站长之家(ChinaZ.com) 9月15日 消息:今天下午,以太坊正式完成合并,从PoW机制完全过渡到PoS机制,合并后将减少99.95%的能源消耗。合并完成后,以太坊价格迅速上涨,截至发稿已突破1650美元。根据Coinglass数据显示,以太坊持仓量大约为87亿美元。
The PoW mechanism nodes are known to be “miners” who compete for the right to pack, based on their ability to calculate, and are rewarded for packing. With the transition to the PoS mechanism, the Ether will bid farewell to the era of large-scale mining machines.
市场普遍认为,以太坊合并可以降低运行矿机带来的能源消耗、改变用户交易费用(Gas Fee),辅助实现以太坊扩容,提高系统吞吐量。但同时也增加了市场风险,权益证明的方式被认为存在闪崩风险。
The market is generally of the view that a conglomerate can reduce energy consumption from running a mine machine, alter user transaction costs (Gas Fee), and complement the expansion of the conservatism and increase system throughput. But it also increases market risk, and equity certification is perceived to present a crash risk.
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