John McAfee:竞选美国总统是为推广加密货币
John McAfe: The campaign for President of the United States is to promote encrypted currency
据Cointelegraph报道,John McAfee在马耳他区块链峰会上接受采访时表示:他不想成为总统,也没有人会选择他成为总统,但是他有权利竞选。
According to Cointeelegraph, John McAfee stated in an interview at the Maltese block chain summit that he did not want to be president and that no one would choose him to be president, but that he had the right to run for office.
McAfee elaborates on his intention to run for the presidency not to win, but to gain a large public platform that promotes encrypted currency. McAfee also reiterates his prediction, starting last year, that Bitcoin would reach $1 million in the United States presidential election year.
However, McAfee clarified that the real value of the United States dollar in 2020 would be different from what it is now.
11月2日讯,据Theblast消息,T.I.和他的商业伙伴参与了一个涉及加密货币“哄抬价格”的计划,25名投资者声称他们为现在称为FLiK Tokens的无价值证券投入了130多万美元,现在正以证券欺诈的罪名起诉T.I.等人。
On 2 November, according to Theblast, T.I. and his business partners were involved in a scheme involving encoded currency “fortune prices”, with 25 investors claiming that they had invested more than $1.3 million in what is now known as Flik Tokens' worthless securities and that T.I. et al. were being prosecuted for securities fraud.
TokenInsight:BTC 链上活跃地址数处于近半年高位
TokenInsight: The number of active addresses in the BTC chain is almost six months high
11月2日讯,据 TokenInsight 数据显示,反映区块链行业整体表现的 TI 指数北京时间 11 月 02 日 8 时报 582.78点,较昨日同期上涨 3.75 点,涨幅为 0.65%。
On 2 November, according to TokenInsight data, the TTI index, which reflects the overall performance of the block chain industry, was published in the Beijing Times on November 02, 8 and 582.78 points, an increase of 3.75 points, or 0.65 per cent, over the same period yesterday.
此外,在 TokenInsight 密切关注的 21 个细分行业板块中,24 小时内涨幅最高的为娱乐与游戏平台版块,涨幅为 6.96%;24 小时内跌幅最高的为医疗应用版块,跌幅为 14.45%。
In addition, out of the 21 industry segments that TokenInsight has followed closely, the highest growth was in entertainment and games platforms in 24 hours, with an increase of 6.96 per cent; and the highest decline in 24 hours was in medical applications, with a decline of 14.45 per cent.
另据监测显示,BTC 全网交易额较昨日下降 27.55%,但链上活跃地址数达 61.87 万,处于近半年高位。BCtrend 分析师 Jeffrey 认为,链上活跃度连续三日上升,短线空头处于劣势。
It has also been monitored that BTC's total net turnover has decreased by 27.55 per cent from yesterday, but the number of active addresses on the chain has reached 61.87 million, which is nearly six months high. According to BCtrend analyst Jeffrey, activity on the chain has risen for three consecutive days, leaving short-line blanks at a disadvantage.
CoinJoin developers send the largest anonymous bitcoin transaction ever made
11月2日讯,据CCN消息,CoinJoin是一种匿名化比特币的方法,开发者Gregory Maxwell为帮助比特币用户保持匿名而想出了这个方法。
On 2 November, according to CCN sources, CoinJoin was an anonymous bitcoin method, devised by the developer Gregory Maxwell to help Bitcoin users remain anonymous.
近期交易数额最大的一笔14.8比特币转移到bc1qqcrmkv97ryyvfu3crp6883vcunq6v2960sc,该笔交易占总交易量一半左右。该交易由Wasabi Wallet开发人员Adam Ficsor发起,并在其Twitter页面上公布。
The largest transaction of 14.8 bitcoins recently moved to bc1qrmkv97ryyvfu3crp6883vcunq6v2960sc, representing about half of the total transaction. The deal was initiated by Wasabi Wallet developer Adam Ficsor and posted on his Twitter page.
Microsoft, Intel rolls out a hardware-based Etheria Extension Tool
On 2 November, Trustnodes reported that Microsoft and Intel had now launched a hardware-based Etheria Extension Tool.
英特尔区块链计划办公室主任Mike Reed表示,微软推出的开源eEVM和可信执行环境(TEE)(如英特尔软件保护扩展)可通过启用离线以太坊智能合约执行来帮助提高区块链可扩展性和隐私性。
Mike Reed, Director of the Intel Block Chain Planning Office, said that Microsoft's roll-out of open-source eEVM and credible implementation environment (TEE) (e.g., Intel Software Protection Extension) could help to increase the expansion and privacy of the block chain through the introduction of offline and tele-intelligence contracts.
As eEVM turns to open source and EEA announces the introduction of a credible computing API, the offline smart contract function has been extended to any block chain developer. “We hope that this code library will serve as a starting point for the entire ecosystem project, allowing the TEE-supported EVM contract logic to apply to any block chain or de-chain computing scenario.” Microsoft official comment.
On 2 November, at the Malta Block Chain Summit held on 1 November, the Government of Malta announced the establishment of a task force to develop a National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy.
马耳他金融服务、数字经济与创新副部长Silvio Schembri宣布,推出政府项目,称马耳他的目标是成为一流AI国家,将创造有利于AI的监管环境,就像对区块链做的那样。
Silvio Schembri, Deputy Minister of Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation of Malta, announced the launch of the government project, stating that Malta's goal was to become a first-class AI country, which would create a regulatory environment conducive to AI, as in the case of block chains.
Schembri “马耳他全球率先监管分布式账本技术(DLT)产品及服务,从而成功将自身定位为‘区块链岛’。之后,我们现在愿意将在AI政策方面将马耳他定位为全球排名前十的国家。”
Schembri, “Malta’s global leadership in regulating distributed book technology (DLT) products and services has succeeded in positioning itself as a ‘block chain island’. We are now willing to position Malta as the top ten countries in AI policy.”
For the first time in four days, bitcoin forwards stood at $6,300 .
On 2 November, United States time increased by two days, on 1 November, the Bitcoin futures master contract of the two major United States exchanges, first received over $6,300 in four days, out of a low position for almost two weeks, but fell by more than 5 per cent in October, despite a two-week increase as of last week.
全球最大期货交易所、美国芝商所(CME)比特币期货BTC 12月合约收涨约0.32%,收报6295美元,10月31日收涨逾0.8%,收报6295美元,上周累涨约0.16%,10月累跌约5.6%。
The December contract with BTC, the largest global futures exchange, the United States Institute of Chest and Cheese (CME), increased by approximately 0.32 per cent, received $6295, received more than 0.8 per cent on 31 October, received $6295, accumulated by about 0.6 per cent last week, falling by about 5.6 per cent in October.
美国最大期权交易所Cboe比特币期货XBT 12月合约收涨约0.43%,收报6322美元,10月31日收涨逾0.8%,收报6295美元,上周累涨逾0.27%,10月累跌约5.2%。
The United States largest options exchange, Cboebitco’s futures XBT, increased by approximately 0.43 per cent in December, received $6322, received more than 0.8 per cent on 31 October, received $6295, accumulated more than 0.27 per cent last week, falling by about 5.2 per cent in October.
On 2 November, Bitumb, one of the largest encrypted currency exchanges in Korea, in cooperation with the public fund-raising platform, was planning to establish a compliant securities token exchange in the United States, awaiting approval from regulatory bodies such as the United States Securities Commission (SEC) and the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FINRA).
seriesOne目前已经在美国经营一家合规的平台,支持证券token ICO的项目,以及发行传统的股票和债券项目。seriesOne的CEO Michael MIldenberger称,相信合作创造的独特产品不能能实现主要资产的token化,还能通过合规的token交易所创造流动性。
SeriesOne is currently operating a compliance platform in the United States to support the securities token ICO project, as well as traditional stock and bond issues. The CEO Michael Mildenberger of the sharesone states that it is convinced that the unique products created by cooperation will not achieve tokenization of key assets, and will also create liquidity through the compliance token exchange.
人气以太坊 浏览器扩展MetaMask推出移动App版
Humans with Tails Browser Expanding MetaMask to Launch Mobile App
11月2日讯,以太坊联合创始人、区块链软件公司ConsenSys的CEO Joseph Lubin发推称,高人气以太坊Chrome浏览器扩展程序MetaMask推出了移动App版本。MetaMask团队并非只专注做一个钱包,而是要做整个区块链世界的门户。
On November 2nd, CEO Joseph Lubin of ConsenSys, the founder and founder of Tai-Foot Chain Software, presumably launched a mobile Apple version of MetaMask, a highly popular version of the community’s Chrome browser extension. The MetaMask team is not focusing on a wallet, but rather on a portal to the entire block chain world.
Reorganization of top management staff in Bitstamp following acquisition of the
11月2日讯, Bitstamp最近公布的递交监管文件显示,在签署被收购的协议后,公司正在重组管理层。从10月25日起,联合创始人Damijan Merlak和董事长Dan Morehead都不再担任公司董事。Bitstamp并未对此回应。
On November 2, Bitstamp’s recently published regulatory document indicates that the company is in the process of restructuring its management following the signing of the acquired agreement. From October 25, both the co-founder, Damijan Merlak, and the chairman, Dan Morehead, ceased to be directors of the company. Bitstamp did not respond.
As mentioned earlier, the Belgian investment agency, NXMH, acquired Bitstamp in full cash, and signed the purchase agreement on 25 October. NXMH is a European subsidiary of the Korean consortium NXC, and has a Korean digital currency exchange, Korbit, under the umbrella of NXC. Bitstamp and Korbit will each continue to operate independently.
Morgan Stanley recently reported encrypted currency as “new corporate investment category”
11月2日讯,华尔街巨头摩根士丹利10月31日发布报告,题为“比特币解密:简要宣讲及影响” 。虽然今年加密货币持续跌入熊市,但报告称比特币等加密数字货币为2017年以来“新的机构投资类别”。
On November 2, Wall Street giant Morgan Stanley released a report on October 31, entitled “Bitcoin declassification: a brief statement and implications.” Although encoded currencies continued to fall into Bears this year, they are reported as “new institutional investment categories” since 2017, such as Bitcoin.
The report focuses on the “surprising” development of encrypt currencies that continues to this day, arguing that the surprise of this year is that a powerful new pool of funds is targeting the industry, and that the futures of the encrypt currency pegs are growing. Moreover, the researchers of the report have a positive view of decentralized technology, saying that it will make the world a better place.
Morgan Stanley: hedge funds and wind boosts, encryption fund assets increased by $6.4 billion over two years
On 2 November, a report released by Wall Street giant Morgan Stanley on 31 October showed an increase of $6.4 billion in the size of the Fund's management assets, driven by hedge funds and windstorms.
The report shows that the total number of encrypted monetary funds established by the agencies increased by more than 11 per cent this year, from 45 in 2016 to 220, with hedge funds, wind investment companies and private equity companies accounting for 48 per cent, 48 per cent and 3 per cent, respectively. The size of the assets managed by these funds increased from $675 million at the beginning of January to $7.11 billion.
The report notes, however, that there is a lack of hosting solutions for holding encrypted currency and private keys, as well as a lack of investment by large financial institutions and asset management agencies, which do not want to be exposed to reputational risks due to underdeveloped controls.
11月2日讯, CNBC 加密货币节目CryptoTrader的主持人Ran NeuNer1日发推文,针对他本人今年2月预计比特币今年会涨到5万美元,表示比特币今年末不会涨到5万美元。
On November 2, the director of CNNBC's CryptoTrader, Ran NeuNer 1, sent a tweet in response to his expectation in February this year that Bitcoin would rise to $50,000 this year, suggesting that Bitcoin would not rise to $50,000 by the end of this year.
NeuNer explained to Cointelegraph that he had changed his previous position because of recent market conditions. “I don't think Bitcoin can reach $50,000 this year, given that we're in Bear City and there's no good news driving the market.”
当被问及,对年底比特币的价格范围有没有具体的预测,NeuNer坦言:“没有, 太复杂了。”
When asked whether there were any specific projections of the price range of Bitcoin at the end of the year, NeuNer said, "No, it's too complicated."
Analyst: Despite the disclosure of account balances, the USDT issuer has questions that remain unanswered
11月2日讯,稳定币USDT的发行方Tether公布银行账户持有额后,专注加密货币、区块链和金融科技领域的分析师与投资者Joseph Young发推称,他相信很多人还会对乐于了解两件事:1、前几个月的资金评估;2、2018年全年的USDT余额变化。Young还比喻说,Tether就像上学的小孩子,总是忘记做数学作业的最后一页。
On November 2, after Tether, the issuer of stabilizing the currency USDT, announced bank account holdings, focused on encrypted money, block chains, and financial science and technology, an analyst and investor Joseph Young argued that he was confident that many would be happy to learn about two things: an assessment of the funds of the previous months; and a change in the balance of the USDT throughout the year 2018. Young also used to say that Teth, like a child attending school, always forgot the last page of his math work.
11月2日讯,全球最大资产管理机构贝莱德(BlackRock)的CEO Larry Fink在纽约时报Dealbook会议上表示,贝莱德会始终避免推出加密数字货币的ETF,直到它们“合法”为止。“我不会说永远不,当它合法(legitimate)的时候,可以。”
On November 2, CEO Larry Fink of Black Rock, the world’s largest asset management agency, stated at the New York Times Dealbook that Beled would always avoid rolling out ETFs for encrypted digital currencies until they were “lawful.” “I will not say never, when it is legal.
Fink says that independence may be a major obstacle to encrypting money. “It must eventually be supported by the government, and I feel that no government will allow it unless they allow tax evasion and other problems.”
Fink also referred to another risk factor, the anonymity of Bitcoin. He said, “I expect that one day we may trade in electronics for a currency that may store wealth, but the world does not need it now unless you need to store something that you don't deserve.”
But Fink had a different view of the block chain. He said that we were believers in the block chain, and that the greatest use of the block chain would be in mortgages, mortgage applications, mortgage ownership, and all the expensive paper.
11月2日讯,稳定币USDT发行方Tether公布了一封标注日期为11月1日的巴哈马银行Deltec Bank & Trust Limited来信,信中称,特此证明,截至2018年10月31日,Tether在该行账户的投资组合现金值为18.31322828亿美元。 On 2 November, Tether, the issuer of the stabilizing currency USDT, published a letter from the Bank of the Bahamas, Deltec Bank & Trust Limited, dated 1 November, stating that it was certified that, as at 31 October 2018, Tether's portfolio of investments in that bank was valued at $1,831.32.8 million. 此前外界一直怀疑,号称与美元挂钩的USDT并没有相应的美元资产支持。Tether此举显然希望澄清质疑。这封信还确认了,Tether与在巴哈马首都拿骚经营72年的Deltec有业务关系。 Previously, it had been suspected that the dollar-linked USDT did not have the corresponding dollar asset support. It was evident that Tether wished to clarify the challenge. The letter also confirmed that Tether had a business relationship with Deltec, who had been operating in Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas, for 72 years. Tether称,Deltec是在经过尽职调查后接受其为客户的,调查显然包括分析Tether的合规流程和政策、评估维持USDT挂钩美元资产的能力等。 Tether stated that Deltec had been accepted as a client after due diligence and that the investigation clearly included an analysis of Tether's compliance processes and policies and an assessment of the ability to maintain USDT-linked United States dollar assets. 新突破!美国纽约州首次向比特币ATM公司发经营牌照 New breakthrough! The state of New York, for the first time ever, issued a license plate to BitcoinATM. 11月2日讯,比特币ATM运营商Coinsource获得了美国纽约州金融服务部(NYDFS)颁发的加密数字货币经营牌照BitLicense,成为第12家获得此牌照的加密货币领域公司,也是迄今为止第一个获得此牌照的比特币ATM提供商。 On 2 November, Bitcoin ATM operator Coinsource obtained an encrypted digital currency license plate, BitLicenense, issued by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) of the United States, became the 12th crypto-currency company to obtain the license plate and was the first to date to obtain the licence, the Bitcoin ATM provider. 在此之前Coinsource已经在纽约州拥有40部ATM,但经营牌照尚未得到该州全面批准。Coinsource的法律顾问Arnold Spencer表示,得到BitLicense是对公司商业模式与合规模式的认证。 Prior to that time, Coinsource had 40 ATMs in the state of New York, but the licence plate had not yet been fully approved by the state. Arnold Spencer, Coinsource’s legal adviser, stated that BitLicenense was certified as a business model and compliance model for the company. NYDFS的主管Maria Vullo称,纽约州希望,在推行强大的监管保护和有效的风险防控的同时,鼓励金融创新负责任地成长,此次批准Coinsource牌照意味着,朝这个方向又迈进了一步。 Maria Vullo, director of NYDFS, stated that the State of New York wanted to encourage financial innovation to grow responsibly while promoting strong regulatory protection and effective risk prevention, and that this approval of the Coinsource licence represented a further step in that direction. 【风向标】马耳他加密货币相关法律今日正式生效 Laws relating to the encrypt currency of Malta are in force today 11月1日讯,今天,马耳他三项分布式账本技术(DLT)法律正式生效,在区块链和数字货币空间内提供了一个整体的监管框架。 On 1 November, the Maltese Three Distributed Books (DLT) Law came into force today, providing an overall regulatory framework within the block chain and digital currency space. 这意味着马耳他数字创新局(MDIA)和马耳他金融服务管理局(MFSA)现在可以开始接收系统审计员和技术管理员的首批申请。 This means that the Malta Digital Innovation Authority (MDIA) and the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) can now begin to receive the first applications from system auditors and technical administrators.
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