Hello. I'm Ding Yi.
加密货币 与 非加密货币的区别
The difference between 's unencrypted currency
Hello, pioneers of the block chain era. I've been working on block chains and digital money lately. I haven't shared dry goods for a long time.
"Strange" used to say: "A little more knowledge, a little bit less conned."
Are you right if we want to develop, start a business, invest in a field where we don't specialize in knowledge, we end up losing it to ourselves?
i. Virtual currency is divided primarily into: unencrypted currency and encrypted currency
1. Non-encrypted currency: may be issued indefinitely as a result of firm or private self-fixed issuance, without the need for access to computer-based card operation procedures, etc.
1、百度公司的百度币 One hundred centimeters from a hundred-degree company. 2、腾讯公司的QQ币 2 Quantities of Tetsu Company 3、盛大公司的点券 Three. Large company coupons. 4、新娘公司的微币 Four. The bride's company's microcoss. 还有很多这里举例四个,这些虚拟货币可根据市场需求无限发行,所以不具备收藏与升值价值。 There are also four examples where virtual currencies can be issued indefinitely according to market demand and therefore have no collection or appreciation value. 2、加密货币不依靠法定货币结构发行,不受央行控制。它依据全球的计算机运算一组方程式开源代码,通过计算机显卡(CPU)大量的运算处理产生。 2. The encrypted currency does not depend on the statutory monetary structure and is not controlled by the central bank. It is based on a global set of open source software for computer operations, generated by a large number of computer card operations (CPU) . 并使用密码学的设计来确保货币的流通和各种安全性,密码学的设计可使加密货币只能被真实的拥有者转移或支付。 The cryptography design is used to ensure currency circulation and security of all kinds, and the cryptography design allows encrypted money to be transferred or paid only by the true owner. 3、加密货币与非加密虚拟货币最大的不同是总数量有限,具有极强的数量稀缺性。因为这一组方程式开源代码总量是有限的,必须通过计算机显卡的运算才能获得。 3. The greatest difference between encrypted and non-encrypted virtual currencies is that the total number is limited and extremely scarce. Because the total number of open source codes for this set of equations is limited, it has to be obtained through computer card operations. 4、正因为加密货币数量有限,具有稀缺性,所以开彩越多,升值空间越高,就好像埋在地下的钻石黄金一样,数量有限,永不贬值。 4. Just as the amount of encrypted money is limited and scarce, the more colouring it, the more space for appreciation, as if it were buried in the ground as gold, is limited in quantity and never devalued. 5、加密货币长什么样子? 5 What does the encrypted currency look like? 通过挖矿开采出来后,加密货币就是一串字符组成的代码。简单说跟人民币左下角的序列号一样,谁拥有这串序列号,谁就拥有这个加密货币的使用权。 After mining, the encrypt currency is the code of a string of characters. Simply put, like the serial number of the bottom left corner of the renminbi, whoever owns the serial number has access to the encrypt currency. 二、加密数字货币的核心 II, the core of encrypted digital currencies 是其能成为各国货币之间的媒介 It's the medium by which it can become a currency between countries. 它最终起到的是:国际物联网、贸易之间的结算、结汇作用,虚拟货币之所以引起全球众多领域的关注。 Ultimately, it acts as a network of international goods, a clearing between trades, a clearing house, and a virtual currency that attracts attention in many areas of the globe. 是因为它正在制造一个全球的快流通,并且流通领域越大、范围越广其使用价值越高,因此加密货币的发行必须是在全球化领域发行。 Because it is creating a rapid global circulation, and because the greater the area of circulation and the wider its use, the higher the value of its use, the circulation of encrypted currency must be in the context of globalization. 三、投资者、大众消费者、使用者是 必须有货币战争的意识,有全球性视野 There must be a sense of currency war, a global vision. 因为各国都希望于自己国家的虚拟货币能充当未来支付媒介系统,毕竟这一场全球化领域的经济之战。 Because all countries wanted their own virtual currency to serve as a future payment medium, the economic battle in the area of globalization. 虽然从表面看虚拟货币目前是于企业之间的战争,但从实质上看,虚拟货币已经成为国家与国家之间一场暗战。 Although the virtual currency appears to be currently a war between enterprises, in essence it has become a mirage between countries. 最后谁会成为未来虚拟货币的主宰者,时间会告诉我们,让我们拭目以待吧! Who will be the master of the future virtual currency in the end? Time will tell us, let us see! 区块链时代的创客今天的分享就到这里的,看完文章有不懂的朋友可以在公众号里给我留言。 This is where the originals of the block chain shared today, and friends who don't understand can leave a message to me on the public number after reading the article. 更多区块链数字货币专业知识请关注:区块链时代创客
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