real consequences; by going beyond the traditional concept of who should “own” an organization, DAO empowers a wide range of ecosystems to act and create value on their behalf.



如前所述,DAO 寻求「自治」。最初,这个术语指的是 DAO 希望在组织层面独立行动——不受国家或私营部门参与者的干扰。

As stated earlier, DAO seeks "autonomy". Initially, the term referred to DAO's desire to act independently at the organizational level — without interference from State or private sector actors.

虽然某些 DAO 确实如此,但可以说,更重要的自治形式发生在个人层面。选民可以加入 DAO 并选择以他们认为最引人注目的方式做出贡献。可能有指导方针,但总的来说,利益相关者选择自己的劳动力并自我组织。

While some DAOs do, it can be said that more important forms of self-government occur at the individual level. Voters can join DAOs and choose to contribute in the most visible way they see it.


Similarly, this is important. Traditionally, the relationship between individual contributors and supervisory entities is a subordination - workers act at the company's request. This is not the case here. DAO “workers” join when and when they think they can add value and wish to do so.

通过采用这种方法,DAO 为紧急行为创造了条件。复杂系统的形成方式是任何个人或团体都无法自上而下协调的。

By using this method, DAO creates conditions for emergency behaviour. The complex system is developed in a way that no individual or group can coordinate from the top.



仔细研究所有权和组织等特征可以让我们对 DAO 有更清晰的了解,但仍然很难将它们完全置于上下文中。

Careful study of attributes such as power and organization allows us to have a clearer understanding of DAO, but it is still difficult to place them entirely in the context.

为了更好地理解 DAO 如何在战术上运作,我们可以将它们与预先存在的组织结构进行比较。尽管从根本上是不同的,但通过尝试将 DAO 视为公司、合作社和网络,我们可以学到很多东西。

In order to better understand how DAO works tactically, we can compare them to pre-existing organizational structures. Although fundamentally different, by trying to view DAO as a company, a cooperative and a network, we can learn a lot.

DAO 作为公司


尽管在所有权和组织方面存在差异,但公司仍然是理解 DAO 的有用框架。

Despite differences in ownership and organization, companies remain a useful framework for understanding DAO.

事实上,较大的 DAO 通常以类似于公司的方式运作,具有明确的「部门」,例如产品、营销、工程和社区。这些部门通常有一个团队负责人来指导和支持其他成员,与经理没有什么不同。

In fact, larger DAOs usually operate in a company-like manner, with clear “sectors” such as products, marketing, engineering, and communities. These sectors usually have a team leader to guide and support other members, which is no different from managers.

一般来说,DAO 中的领导层往往是流动的和无等级的,类似于「青色组织」。正如管理理论家 Frederic Laloux 所定义的那样,Teal 组织是自治的且自然发展的。他们还鼓励员工将自己的全部精力投入到组织中。

In general, leadership in DAO is often mobile and non-hierarchical, similar to that of the "Cyan Organization." As the management theorist Frederic Laloux has defined, the Teal is autonomous and naturally developing. They also encourage employees to devote all their energy to the organization.

DAO 作为合作社

DAO as a co-operative

当然,鉴于 DAO 与公司无关紧要的方面有所不同,特别是在所有权方面,上述框架仅到此为止。

Of course, given the differences between DAO and unrelated aspects of the company, particularly with respect to ownership, the above framework ends there.

出于这个原因,合作社可能是一个更恰当的比较。合作社由为其做出贡献的工人拥有和控制。这类似于 DAO,在 DAO 中,利益相关者会收到授予治理权和分配所有权的代币。它距离您附近的杂货店没有一百万英里,被带入数字领域。

For this reason, cooperatives may be a more appropriate comparison. Cooperatives are owned and controlled by the workers who contribute to them. This is similar to DAO, where stakeholders receive tokens granting governance and allocating ownership. It is not a million miles away from the grocery store near you, and it is taken to the digital field.

作为网络的 DAO

DAO as Network

尽管 coop 框架有助于对所有权进行建模,但 DAO 不仅将所有权分配给贡献者——合理地等同于员工。相反,他们将所有权分配给一系列不同的利益相关者。这可能包括用户(如果 DAO 正在构建产品)、战略合作伙伴、供应商、与任务一致的社区成员等。

While the coop framework helps model ownership, DAO not only assigns ownership to contributors - reasonably equal to employees. Instead, they allocate ownership to a range of different stakeholders. This may include users (if DAO is building products), strategic partners, suppliers, community members with a consistent mandate, etc.


The result is very different from a purely cooperative: a network. Members interact with each other in free form, with frequent and fluid changes in their roles.

在许多方面,这是考虑 DAO 的最有用的框架。当然,虽然网络并不新鲜——当协调复杂性很大时,私营和公共部门的组织都依赖它们——它特别适合 Web3 时代。随着 DAO 规模和复杂性的增长,网络模型允许以可扩展的方式进行协调和对齐。

In many ways, this is the most useful framework for considering DAO. Of course, although networks are not new – when coordination is so complex, both private and public sector organizations rely on them – it is particularly appropriate for the Web3. As DAO grows in size and complexity, network models allow for scalable coordination and alignment.


Are these frameworks meaningful after two years? What about five? Even today, there may be a dozen or more ways to conceptualize the concept.

(可以通过推特查看 13 种 DAO 概念)

13 DAO concepts can be viewed on Twitter

我们认为共享价值创造的基本目标可能会保持不变,但鉴于该领域的创新步伐,未来几年我们对 DAO 的看法可能会大不相同。考虑到这一点,是时候深入研究 DAO 的不同类别了。

We believe that the basic goal of shared value creation may remain the same, but given the pace of innovation in this area, our perception of DAO may be very different in the coming years. With this in mind, it is time to study in depth the different categories of DAO.

DAO 的类型

Type of DAO

很快,可能会有太多的 DAO 进行分类而没有多大意义。毕竟,如果您问某人「存在哪些类型的有限责任公司?」 他们可能会觉得回答这个问题很棘手。我们可能会在不久的将来达到 DAO 具有同等多样性的地步。

Soon, there may be too many DAOs classified with little meaning. After all, if you ask someone, "What kind of limited liability company exists? ", they may find it difficult to answer the question. We may reach the level of DAO diversity in the near future.

不过,就目前而言,我们仍然可以区分 DAO 的类型。在一个高的水平,大部分的 DAO 要么是技术型或面向社会。

For the moment, however, we can still distinguish the type of DAO. At a high level, most DAOs are either technological or socially oriented.

以技术为导向的 DAO 倾向于专注于在加密领域进行构建。他们还倾向于在链上执行更多操作。

Technology-oriented DAOs tend to focus on building in the field of encryption. They also tend to do more on the chain.

面向社会的 DAO 的存在主要是为了将一群人聚集在一起,并为他们寻找新的互动和召集方式。治理更有可能是链下的,或者根本不存在。

The DAO for society exists primarily to bring a group of people together and to find new ways of interacting and convening them. Governance is more likely to be chained or non-existent.

现在,这些细分市场之间没有强硬的界限。正如 DAO 存在于去中心化和自治的范围内一样,它们通常也在这里这样做。

Now, there are no hard lines between these segmented markets. Just as DAOs exist in the context of decentralisation and autonomy, they usually do so here.

例如,MakerDAO 从根本上是面向技术的。但它具有极其强大的社会成分,具有很高的社区参与度和互动性。

For example, MakerDAO is fundamentally technology-oriented, but it has an extremely strong social component, with a high level of community participation and interaction.

与此同时,有利益的朋友本质上是社交的。它充当艺术家、创始人和思想家的「文化会员」和数字聚集点。然而,它受益于强大的产品团队,该团队构建了有意义的工具,如事件令牌门控(「 Gatekeeper 」)、仪表板(「 Pulse 」)和编辑网站(「 WIP 」)。

At the same time, a friend of interest is essentially social. It acts as a "cultural member" and a digital confluence of artists, founders and thinkers. However, it benefits from a powerful product team that builds meaningful tools, such as event handler ("Gatekeeper"), dashboard ("Pulse") and editing website ("WIP").

在这个范围内,有许多子类别值得分解。特别是,我们将重点关注:协议 DAO、社交 DAO、投资 DAO、资助 DAO、服务 DAO、媒体 DAO、创作者 DAO 和收集者 DAO。(我们告诉过你,在这篇文章中我们不得不说很多 DAO。)

In this context, there are many subcategories that deserve to be broken down. In particular, we will focus on agreements, social DAOs, investments, funding DAOs, services DAOs, media DAOs, creators DAOs and collectors DAOs. (We told you that in this article we had to say a lot about DAOs.)

请注意,如果您想了解更多信息,这篇文章的撰稿人 Cooper Turley 对这些类型有很好的深入研究。

Please note that if you want more information, the author of this article, Cooper Turley, has a good in-depth study of these types.

协议 DAO

Protocol DAO

顾名思义,协议 DAO 是用于帮助构建协议的协作实体。一个例子是上面讨论的 MakerDAO 之类的东西。Maker 协议不是完全由集中式团队构建和管理,而是由相关 DAO 编排。

By definition, the protocol DAO is a collaborative entity used to help build the agreement. An example is the MakerDAO discussed above. The Maker protocol is not entirely built and managed by a centralized team, but organized by the relevant DAO.

事实上,在其多年的运营中,Maker 构建了一个由 15 个核心单元组成的复杂结构。每个单元都有任务和预算,由一个或多个协调人管理,协调和支付贡献者以实现 MakerDAO 内的长期目标。此外,每个部门都是一个独立的结构,由其自己的条款管辖,但仍然对 Maker 持有者做出回应。

In fact, in its many years of operation, Maker has built a complex structure of 15 core units. Each module has a mandate and budget, managed by one or more focal points, and coordinates and pays contributors to achieve the long-term goals in MakerDAO. Moreover, each department is a separate structure, governed by its own terms, but still responds to Maker holders.

Sushi、Uniswap、Compound、DANK 也可以被视为协议 DAO,尽管每个都根据自己的结构运行。

Sushi, Uniswap, Compound, Dank can also be considered an agreement DAO, although each operates according to its own structure.

社交 DAO

Social DAO

Friends with Benefits (FWB) 是一个经典的社交 DAO,尽管具有我们提到的工程技术。这里的目标是创建一个强大的社区。在这方面,最终结果与其他在线聚会并没有什么不同,尤其是那些有围墙花园的聚会。(一些 DAO 还专注于连接线上到线下,举办 IRL 聚会。)正如我们所讨论的,不同之处在于自治和所有权的概念。

Friends with Benefits (FWB) is a classic social DAO, despite the engineering technology that we have mentioned. The goal here is to create a strong community. In this regard, the end result is no different from other online gatherings, especially those with fence gardens. (Some DAOs also focus on connecting to the line, organizing IRL gatherings.) As we discussed, the difference is in the concepts of autonomy and ownership.

由撰稿人 Jess Sloss 创立的 Seed Club 是该领域的另一位参与者——尽管职责范围很广。CabinDAO 和 Bright Moments 是另外两个例子。

Founded by the author Jess Slos, Seed Club is another participant in this field, despite the wide range of responsibilities. CabinDAO and Bright Moments are two other examples.

投资 DAO

DAO Investments

如果社交 DAO 主要是关于社区,那么投资 DAO 主要是关于回报。类似于 The DAO——第一个命运多舛的投资实体——这些项目的目标是聚集资本和投资者进行部署。与传统的风险投资公司不同,决策实际上是民主的,LP 对相关机会进行投票。

If the social DAO is primarily about the community, the investment DAO is about the return. Like The DAO, the first multi-faceted investment entity, these projects aim to pool capital and investors for deployment. Unlike traditional venture capital companies, decision-making is in fact democratic, and LP votes on opportunities.

通常,不同的投资 DAO 会有不同的侧重点。例如,一个人可能专门购买 ENS 名称,另一个人可能专注于区块链游戏,而第三个可能会资助加密初创公司。

Usually, different investments in DAOs have a different focus. For example, one may buy ENS names, another may focus on block chain games, and the third may finance encryption start-ups.

由贡献者亚伦赖特创立的 LAO 是该领域的领导者。该母公司已经分拆出一些额外的车辆,包括火烈鸟和海王星。MetaCartel 是另一个值得注意的投资 DAO。

Founded by contributor Aaron Wright, LAO is the leader in this field. The parent company has separated some additional vehicles, including Flamingo and Neptune. MetaCartel is another noteworthy investment, DAO.

授予 DAO

Grant DAO

在上面提到的那篇文章中,Turley 指出,许多早期的 DAO 都是面向赞助的,作为 Grant DAO 运作。通常,这些存在于预先存在的项目之外,作为社区激励的一种形式。通过拨款,这些 DAO 寻求推进更广泛的生态系统,支持有前途的项目,并为新的 Web3 贡献者开辟道路。

In the above-mentioned article, Turley states that many of the early DAOs are sponsored and operate as Grant DAOs. Usually, these exist outside pre-existing projects, as a form of community motivation. Through grants, these DAOs seek to advance broader ecosystems, support promising projects, and open the way for new Web3 contributors.

例如,Uniswap 运营 Uniswap Grants,Compound 和 Audius 也在做同样的事情。尽管在功能上与父实体不同,但它们仍然通过一种目的感联系在一起,并且通常是一个共同的社区。

Uniswap, for example, runs Uniswap Grants, Comboud, and Audius do the same thing. While functionally different from parent entities, they are still linked through a sense of purpose and usually a common community.

服务 DAO

Service DAO

服务 DAO 在这个领域占据了一个独特的位置。具体而言,这些实体充当人才聚合器,将可用于某些项目的人力资本聚集在一起。

Services DAOs occupy a unique position in this area. Specifically, these entities act as brain polymers that bring together human capital that can be used for certain projects.

例如,RaidGuild 称自己为「Web3 生态系统的首要设计和开发机构」。不过,与传统机构不同的是,Raid 没有正式员工或公司结构:它是一个 DAO。

For example, RaidGuild describes himself as "the primary design and development agency for the Web3 ecosystem." Unlike traditional institutions, however, Raid has no formal staff or corporate structure: it is a DAO.

Service DAO 与 1Up World、Tellor 和 Stake On Me 等客户合作。 PartyDAO、DAOhaus、Yam DAO 和其他许多都属于这一类别。

Service DAO works with clients such as 1Up World, Tellor and Stake On Me. PartyDAO, DaOhaus, Yam DAO and many others fall into this category.

媒体 DAO

Media DAO

Forefront、Bankless 和 DarkStar 是 Media DAO。这些实体通常协作制作公共内容。来自该内容的奖励在整个团队中共享,而治理也是一项公共事务。利益相关者可以帮助决定要涵盖的主题以及管理资源。

Forefront, Banks and DarkStar are Media DAO. These entities usually collaborate to produce public content. Awards from this content are shared across the team, and governance is a public service. Stakeholders can help decide on the topics to be covered and manage resources.

创建者 DAO

Created by DAO

如果 Media DAO 经常关注出版物,那么 Creator DAO 则以个人为中心。就像一些粉丝俱乐部为影响者最热情的支持者提供消费和互动的机会一样,DAO 也有能力这样做。除了纯粹的粉丝之外,利益相关者还可以积极贡献或为支持他们最热衷的创作者的组织工作。

If Media DAO has a regular interest in publications, Creator DAO is focused on individuals. Just as some fans clubs provide the most enthusiastic supporters of influence with the opportunity to consume and interact, DAO has the capacity to do so.

目前这是一种不太常见的结构,但可能会变得更受欢迎。我们已经看到许多创作者通过 Roll 等产品采用「社交代币」 ,这为真正的 Creator DAO 奠定了基础。先行者包括 Leaving Records 和 Personal Corner。

This is not a very common structure at present, but it may become more popular. We have seen many creators adopt "social tokens" through products such as Roll, which lays the foundation for a real Creator DAO.

收藏品 DAO

Collection DAO

尽管与 Investor DAO 共享一些利润动机,但 Collector DAO 最终的定位略有不同。这些实体将贡献者围绕某些资产或收藏品联合起来。NFT 是一种常见的选择。

While sharing some of the profit motivations with the Investor DAO, it's a little different for Collector DAO. These entities combine contributors around certain assets or collections. NFT is a common option.

虽然 NFT 的积累也可能产生极其有利的财务回报,但这些社区通常无意出售他们的物品,至少在中短期内是这样。对 NFT 和其他收藏品的收购也有一个根本不同的基调——参与与粉丝和亲和力一样多,甚至更多,因为它与阿尔法有关。

While NFT accumulation may also generate extremely favourable financial returns, these communities usually do not want to sell their goods, at least in the short and medium term. There is also a fundamentally different tone to the acquisition of NFT and other collections – as much participation as fans and filiation, or even more, because it relates to Alpha.


These groups also often serve as advocates for certain projects, adding an institutional lifetime and support.

例如,SquiggleDAO 的存在是为了支持和收集生成艺术,而 MeebitsDAO 收集 Meebits NFT。PleasrDAO 充当跨项目的「艺术收藏帝国」。NounsDAO 是 Noun NFT 持有者的聚集点,他们在未来的 Noun 销售中获得份额。

For example, SquiggleDAO exists to support and collect the production of art, while MeebitsDAO collects Meebits NFT. PleasrDAO acts as a cross-project "art collection empire." NounsDAO is a noun NFT holder who receives a share in future Noun sales.

当然,DAO 可以存在于这些类别之外或之间。例如,Krause House 是一个 DAO,它既是一种投资工具,也是一种社会倡议:它的组装目标是共同购买一支 NBA 球队。

Of course, DAOs can exist outside or between these categories. For example, Krause House is a DAO that is both an investment tool and a social initiative: its assembly objective is to buy together an NBA team.

展望未来,值得重申的是,虽然上述类别具有指导意义,但我们才刚刚开始。许多未来的伟大 DAO 将在这些界限之外进行绘制。

Looking to the future, it is worth reiterating that, while the above categories are guiding, we are just beginning. Many of the great future DAOs will be drawn beyond these boundaries.


Philosophy and culture

DAO 代表了大规模人类协调的新框架,而人类协调的核心——无论是否去中心化——是组织文化。

DAO represents a new framework for large-scale human coordination, and the core of human coordination — whether or not it is decentralized — is the organizational culture.

与早期初创公司的公司文化或未被发现的音乐场景中的社区文化没有什么不同,文化可以定义为个体群体之间出现的行为、模式和价值观。在他们的开创性文章「 Squad Wealth 」中,研究组织其他互联网指出,文化可以由任何东西组成,从「模因、热门话题、内部语言、 ,到只能被制定为一个群体的人工制品。」

In their seminal article, "Squad Health," research organizations noted that culture can be made of anything, from "modes, hot topics, internal languages, and only artificial products that can be developed as a group."

虽然每个 DAO 都找到了自己的方式来产生具有视觉、语言和行为规范的文化,但在整个 DAO 环境中,两个特征似乎特别普遍:成员行为的倾向,以及对彻底透明的期望。

While each DAO has found its own way of creating a culture of visual, linguistic and behavioural norms, two features seem particularly prevalent throughout the DAO environment: the propensity of members to behave and the expectation of complete transparency.


Just act like the owner.

当谈到 DAO 的文化时,所有权具有巨大的影响力。 它不仅激励个人参与,而且从根本上改变了贡献者对他们的努力和劳动的看法。所有的工作都建立在追求更大的目标之上,其中的好处是共享的。所有权充满了创造、成功和共鸣的感觉。与传统工人相比,老板自然会在经济和心理上更有动力支持同龄人,提升他人的工作,将自我放在门外,并尽其所能。

All work is based on the pursuit of larger goals, and the benefits are shared. Ownership is full of creativity, success, and resonance.

投资公司 Variant 的联合创始人杰西·瓦尔登 (Jesse Walden) 在这个问题上特别有先见之明。在这篇名为「所有权经济」的文章中,瓦尔登指出:随着个人在价值创造中的作用变得越来越普遍,下一个演进步骤是朝着不仅由个人用户构建、运营和资助——而且也由用户拥有的软件发展。

The co-founder of the investment company Variant, Jesse Walden, is particularly pre-eminenced on this issue. In this article entitled The Ownership Economy, Walden argues that as the role of individuals in value creation becomes more widespread, the next step is towards software that is not only built, operated and financed by individual users – but also owned by users.

从某种意义上说,DAO 正是这种「软件」。他们提升了个人,让用户有机会贡献和拥有。那是强大的。

In a sense, DAO is exactly this kind of "software." They upgrade individuals and give users a chance to contribute and own them. It's powerful.


Complete transparency

透明度在任何组织文化中都起着至关重要的作用,因为它可以在所有参与者之间建立信任。由于区块链上任何 DAO 的 ETH 地址的公开和不可变活动,DAO 以前所未有的水平实现了这一点。这创建了一种隐式和显式的制衡机制,允许利益相关者社区随时了解 DAO 如何行使其资本,同时确保领导团队根据社区做出决策。

Transparency plays an essential role in any organizational culture, as it builds trust among all participants. This has been achieved at an unprecedented level because of the openness and immutable activity of any ETH address of DAO on the block chain. This creates a hidden and visible checks and balances that allow stakeholder communities to know at all times how DAO exercises its capital, while ensuring that the leadership team makes decisions based on the community.


Such complete transparency stimulates cooperation rather than competition and allows individuals to take ownership of their work because of their profound understanding of the organizational environment.

最终,DAO 的文化由个人群体之间形成的一对一关系定义,这些关系可以提炼为一组可重复的行为和模式。

Ultimately, the DAO culture is defined by a one-to-one relationship between groups of individuals, which can be condensed into a set of replicable behaviours and patterns.

通过新形式的分散所有权和透明度,DAO 有可能创建新的组织结构,使用户不再是平台上的被动参与者,而是积极的、受到适当激励的网络所有者——以信任和协调为中心。这种权力和文化的分配会带来更多的敏捷性、弹性和反脆弱性,这有助于创造一个世界,在这个世界中,互联网上的大量人群甚至可以与最强大的中心化公司抗衡。

Through new forms of decentralized ownership and transparency, DAO has the potential to create a new organizational structure in which users are no longer passive participants in the platform, but active and appropriately motivated network owners – centred on trust and coordination. This distribution of power and culture can lead to more agility, resilience and counter-vulnerability, helping to create a world in which a large number of people on the Internet can even counterbalance with the most powerful central companies.



DAO 已成为整个 Web3 世界的核心组织原语。与此同时,一个新兴的生态系统已经出现,以支持这些组织的核心功能。

DAO has become the core language of the entire Web3 world. At the same time, an emerging ecosystem has emerged to support the core functions of these organizations.

下面,我们将重点介绍 DAO 领域中具有影响力的利益相关者。我们应该注意,这绝不是一份详尽的清单——地图不是领土。Web3 发展迅速,每天都在变化,新进入者不断改变空间的面貌。

Next, we will focus on influential stakeholders in the DAO field. We should note that this is by no means an exhaustive list — the map is not a territory. Web3 is growing rapidly, changing every day, and new entrants are changing the face of space.


However, we will outline the participants in the following functional areas:

  • 编队
  • 沟通
  • 社区
  • 治理
  • 赔偿
  • 国库


We will also mention other well-known organizations and opinion leaders.

让我们让 DAOwn 开始营业。

Let's get DaOwn open.


Form up.

为了参与一个 DAO,首先必须有一个 DAO。 目前有几个项目在争夺霸权,包括 Aragon、Syndicate、Orca、Tribute 和 Colony。这些并不总是直接竞争,因为每个解决方案都提供独特的价值主张和功能集。

In order to participate in a DAO, there must first be a DAO. Several projects currently compete for hegemony, including Aragon, Syndicate, Orca, Tribute, and Colony.

这些项目有什么作用?一种简单的方法是将它们视为 Stripe Atlas 的加密原生版本——它们允许 DAO 起步。这包括会员管理、财务工具和治理基础设施等。

What is the effect of these projects? A simple way is to see them as an encrypted original version of Stripe Atlas — they allow DAO to start. This includes membership management, financial tools and governance infrastructure.

在未来几年,我们应该会看到更多的产品进入市场以支持 DAO 的形成。正如白标解决方案用于处理内容管理等任务一样,我们很快就会达到新的 DAO 构建者有多种选择的地步。

Over the next few years, we should see more products entering the market to support the formation of DAO. As with the white billing solution, which deals with content management and other tasks, we will soon reach a new DAO builder with multiple options.

Aragon (阿拉贡)

Aragon (Aragon)

Aragon 成立于 2016 年,提供一套应用程序来大规模创建、管理和治理 DAO。这包括 Aragon Court、Aragon Govern、Aragon Voice 和 Aragon Client。作为最早致力于 DAO 基础设施的团队之一,Aragon 协会已成为 DAO 的重要服务提供商,并声称拥有 LidoDAO 等知名项目的用户。

Aragon was established in 2016 to provide an application for large-scale creation, management, and governance of DAO. This includes Aragon Court, Aragon Govern, Aragon Voice, and Aragon Clit. As one of the first teams working on DAO infrastructure, the Aragon Association has become an important service provider for DAO and claims to have users of well-known projects such as LidoDAO.


贡献者 Will Papper 是 Syndicate 的联合创始人,Syndicate 是一个专注于投资 DAO 的去中心化投资协议和社交网络。它的使命是通过允许个人和社区比传统基金更快、更便宜地推出投资工具,从而使投资世界民主化。Syndicate 的解决方案包括法律支持和社交网络协议,允许投资社区召集、交流和部署资本。

Will Papper, a co-founder of Syndicate, is a decentralised investment agreement and social networking network focused on investing in DAO. Its mission is to democratize the investment world by allowing individuals and communities to roll out investment instruments faster and cheaper than traditional funds. Syndicate’s solutions include legal support and social networking agreements that allow investment communities to convene, exchange and deploy capital.

Orca (基于 Solana 的 DEX)

Orca (DEX based on Solana)

DAO 通常发现难以大规模维持高参与率。Orca 协议对此有一个聪明的解决方案,同时也减少了资金和资源部署的瓶颈。

DAO often finds it difficult to maintain a high level of participation on a large scale. The Orca agreement offers a smart solution to this, while also reducing bottlenecks in the deployment of funds and resources.

具体来说,Orca 利用「 Pod 模型」,其中单个单一的金库被较小的「Pod」取代,每个「Pod」都有自己的子会员和钱包。本质上,每个 pod 都充当更大 DAO 结构中的迷你 DAO。

Specifically, Orca uses the Pod model, where a single vault is replaced by a smaller Pod, each with its own sub-member and wallet. In essence, each Pod acts as a mini-DAO in the larger DAO structure.

这是一个很大的解锁,通过为 pod 创建基础设施来根据需要附加和分离,为 DAO 带来可组合性,有点像 DAO-lego。它还使小组更小,使协调和参与更容易。

It's a big unlock, and by creating an infrastructure for pod to attach and separate as needed, it brings a combination of DAOs, sort of like DAO-legos. It also makes the team smaller, making coordination and participation easier.

Orca 协议

Orca Protocol


作为 MolochDAO 生态系统的一部分,Tribute 提供了一个开源解决方案框架,DAO 可以利用这些框架来更好地扩展。它的技术堆栈包括取消提案、创建无投票权股份、踢出成员、使用 NFT 成为会员、白名单代币等的解决方案。Tribute 基本上是模块化的,允许 DAO 挑选他们需要的解决方案。

As part of the MolochDAO ecosystem, Tribute provides a framework for open-source solutions that DAO can use to expand better. Its technological stacks include solutions to cancel proposals, create non-voting shares, kick out members, use NFTs as members, white list coins, etc. Tribute is essentially modular, allowing DAOs to select the solutions they need.


受蚁群的启发,Colony 提供了一系列以太坊智能合约,无需任何编码即可启动 DAO。Colony 简化了治理、权限、补偿等。

Inspired by the ants, Colony offers a series of Taiyo smart contracts that start DAO without any code. Colony simplifies governance, privileges, compensation, etc.

Colony 本身由 Metacolony 维护——一个尚未公开的 DAO。Metacolony 将不断开发和维护工具,供那些利用 Colony 基础设施的人使用。

Colony itself is maintained by Metacolony, an undisclosed DAO. Metacolony will continuously develop and maintain tools for those who use the Colony infrastructure.



一旦 DAO 成立,它需要促进其成员之间的沟通。当然,健康的讨论是信息共享的关键,它开启了良好的投票实践、资金管理和更广泛的协调。没有 DAO 想成为安静的地方。

Once DAO is established, it needs to facilitate communication among its members. Of course, healthy discussion is the key to information sharing, and it opens up good voting practice, money management, and wider coordination. No DAO wants to be a quiet place.

已经出现了许多促进对话的工具,其中包括 Discord、Telegram 和 Twitter。

Many tools to promote dialogue have emerged, including Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

( DAO 常用的社交沟通应用 )

(DAO's usual social communication application)


可以说,DAO 的主要沟通和协调方式是 Discord。对于那些尚未进入令人眼花缭乱的 Web3 服务器快速火力世界的人来说,Discord 是一个免费的语音、视频和文本聊天平台,在生态系统中迅速普及。

The main mode of communication and coordination of DAO can be said to be Discord. For those who have not yet entered the spectacular web3 server fast-fire world, Discord is a free voice, video, and text chat platform that is rapidly spreading in ecosystems.

它的特性使其对 DAO 尤其有吸引力。一方面,启动 Discord 相对简单,而且由于其频道和子频道架构,组织沟通变得简单而灵活。(即使它并不能完全平息疯狂。)

Its characteristics make it particularly attractive to DAO. On the one hand, the startup of Discord is relatively simple and, because of its channel and subchannel structure, the organization of communication becomes simple and flexible. (Even if it does not completely calm madness.)

至关重要的是,由于 Discord 已成为 Web3 中的默认设置,因此出现了许多有用的机器人和插件来支持它。其中最主要的是「令牌门控」功能。如前所述,一些 DAO 限制对那些持有一定数量原生代币的访问。例如,如果我们要启动 RandomDAO,我们可能会坚持要求任何想要加入 Discord 的人都需要持有 420 个 $RANDOM 代币。

Crucially, as Discord has become the default setup in Web3, a number of useful robots and plugs have emerged to support it. The most important of these is the "manager control" function. As noted earlier, some DAOs limit access to those holding a certain amount of native money. For example, if we want to start RandomDAO, we may insist that anyone who wants to join Discord must hold 420 $ANDOM.

Collab.Land 之类的工具使 DAO 可以轻松确保仅向满足令牌要求的人授予对私人聊天的访问权限。其他广泛使用的机器人包括 MEE6 和 Statbot。

Tools like Collab. Land make it easier for DAO to ensure that access to private chats is granted only to those who meet the requirements of the medal. Other widely used robots include MEE6 and Statbot.

此外,值得注意的是,Discord 与现有站点集成良好;随着越来越多的社区过渡到 DAO,预计这将成为一个越来越重要的功能。

In addition, it is noteworthy that Discord is well integrated with existing sites; this is expected to be an increasingly important function as more and more communities transition to DAO.



Discord 最常见的替代品是 Telegram。尽管在加密人群中很受欢迎,但聊天应用程序在 DAO 中的采用率与 Discord 不同。这在很大程度上是因为 Telegram 没有提供相同级别的粒度,特别是在机器人和子渠道方面。

The most common alternative for Discord is Telegram. Although popular among encryption people, chat applications are used differently in DAO than Discord. This is largely because Telegram does not provide the same level of particle size, especially in robotics and subchannels.

它比较简单,也许是因为,然而,电报是经常对于那些刚刚起步,他们毕业不和谐之前的 DAO 的温床。

It's simpler, perhaps because, however, telegrams are often hotbeds for those who are just starting out, before they graduate from disharmony with DAO.



「Twitter 怎么还免费?」 这是该平台最狂热的用户之间的一个笑话,这是有充分理由的。在许多方面,Twitter 已成为某种公共产品,尤其是在加密世界中。在特定日期流经该平台的信息和洞察量是惊人的,其作为行业事实上的社交图谱的至高无上地位巩固了其重要性。(当然,其他人会来争夺那个宝座。)

In many ways, Twitter has become a public product, especially in the encrypt world. The information and insight flowing through the platform on a given date is amazing, and its primacy as a de facto social map of the industry reinforces its importance. (Of course, others will come to fight for the throne.)

虽然 Twitter 没有解决 DAO 对私密、高容量聊天的需求,但它仍然是生态系统中的一个重要通信工具——特别是用于发现新项目——如果我们至少不承认这一点,我们就会失职。

While Twitter does not address DAO's need for private, high-capacity chatting, it remains an important communication tool in the ecosystem — especially for the discovery of new projects — and we would be remiss if we did not at least recognize it.




One of the greatest challenges facing any collective, whether local communities or transnational corporations, is coordination, especially on scale. Historically, we have used hierarchical structures to manage the problem, but what are the best solutions in flat, fragmented structures?

DAO 依靠许多不同的工具来管理他们的社区和优化协调,包括 Coordinape、Collab.Land、SourceCred 和 DAOhaus。

DAO relies on many different tools to manage their communities and optimize coordination, including Coordinope, Collab.Land, SourceCred and DaOhaus.



通过 DeFi 蓝筹股协议,如向往和寿司使用,Coordinape 帮助的 DAO 协调和资源分配给贡献者。

Through the DeFi blue equity agreement, such as destinies and sushi usage, the COordenape-assisted DAO coordination and resources are allocated to contributors.

例如,Coordinape 的「 Circle 」产品允许 DAO 贡献者「赠送」有限数量的 GIVE 代币给他们认为正在为组织带来价值的人。虽然这样做的好处是有趣和奖励参与,但它也创建了一个事实上的「薪酬地图」,说明谁在推动项目向前发展。此外,补偿过程在功能上是分散的,因为任何人都可以选择奖励任何人。

For example, Coordenape’s “Circle” product allows DAO contributors to “give” a limited number of GIVE tokens to people they think are bringing value to the organization. While the benefits of doing so are interesting and rewarding participation, it also creates a de facto “map of pay” indicating who is moving the project forward. Moreover, the compensation process is functionally fragmented, because anyone can choose to reward anyone.


Critics of this mechanism argue that point-to-point compensation can lead to a human race in which the most loud and outward-looking members are over-distributed.


Collab.Land 为 Discord 和 Telegram 提供了一个令牌门控机器人。它在为任一平台上的 DAO 成员分配角色时也很有用。由于其相对易用性,Collab.Land 已成为业界常用的工具,随着 DAO 数量的增加,其使用率应该会上升。

Collab. Land provides a door-to-door robot for Discord and Telegram. It is also useful when assigning roles to DAO members on any platform. Because of its relative ease of use, Collab. Land has become a commonly used tool in industry, and its usage should increase as the number of DAOs increases.

Guild 虽然尚未完全启动,但它是具有类似功能集的替代方案。

Although not fully activated, Guid is an alternative with a similar set of functions.


Source credit

DAO 使用 SourceCred 来衡量和奖励个人对项目的贡献。那些通过努力为 DAO 带来价值的人会根据组织设定的参数获得「信誉」。Cred 是一种简单量化贡献者声誉和工作的强大方法。

DAO uses SourceCred to measure and reward individual contributions to the project. Those who try to bring value to DAO get "credibility" according to the parameters set by the organization.Cred is a powerful way of simply quantifying the reputation and work of contributors.

DAO 还可以发行带有信用的「 Grain 」,它可以用作工资等价物。SourceCred 区分令牌,注意:

DAO can also issue a creditable "Grain" that can be used as a wage equivalent.

如果 cred 回答「谁提供了价值?」这个问题,Grain 会回答「我们应该如何奖励人们提供的价值?」

If Cred answers the question, "Who offers the value? ", Grain answers, "How should we reward people for the value they offer?"


DAOhaus 是一个「无代码平台」,用于基于 MolochDAO 构建的框架启动和运行 DAO。该平台允许用户通过一个中央枢纽进行协调,在那里他们可以检查活动、治理建议和财务状况。会员资格也可以从这里管理。

DAOhaus is a "uncoded platform" for the start-up and operation of the DAO framework based on MolochDAO. The platform allows users to coordinate through a central hub where they can check activities, governance advice and financial status. Membership can also be managed from here.

由于该平台基于 MolochDAO 的结构,DAOhaus 用户可以访问该父组织提供的所有工具,并具有用户友好的包装器的好处。

As the platform is based on the MolochDAO structure, DAOhaus users have access to all tools provided by the parent organization and have the benefit of user-friendly packagings.



让我们换个角度谈谈 DAO 如何补偿贡献者。正如我们所提到的,一些提供支付功能作为更大的 DAO 套件的一部分,但也存在专门的产品。Superfluid 和 Sablier 尤其引人注目。

Let's talk about how DAO compensates contributors. As we mentioned, some of the payment functions are provided as part of a larger DAO package, but there are also specialized products. Superfluid and Sablier are particularly notable.

将这些工具视为「DAO 的工资单」的一种方式。他们帮助 DAO 在区块链上以最少的 gas 费用定期处理付款。

They help DAO to process regular payments at the minimum gas cost on the block chain.

对于那些刚接触加密货币的人来说,该领域的许多术语可能听起来令人困惑。关于这些项目需要注意的重要一点是,它们使 DAO 可以轻松地向区块链上的贡献者付款。

For those who have just come into contact with encrypted money, many terms in this area may sound confusing. The important thing about these projects is that they allow DAO to easily pay contributors to the block chain.


Superfluid 是一种允许可编程现金流的协议。使用其独特的 ERC-777 标准,您可以定义「价值流」,以便补偿自动不断地流向 DAO 的贡献者。这有点像设置您公司的工资单,这样,您的员工就可以根据他们工作的每一秒获得实时报酬,而不是每月获得两次报酬。所有这些都无需您进一步干预。

Superfluid is an agreement that allows programmable cash flows. Using its unique ERC-777 standard, you can define a "value stream" to compensate contributors who move automatically to DAO. This is a bit like setting your company’s payroll, so that your employees can be paid in real time for every second they work, rather than twice a month.


与 Superfluid 一样,Sablier 是一个金融流媒体平台。Sablier 创建于 2019 年,支持任何 ERC-20 代币,并且不收取使用合约的费用。

As with Superfluid, Sablier is a financial stream media platform. Sablier was created in 2019 to support any ERC-20 tokens and does not charge the cost of using the contract.

Sablier 的一个显着特点是它真正具有自主性。创建该项目的团队销毁了控制第 1 层合约的管理密钥。这意味着 Sablier 的制造商不再有能力阻止新流的创建。用创始人保罗·拉兹万·伯格 (Paul Razvan Berg) 的话来说,它是「100% 去中心化的公共产品」。

A distinctive feature of Sablier is that it is truly autonomous. The team that created the project destroyed the management key to controlling the first-tier contract. This means that Sablier’s manufacturer is no longer capable of preventing the creation of the new stream. In the words of its founder, Paul Razvan Berg, it is a “100% public product to centralize.”


(Twitter can see details)



大规模解决治理和协调决策是 DAO 当今面临的最困难的问题之一。

Addressing governance and coordinating decision-making on a large scale is one of the most difficult issues facing DAO today.


Why is it so hard?

Web3 的一大亮点是其抗审查性和「无需许可的可访问性」。换句话说,任何人在任何地方都可以在不受第三方干扰的情况下相互交易或参与去中心化的协议和应用程序。例如,没有政府能够阻止你加入 DAO。(至少,理论上是这样。)

One of the highlights of Web3 is its resistance to censorship and "accessibility without permission." In other words, anyone can deal with each other anywhere without interference from third parties or participate in decentralised agreements and applications. For example, no government can prevent you from joining DAO (at least in theory).

这种无需许可的访问有时可能是一把双刃剑,尤其是随着 DAO 的增长和扩展。如果成员没有硬性上限,DAO 通常会随着时间的推移变得更大和更加多样化。最终,流行的 DAO 可能拥有数以万计的成员,每个人都会带来不同的技能、经验、价值观、观点和背景。

Such non-licensed visits can sometimes be a double-edged sword, especially with the growth and expansion of DAO. Without a hard ceiling, DAOs tend to become larger and more diverse over time. Ultimately, popular DAOs may have tens of thousands of members, with each person bringing different skills, experiences, values, perspectives, and backgrounds.

需要明确的是,这是一个很好的问题。Web3 使个人能够从劳动者转变为所有者是其最基本、最引人注目的属性之一。但随着社区变得越来越去中心化,对稳健治理的需求也随之增加——否则,你最终可能会得到一个支离破碎的组织,其中每个参与者都只是在风中尖叫。

What needs to be clear is that this is a good question. Web3 is one of its most fundamental and visible attributes to enabling individuals to move from being workers to being owners. But as communities become less central, so does the need for sound governance – otherwise, you may end up with a broken organization in which each participant screams in the wind.

几个团队正在疯狂地解决这个问题,构建有助于组织和激励成员的工具。Snapshot 和 Discourse 是两个在空间中广泛使用的看似强大的产品。

Several teams are going crazy about this, building tools that help organize and motivate their members. Snapshot and Discourse are two seemingly powerful products that are widely used in space.


A snapshot.

Snapshot 是一个链下、无气体投票平台,主要由发行 ERC-20 和 ERC-721 治理代币的 DAO 使用。以太坊上昂贵的 gas 费用排除了除最大代币持有者之外的所有人的链上治理。

Snapshot is a chain and gas-free voting platform that is used mainly by DAOs that issue ERC-20 and ERC-721 to govern the currency. The expensive gas costs in the Taihouse exclude chain governance for all but the largest currency holders.

Snapshot 通过提供一种易于使用且成本低廉的治理参与方法而大受欢迎。本质上,DAO 贡献者可以前往他们组织的快照页面,查看要投票的主题并进行权衡。例如,以下是 Sushi 社区最近投票的提案。

Snapshot is popular by providing an easy-to-use and low-cost participatory approach to governance. Essentially, DAO contributors can go to their organization’s snapshot page to see and weigh the subjects to vote.


Sushi snapshot page

举几个值得注意的例子,比如 MakerDAO,大多数代币 DAO 现在将 Snapshot 投票集成到他们的治理过程中。需要注意的是,Gnosis 生产的产品「 SafeSnap 」(下文讨论)允许链上执行链下投票。它通过利用 Snapshot 和 Gnosis Safe 的组合功能来实现这一点。

To give some notable examples, for example, MakerDAO, most DAOs now integrate the Snapshot vote into their governance process. It is important to note that the product " SafeSnap" produced by Gnosis (discussed below) allows voting in the chain of execution. This is done by using the combination function of Snapshot and Gnossis Safe.


What does that mean?

基本上,DAO 参与者仍然可以在链外投票——节省燃料费——随后的结果,并在以后无缝地在链上制定,没有干扰的可能性。

Essentially, DAO participants can still vote outside the chain — saving fuel costs — and then develop seamlessly on the chain without the possibility of interference.


Right of speech

话语论坛就像 DAO 的「参议院」,代表了对提案进行正式讨论和反馈的场所。围绕治理提案的讨论和辩论可能会在 Discord、Telegram 甚至 Twitter 等后台渠道中进行,但通常提交的内容最终会在 Discourse 上进行,以便进行更有针对性的长篇幅讨论。由于其功能更加正式,Discourse 论坛还充当与 DAO 相关的讨论和提案的档案。

The talking forum, like the " Senate" of DAO, represents a forum for formal discussion and feedback on proposals. Discussions and debates around governance proposals may take place in the backstage channels of Discord, Telegram, and even Twitter, but usually the content submitted will eventually be on Discusse to allow for more focused and lengthy discussions.

Aave 话语页面

Aave Word Page



许多社区 DAO 要求成员投入前期资金才能参与。然后,这笔资金将汇集到 DAO 的「金库」中。与传统公司一样,DAO 希望有效地管理他们的资产,并希望增加他们的持股。为此,许多人将他们的资金投资于整个数字生态系统的资产,包括 NFT、社交代币、加密项目等。实际上,它们充当分散的投资基金。

In many communities, DAOs require members to invest in front-of-the-way funds. Then, the funds will be pooled in the DaO's " vault ". Like traditional companies, DAOs want to manage their assets effectively and to increase their shareholdings. To that end, many invest their funds in assets of the entire digital ecosystem, including NFTs, social tokens, encryption projects, etc.

为了避免您认为此类实验在规模上微不足道,值得注意的是,今天 DAO 共同管理着数百亿美元,这些是具有复杂需求且有意义的组织。

In order to avoid you considering such experiments to be insignificant in scale, it is worth noting that DAOs today co-manage tens of billions of dollars, organizations with complex needs and meaning.


Open Organization

大多数 DAO 都有雄心勃勃的计划,但精明的管理可能很困难。首先,加密行业非常不稳定。随着资产价格的上涨和下跌,DAO 的资产在某一天可能会波动 20% 或更多。为了防止这些波动,DAO 必须多样化。

Most DAOs have ambitious plans, but smart management can be difficult. First of all, the encryption industry is very unstable. As asset prices rise and fall, DAO assets may fluctuate by 20% or more one day. To prevent these fluctuations, DAO must diversify.

Llama、Parcel 和 Gnosis 旨在为财务经理提供处理此类动荡所需的工具和见解。

Llama, Parcel and Gnosis are designed to provide financial managers with the tools and insights they need to deal with such disturbances.


Llama 是一个 DAO,专注于协助其他 DAO (元宇宙)进行资金管理。LlamaDAO 已经通过 Gitcoin 赠款协调了一些大客户。它为 Aave、PoolTogether、Uniswap、Gitcoin 和 FWB 等协议创建了仪表板、报告、资金管理指南、协调的销售和财务报表。

Llama is a DAO that focuses on assisting other DAOs in financial management. LlamaDAO has coordinated a number of large clients through Gitcoin grants. It has created dashboards, reports, financial statements for agreements such as Aave, PoolTogether, Uniswap, Gitcoin and FWB.


Parcel 是 DeFi 中一些最大的 DAO 使用的财务套件,包括 Aave Grants、Compound Grants 和 Synthetix。目前处于封闭测试阶段,Parcel 为 8 个 DAO 提供服务,并已被用于为各种程序批量支付 300 万美元。随着 DAO 的扩展,他们将需要 Parcel 提供的解决方案来管理资金流,以有效地授予接受者、支付贡献者和部署资金。

Parcel is some of the largest financial packages used by DAO in DeFi, including Aave Grants, Compound Grants and Synthetix. Currently in the closed test phase, Parcel provides services for 8 DAOs and has been used to pay $3 million in bulk for various programs. As DAO expands, they will need solutions from Parcel to manage the flow of funds to effectively award recipients, pay contributors and deploy funds.

Gnosis Safe

Gnosis Safe 是 GnosisDAO 开发的一项服务,可为 DAO 多重签名钱包提供更好的用户体验。

Gnosis Safe is a service developed by GnosisDAO to provide a better user experience for DAO multi-signature wallets.


What's "multi-signature"?

它只是一个需要多个签名才能批准交易的钱包。不是一个人能够批准付款,而是需要多方。DAO 传统上使用此框架来管理资金、防止滥用和权力下放。

It's just a wallet that requires multiple signatures to approve a transaction. Not one person can approve a payment, but many. DAO traditionally uses this framework to manage funds, prevent abuse and decentralize.

与某些替代解决方案不同,Gnosis Safe 支持 ERC-20s 和 ERC-721s 资产,允许 DAO 将 NFT 保存在多重签名钱包中。由于许多 NFT 的价格大幅上涨,强大的资金工具在这里变得越来越重要。

Unlike some alternative solutions, Gnosis Safe supports ERC-20s and ERC-721s assets, allowing DAO to keep NFTs in multiple-sign wallets. With the price of many NFTs rising dramatically, powerful financial instruments become increasingly important here.


other well-known organizations

DAO 有机会将接下来的 1 亿或更多用户带入 Web3。作为组织发展和部署的基础结构,DAO 将揭示协调个人和专业参与的新方法,重新思考我们作为一个集体的运作和决策方式。

DAO has the opportunity to bring the next 100 million or more users into Web3. As an infrastructure for organizational development and deployment, DAO will reveal new ways to coordinate individual and professional participation and rethink how we operate and make decisions as a collective.


When the tools and strategies mentioned above are combined, it is worth highlighting some of the popular projects that make them viable.


PartyDAO 是设计和构建 DAO 工具的开发人员、作家、工程师和设计师的分散集合。他们的第一个产品「 PartyBid 」允许用户汇集资金来竞标 NFT。用户已经使用 PartyBid 汇集资金来竞标 Cryptopunks、Andrew Yang 的 NFT 和 CrypToadz。随着 9 月底「 Party Splits 」的发布,PartyDAO 现在可以实现 NFT 的碎片化,分配所有权。

PartyDAO is a decentralized assembly of developers, writers, engineers and designers who design and construct DAO tools. Their first product, PartyBid, allows users to pool funds to bid for NFT. Users have used PartyBid to pool funds to bid for CrystalPunks, Andrew Yang's NFT and CrypToadz. With the release of Party Splits at the end of September, PartyDao can now divide ownership of NFT.

Mirror (镜子)

Mirror (the mirror)

Mirror 由 Denis Navaroz 创立,是一个去中心化的出版网络。通过 WRITE 代币的中介,用户可以支付 WRITE 来创建自己的镜像域,他们可以向该域发布文章并通过他们的投票权影响新成员的批准。

Mirror, created by Denis Navaroz, is a decentralised publishing network. Through the WRITE token intermediary, users can pay WRITE to create their own mirror domain, and they can publish articles to the field and influence the approval of new members through their voting rights.

很快,Mirror 已成为发布关于 Web3 的想法和启动社区工作的事实上的地方。例如,Mirror 的 CTO 发起的「Crypto, Culture, & Society」利用该平台勾勒出一个加密学习 DAO,在此过程中筹集了 25 个 ETH。

Shortly after, Mirror became a de facto place to publish ideas about Web3 and to start community work. For example, Crypto, Culture, & Society, launched by Mirror, used the platform to outline an encrypted learning DAO, raising 25 ETHs in the process.

Seed Club

种子俱乐部是一个建立、支持和投资代币化社区的 DAO。该社区包括社交令牌空间中的许多顶级影响者和创始人。种子俱乐部已经与著名的 DAO 和社区合作,包括 PartyDAO、Forefront、The Generalist 和 SquiggleDAO。

The Seed Club is a DAO that builds, supports and invests in a monetized community. The community includes many of the top influencers and founders in the social arena. The Seed Club has worked with well-known DAOs and communities, including PartyDao, Forefront, The Generalist and SquiggleDAO.


我们已经谈到了 FWB,但 DAO 的影响值得稍微讨论一下。就在本周,大型社交 DAO 宣布已从 a16z、Pace 和其他公司筹集了 1000 万美元的资金。

We've talked about the FWB, but the implications of DAO deserve a little discussion. Just this week, the big social DAO announced that it had raised $10 million from a16z, Pace and other companies.

FWB 是最大的加密思想家集合之一,并主持广泛的讨论。Discord 的一个频道可能会谈论音乐,另一个频道可能会谈论 NFT,而第三个频道可能会谈论投资。除了作为一种 Web3 社交俱乐部,FWB 成员还积极为社区构建产品,正如所讨论的。简而言之,它正在成为加密货币真正的文化、生成之家。

FWB members are active in building products for the community, as discussed. In short, it is becoming a real culture of encryption money, a generation home.


根据定义,LAO 不完全是一个 DAO。相反,创始人亚伦赖特的实体是一个「有限责任自治组织」。尽管保留了 DAO 的许多特征,但 LAO 是一个真正的特拉华州合并实体。通过将产品置于传统的法律世界,LAO 力求为其成员理顺和简化棘手的法律和税务问题。

By definition, LAO is not exactly a DAO. Instead, the founder, Aaron Wright, is a “limitedly responsible self-governing organization.” Although many features of DAO are retained, LAO is a true Delaware consolidated entity. By placing products in the traditional legal world, LAO seeks to rationalize and simplify difficult legal and tax issues for its members.

除了其差异化的结构之外,LAO 在投资 DAO 领域的影响力也非常出色。它不仅收到了超过 6500 万美元的捐款,还催生了一波子公司。这包括 Flamingo (一个 NFT 集体)、Red DAO (一个数字时尚 DAO)、Neon (一个元节 DAO)、Neptune (一个 DeFi 流动性 DAO)等等。正如前面提到的 DAO 的多样性所指出的,有限责任结构可以在整个加密相关项目范围内提供帮助。

In addition to its differentiated structure, LAO has an excellent influence in investing in DAO. Not only has it received more than $65 million in contributions, but it has also given rise to a wave of subsidiaries. These include Flamingo (a NFT group), Red DAO (a digital DAO), Neon (a meta-DAO), Neptune (a DeFi liquid DAO), and so on. As noted by the diversity of DAO mentioned earlier, limited liability structures can help in the context of the entire encryption-related project.

鉴于这些实体在过去几年中一直在加密领域非常活跃,纸面回报几乎肯定是疯狂的。赖特本人在推特上表示,火烈鸟的资产管理规模有望达到 10 亿美元:

Given that these entities have been very active in the field of encryption for the last few years, paper returns are almost certainly crazy. Wright himself tweets that the size of the management of the Flamingo assets is expected to reach $1 billion:


MetaCartel 是一个去中心化的建设者团体,他们最初致力于支持 Dapp 开发,但后来转向孵化 DAO。MetaCartel 对人们进行 DAO 教育,对现实世界的 DAO 进行案例研究,并协助与新 DAO 的开发和引导相关的所有事情。

MetaCartel is a decentralised group of builders who initially worked to support the Dapp development, but then turned to hatching DAO. MetaCartel educates people about DAO, case studies about the real world DAO, and helps with everything about the development and direction of the new DAO.

MetaCartel 还成立了一个名为 MetaCartel Ventures 的投资部门。反过来,它又投资了其他几个 DAO。

MetaCartel also set up an investment department called MetaCartel Ventures, which, in turn, invested in several other DAOs.

Moloch DAO

Moloch DAO 最初成立是为了资助与 ETH 2.0 相关的以太坊公共基础设施的开发。从那时起,Moloch 已扩展为 Grants DAO,通过其赠款支持 Tornado Cash、Lodestar 和 Dapp 节点等项目。已经创建了许多子行会来评估申请资助的项目。

Moloch DAO was originally created to finance the development of Ether’s public infrastructure related to ETH 2.0. Since then, Moloch has been expanded to Grants DAO, supporting projects such as Tornado Cash, Lodestar, and Dapp nodes through its grants.

此外,MolochDAO 提供了一个带有 v2 智能合约的开源 DAO 框架。我们之前注意到 Tribute 和 DAOhaus 都从 Moloch 的工作中受益。

In addition, MolochDAO provides an open-source DAO framework with a v2 smart contract. We noted earlier that Tribute and DaOhaus both benefited from Moloch's work.


RabbitHole 是一个学会赚钱的 DAO,它为消费者提供了一条了解加密货币的途径,同时还能获得奖励。

Rabbit Hole, a money-earning DAO, provides consumers with a way to understand encrypted money and is also rewarded.

在此过程中,RabbitHole 提供具有用户获取功能的加密协议。在过去的一年里,加密协议和产品的数量呈爆炸式增长,这使得一些项目很难找到并留住积极、熟练的参与者。

In the process, Labbit Hole offers encryption protocols with user access. The number of encryption protocols and products has increased explosively over the past year, making it difficult for some projects to find and retain active and skilled participants.

通过「任务」,RabbitHole 帮助协议获得训练有素的社区成员,他们在此过程中展示了自己的能力。Aave、OpenSea、Matcha、Perpetual Protocol 和 PoolTogether 已经与 RabbitHole 合作。

Through the mission, Labbit Hole helps secure well-trained community members who have demonstrated their abilities in the process. Aave, OpenSea, Matcha, Perpetual Protocol, and PoolTogeter have worked with Rabit Hole.

随着新的 DAO 日益受到关注,预计这份有影响力的组织名单将在未来几个月和几年内迅速增长。

This list of influential organizations is expected to grow rapidly in the coming months and years as the new DAO receives increasing attention.

为什么要启动 DAO?

Why start the DAO?

像我们在上一节中所做的那样概述环境使一些事情变得非常清楚:DAO 很难。即使在最好的时候,也很难协调一大群人朝着一个共同的目标前进。DAO 接受了这一挑战,增加了技术和社会复杂性的层(和层),并引入了巨大的经济波动。

Even in the best of times, it is difficult to coordinate a large group of people towards a common goal. DAO has accepted this challenge, adding layers of technical and social complexity (and layers) and introducing huge economic volatility.

结果就像试图在一个新星球上建立一个国家,那里的人口每年增长 5,000%,而您的自然资源每天都在发生巨大变化。

The result is like trying to build a nation on a new planet, where the population grows by 5,000 per cent a year, and your natural resources change dramatically every day.

那么,为什么会有人想要创建 DAO?

Well, why would anyone want to create a DAO?

除了享受真正新颖且仍然具有革命性的事物之外,创建 DAO 的核心原因有以下三个:

In addition to enjoying what is truly new and still revolutionary, the core causes for the creation of DAO are the following:

  • 易于资本形成
  • 共享优势
  • 透明度

简而言之,DAO 是汇集可由团体管理的资金的最简单方法之一。例如,它比建立一家传统的投资公司要简单得多,也便宜得多。

In short, DAO is one of the simplest ways to pool funds that can be managed by groups. For example, it is much simpler and cheaper than establishing a traditional investment company.

由于 DAO 建立在公共区块链上,因此从一开始就受益于全球金融基础设施。启动由集体控制的共享钱包很简单。尽管加密入门仍有很多不足之处,但一旦您拥有钱包和一些代币,您就可以将这些代币转移到世界上的任何其他帐户,无论它们位于何处。从本质上讲,DAO 允许您创建具有协作功能的跨境基金。

Since the DAO is built on a public block chain, it benefits from the global financial infrastructure from the outset. It is easy to start a shared wallet under collective control. Although there are many deficiencies in encryption entry, once you have a wallet and some tokens, you can transfer these coins to any other account in the world, wherever they are. In essence, the DAO allows you to create a cross-border fund with a collaborative function.

资本形成很重要,因为它使社区能够投资于他们关心的项目。在过去的几个月里,DAO 筹集了资金来收集 NFT、构建软件、创建互联网原生社交俱乐部、制作音乐、促进碳清除等等。

Capital formation is important because it enables communities to invest in projects they care about. Over the past few months, DAO has raised funds to collect NFTs, build software, create Internet-based social clubs, make music, promote carbon removal, etc.


Share Strengths

正如我们所概述的,DAO 成员资格通常由加密代币强制执行。对于许多 DAO,如果您持有特定的 NFT 或数量的 ER-C20 代币,您将被视为「官方」成员。这些代币可以提供许多与治理、访问、状态、价值捕获等相关的功能。最后一点——价值捕获——至关重要,因为它允许人们通过为 DAO 做出贡献来谋生。

As we have outlined, DAO membership is usually enforced by encrypted tokens. For many DAOs, if you hold a specific NFT or amount of ER-C20, you will be considered an “official” member. These tokens provide many functions related to governance, access, state, value capture, etc. The last point — value capture — is crucial because it allows people to make a living by contributing to DAO.


Historically, the financial benefits of the project have been concentrated on the founders, early employees, and investors. Encryption tokens provide a fluid way to reward a range of stakeholders, including freelancers, service providers, and even customers.

应该说,对某些令牌缺乏可访问性存在合理的担忧。随着一些 DAO 变得越来越流行,它们的代币价格上涨,使得事实上的会员资格变得昂贵。

It should be said that there are legitimate concerns about the lack of accessibility to certain tokens. As some DAOs become more popular, the price of their tokens increases, making de facto membership more expensive.

许多 DAO 开始通过引入资助计划和奖学金来解决这个问题,这些计划和奖学金资助经济能力有限的高潜力成员。随着时间的推移,我们希望看到更多这样的举措。

Many DAOs have begun to address this issue by introducing grant schemes and scholarships to finance high-potential members with limited economic capacity, and over time we would like to see more such initiatives.



正如我们在「哲学」部分所指出的,大多数 DAO 都具有很强的透明度文化。为此,许多 DAO 感觉更像是开源项目而不是公司。除了只是在公共场合构建之外,DAO 还可以在公共场合进行交流、加入、交易和治理。这有助于产生有意义的不同交互和行为。 以下是这在沟通、成员资格和治理方面的表现。

As we pointed out in the Philosophy section, most DAOs have a strong culture of transparency. To this end, many DAOs feel more like open-source projects than companies.



如上所述,DAO 倾向于使用 Discord 或 Telegram 进行同步通信。通常,任何人都可以加入公共渠道以了解有关该项目的更多信息。

As mentioned above, DAO prefers to use Discord or Telegram for synchronizing communications.

也有私人会员专用频道,虽然它们不会散发出最透明的氛围,但它们仍然是 DAO 历史和决策的重要记录。

There are also private member-specific channels, which, while not spreading the most transparent atmosphere, remain important records of DAO history and decision-making.



由于 DAO 成员资格通常以加密代币计价,因此任何人都可以查看相关信息。在链上,你可以看到有多少代币持有者,发现会员的价值,并检查随着时间的推移谁购买或出售了代币。

Since DAO membership is usually denominated in encrypted tokens, anyone can look at the information. On the chain, you can see how many tokens hold, find the value of the membership and check who buys or sells the tokens over time.

有趣的是,由于加密代币用于会员身份,DAO 可以根据其代币持有量奖励其他 DAO 的成员。例如,Rabbithole 可以向钱包中持有 $FWB 代币的任何人提供奖励。这可能会在未来几年迎来「成员可组合性」,允许社区以更亲社会的方式进行协作。

Interestingly, because encrypted tokens are used for membership, DAOs can reward members of other DAOs on the basis of their token holdings. For example, Rabbithole can provide incentives to anyone who holds a $FWB token in his wallet. This may be a "memberable mix" in the coming years, allowing communities to work together in a more social way.



DAO 的决策和资金流动也是透明的。社区成员可以提出新的倡议并对关键决策进行投票。这将治理变成了一种社会特征。

The decision-making and financial flows of DAO are also transparent. Community members can initiate new initiatives and vote on key decisions. This translates governance into a social identity.

例如,Nouns DAO 在过去三个月中从 NFT 拍卖中筹集了超过 5000 万美元,成员投票通过捐赠给慈善机构、构建 iOS 应用程序和出版漫画系列来花费这笔资金。尽管绝非万能药,但 DAO 结构确实有明显的好处。

For example, Nouns DAO raised over $50 million from NFT auctions over the last three months, and members voted to spend it by donating it to charities, building iOS applications, and publishing comic series. Although it is not a panacea, the DAO structure does have obvious benefits.

如何启动 DAO

How to Start DAO

如果上面的部分激起了你的兴趣,你可能想知道如何开始一个 DAO。 虽然不是小事,形成一个 DAO 时创建一个 DAO 的多,更难的任务比较容易持久的价值。坦率地说,这个领域的新生意味着我们仍然不知道一个持久异常的 DAO 是什么样子。

Although it is not a small matter, the number of tasks that create a DAO in the formation of a DAO is more likely to be sustainable. Frankly, a fresh start in this field means that we still don’t know what a persistent abnormal DAO looks like.

如果你只是希望旋转了一个 DAO 结构的缘故吧,在 PlayBook 可能类似于下面的鸣叫按撰稿人杰西斯洛斯列出的一个 :

If you just want to rotate a DAO structure, at PlayBook it may be similar to a call from the author, Josslos, listed below:

出售一些 NFT,在您的社区中培养很酷的人,关闭 Discord,并丢弃一些代币。任务完成。

Sell some NFTs, develop cool people in your community, close Discord and discard some tokens.

但这实际上只是未来任务的开始。要了解如何构建具有真正价值的 DAO,缩小并查看大多数 DAO 发布涉及的四个阶段会很有帮助。

But this is actually only the beginning of a future mission. It would be helpful to know how to construct a real value DAO, narrow down and look at the four phases involved in most DAO releases.

  • 召唤冒险
  • 所有权分配
  • 治理
  • 激励和奖励

与「使命」或「愿景」等术语相比,对冒险的呼吁更准确地描述了参与者对 DAO 的购买。

The call to take risks describes more accurately the purchase of DAO by participants than the term "mission" or "vision".


Of course, accession is progressing towards a goal, but the road ahead is particularly steep and truly uncharted. Those who join are enrolling in adversity, potential failures, and fighting difficulties in dynamic, mobile structures.

来自 DAO 的一些奇妙的冒险呼吁:

Some wonderful adventure calls from DAO:

  • KrauseHouse 寻求成为第一个由 DAO 拥有和管理的 NBA 特许经营权。
  • GitCoin,正在建设和资助「数字公共产品」。
  • FWB,它正在文化和加密的交叉点建立强大的影响力。

在吸引真正信徒的注意力后,DAO 需要分配所有权。 这是一项重要的任务,也是一项关键的设计决策。一些 DAO 从一开始就通过代币分配所有权,就像 NFTx 和 Sushi 一样。其他人选择用较小的团队进行构建,然后在产品或社区证明需求和动力后分配所有权。Uniswap 和 Compound 就是这里的例子。

This is an important task, and it is a key design decision. Some DAOs distribute ownership from the beginning through tokens, like NFTx and Sushi. Others choose to build with smaller teams, and then distribute ownership after the product or community has demonstrated demand and motivation. Uniswap and Compound are examples.

归根结底,DAO 可以通过多种方式将所有权分配给贡献者。一种方法是「空投」,即根据之前的操作(例如购买 NFT)将代币分发给成员。另一种是通过「赏金」;例如,当用户在其平台上了解加密项目时,Rabbithole 会提供代币。其他人通过去中心化交易所开放代币购买,例如 Uniswap。

In the final analysis, DAO can allocate ownership to contributors in a variety of ways. One way is to "spill" – that is, to distribute tokens to members on the basis of previous operations (e.g. purchase of NFTs). The other way is to “rewards”; for example, when users learn about encryption projects on their platforms, Rabbithole offers tokens. Others open up their tokens through decentralized exchanges, such as Uniswap.

如果做得好,所有权分配会将代币交到具有一致价值观的个人和组织手中,这将有助于并帮助 DAO 向前发展。

If done well, the distribution of ownership would give tokens to individuals and organizations with consistent values, which would help and help DAO move forward.

几个不同的 DAO 如何分配所有权的例子:

Several different examples of how DAO distributes ownership:

  • Squiggle DAO 要求你拥有一个 Squiggle NFT 才能加入 Discord。后来,$SQUIG 代币被空投。
  • SuperRare 向使用其 NFT 平台的艺术家和收藏家分发了 $RARE 代币。
  • FWB 要求会员拥有 75 美元的 FWB 代币。这些可以在 Uniswap 上购买,也可以通过赠款获得。

决定如何作为一个群体做出决策是 DAO 启动过程的一个重要阶段。处理这种决策的团体通常被称为「治理结构」。Web3 的一个有意义的部分非常关注这个主题,并不断研究新的方法论和方法。即使复仇创始人维塔利克·巴特林最近权衡的问题。

Decision-making as a group is an important stage in the DAO’s start-up process. Groups dealing with such decision-making are often referred to as “governance structures.” A meaningful part of Web3 is concerned about the subject and constantly examines new methodologies and approaches.

在最简单的形式中,治理是在 DAO 或在 DAO 内运营的团队做出的决策中建立合法性的过程。

In the simplest form, governance is the process of establishing legitimacy in decisions taken by the DAO or by teams operating within the DAO.

治理结构有很多种,但最常见的决策方法是「代币加权投票」。 在这个系统中,一个代币代表一票。成员提出的提案和工具(如 Snapshot)允许用户表明他们对手头主题的偏好。这些投票的结果要么自动执行,要么由多重签名的签名者确认。

There are many kinds of governance structures, but the most common decision-making method is "demonstrator-weighted voting." In this system, a token represents a vote.


Some governance structures eventually look more like direct democracies, where members vote on most proposals, while others act as representative democracies, with empowered core teams voting on behalf of groups. Governance structures usually evolve over time.

「法案如何成为法律」的 DAO 版本可能是这样的:

The DAO version of "How Bills Are Laws" could be like this:

  1. 讨论和塑造。一个成员在 Discord 中提出一个想法,这个想法是通过对话形成的,并建立了早期的共识。
  2. 提案的正式化。提案可能会发布在 Discourse 上,从而导致更正式的对话和评论。在此过程中,可以改进提案。
  3. 对该提案进行投票。使用 Snapshot,DAO 授权代币持有者在规定的时间内对提案进行投票。
  4. 提案的执行。一旦投票结束,多重签名者就会执行交易或操作。


Governance focuses on making the right decisions and moving the project forward. Good governance ensures that voices are heard, legitimacy is managed and momentum built.


Incentives and rewards

DAO 协调努力以实现目标;激励措施推动了这种努力。DAO 提供的第一个奖励通常是原生治理代币,它赋予早期贡献者所有权。

DAO coordinates efforts to achieve goals; incentives drive these efforts. The first incentive offered by DAO is usually the native governance token, which gives ownership to early contributors.

虽然这些代币在市场上可能没有直接价值,但它们代表了个人为新组织做出贡献的相对价值,以及 DAO 集体价值的共享所有权。

While these tokens may not be of direct value in the market, they represent the relative value of individual contributions to the new organization, as well as shared ownership of the collective value of the DAO.

当然,并非所有奖励都是财政奖励。DAO 激励的类型包括:

Of course, not all incentives are fiscal incentives. The types of DAO incentives include:

  • 代币奖励。这些是上面提到的代币类型,赋予持有者所有权和影响力。
  • 社会资本。有价值的成员可能会在 Discord 上或通过 NFT 获得正式头衔。作为「主持人」或「领导者」可以授予 DAO 范围内的社会地位。
  • 账单支付代币。贡献者可能会获得更广泛流通的货币,如 USDC 或 ETH。这更类似于工资,因为流动性更高,并且持有的资产可以轻松兑换为当地法定货币。

虽然这些奖励可能很强大,但要达到真正的规模,DAO 需要找到方法向贡献者支付足够的报酬,以便他们能够支付账单。

While these incentives may be strong, in order to reach real scale, DAO needs to find ways to pay contributors enough to be able to pay their bills.

一种方法是为 DAO 治理代币创建市场。Uniswap 和 Sushi 等工具使这成为可能,但它们使用起来可能很复杂。此外,只有非常成熟的组织才有可能在这里看到有意义的交易量。

One way is to create a market for DAO to govern tokens. Tools like Uniswap and Sushi make this possible, but they can be complicated to use. Moreover, only very mature organizations can see meaningful trade volumes here.

相反,大多数 DAO 需要将 USDC 或 ETH 存入他们的国库,作为支付贡献者努力的一种方式。DAO 可以通过在可能的情况下交换治理代币或产生链上收入来做到这一点。例如,DAO 可能会选择以 ETH 出售 NFT,可以将其添加到国库中,然后根据贡献者的贡献支付给他们。DAO 也可能同意为组织提供某些服务——比如区块链开发——以换取报酬。

On the contrary, most DAOs need to deposit USDC or ETH in their national treasury as a way to pay their contributors. DAOs can do so by exchanging, where possible, government tokens or generating income on the chain. For example, DAOs may choose to sell NFT in ETH, adding it to the national treasury, and paying them according to the contribution of the contributor. DAOs may also agree to provide certain services to the organization, such as block chain development, in exchange for remuneration.

如何构建奖励的问题是大多数 DAO 花费大量时间的问题。DAO 在这方面的定义通常不太明确。没有老板,没有结构化的薪酬计划,甚至没有明确的角色。没有中央人力资源部门可以就工资做出决定。

The question of how to construct an incentive is one in which most DAOs spend a lot of time. The definition of DAOs in this area is usually not clear. No boss, no structured pay plan, no role. No central human resources department can decide on wages.

如果没有这种控制,DAO 会通过不同的机制奖励贡献者,其中一些我们已经讨论过:

In the absence of such controls, DAO rewards contributors through different mechanisms, some of which we have discussed:

  • 赏金奖励那些使用一定数量的代币完成明确定义的任务的贡献者。
  • 补助奖励贡献者为开展一个更大,更小良好定义的挑战与令牌的一组数。
  • Coordinape Circles 用其他贡献者众筹的代币奖励工作组的努力。
  • 可以定期向核心团队成员发放薪水,以奖励他们的努力。这通常以 USDC、ETH 和原生代币的混合形式支付。

DAO 模型、流程和工具每天都在构建,通常是由需要它们的社区构建的。目前还没有真正的剧本,尽管 Sushi 和 Index Coop 都制定了结构化的招聘和薪酬方法。

DAO models, processes, and tools are built on a daily basis, usually by the communities that need them. There are no real scripts, although both Sushi and Index Coop have structured recruitment and remuneration methods.

最终,如上所述,在许多情况下,目前针对 DAO 需求的每个阶段只有一两个常用的技术解决方案——与竞争服务于每个细分市场的丰富 SaaS 工具相去甚远。

Ultimately, as noted above, in many cases there is only one or two commonly used technological solutions for each phase of DAO demand — far from the abundance of SaaS tools that compete for services in each segment of the market.

虽然参与像 DAO 这样的新兴模型有其挑战,但它带来了塑造下一个互联网的巨大机会。

While participation in emerging models such as DAO is challenging, it offers a great opportunity to shape the next Internet.

为 DAO 工作

Working for DAO

如果你还没有准备好开始一个 DAO,那些对这个领域感兴趣的人可以通过为一个人工作来赢得他们的支持。为了了解如何解决这个问题,我们将通过一个假设的招聘流程并解开不同的步骤,包括:

If you are not ready to start a DAO, those interested in this field can win their support by working for one person. To understand how to solve this problem, we will adopt a hypothetical recruitment process and unblock different steps, including:

  • 选择你的职业
  • 寻找合适的角色
  • 入职
  • 合作
  • 获取报酬

当谈到为 DAO 工作时,可能很难知道从哪里开始。DAO 中有哪些角色?真正需要什么样的人才?

When it comes to working for DAO, it may be hard to know where to start. What are the roles in DAO? What kind of people do you really need?

好消息是它比您想象的更简单。虽然根据 DAO 本身的重点肯定会有很多变化,但有一些共同的角色。

The good news is it's simpler than you think. Although there's bound to be a lot of change in the DAO's own focus, there are some common roles.

  • 社区管理者。当然,DAO 是社区。这使得这个角色特别重要——版主和经理是将项目凝聚在一起并帮助其向前推进的粘合剂。
  • 招聘人员和发起人。尤其是在早期,DAO 需要传福音,吸引优秀的人加入项目。招聘人员在这里很有价值。
  • 文士。通过 DAO 创建和传播大量信息。作家可以在清楚地记录这些信息方面产生影响,并为营销和知识做出贡献。
  • 艺术家。NFT 已成为 DAO 赚取收入的一种流行方式。因此,艺术能力和情感可能会受到高度追捧。
  • 工程师。一些 DAO 已经开始在 Web3 领域构建自己的工具或其他产品。如果您是一名程序员,或者想成为一名程序员,DAO 提供了一个学习的机会。
  • 司库。正如我们所提到的,DAO 管理大型 AUM。他们需要精明的财务运营商来帮助有效管理和部署支出。

当然,这远非详尽无遗。游戏设计师、数字营销人员和各种其他功能对 DAO 很有用。

Of course, it's far from exhaustive. Game designers, digital marketing people and a variety of other functions are very useful for DAO.


Find the right role.

您如何在 DAO 世界中找到空缺? 事实是,没有正式的发现过程,大多数机会都是在 Twitter、封闭式 Discord 聊天或加密播客上偶然出现的。尽管这种不透明性使得闯入变得更加困难,但缺乏「工作板」可能让人感觉像是一个功能而不是一个错误。人们首先通过与他们信任的社区互动来找到他们关心的机会。

How do you find vacancies in the DAO world? The fact is that, without a formal discovery process, most of the opportunities happen by chance on Twitter, closed Discord chats or encrypted podcasts. While this opacity makes entry more difficult, the lack of a " workboard" may make it feel like a function rather than a mistake. People first find opportunities to care by interacting with the communities they trust.



一旦你找到了一个你想加入的 DAO,然后呢? 入职体验往往因 DAO 的不同而有很大差异,尽管高质量的组织通常在这方面表现出色。毕竟,如果新成员有合适的背景和支持,他们就能更好地做出贡献。

As soon as you find a DAO that you want to join, then? The entry experience is often very different from the DAO, although high-quality organizations usually do well in this regard.

为此,一些 DAO 组织了结构化的新成员入职电话会议,类似于大学开放日。Index Coop 是一家创建加密指数产品的去中心化资产管理公司,每周举办新加入者会议,并提供名为「Cooper Owl Quest」的详细指南,了解如何开始。

To this end, some DAOs organize structured induction teleconferences, similar to University Open Days. Index Coop, a decentralised asset management company that creates encryption index products, organizes weekly meetings of new entrants and provides a detailed guide to how to start.


Indexed Cooperative Manual

像 NounsDAO 这样以用户生成的创造力为中心的 DAO 采用了不同的方法。Nouns 创建了一个游乐场并开放了工具,因此成员可以开始参与社区的工作,并随后获得社区资金的资助。

The DAO, like NounsDAO, which is centred on the creativity generated by the user, uses a different approach. Nouns created a playground and opened its tools, so that members can start participating in the community and then receive funding from the community.



一旦您进入,就可以开始增加价值。 对于 DAO,其中大部分是通过协作实现的。DAO 的决策权是分布式的,而不是定义工作流的集中管理团队。每个人都有权表达他们对未来的愿景,领导团队通常来自能够识别社区需求并努力解决这些需求的人。

In the case of DAO, most of it is done through collaboration. The decision-making power of DAO is distributed, not a centralized management team that defines the workflow. Everyone has the right to express their vision for the future, and the leadership team usually comes from people who can identify the needs of the community and try to address them.

这种自下而上的方法在整个 DAO 环境中都是可见的。例如,一个由六名专门的 Sushi 贡献者组成的团队申请了一项资助,以帮助解决用户故障并创建一个多语言客户服务门户。这样的举措在 DAOS 中很经典——贡献者发现了 Sushi 生态系统中的一个痛点,主动提出了一个解决方案,请求和接收资源,并开始构建。

This bottom-up approach is visible throughout the DAO environment. For example, a team of six dedicated Sushi contributors applied for a grant to help solve user failures and create a multilingual client service portal. Such an initiative is classic in DAOS – the contributor discovers a pain in the Sushi ecosystem, offers a solution, requests and receives resources, and starts building.


Where's the job done?

正如我们所提到的,Discord 和 Discourse 是流行的对话场所。剩下的大部分合作发生在 Google Docs、Notion、Airtable、Figma 和 Github 等地方。虽然强大的平台,但没有一个是为 Web3 异常流畅的团队构建的。

As we mentioned, Discord and Discourse are popular forums for dialogue. Most of the rest of the collaboration takes place in Google Docs, Notion, Airtable, Figma, and Github. Although powerful platforms, none is built for an unusually fluid web3 team.

一方面,这些平台将用户信息存储在集中式数据库上,并且通常根据个人在组织中的角色分配访问权限。DAO 的运作方式不同,角色和贡献者可能希望保持匿名。

On the one hand, these platforms store user information on a centralized database and usually allocate access rights according to the individual’s role in the organization.

我们应该期待在未来几年出现原生的 Web3 生产力堆栈。这可能会根据社区内的代币持有量和过去的贡献授予权限。

We should look forward to the creation of the original Web3 productivity stack in the coming years. This may be granted on the basis of currency holdings and past contributions within the community.



我们主要介绍了 DAO 贡献者为换取他们的努力而获得的不同类型的奖励。 另一个值得注意的主题是 DAO 有时将补偿与某些 KPI 联系起来。UMA 项目创建了一个框架,如果 DAO 在给定的到期日期之前达到预定目标,则该框架将支付更多合成代币。

Another notable theme is that DAO sometimes links compensation to some KPI. The UMA project creates a framework that would pay more synthetic coins if DAO met its stated target by the due date.

虽然这可能是一种激励,但存在社区对错误指标过度编制索引的风险。此外,不良行为者可能会想方设法玩弄系统,从而最大限度地提高对某些 KPI 的贡献,但却避开有意义的工作。任何时候算法或程序控制对花环的访问,都不可避免地有人会试图操纵它。

While this may be an incentive, there is a risk that communities will over-index wrong indicators. Moreover, bad actors may try to manipulate the system to maximize the contribution of some KPI, but avoid meaningful work.


Legal issues

在最好的意义上,区块链和基于区块链的系统(如 DAO)旨在在法律范围之外运行。由于部署了技术,这些实体遵守封装为基于区块链的代码的自治规则。尽管如此,该技术是可调节的。

In the best sense, block chains and block-based systems (e.g. DAOs) are designed to operate beyond the limits of the law. As a result of the technology deployed, these entities comply with the autonomous rules of encapsulating the code based on the block chain.

今天,与许多传统法律实体和其他商业协会相比,DAO 以不同的假设运作。DAO 是流动的设计,不是由董事会或经理管理,而是旨在由民主或高度参与的流程或算法管理。与扎根于某个司法管辖区的传统组织不同,DAO 遍布全球,将成千上万的成员拼接在一起,无论他们住在哪里;唯一的要求是互联网连接。DAO 通常试图避免书面协议或其他形式的法律手续,成员主要同意使用软件和代码规则来遵守和管理他们的事务。

Today, DAO operates on different assumptions than many traditional legal entities and other business associations. DAO is designed to be managed not by a board of directors or managers, but by processes or algorithms that are democratic or highly participatory. Unlike traditional organizations rooted in a given jurisdiction, DAO is spread around the globe, bringing together tens of thousands of its members, wherever they live; the only requirement is Internet connectivity. DAO usually tries to avoid written agreements or other forms of legal formalities, and members agree primarily to use software and code rules to comply with and manage their affairs.

虽然在大多数司法管辖区没有定义,但怀俄明州(有限责任公司的原始创建者)最近通过了一项法律,授予在区块链上运营的 DAO 具有合法公司地位,前提是它们被组织为怀俄明州有限责任公司。「平等国家」的这种颇具前瞻性的观点为 DAO 成员提供了责任保护。如果没有这样的保障措施,DAO 可以被视为普通合伙企业,如果出现问题,则让成员承担个人责任。虽然怀俄明州是先行者,但我们看到许多其他司法管辖区正在深入思考 DAO 的未来。利用有限责任状态结构的 DAO 示例包括前面提到的 LAO (基于风险的 DAO)及其一些相关结构。

Although there is no definition in most jurisdictions, Wyoming (the original founder of limited liability companies) has recently passed a law granting legal corporate status to DAOs operating on the block chain, provided they are organized as Wyoming limited liability companies. This forward-looking view of "Equal Nations" provides liability protection to DAO members. Without such safeguards, DAO can be considered an ordinary partnership and, if problems arise, individual responsibility to its members. Although Wyoming is a pioneer, we see many other jurisdictions are deeply thinking about the future of DAO.

Tribute Labs (前身为 OpenLaw)一直在探索替代结构,包括「非法人非营利组织」或 UNA。当一群人想要组建一个协会而不必通过注册将其正式化时,可以创建这种方式。UNA 结构被用于数字博物馆 MUSE0 的建设,收藏家和艺术家在这里捐赠 NFT,社区决定是否应该进入永久收藏。

Tribute Labs (formerly OpenLaw) has been exploring alternative structures, including “unlawful non-profit organizations” or UNA. This way can be created when a group of people want to form an association without having to formalize it through registration. The UNA structure is used to build a digital museum, MusE0, where collectors and artists donate NFTs, and communities decide whether they should enter a permanent collection.

Muse0 系列

Muse0 Series

虽然启动 UNA 不需要任何文书工作,但如果非法人协会的目的包括盈利意图,那么就已经创建了普通合伙企业。实际上,UNA 非常适合想要采取非盈利性质的行动并需要制定指导原则的团体。

While no paperwork is required to launch UNA, ordinary partnerships have been created if the aims of the association include profit-making intent. In fact, UNA is well suited to groups that want to take non-profit action and need to develop guidelines.

DAO 的重要性日益增加,并且有早期迹象表明,基于区块链的治理将对公司的治理方式产生重大影响——无论是通过数字化传统治理机制还是提供从根本上组织企业的新方法。

The importance of DAO is growing and there are early indications that block-based governance will have a significant impact on corporate governance — whether through digitalized traditional governance mechanisms or by providing new ways of fundamentally organizing business.


Legally, the way forward is clear, and supporters should be cautious and optimistic about the way forward.

反对 DAO

Objection, DAO.

虽然有很多理由看好 DAO,但这是一个处于起步阶段的空间。实现大规模部署和采用需要时间和精力。

While there are many reasons for looking at DAO, it's a start-up space. It takes time and effort to achieve large-scale deployments and adoptions.

即使考虑到这一点,DAO 也并不完美。尽管现代公司有其问题,DAO 是对它们缺陷的回应,但我们不应该假装公司结构一无是处。这样做将无视数百年来吸取的教训。

Even with this in mind, DAO is not perfect. Although modern companies have their problems, DAO is the response to their flaws, we should not pretend that the corporate structure is useless. This will ignore the lessons learned over the centuries.


For example, well-managed companies have two key responsibilities in their operations.

  1. 信托责任。公司所有权和管理很少完全重叠。因此,负责公司决策的人(想想高管或董事会)必须以股东(真正的所有者)的最佳利益而非他们自己的最佳利益行事。
  2. 少数民族保护。不同的股东群体通常在一家公司拥有不同的股份。公平公司的运作必须使公司相对于所有股东的股份平等地受益。大股东群体不能强迫其他股东遵守以牺牲少数人为代价,不成比例地奖励多数人的要求。

这些是健全企业的基本运营,不遵守这些规则的企业将面临法律诉讼的可信威胁。但是,很难在 DAO 中重新创建类似的操作,至少不进行权衡。

These are the basic operations of sound enterprises, and businesses that do not comply with these rules face a credible threat of legal action. However, it is difficult to recreate similar operations in DAO, at least without weighing them.

一方面,在违约的情况下,没有传统的法院可以依靠。此外,由于 DAO 本质上是作为智能合约运行的无需信任的计算机程序,因此它无法确定某个提案是否满足了信托责任,或者小股东是否得到了充分保护。这种判断从根本上是主观的,不能被软件很好地解释。

On the one hand, there is no traditional court to rely on in the case of default. Moreover, since DAO is essentially a computer program that operates as an intelligent contract without trust, it cannot determine whether a proposal meets a fiduciary duty or whether small shareholders are adequately protected.

大多数时候这可能并不重要,但如果 DAO 的投票权落入坏人之手,这将变得非常重要。例如,如果一个不良行为者(或恶意团体)成功地获得了 51% 的投票权重(或超过了设定的任何阈值),他们可能会提议并批准对组织进行不成比例地奖励他们的变革,代价是社区的其他成员。

Most times this may not matter, but it will become very important if DAO’s voting rights fall into the wrong hands. For example, if a bad actor (or malicious group) succeeds in obtaining 51% of the voting weight (or exceeds any threshold set), they may propose and approve a disproportionate incentive to change the organization at the expense of other members of the community.

DAO 可能没有能力阻止这种情况,尤其是在软件级别。对于 DAO 的代码,合法的提议和威胁组织存在的提议看起来完全一样。由于社区内的人在上述情况下将无法保护自己,因此解决问题需要来自能够进行此类评估的可信外部来源的输入。

DAO may not have the capacity to stop this, especially at the software level. For DAO's code, the legitimate offer and the threat organization’s existence appear exactly the same. Since people in the community will not be able to protect themselves in these circumstances, the solution will need to come from the input of credible external sources that can make such an assessment.

化名使问题进一步复杂化。许多人使用「丢弃身份」为 DAO 做出贡献,这意味着不良行为者的声誉风险很小。在一个完全对抗性的环境中,DAO 对任何人都开放,违反上述属性几乎没有什么阻碍——至少没有任何外部激励。如果有机会,一些人可能认为泄露 DAO 的资源是值得的,特别是因为它们可以在没有归属的情况下运行。

In a completely confrontational environment, DAO is open to anyone, with little impediment to violating these attributes – at least without any external incentives. If there is an opportunity, some people may think that it is worth leaking DAO’s resources, especially because they can run without belonging.


Why haven't we seen more such attacks?

在某种程度上,这可能是由于其他激励因素在起作用。在许多 DAO 中,代币供应集中在少数创始人或信誉良好的投资者手中。这些人通常会考虑长远并披露了他们的身份,这意味着声誉风险受到威胁。任何攻击都可能被这些鲸鱼击落,即使它们的理性经济决策是支持它。这种可能性甚至阻止了此类操作的尝试。

In many DAOs, the supply of tokens is concentrated in the hands of a small number of founders or reputable investors. These people usually consider the long term and disclose their identities, which means that reputational risks are threatened. Any attack can be shot down by these whales, even if their rational economic decisions support it.

在许多情况下,那些负责管理 DAO 多重签名的人也可能相对容易地违背社区的利益。然而,随着 DAO 和 Web3 规范的世界积累的社会资本阻止了这种行为,即使没有什么能阻止他们自私地行事。

In many cases, those responsible for managing DAO multiple signatures may also be relatively easy to violate the interests of the community. However, with the accumulation of social capital in the world regulated by DAO and Web3 preventing such behaviour, even if nothing prevents them from acting selfishly.


Other ways have been proposed to address these risks, including cessation of anger and rejection.


Anger quit smoking.

Moloch DAO 具有「愤怒退出」机制,允许代币持有者以其资产的比例份额退出 DAO。至关重要的是,愤怒的戒烟者会带着他们在提案正式通过之前所拥有的份额离开,除非他们投票赞成。本质上,如果您不喜欢 DAO 刚刚做出的决定,您可以打包并随身携带您的代币。

Moloch DAO has the "Anger Exit" mechanism, which allows currency holders to withdraw from DAO in proportion to their share of assets. It is essential that angry smokers leave with their share before the proposal is formally approved, unless they vote in favour. In essence, if you do not like the decision that the DAO has just made, you can pack and carry your token with you.

对于潜在的攻击者来说,这种退出机制的存在是一个主要障碍。如果贡献者认为攻击正在进行,他们可以带着自己的资金离开,而不是被迫加入。即使潜在的强盗积累了 51% 的多数,他们也可能无法获得任何资金。

The existence of this exit mechanism is a major obstacle for potential attackers. If contributors believe that an attack is under way, they can leave with their own money, rather than being forced to join.

愤怒退出机制的缺点是它是一种非常核方法。此外,它对于持有 NFT 等不可替代资产的 DAO 并不是特别好。如果你、我和我们的 98 位朋友每人投入 1 ETH 购买一些无聊的猿,并且你决定放弃愤怒,我们如何允许你带着你的部分股份离开?没有简单的答案。

The disadvantage of the anger exit mechanism is that it's a very nuclear method. Besides, it's not very good for a DAO who holds an irreplaceable asset like NFT. If you, me and our 98 friends each invest in 1 ETH to buy some boring apes, and you decide to give up anger, how can we allow you to leave with some of your shares?

最终,任何使用这种方法的大型 DAO 都会将其与对成员的全面审查过程结合起来。这确保了社会资本处于危险之中,从一开始就阻止了流氓提议的发生。

Ultimately, any large DAO that uses this method combines it with a comprehensive review of its members. This ensures that social capital is at risk and prevents rogue proposals from happening from the outset.



一些 DAO 不是愤怒地退出,而是通过否决来防止攻击。在这种情况下,受信任的实体或机制会介入以确保提案的合法性并关闭恶意行为。

Some DAOs do not withdraw angryly, but prevent attacks by vetoing. In such cases, trusted entities or mechanisms intervene to ensure the legitimacy of the proposal and close down malicious acts.

例如,Nouns DAO 的创始人可以否决恶意提案,但他们计划随着时间的推移「可证明撤销」该权利。同样,这里的方法依赖于社会资本而不是代码。

For example, Nouns DAO’s founders can reject malicious proposals, but they plan to “prove the withdrawal” of the right over time. Similarly, the approach here depends on social capital rather than code.

一些协议试图通过提供主观输入来正面解决问题。例如,阿拉贡法院通过「监护人」网络帮助处理此类纠纷。当出现问题时,可以将判决推迟到这个独立的法院,他们的公正努力会得到奖励。Kleros 的「正义协议」是一个类似的解决方案。

Some agreements attempt to resolve such disputes positively by providing subjective input. For example, the Aragon court helps to resolve such disputes through a "guardian" network. When a problem arises, judgement can be postponed to this independent court, and their just efforts will be rewarded.

除了攻击威胁之外,DAO 还必须解决一些围绕其结构有效性的悬而未决的问题。分散的方法可能会产生最好的结果吗?

In addition to the threat of attack, DAO must resolve some of the outstanding issues surrounding its structural effectiveness. Is a decentralized approach likely to produce the best results?


High-impact start-ups have been integrated into a rather tacit operating manual in which senior leaders drive the organization’s direction, intellectual property rights are proprietary, recruitment is structured, and confidentiality is essential. Over the past few decades, this approach has produced some excellent results.

当然,DAO 的行为有所不同,它们倾向于完全透明的扁平结构。虽然这种模型在去中心化至关重要的情况下被证明非常有效(比特币和以太坊可以被认为是 DAO),但尚不清楚它是否适合其他类型的组织。

Of course, DAO behaves differently, and they tend to be fully transparent flat structures. Although this model has proved to be very effective when decentralised is essential (bitcoin and Etherpau can be considered DAO), it is not clear whether it is suitable for other types of organizations.

看到 DAO 与特定市场中的中心化团队竞争,并观察该模型的相对优势和劣势所在,将会非常有趣。

It would be interesting to see DAO competing with a centralized team in a given market and to observe the comparative advantages and disadvantages of the model.



或许 DAO 世界最令人兴奋的地方在于,我们几乎没有触及它潜力的表面。尽管新技术在部署的方式、地点和原因方面不可避免地让我们感到惊讶,但尝试并设想它们可能预示的未来还是值得的。

Perhaps the most exciting thing about the DAO world is that we barely touch the surface of its potential. Although new technologies inevitably surprise us in terms of how, where, and why they are deployed, it is worthwhile to try and imagine the future that they might herald.

在这个主题上,我们将涉及 DAO 对我们未来的重要性、所有权和创造力的变化概念以及潜在的新组织时代。

On this subject, we will address the importance of DAO for our future, the concept of change in ownership and creativity, and the potential new organizational era.

DAO 的重要性

The importance of DAO

不断扩大的贫富差距是我们作为一个社会面临的最大逆风之一,而 COVID-19 的后果只会加剧这一问题。这不仅仅是一个道德问题,也是一个经济问题。残酷的事实是,劳动力和工资并不是建立可持续财富的最佳解决方案;资产所有权和获得资本是。从历史上看,那些拥有资本的人与提供劳动力的人相比,通常会获得不成比例的收益,这通常是为了换取固定工资。再说一遍,如果你想变得富有并获得财务自由,你需要拥有资产——资本 > 劳动力。

The widening gap between the rich and the poor is one of the greatest negative winds we face as a society, and the consequences of COVID-19 only exacerbate this problem. This is not just a moral issue, but also an economic one. The cruel truth is that labour and wages are not the best solutions for building sustainable wealth; asset ownership and access to capital are. Historically, those who own capital usually receive a disproportionate share of the benefits compared to those who provide it, usually in exchange for fixed wages. Again, if you want to be rich and be financially free, you need to have assets — capital & gt; labour.

Web3 对很多人来说意义重大,但正如我们所讨论的,它的核心支柱之一是所有权的概念。通过更广泛地传播这种资本,该空间有可能将数百万人从传统的雇佣劳动中拖出并转向所有权。

Web3 means a lot to many people, but, as we discussed, one of its core pillars is the concept of ownership. By spreading this capital more widely, the space has the potential to drag millions out of traditional employment and move to ownership.


The context of currency devaluation only reinforces the perception that it is becoming a broadly investable asset class at a time when the world needs encryption currency.

DAO 是这一运动的关键部分。它们不仅本身就是创造财富的机会,而且还可能在进入生态系统的人的教育和技能提升方面发挥主导作用。

DAO is a key part of this movement. Not only are they in themselves opportunities for wealth creation, but they may also play a leading role in the education and skills development of people entering ecosystems.



正如我们许多人所知,所有阶层的公民都越来越担心自动化、人工智能和机器人技术的进步将取代当今的许多工作,而这种担心并非完全错误。然而,Web3 和相关 DAO 的爆炸式增长可能会催生数百个新行业、数千个新组织和数百万个以前不存在的新工作。

As many of us know, citizens from all walks of life are increasingly concerned that advances in automation, artificial intelligence, and robotic technology will replace much of today’s work, and that fear is not entirely wrong. Yet, the explosive growth of Web3 and the associated DAO could trigger hundreds of new industries, thousands of new organizations and millions of new jobs that did not exist before.


A world that is becoming increasingly mechanized can also encourage connectivity, even through the digital domain.

DAO 是这两种趋势的完美体现。Creator DAO 将使艺术家能够与粉丝互动,并在许多情况下创造世代财富。反过来,其中大部分内容将与帮助生成它的人共享。

The DAO is a perfect reflection of these two trends. Creator DAO will enable artists to interact with fans and, in many cases, create generations of wealth. In turn, much of it will be shared with those who help generate it.

Micah Johnson 就是这种可能性变为现实的例子。约翰逊,前 MLB 球员和活跃艺术家,是一个名为 Aku 的基于 NFT 的角色的创造者。阿库不仅成为了一个受欢迎的化身,约翰逊的作品也得到了 Visa 的赞助。不难想象「Akuverse」在未来几年可能会如何扩展,产生一个真正的 DAO 和一个参与社区。

Micah Johnson is an example of this possibility becoming a reality. Johnson, a former MLB player and an active artist, is the creator of an NFT-based role called Aku. Acou is not only a popular incarnation, but Johnson’s work is also sponsored by Visa. It is easy to imagine how "Akuverse" might expand in the coming years to produce a real DAO and a participatory community.

Aku World 阿库世界

Aku World Acu World


New organizational structure


To date, all traditional assets are an effective legal structure and the rights of the asset holder are enforced by the courts.

随着越来越多的资产在链上转移,智能合约和程序化激励将取代法律体系作为保证所有权的一种方式。同样,DAO 将取代法人实体,成为围绕这些资产进行协调的主要方法。个人不是组建公司,而是创建 DAO 来管理链上资产。

As more and more assets are transferred along the chain, smart contracts and procedural incentives will replace the legal system as a way of guaranteeing ownership. Similarly, DAO will replace corporate entities as the main method of coordinating these assets.

正如我们所提到的,DAO 是对传统公司的范式转变,因为它们从一开始就可以是全球性的,无需许可即可加入或贡献,并最大限度地减少诸如身份、雇佣合同、工作面试甚至实时赔偿。虽然今天这个过程中有很多问题,但我们有充分的理由相信,随着时间的推移,这些问题会得到解决。

As we have mentioned, DAO is a paradigm shift for traditional companies, because they can be global from the outset, joining or contributing without permission, and minimizing issues such as identity, employment contracts, job interviews, and even real-time compensation. While there are many problems in the process today, we have good reason to believe that they will be resolved over time.


In short, encryption provides stronger protection for property rights and the global “non-licensed” financial system, and anyone can use it to convert assets into capital in a way that is more effective than the obsolete alternatives of today.

DAO 是否会兑现其非凡的承诺还有待观察,过去的十年比我们想象的更陌生、更黑暗、更神奇,下一次可能会带来更大的转变。

It remains to be seen whether the DAO will deliver on its extraordinary promise, that the past decade has become more unfamiliar, darker and more magical than we thought, and that the next time it will bring about a greater transformation.

不过,相信强大的、积极的变化是合理的。如果您免费、开放地访问一个充满远见的新领域,有些人会找到一种方法来改善许多人的生计。少数人和多数人可能会发现自己不是为公司工作,而是为 DAO 工作——一个流动的、不断变化的数字空间角落,吸收了互联网。

But it is reasonable to believe in strong and positive change. If you visit a new, visionary field free and open, some will find a way to improve the livelihoods of many people. A few and most people may find themselves working not for companies, but for DAO – a mobile, changing digital space corner that absorbs the Internet.


Author: Odaily Planet Journal; “Advanced” from the open-ended platform for content of the chain. This paper only represents the view of the author and does not represent the official position of the chain. The authenticity of the originality and content of a “Advanced” article is guaranteed by the author, and the legal consequences of copying, forgery, etc., are the responsibility of the author himself. The winning platform publishes articles, monitored by a wide audience, if violations, irregularities, and other inappropriate content. If confirmed, the platform will immediately drop off. If there is a problem with the content of the article, contact the micro-mail: Chaind123.





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